\ Feature Not Working | unlimitedi.net
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Meredith Bell's picture
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Sometimes when I get bored I spend a bit of time wandering around the LABN site, sometimes doing my moderatorly duty of tweeking things here and there where I can to maintain the standard of the site. But sometimes I may stumble upon something that isn't working or a link that hasn't been fixed and if I haven't the appropriate moderator or admin access to fix the problem then I have to leave it.

Of course being the obsessive anally retentive freak that I am, such little errors weight heavy on my mind, I can't help it they just drive me up the friggin wall!

So I wanted to start a thread where if anything is not working on the site we can post it here so that The Powers That Be - namely DAVE :D hehehe CAN fix it, and hopefully I can hold on to what is left of my sanity.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

Oops, my bad. I'm a bit behind on the timeline anyway, but I think when I added the last section it was just about the time the server died at Dave's work and I wasn't able to link it... and then I just forgot. :oops:

I'm flat out tomorrow, but I'll try to get that sorted out this weekend.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

Thank you Heather :D . As you are in it... could you add Mike Coulter to the human rooster and the Lone Peak Clinic to the Places' section?

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

! Upload failed (/usr/local/www/data/labynight/labynight/story/tline.php). (upload not allowed)

Well, nothing's going to happen until we can get that fixed, I'm afraid...

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Sorry. It was a side effect of restoring the server from a backup. It locks everything. I've unlocked it now.

Feature Not Working

Disposable_Hero's picture

This may just be my pc again, but it appears the timeline search function isn't working (neither is the personal timeline links on the character pages...). Clicking on the link takes you to a blank LABN page with no timeline entries on it.

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

The Personal Timeline links seem to work fine for me.

The Timeline search is blank until you search for something. What are you searching for that does not return any matches?

Feature Not Working

Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay this is what's happening:

Example Number One:
LABN homepage >> The Characters >> Personal Timeline for Adriana Lautari (just 'cos its at the top) >> Blank page with "Personal Timeline for Adriana Lautari" at the top.

Same with everybody elses' personal timeline.

Example Number Two:
LABN homepage >> The Story >> Timeline Search >> Enter 'Chance' as timeline parameters >> blank page with "Results of Timeline Search" at the top.

Again, that's the same with everything, whether I enter Chance or Kyle or Tash...whatever.

I was afraid it was just me :?

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

I think it's just you. The timeline searches and personal timelines, etc are all working fine for me.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

Those are some improvements Dave :D !! Great!!

Now, i tried some of the stuff, like the custom name and it works just fine, but it didn't let me change my avatar and i couldn't go back to the one i had before.

And if it isn't too much trouble, could you add the Aalixwhite(or something like that) theme to the list? It's the theme i use to paste the game-board into Word, i find it a lot easier to do it like that (less stuff to erase from the word version since it doesn't show the avatars and some other things)


Editing here: The personal timelines don't work either, I tried Alessa's and it showed me the whole thing.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

Hey!! And i finally got moderator status in the Adult Forum. :D :D :D Woho! So much power in my fingertips, now I'm more than a green name around here. :wink:


Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

And if it isn't too much trouble, could you add the Aalixwhite(or something like that) theme to the list? It's the theme i use to paste the game-board into Word, i find it a lot easier to do it like that (less stuff to erase from the word version since it doesn't show the avatars and some other things)

Try using the print-view, I think you will find it will work better.

I had to change the permissions on the avatar directory...try it now.

The personal time lines are fixed now. Slight programming change due to hacking attempt.

Feature Not Working

Kaarin's picture

I have to ask, is there any way to disable the automatic spell check thing? Or to tell it to change dictionaries and do UK spellings? :)

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

In your profile should be a choice to disable automatic spell checking. I am told the next version will have UK dictionaries. Until then you can create a login and make a "personal dictionary" with UK spellings.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

This is from Jamie's part. He wants you to know that he cant post at all. He thinks it may be just his end of it, but today Chris had problems posting our collab too, so it may be a little bigger than that.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

While you are changing and arranging things... could you add the Demon Police to the Factions rooster, Mike Coulter to the NPCs and the Lone Peak Clinic to the location's one? Thanks. :D

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Okay here's what I have on the "I can't seem to post" phenomenon.

Spelling cow does three things...it
1) Pops up a window with the spellingcow spell checker
2) Contacts the Spellingcow server
3) Send the edited version back to the page.

If any one of those three things are interrupted or broken then it doesn't work.

IF you have a pop-up blocker that disables the pop-up from spellingcow then it won't work
IF the spellingcow server is down (as it was yesterday)
IF LateNightGames hiccups or is down that microsecond.
THEN the post doesn't go through and it generally shuts everything down.

If you are having problems, open up your profile and edit it. Choose 'NO' for this question: 'Always check Spelling before posting'

The spell check button will still be there if you want to use it, it just won't be automatic.

Please let me know if this is the problem, or if I have to keep doing research on this problem.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

I don't know about everyone else, but one of the first things I did was to turn off the spellchecker default. For most posts it just gets annoying after a while.

