![MrDave's picture MrDave's picture](http://unlimitedi.net/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-6.jpg)
Submitted by MrDave on Mon, 04/28/2003 - 17:56
Posted in
Brian Clevenger (of 8-bit theater) wrote:
I went to see Bulletproof Monk because sometimes you just need to partake in cinematic fluff. We underestimated its fluff-factor however.This movie is bad.
Not Train Wreck bad where it's awful but you have to see it.
Not Rental bad. Not Pay-per-view bad. Not free Pay-per-view bad. Not It's 3AM, I'm Cramming for Tomorrow's Test, and I Just Need Some Background Noise bad.
How bad? Toward the end of the movie my lower right eyelid itched. While taking care of that problem my finger slipped and I poked myself in the eye.
I didn't mind.
Personally I am facinated. How can a movie starring Chow Yun Fat be bad?
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i hAVe maJor GaS...thought that was compelling enough to share :wink:
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In some circles that passes as pillow talk...
Maybe I should rename this topic TMI
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Ok, all the guys went and saw Bulletproof Monk last week and came back with various reports. It was about a 50/50 split.
There were half who liked it ok, and half who loathed it. I personally wanted to see it, but I think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD and just rent it. Oh, and the guys all saw it for free and still didn't think it was really worth it.
On a lighter note, the girls did a night out that weekend and went to see a fabulously violent and rousing hockey game for charity that pitted local cops and firefighters. Whoo hooo!
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Something that i am compelled to say is...firstly appologizes, i've been sort of slow on the game board and been making sort appearances. But that was all due to my project.
the goody news:
*dances around crazy*
YAAAA and a 164 pages too!!!! but who cares!! ITS FINISHED!!!
*dances again, ending with a mad crackle of laughter*
*looks around as everyone stares*
hehe, okies...i've had my fun....
*happily hops off*
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I watched "Bulletproof Monk". Whoever this Brian Clevenger is, he's right. It's bad. Never thought a Chow Yun Fatt movie could be that bad.
"The Corrupter" was kinda crappy but this one... Cheesy storyline, lame-ass characters and to top it all off, a villian (and I use the term very loosely in this case) that was pathetic instead of truely evil and scary. Sheesh...
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this is an ACTUAL Commercial, not a commercial parody
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yes yes it has been announced that the superman films will be filmed in montreal (the best freakin city in the world :D )...so, look for ur favorite canadian LABNer (fine shaun, co-favorite) soon (errr...12-15 months) on a cineplex screen near u :wink: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things we feel compelled to share...
Eric Lindros is coming to the movies?!? Far out!! Oh wait, he's not an LABNer. Well, sh*t, he aint much of a hockey player anymore either. Let's ask him aboard!! *Nods emphatically*
From the great Animal House, "Who's with me?!?"
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It pretty much explains itself
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More fun: http://www.majesticdocuments.com
There was also another document, which is certainly bogus, but still entertaining I found a while ago when doing research for designing the Buffy equivilant of Majestic 12.
In retrospect, it may have been more fun to go with the Illuminati. :)
Things we feel compelled to share...
In responce to Dave's latest Admin Corner notice I would just like to state that Mothering Sunday for us Brits was on the 30th of March, not the 11th of May like the USA and Canadian crowd.
I don't have anything in particular to say about this fact. Just that for the second year running I saw that post of Dave's and had a mild arithmia because I thought I'd forgotten about mothers day again (last year I distinctly remember it was Adam's fault I nearly kealed over). So, thanks Dave for the coronary! :D
I wonder who's turn it could be next year...
What a load of Baloney!
I was just checking out the poster's websites (as I sometimes do when I am totally bored but won't admit it) and came across Greg's site Chosen 2 Slay. In his links section there was a link to our old, post-revolution LABN site at Friedbaloney. Obviously the link doesn't work anymore but it was a real nostalgia trip for me (can you have nostalgia after only a year?).
