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Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture
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Brian Clevenger (of 8-bit theater) wrote:
I went to see Bulletproof Monk because sometimes you just need to partake in cinematic fluff. We underestimated its fluff-factor however.

This movie is bad.

Not Train Wreck bad where it's awful but you have to see it.

Not Rental bad. Not Pay-per-view bad. Not free Pay-per-view bad. Not It's 3AM, I'm Cramming for Tomorrow's Test, and I Just Need Some Background Noise bad.

How bad? Toward the end of the movie my lower right eyelid itched. While taking care of that problem my finger slipped and I poked myself in the eye.

I didn't mind.

Personally I am facinated. How can a movie starring Chow Yun Fat be bad?

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Heather's picture

Matt, I do have Civ 3 - but it's in a box in storage in Australia. :(

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Kaarin's picture

I have Civ 3 installed on my laptop, but don't know if the multiplayer needs the expansion or not. I can tell you though that I play with the Fascist patch installed.

I also have Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire on my laptop, which are both fairly good as well.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

well, it's not doing any good there. go get it! quick! Before it gets lonely :P

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Tarix Conny's picture

Civ 3???? :?

*looks around and hopes shes not the only confused one*

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Evalyn Toussaint's picture


OW! my head hurts from that BANGING! BLOODY HELL!


ok! everyone who has been waiting on me to put up posts you've been waiting forevever for because i've been working and now only get about two days a week to sit at my computer? you're going to have to wait a forever more becaue my FUCKING COMPUTER IS FUCKING LAME!

shaun and adam i KNOW know how long i've been working on this one post all day today, and adam especially knows how much i've been trying to get things worded to a way i was finally happy with! ANYWHOS! i'm onto my last character, i hit the button and move to save when the FUCKING PROGRAM KICKS IT WITH AN ERROR MESSAGE, AND LOSES ALL MY FUCKING WORK!



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Evalyn Toussaint's picture

:oops: ps. sorry about that there... but i'm just really pissed off, and my head hurts :oops:

sorry guys

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Tarix Conny's picture

awww *HUGGLE POUNCES AMANDA* hope you feel better. I'm sure we've all at one time or another bashed our computer to pulp, bashed so hard that its metal interior starts to stick out and it makes this beeping noise begging you to stop but you keep bashing and bashing, making it work, but it never does so YOU BASH IT MORE INTO SCRAP METAL!!!!! :twisted: ...... or is that just me?

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Soulless Zombie's picture

*eyes the foot-shaped dent in the side of the families computer suspiciously* no its not just you... :twisted:

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Disposable_Hero's picture

*eyes the smoking heap of rubble outside bedroom window...whistles innocently*

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Heather's picture

Geez, it sucks when the pc does that - I've had it happen, too. It happened to one of my G'rnathan posts. :(

You've probably already checked, Amanda, but is there a tmp file it left behind that might have at least some of your data in it?? Worth a shot.

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Heather's picture

On a lighter note, I just had to share a journal entry by Brian Clevenger, the guy who writes 8-bit. One of his entries from just before Christmas reads as follows: (Hmm, actually, this could be good advice for you, Amanda - your work will still be lost but you won't care any more. :wink:)

12/22/03 - I'm Freakin' Out

Posted by Brian

Ever since I got sick, I've had trouble sleeping. I can get to sleep just fine, but after about five hours I start coughing so bad I can't get back to sleep.

Yesterday, my cough had taken it up a notch, so I thought it best to employ some chemical sleep so I could get some rest. Thus, I requested NyQuil. I never used the stuff before, but I have heard from many first hand accounts that it induces a coma-like state of drowsiness, and that's exactly what I was looking for.

Some impressions.

The Drug Facts and Warnings on this thing are a mile long. It was like reading the Happy Fun Ball warnings. I swear "Do not taunt NyQuil" was in there somewhere. I got the liquid form which I'd always assumed to be a blue-ish color because that's what color the bottle is. Turns out that NyQuil is the most unnatural shade of neon green there is. My first reaction was "Oh, this is the exact color of absinthe. I'm sure that's a good sign."

I was in my PJs, the lights were off, the computer was shut down, all I had to do was take a gulp and hop into bed. Everyone told me that if NyQuil isn't the last thing you want to do when you take it, then that's too bad because it will be.

