Submitted by Stalker on Mon, 09/09/2002 - 05:21
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gotta go with the man of steel evertime
early to bed early to rise
burn midnight oil and rise late
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gotta go with the man of steel evertime
early to bed early to rise
burn midnight oil and rise late
The 'This or That' Game
Oh, I'm definitely a midnight oil person, though I don't often rise too late, no matter what time I got to bed... until it all catches up to me, of course.
Who would win in a fight (no weapons allowed)?
Caveman or Astronaut?
The 'This or That' Game
Cavemen for sure... they have fire. (and because Fred says so)
would you rather have the ability to:
fly but it only lasts a total of 3 hours
walk on water forever
The 'This or That' Game
flying all the way, who wants to walk on water
would u rather be
a vampire
a werewolf
The 'This or That' Game
WEll...see that Q depends on which Vampire / Werewolf mythology you are looking at. If you're looking at Buffy verse, id take Vampire, but if you take like the movie Underworld, Id rather be a badass Werewolf
Hanging out on a Beach
Spending the day at an amusement park
The 'This or That' Game
Amusement park...cause I love amusement parks...
Would you rather go to a strip club or a night club?
The 'This or That' Game
Strip Club ... Sadly I'd be going alone since both kinds of clubs feaure smoking and Heather can't be around it.
On the Vamp vs Wolf question...I'd take werewolf in the Buffyverse. Vampires get a raw deal.
Classic Western?
War Movie?
The 'This or That' Game
ooooh, both toughies...id go with westerns...too many great ones to pass up (man with no name trilogy, magnificent seven (with none other than steve f'n mcqueen 8) )...
modified car (a la fast and the furious)
muscle car (a la bullitt starring steve f'n mcqueen)?
The 'This or That' Game
Muscle car. If I had one of those cars in fast and furious my husband wouldnt let me even touch it. I prefer a car where the bumps I may produce wouldnt show so much. :roll:
On second thought, if I had one of those cars I wouldnt have to touch it, I'd probably have a less expensive, more bumped one for me to drive...
Nah! dreams. Muscle car. :D
Cook a romantic dinner for your lover,
take him/her to eat in a romantic restaurant?
The 'This or That' Game
Take them to a restaurant. It shows you care enough to spend some real $$ on them, plus there are no dishes to do after :)
Molly Shanon
Cherri Oterri
The 'This or That' Game
hahaha, shaun, u dont have to spend money to show that somebody that you love them...making a fantastic meal is something as well, especially considering that such a meal requires all sorts of ingredients (which, once the bill is tabulated may come out to quite the pretty penny as well) but most of all, it is the fact that you labored in the kitchen willfully and lovingly and spent some time thinking of the perfect meal combination...
ok, i'd go with cheri oteri, she just killed me with barbara walters (heh, im laughing like a champ now) and the "perfect cheer" 8) , plus, i find her better-looking
you're thinking about what floats your boat in potential mates, would you prefer:
an older person with the assumption that that person is more sophisticated, more intelligent, and better able to appreciate the finer pleasures of life (say art, cuisine, music) than a person younger than or the same age as you
a person younger or the same age as you but is totally a nut case, incredibly hot, dresses up as if that's the only thing important in life, conversation is limited, but they are your age though and it pleases the parents and those around you
The 'This or That' Game
Definatley an older person. Call me an old fashioned teenager, but I love older boys :wink:
If you had $5 (equivilant of 2.73 pounds for British residents, 6.67 Australian and Canadian dollars) and you could only get 1 movie, which would you get?
Labyrinth (which you've seen a million times)
Sleepy Hallow (not only a Tim Burton flick, but it has JOHNNY DEPP :roll: )
The 'This or That' Game
hmmm Labyrinth, but technically tell me where i can buy a sleepy hallow dvd for about 3 quid and i'll go a rushing....
Cashew Nut,
The 'This or That' Game
cashews, mmmm, nothing beats 'em
brown rice
yeah, im undecided for tomorrow's lunch
The 'This or That' Game
Brown Rice, I hate couscous
ok here's a totally random one
Thunder Cats
The 'This or That' Game
Thunder Cats...cause all told, that was a better show, and I get sick of He-man around here.
Would you rather do laundry or clean the bathrooms?
The 'This or That' Game
Do the Laundry, and as Heather will tell you, I HATE laundry. But scrubbing toilets and stuff is just no fun at all...at least Laundry is mostly a waiting game.
Do it Yourself?
hire professionals?
The 'This or That' Game
Do it myself, Its cheaper and more satisfying. That is of course assuming I can actully complete the task myself.
Cell Phone
Home Phone
The 'This or That' Game
Strangely enough, even though I don't have my own, I will have to go with cell phone, cause they are just so convenient.
Fish or Chicken?
The 'This or That' Game
Chicken, no contest.
ok this is very important
Take the Awsome Greek Mythology class Even thought its from 3:30-4:30 3 days a week
Make a better schedule but not take the awsome class?
The 'This or That' Game
Take the awesome class. On a similar vein....
Register for Paleontology with a schedule conflict, knowing that you will never get to attend a lecture, but attend all the labs and do all of the reading on your own, plus take the exams, knowing that the prof is a VERY dynamic speaker and you will be missing out on a LOT with the lecture.
Hope you're still there in 2 years. :)
The 'This or That' Game
Hope its still there in two years
Do my Marketing Core next semester,
Do Management Core
The 'This or That' Game
Realise I picked the wrong major, and switch to something interesting like philsophy. :)
So you're a reporter for CNN in the middle of a hurricane, biggest ever. You notice in the middle of this city that you're in is a street with water rushing through it like a river. In the centre of this you see a man who is your country's national leader. You know that you can save him, or take the best photo of your life.