Anyway, I know that this isn't very important but I felt an inexplicable urge to share my random thoughts with y'all as sometimes happens. Isn't it amazing how far this little game has come in such a short time? And does it feel weird for any of the other LABNiters when you think about how everything was in the early days?
Aaaanyway, that's my little ponder over for now :D time to tighten the restraints on the straight jacket
What should happen to me?
Hell yes!
I feel it quite alot when it comes to this site.
Thats why I've been holding on for so long.
I know I should quit as I am just a piece of dead weight but I really don't wanna give in I hold on to the dear thought that one day I will again be able to join in.
Well I've been putting it off for ages and now is the time to set it straight.
I've made many excuses over time as to the hows and whys of my non game postage.
I guess it all comes down to lack of time.
Work and life commitments have always been a problem with my participation in the game.
When I first joined this online community on Thursday the 21st of March 2002 there were only three members Tempest, Ebony and Black Jem.
Things were so simple and impersonal back then.
Time went by and more members joined and I watched as this small group of people turned from a small community to a great bunch of friends.
That's why all this is so hard.
I toyed with the idea of just leaving and not looking back (like Sid seems to have done) but I couldn't do that, I could never turn my back on such a great group of friends.
When I joined this group I didn't really have many friends out here on my end of the computer.
So it was easyer to keep up with you guys and your brilliant writing.
But things changed I met people I gained friends and a social life.
I just can't keep up with you all. (don't think I havn't tried)
I havn't read any of midseason 1 or much of season 2, midseason 2 hasn't even hasn't even been a look in.
I admire you all being able to balance everything you do and LABN into your busy lives. (especially Dave and Heather)
Some of you may already know I have recently found the love of my life.
Sorry for leading you lot on for so long (I feel like a bastard) but I really don't want to loose you all.
I wish I could continue. (I hope I will be able to sooner or later.)
I wish I could have contibuted something to this community (like Dave has).
I wish for a million dollars.
I wish for world peace.
There are so many things I wish for, the truth is, wishes rarely come true.
Sorry if this all seems mangled but there is so much I want to say.
You have all affected me and my whole life I want you to know that.
It is up to you guys I guess.
I really am NOT an active member and I HAVE broken the rules of the game in acordance to my nonpostage.
So I put it to you guy should I stay or should I go?
should I be relegated to the halls of Nostalga?
I would give you an answer myself but I don't have the guts to make a decision.
I will go with whatever decision is made
Things we feel compelled to share...
Greg you can still be our friend and not post on the board. You can post as a guest (as sid does from time to time) and let everyone know how you are doing without having a character online.
Your happiness is more important than the board and we are happy that you seem to be getting your life into a manageable bubble. And the love of your life makes it even better.
Greg as one of the "originals" we will miss you. But I can understand not being able to make it happen too.
If you want to go, you can go without guilt. If you want to stay, stay becasue you really beleive that you are going to become active again...not from some sense of obligation or longevity.
I won't tell you what to do, just know that any decision you make is okay by me.
Things we feel compelled to share...
You guys will have to excuse my incoherent babbling for a little while... Omigawd omigawd omigawd omigawd omigawd!!! He's got long hair!!! He looks so damn good with long hair! Omigawd omigawd omigawd omigawd omigawd!!! Phrrrroaaaowwwrrrrr!!! :oops: Ok, I'm done...
If you can't view the images below, click here.
MTV Movie Awards 2003 - Held on 31 May
Things we feel compelled to share...
...and the tight leather pants don't hurt, either. ROWR
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Oh... And if any of you are wondering why Hugh's been keeping his hair long... *grin*
World Exclusive: Hugh Jackman on Van Helsing
For more information on the movie, here's the official website.
Things we feel compelled to share...
It is a little known fact, that Ms Spears is an expert in semiconductor physics. Not content with just singing and acting, in the following pages, she will guide you in the fundamentals of the vital laser components that have made it possible to hear her super music in a digital format.
Dave's Note: I recommend the Wallpaper
The Other shoe...