Keep in mind that NyQuil is roughly 118% alcohol. I am not a drinker, I hadn't eaten in hours, and I'm really thin. By all accounts, I should've been knocked out in minutes. That didn't happen. In fact, the exact opposite happened.

I'm not sure how to describe it. I know for a fact that I had to have been sleeping because I felt very rested. But I know I had to have been wide awake because I was fully conscious of my surroundings. I would occasionally roll over for comfort. I would look at the clock every so often, and the whole time I was trying to figure out how I wasn't asleep despite the fact that I felt very refreshed.

I "woke up" officially some twelve hours later. I slept all night but felt awake. I've been awake all day but feel half asleep. It's like all my sensory data must first go through a thick fog before reaching my brain. Or like the speed of light has been significantly reduced.

A shower and some food have helped a little, but good god, NyQuil. I have to wonder why they bother to make other drugs. You can pick up NyQuil in any grocery store or pharmacy and many of those are open 24 hours a day now. Being a heroin addict seems like so much trouble when you could pick up NyQuil.

Then again, using NyQuil over an extended period of time is probably worse for you than a straight up heroin addiction.

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Kaarin's picture

Yep, I have to admit to having had a very similar experience. :)

As Denis Leary put it - "Forget about coccaine and heroin, all you need is NyQuill and Sudafed."

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MrDave's picture

NyQuil needs a label like this...

From: http://humane.sourceforge.net/humor/warning.html

Thank you for purchasing your new Supersorbent Sponge. It is the finest sponge on the market, and is guaranteed against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 15 days from purchase. In case such defect is found, manufacturer will repair or replace, at its option, the sponge. Manufacturer's obligations are limited to such repair or replacement if the sponge is returned via certified mail to the address given below along with the original dated receipt, UPC code from the package, and a notarized declaration that the sponge was used in accordance with the provided instructions.

A SPONGE IS INTENDED FOR ADULT USE OR USE BY CHILDREN UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION; MISUSE CAN RESULT IN DESTRUCTION OF OR DAMAGE TO THE SPONGE OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS, AND CARRIES A RISK OF DISEASE, INJURY, OR DEATH TO THE USER. By opening this package, you agree to read the following in full and further agree to consider this enclosure as a binding contract between you and us and to abide by its terms. The manufacturer does not assume liability for the misuse of this sponge, or any contingent liability whatever, and its liability in any case is limited to the purchase price of the sponge. Even if negligence or other malfeasance is proven you agree to hold manufacturer harmless. You may have other rights. A sponge is inherently unsafe, and cannot be made safe if it is to fulfill its intended purpose. While a sponge may be useful in cleaning and removal of spills, no representation is made that this particular sponge will do so under any circumstances or theory of merchantability, since the nature of its use is outside the control of the manufacturer. Read and observe all warnings on this label and avoid misuse of this sponge whether or not such misuse is described herein. If you cannot read English, versions of this warning in other languages are available by writing to the manufacturer.

Do not eat the sponge: this can cause choking and possibly death. A sponge is necessarily full of small holes and ramifications thereof wherein bacterial and viral microorganisms may accumulate or grow ; a sponge cannot be manufactured without these interstitial openings: reuse of the sponge without sterilization can cause the spread of disease, including possibly fatal or incurable disease and/or rancid or unpleasant odors; and it may acquire abhorrent tactile qualities. If allowed to dry out and used on the assumption that it is still damp, a sponge can cause abrasions and hair loss. A sponge is capable of absorbing hot water, and can effect burns if applied to the skin or internally when hot. If made pliable and placed firmly and simultaneously over the oral and nasal openings, a sponge can cause asphyxiation. This sponge is resistant to most chemicals, however many chemicals the sponge can absorb can cause damage to furniture or other personal property, real estate, plants, pets, and people. Do not use the sponge to absorb flammable fluids prior to placing the sponge in proximity to open flame, spark, or other source of ignition. This sponge is not certified for any medical use, internally or externally and is not to be placed in the anal, oral, vaginal, or other bodily orifices or used in the ear canal. This sponge is not to be used in surgery or other medical procedures. Repeated squeezing of this sponge alternated with dipping in water, if that squeezing is done over a person confined in a nearly-closed vessel, or if the person is comatose, bound, or otherwise restrained or incapable of movement and in a container sufficiently deep, can result in drowning. If filled with a conductive substance and placed across an electrical outlet or other source of electrical potential, the sponge can cause shock or electrocution, or become overheated and start a fire that may in turn cause injury, property damage, or death. May become radioactive if left near the core of a nuclear reactor or in the exit beam of a synchrotron or other particle accelerator; radioactivity can cause anemia, cancer, or other harm and may make you glow in the dark. The manufacturer is not responsible for repetitive stress injury or tendinitis due to use of this sponge in rubbing persons or objects, while it is being wrung out, or its repeated use as a squeezable object in physical therapy. If saturated with water, frozen, and dropped from a high place, thrown, or fired from a slingshot, gun, or other device, or tossed from a moving vehicle or aircraft, a sponge can cause injury or death due to trauma; it can also cause damage to windows or other friable property upon impact. If used to apply paint or other colored substances to canvas or any suitable surfaces in an artistic pursuit, the manufacturer guarantees neither the aesthetic quality of the result, nor the market value of the work of art thus produced. Applying markings by sponge to public property or private property you do not own may subject you to arrest and detention by the police which may result in psychological stress, injury, death, fines, and/or loss of income and conjugal rights during said detention.