However, it's a useful tool and I would recommend that those who turn it off still use the manual button to spellcheck their game posts and other lengthy dissertations. Of course, if you use a word processor and spellcheck through that (especially those of us who prefer the UK dictionary) then it becomes less important to use SpellingCow.

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

I received this from MSN Groups,

Dear Groups User,

Your MSN Group, LAbn, has had no activity in the last 90 days. As a convenience to our users, we periodically delete groups that have become dormant. We hope you'll consider coming back. It's not too late!

If your group remains inactive for another 14 days, we'll go ahead and delete it. If you would like to keep your group, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions on the web page.

Keep my group

I've already taken measures for LAbn not to be deleted but I thought it may happen the same with the other groups we've created. We should do something periodically so this doesn't happen, i don't know if using the chat room is enough.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

Yeah, I got similar messages a while ago for LABN2 and FL and took the necessary steps to keep them alive. I'm guessing the chat rooms don't count as "activity". So long as MSN Groups keeps sending the warning messages we'll be okay - assuming the person who gets it follows the "keep my group" instructions. :)

Feature Not Working

Meredith Bell's picture

Alessa wrote:
While you are changing and arranging things... could you add the Demon Police to the Factions rooster, Mike Coulter to the NPCs and the Lone Peak Clinic to the location's one? Thanks. :D

I also suspect that Liala, Ben Wright and Byron Spencer also need adding to the NPC roster, as does Bonne Sante to the location page.

There's also probably a ton of NPC's that need moving to the morgue after season four, I've labled them as deceased but haven't done the links yet as I usually copy/paste the timeline entry *hint, hint @ Heather* ;)

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Alessa wrote:
While you are changing and arranging things... could you add the Demon Police to the Factions rooster, Mike Coulter to the NPCs and the Lone Peak Clinic to the location's one? Thanks. :D

I also suspect that Liala, Ben Wright and Byron Spencer also need adding to the NPC roster

Okay the NPCs are added to the appropriate pages. Nobody has been moved to the morgue or missing just yet.

And D'oh! I added two more NPCs to the Private game discussion and I'll mount them to the NPC pages asoon as they are moved, but I wanted to leave them there for review for a while.

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Logan's picture

While adding NPCs, could you add Liala to NPC list, and change Darian back to PC page, and Cole back to NPC page please....thanks :)

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

The personal timeline for Mike Coulter is not working properly. I think the problem is that you used 'Coulter' as search term (or however you call it). It shows only one post, while if you use 'Mike' instead all of them appear (i already tried it :D )

Also I dont know why Alessa's timeline doesnt include the latest entries.

Feature Not Working

Meredith Bell's picture

I think it's just the same problem we've had before that the last section of the timeline hasn't been linked to whatever makes it appear in the personal timelines of the characters.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

It's called the admins have been slack lately... :oops:

I'm slowly working my way through the timeline entries, though. And Dave is gradually relinking the old bits that broke when the server got hacked into the other day - new security measures means that some things work a bit differently to how they used to, hence the non-functioning timeline search.

We'll get there - but do keep reminding us of bits that aren't working properly, or seem to be missing. It may be something we've not noticed or thought we'd fixed already. :)

Feature Not Working

Disposable_Hero's picture

OMFG you've changed your avatar...

Yeah, I know, it has nothing to do with the topic but...eh *shrugs* I just noticed and was that shocked :P

You what? Hell's frozen over?!?

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

I do change it from time to time. :P Not often, lately, but I have had a few. (If you want to be really shocked, check out FL - I changed my avatar there, too.)

Feature Not Working

Meredith Bell's picture

BTW, what's the little 'Album' button thing for up near the FAQ option? I tried pressing it but I just get a load of error messages. :?

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

You didn't wait...I was setting it up. Try playing with it. See what happens. Sorry the colors don't match for the different themes yet (they are all blue right now)

Feature Not Working

Meredith Bell's picture

*Long collective gasp of realisation* Aaahhh... I see...

Tee hee, sorry for jumping the gun, I just thought it had always been there but I just hadn't noticed it before! :oops:

That's pretty darn cool actually Dave, even if I do say so myself (which I just have - d'uh) So this is JUST for picture uploads? (I know that's probably a dumb question concidering it's called 'gallery' but I thought I'd ask anyway.)

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Yes, just for pictures, but it is "public viewable" so you can create galleries for all of your NPCs that I don't have to administer.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

I've been playing with the new album - very funky. :)

Though it seems that it refuses to upload unless you make a thumbnail as well - and that thumbnail must be no larger than 125 x 125 pixels. So if you have a picture titled xxxx.jpg, just crop/resize/whatever to 125 x 125 or less, save the new pic as xxxxtn.jpg and then upload both in the album. You'll see where to put which - it's pretty obvious.

And voila! :D

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

[woohoo] Hidden features[yippee]
Okay, the "last 24 hours" thing has been bugging me. It just showed topics and not the posts themselves (like it used to). So I fixed it.

but I discovered an interesting side-effect...one can be USED to our advantage.

You know how it only shows the first 200 or so characters of the post? well anything you place at the front of the post that is in square brackes
[like this] and any interevening text as well [yep like this]
Won't show up on the little summary tidbit.