Yo! This site is your ultimate resource for information about Stephen Hawking the gangsta rapper. While there are dozens of other sites on the web devoted to Stephen Hawking's scientific achievements, I am unaware of a single site (aside from this one) devoted to his career as a lyrical terrorist.
Things we feel compelled to share...
Tammy- I love you
Well I feel compelled
To tell that is
My life is over
She left me
just so hard to feel anything at the moment
when I feel anything I break down and cry
I can't cope
Why do women think men have no feelings
It seems that way
she was so calm
I was what I hate and still am
How the fuck
do I cope
what do I do
where do we go from here?
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There are no words of comfort.
I have been there many times.
Time numbs things, but you never forget.
All I can say is that I am sorry you are feeling the way you are. Life can really lay it on thick sometimes. But you have people on here who care about you. They are always here ready to listen.
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Aww Greg, I'm so sorry.
My feelings don't matter much to you but I have been there before and it does get better. I hope it all works out for the best. Praying for you pal.
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This is just WAY to weird for me...
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I wonder why no body's bidded on it yet? hmmmmmm
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Things we feel compelled to share...
See? I am not the only one who has seen this spectacle!
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having expereinced this terror once (which was far too many times) i know this to be true...
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and here you may create your own gravestone!
my own:
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Gruesome :?
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:roll: riiight
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I had a go at mine.....
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sack it i cnat get teh rgavetsone image to work!
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A site dedicated to examining the curious species known as 'townies':
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What has happened to the "left" coast? First Arnold and now this! Who ever will we make fun of from now on?
Who is Dennis Miller? Most Americans and maybe a Canadian or two might know him. But for the rest of the world, here's a sample of some of his 'Rants':
What's Right With America
Political Correctness
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I bookmarked this site aaaaaages ago and recently found it again. There's some awesome stuff here but this had to be my favorite part...
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Though a nightmare for the grammer nazi.....more words to correct!!!
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Things we feel compelled to share...
Hehe, this is so great! I think I found my new mate for life :D
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I Just would like to share with all of you that it snowed here today....yes SNOW. Uggggggg I hate winter
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Well, all I have to say is:
You are a grievously ill-bred pervert and a nefarious, mucous-eating gruesome vista to all eyes assaulted by the sight of you.
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oh really? Yuk! What a putrid waste of a vagina you are, you humped-back, club-footed, bowlegged, lollicock lickin' loser. Married, eh? Since when did brother and sister marriages become legal? If you're attractive, Quasimodo is a former Mr. Universe, you full-of-yourself baboon butt-ugly bulbous babbling baffled boob. You're the kind pathological liar who even lies to an insult generator. You're the typical left-wing, know-nothing, good-for-nothing, bleeding heart bungling bum who thinks the world owes you a living for doing nothing but farting into the ozone layer. You four-eyed, cerebrally-deluded, Einstein-impersonating, pseudo-intellectual nerdturd with a head full of misfiring synapses. Stop bullshitting about your height. A fucking circus dwarf is not 'average.' Lying won't get you on the good rides in Disney. If you were ever kidnapped and eaten by a cannibal tribe, they'd all die of high cholesterol, you fat, flabby, fumbling fuck. You couldn't get a job cleaning shit off a toilet, you utterly useless wrinkled balloon in a muddy puddle of goat's piss. You couldn't look like a bigger ass in that outfit if you were attached to the backside of Oprah. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: jump into a raging forest fire.
Love you too babe :BIG:
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WOWSER.....that was so sassy I think I became a fat black woman by just reading it..... :D
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And my personal favourite - :D
Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables. If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to drive an ant's Go-cart around the inside of a bottle cap.
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I just love what this world's coming to....no longer can you only use the internet to find cuss words, but find them in different languages....cool! :D
Anyone seen the Urdu swear words there...i was surprised to find those i didn't even know.....not that i know lots of urdu swear words....ahem :oops:
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*looks around*
I usually have Utopia Politics for my insult needs. We've elevated flaming to an art form. :)
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The Re-Gen Project An Attempt to revive completely dead tissue. It would seem that science is actually catching up to science fiction.