Hypoallergenic. Made of 65% post-consumer recyclables. No animals used in testing. Low Sodium. No cholesterol. Do not read this label while driving.

Jef Raskin 31 Jan 1997

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Heather's picture

Sorry, I couldn't read all that - my eyes glazed over about half way through. LOL

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MrDave's picture

Okay, if you liked LotR, you will laugh hard at this:


and for more background (and clips)


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Disposable_Hero's picture

I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot heh...

I started smoking yesterday.

Yup, that's the sad truth. It's a filthy, filthy habit, but I was under exam stress, etc, etc...

2 and a half cigarettes later, I quit. Go me! :D Haven't touched one since! heh :P

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Heather's picture


For your own sake, don't start it up again, whatever you do. Better to drink a whole bottle of vodka than smoke one cigarette...

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Disposable_Hero's picture

lol I don't intend to. It seemed entirely pointless to me other than to half your life span...

btw, a bottle of vodka has been ordered for this saturday :)

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MrDave's picture

Take it from me, don't start...better to not even have smoked the 2 you did...

I started when I was 24...and now 15 years later I am quit...but it stil haunts me.

I started becasue I lived in a house with 2 smokers. It got to the point where if they weren't home I wanted a smike. I was feeling stressed and upset etsc...so I 'borrowed' a smoke from one my roommates and smoked it.

I was dizzy and coughed like the dickens but after all was said and done...it wasn't so bad. I had a nice warm feeling...so a few days later I had another...and another...and so on.

I never smoked more than about 3/4 a pack a day regularly (although i admit to smoking a pack a day on a few occasions) but it took me 15 years to break the habit and even now I find myself missing the feeling i got while smoking.

Yes, its nasty. yes its smelly, and yes it can hurt sometimes, but that feeling is like the siren's call. You know you are going to crash on the rocks but you sail there anyway...

So if you feel an urge to smoke another...DON'T. Becasue it is amazing how much we can lie to ourselves when it makes us feel a little better. If you never get hooked then you will be free of it forever.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Thanks for the advice. Whilst I didn't have the bad coughing, I didn't particularirly enjoy it *overly* much. The first two were before the exam and whilst admitteldy I shouldn't have done it just incase, I was still really nervous. Even after I had them I didn't feel any better. Hence why I dumped the third one (and earned the emnity of the rest of the smokers by shouting "why the fuck am I smoking this shit? It's bloody filthy!" heh :p). I now know smoking won't calm me down, so next time (or ever, in fact) I won't bother. Although, the experience did reinforce in me the reason why I hadn't started smoking earlier, so I guess it's a good thing.

Yeah, and my dad smokes too so I know first hand what it does to a person...

Good on you for quitting though! :D

Wow...this is getting really quite deep :p

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MrDave's picture

Anyone hungry?

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Ooooh, don't know if it's already been mentioned here, but this looks good: Van Helsing.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay, I found this on www.weebl.jolt.co.uk.

If you're feeling down, look on the bright side. At least you aren't this guy:

Police have determined that John Naposki, 54, of Yorktown, NY accidentally set himself on fire while trying to burn down his house. He was found dead inside the home when firemen responded. Naposki, who was going through a divorce, had threatened to burn down the house, which his wife wanted to sell, but he wanted to keep. Mr. Naposki had cancelled the home's fire insurance the week before the fire.Police said Naposki had doused the home with gasoline and was about to turn off the fire alarm before igniting the blaze. Rather than turn on a light, and risk being seen by neighbors, he flicked on his lighter to see the alarm panel. You can guess what happened when he did that...