Go back and look at this post in the last 24 hours and see.

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Okay...if you have not noticed it, i have added an "album" feature to LABN.

This allows you to create a "personal album" for your pictures online. I have done this because...I hate having to make galleries for players. It is a lot of headache and pain and I don't have the time for it. But this way you can make your OWN gallery. Heather or I can create an NPC Category for your pictures (or use your personal gallery for your PC) and then you upload to your heart's content. Rearrange and juggle and rename all you want.

The limit is 125 pictures per category (but that does not mean you have to get to that limit, Lou ;)) and these pictures are completely separate from the avatar gallery.

I now have a script that will create a "gallery" on the main site for you automatically using your Personal (or NPC) galleries.

There is one special picture in your gallery named "Background" it contains the "big picture" for your Site Gallery Page. The picture shows up on the left and is scaled at 100%...My recommendation is to keep it about 200 pixels wide unless you have allowed for the light-colored text of the site to show on top of it.

The Description field of the background shows on every page of the gallery, and the description of individual photos shows on those photos. If you see "Automated Insert" in the description, that was me uploading your gallery to your Personal Photo Album. Those are ignored.

The first three are online: Valerian, Tash and Kate
If you make a personal gallery (even if it only has one picture) I'll upload all of your gallery over the next few days. I'll slowly start to convert the NPC's galleries into albums online.

Suggestions are welcome.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

One thing about all this album stuff - it made me decide to look for new pics again. It's tough when the actress you've chosen was last active in the 80's... but since the Blake's 7 DVDs came out some kind soul has uploaded hundreds of screen captures (of a much better quality than those I found in 2002 which were from video). Of those, I was able to find several of Josette Simon. :)

Woo hoo!! New pics for Tash. No longer do I have to recycle those horrible old dusty ones I had. :D

And look - she's even smiling in some of them... Yeah, don't faint...

Feature Not Working

Allyana's picture

Can we create our NPC's albums, or only you? If you have to do it, dont rush for mine, since my pictures are still in my ruined pc hard drive. I'm just curious. :D

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Alessa wrote:
Can we create our NPC's albums, or only you? If you have to do it, dont rush for mine, since my pictures are still in my ruined pc hard drive. I'm just curious. :D

I create the empty NPC Album. Then you fill it, delete, move, rearrange, or whatever with pictures.

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
The following link in the Morgue section on the homepage leads to the wrong profile.


It should lead to Naasha the Vampire Slayer, but instead leads to Aetolus.

Fixed it.

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Also, I was just wondering why putting quotes intp a character profile seems to result in really large gaps between the quotes and text on the homepage?

It is complicated to explain, but basically quotes are an HTML table. When I get the posts with my script, I then parse them in a half-assed way and then dump them to the page. In doing this, it makes them put
symbols in the middle of the table. Becasue HTML renders everything in order, the table is not rendered until all the
s are rendered first.

So if you have 3 rows in your table (like QUOTE) does, then you have 3 blank lines before the quote.

Fixing it is a real bitch becasue it would mean fixing all 75 or so character profile pages.

Feature Not Working

Heather's picture

Woo hoo! I have finally finished timelining Season Four. Rejoice!! :banana!:

...now there's just the first 13 pages of MidSeason 4 to go... :?

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Meredith Bell's picture

LOL! Well done Heather!

Aww, wait. This means I've got to add the links to all the npc's who died... aww, heck!

Feature Not Working

Kaarin's picture

You may or may not know this, but I just clicked the profile button up top, and got back:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in /usr/local/www/data/labynight/forum/includes/usercp_register.php on line 152

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

I fixed it. It was part of a security patch that i applied after the fact.

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Allyana's picture

Dave, I noticed that there's no Album anymore. Did we lost it or is it one of the progressive problem solving you are making? :)

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

The Album was an add-on that has not been added back. I have some security concerns about it as well...I am being cautious. I don't want to be shut down again by any means.

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture


I tried to merge the posts from Mythic into LABN and got a mess...if you find old Mythic posts or phantom topics that say there are posts but really aren't they are from Mythic.

I need to re-think this thing before trying it again.

Feature Not Working

Kaarin's picture


I need to re-think this thing before trying it again.

Just felt like saying one thing: you have no idea how scary it is when a techie says this. :)

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James_Connor's picture

deep sense of impending doom

Feature Not Working

Disposable_Hero's picture

Just thought I'd say that there is now no link (that I can see) back to LABN home from the forum...

Feature Not Working

MrDave's picture

Kyle Ashton wrote:
Just thought I'd say that there is now no link (that I can see) back to LABN home from the forum...

Yes, I know. Thank you.

[hide="Particularly mean and gripey things I am saying under my breath"]
That particular MOD isn't a big mess nor a security threat...but it is a pain in the ass becasue it means editing all of the themes...all 15 of them. By hand. So 've been putting it off, okay?

Sheesh...remind me tthe next time we get hacked to kill myself and save the grief.[/hide]

Feature Not Working

Disposable_Hero's picture

Ah, my bad.

*Backs away carefully*

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