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Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture
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Brian Clevenger (of 8-bit theater) wrote:
I went to see Bulletproof Monk because sometimes you just need to partake in cinematic fluff. We underestimated its fluff-factor however.

This movie is bad.

Not Train Wreck bad where it's awful but you have to see it.

Not Rental bad. Not Pay-per-view bad. Not free Pay-per-view bad. Not It's 3AM, I'm Cramming for Tomorrow's Test, and I Just Need Some Background Noise bad.

How bad? Toward the end of the movie my lower right eyelid itched. While taking care of that problem my finger slipped and I poked myself in the eye.

I didn't mind.

Personally I am facinated. How can a movie starring Chow Yun Fat be bad?

Things we feel compelled to share...

Disposable_Hero's picture

OOOOH new Episode III trailer over at starwars.com for those who haven't yet seen it 8O

And I'd just like to say:

Things we feel compelled to share...

Sid's picture

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all about WOW now, but as we walk out of the theater, it'll all about HUH?

(I'm such a sucker. I'm so excited about this movie, I keep forgetting that Lucas doesn't know what he's doing.)

Things we feel compelled to share...

Allyana's picture

Big thumbs up for Dave and his successful mingling of the three game boards!!

:banana?: :banana!: :rastaban: :banana: :banguitar:

Things we feel compelled to share...

Blackthorn's picture

I love WoW, lvl 38 Dwarf Paladin!

Things we feel compelled to share...

Allyana's picture


Lots of pics from the new movie. :D

Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture

Spontaneous Human Involuntary Invisibility

Didn't Joss Whedon imagine this in a Buffy Episode?

Things we feel compelled to share...

Kaarin's picture

I know I've said that I can't cook for a long time. Everyone has always thought that I was joking, but today should take the cake.

It all starts with cooking rice. You know, regular white rice. So I go upstairs, and put the water in the pot, put the pot on the stove, and go away. Seems perfectly safe. Then the fire alarm started to go off. At first, I can't believe it, then it sinks in that this is something I should probably check on. It also gave me something impressive. "Great. I just managed to set water on fire."

It was much, much worse.

Somehow, I managed to set a pot on fire.

And this was not a pot with anything in it. This was a clean pot on the burner next to it, which I had turned on by mistake. And the pot was on fire.

I now qualify, officially, as the worst cook on the board.

Things we feel compelled to share...

MrDave's picture

Well that depends, what did the pot taste like?

The amount of cookware you destroy from A to B isn't a factor.

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