Police found an empty 5 gallon gas can inside the house, and his car keys and lighter were on the floor near the alarm panel. After igniting himself, Naposki ran to a first floor bathroom to try extinguishing the flames, but was unable to because the water had been shut off to the vacant house.


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Tarix Conny's picture

oh meep!

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Tarix Conny's picture

Chance wrote:
Ooooh, don't know if it's already been mentioned here, but this looks good: Van Helsing.

Oh bery nice, this should get April's attention ;)

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Disposable_Hero's picture

hehe it does look tres groovy (vampires yeah! wolfman yeah! frankenstien yeah! and a guy who's gonna kick their asses yeah!) but I'm sure that's not what you meant ;)

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James_Connor's picture

shouldent it just be the monster and not frankinstine cos well he is always claled themonster in the book n im nit picking ill stop

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Disposable_Hero's picture

I meant frakenstein's monster of course, Mr Pendantic :P ;)

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Tarix Conny's picture

On top of that Hugh Jackman sure looks *drools* HOT!!!! :D

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Disposable_Hero's picture

Word of advice: Don't watch Donnie Darko at night, with no lights on, all alone in your house. The weird shit get's infinitely more spooky...

*shivers and glances over his shoulder*

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Heather's picture

If Donnie Darko freaked you out alone at night, then definitely don't watch The Ring alone at night. :)

I went to bed after watching that, turned out the light... five minutes later the light was back on.

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Disposable_Hero's picture

lol was that the Japanese version or the American? Cos apparently the Japanese is a LOT worse :?

Hmmm...been on the pc twelve hours now. Ugh, my eyes are turning square...

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James_Connor's picture

o the jap version is way more freaky serously
ring 2 is just confusing and ring zero is weird and a bit borong untill the death comes and sadiko goes all uber killer on there asses

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Kaarin's picture

How true, how true....

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Kaarin's picture

Today's sluggy is oddly fitting.

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MrDave's picture

Am I the only one who thinks this is just strange?

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Kaarin's picture

Sounds like a typical dog to me....

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Heather's picture

Yep. When we lost Tandara, for months afterwards Kurgan would look behind me every time I came home, in case I'd brought her back with me...

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Disposable_Hero's picture

No you're not Dave, no you're not...

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Tarix Conny's picture

Well i don't know about cardboard cut outs, but when one of my dogs Jaguar died, his daughter Jackie just died months later...i don't think she could take the loneliness...poor thing :cry:....i remember when she was just a pup chasing me and tearing up my socks....sorry where was i...oh yes cardboard dog....hmmm.....i'll go back to sleep now...

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MrDave's picture

okay okay...if the last one wasn't weird...haowabout this?

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Tarix Conny's picture

I reallly don't like to swear, but WTF!!!!!!!

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Kaarin's picture

Dave -

Shouldn't be surprising at all, given some of the strange fetishes people have. Note that this statement does not deny that it's wierd....

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Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

I am one to disagree. The Japanese version sucked, but so did the American version. If you wanna be scared ########, watch "The Shining" at 1:00 am, alone and with every light out.

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Logan's picture

Im compelled to share that I just got my 2nd (yes 2nd) 100$ parking ticket in the last like 30 days........(*&NYE*&^BEF Snow removal people dont put up their O*&N(Y#JH signs saying you cant park, and then just tow the damn car away.....(Can we tell im not in a good mood)

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Disposable_Hero's picture




*calms down.*




An explanation: For those of you that don't know (excluding Shaun, Ally, Jamie, Meghan, Boojy, Heather, Adam...doesn't really leave a lot left :P) Matt went on a second date tonight.

Matt now has a girlfriend.



Okay, think I need to go lie down....

Hmmmm...why is my ear so wet? ;)

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James_Connor's picture

cos you lost your load in the pre date wank 8)

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Logan's picture

HAHAHAHA i just had to say good one Jamie lol... oh and congrats Mat

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Disposable_Hero's picture

LOL I knew you'd say something like that Jamie ;)

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Tarix Conny's picture

*feels very confused with this date talk and tries to hide behind the gameboard, reading it...*

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