Do you use colour or balck and white film? :)
The 'This or That' Game
Black and white'd show the man's expression of terror better. :D
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast?
(with two sick kids, I'm watching tooooo much Disney :? )
The 'This or That' Game
Well you picked my two of the best Disney movies, but I have to go with Beauty and the Beast...its seriously the most awsome Disney movie..
who's prettier
The 'This or That' Game
oooh, jasmine, she so kicked ass and she fell for the peasant too :D , yes, btw, i do find her the prettiest, she has an exoticness to her...
skip a lab to watch a highly-touted Champions League quarterfinal match (where your idol plays in it)
do the first hour of the lab where the game isn't on yet and leave the next 2 hours up to your partner after you've done many a lab on your own while he tended to "other matters @ hand"?
The 'This or That' Game
I'd do the second one, at least you show up for a while, and the teacher sees your face. You can always think of a good excuse for leaving, :D.
write solos?
We all do both but from what i have learnt some people prefer ones to the others. :D
The 'This or That' Game
I'm a collab tart all the way. :D Solos are ok, and sometimes necessary, but I find I explore richer territories when there's someone else providing input. They can take you in very unexpected directions sometimes.
Ok, back to the more mundane.
Hard boiled or soft boiled?
The 'This or That' Game
Ugh, actually that's the only way I can't stand my eggs cooked, though soft boiled is preferable since you can have little soldiers for dipping :)
World Peace?
End world Famine?
The 'This or That' Game
End world Famine becuase if everyone gets fat no one will be fit enought to kill eatch other
boba fett
or jango fett
The 'This or That' Game
Oh Boba. Jango was the inspiration, but ol' Boba really perfected it. Not so much in the movies but definately in the books.
You have a fixed amount of fundage...do you go for the
1) Better sound.
2) Better Picture (HD TV!).
3) Bigger screen.
The 'This or That' Game
Cant i have the three of them, why oh why do i have to choose? :roll:
I think i'd go for the better picture if that is the case, as long as it didnt mean a too small picture. My husband loves to watch DVDs but he watches them in the computer... i prefer VHS, they are worse quality but at least the screen is bigger. :?
The 'This or That' Game
The 'This or That' Game
Ok, that last one was Dave replying under my login, and since nobody's answered, I'd be inclined to go for bear - more power weight for weight than a gorilla, methinks. Though it'd be a close call and I'm sure the gorilla would get a few good licks in.
When you've just bought a yummy, yummy bag of crystallised ginger from the supermarket, should you...
Eat it all and simply don't mention it to your husband when he comes home from work?
Leave it alone (but stare at it longingly) so you can share it with him later on?
(Or, as a third alternative, eat it all and then stupidly mention the ginger in a "This or That" game on a board you both regularly frequent. :wink: I held out as long as I could, sweetie, I promise I did!!)
The 'This or That' Game
I'd stare at it coz it is yuk plus I am male and therefore cannot have a husband to share it with and wouldnt want one anyway
digital camera
mobile phone with camera
The 'This or That' Game
DDigital Camera...The Camera/Phones are crappy little novelties. And who really has to have it RIGHT NOW anyway. This is my problem with mobile phone after all...if someone has to reach me that badly, they will. There is no reason that anyone who needs me can't wait a few hours.
Lose Weight
Enjoy Excess
The 'This or That' Game
Lose weight.
now how do you want to lose weight?
The 'This or That' Game
Exercise definately, I love my junk food too much to ever give it up. Besides exercise is fun if you choose the right kind for you, plus you get to oggle half dressed sweaty men with gorgeous bods ;)
Stick with the old?
In with the new?
(yes vague I know, give your own interpretation :))
The 'This or That' Game
Stick with the old. Im horribly afraid of change, its definitely one of my big 'defaults' (i cant think of the proper english word to use there)
Have someone be too cold to you
have someone be overly affectionate.
The 'This or That' Game
Overly affectionate...the cold shoulder makes me so insecure...
Would you rather spend the morning reading and crocheting at the risk of falling behind on the board,
or force yourself to write knowing you aren't in the mood and will probably hate whatever you do?
The 'This or That' Game
Crocheting? Does this mean I also have to age about 50 years too? ;) I'd have to think of an alternative to option A that would make option B seem less interesting hehe
Once more, CROCHETING?? :lol:
I'd chrochee or whatever that is (knitting or somthing aint it?)
Get kicked in the face
get stuck in traffic for 6 hours
The 'This or That' Game
I wouild have to say the kick is sounding pretty good. I hate, loathe, abhor, detest (and other negative words) traffic. A whole bunch. Heck I hate Driving even.
as long as it wasn't a repeated slamming of my face and the foot but was a single swift kick, I think I would much rather get it that way.
A simple light breakfast (cereal, fruit, juice)
A heavy filling breakfast (eggs, sausage, flapjacks, etc)
The 'This or That' Game
I never really eat much in a morning anyway, I'm a slice of toast and cup of tea girl (and even that is pushing it) so I'd go for the simple breakfast.
I love a good old fashion aussie barbie but I'd have to say picnic only because I've never been on a picnic that didn't involve a barbie and the idea of having a picnic at the beach or in a park (just me and my girl) sounds perfect
dying of bordom
dying in expectation
The 'This or That' Game
I would have to go with dying in expectation. Dying of bordom (which I've almost done on several occassions) is just like having a total meltdown in your head, like leaving an icecream in the sun. It's like being so mind numbingly bored that it feels like your brain is trickling out of your ears. At least to die of expectation would mean that you actually have something to look forward to, even if you never get it. To die of bordom would mean that you have NOTHING to look forward to, except maybe seeing what your brain looks like as it drips on the floor.
Would you rather be...
Too Hot?
Too Cold?
The 'This or That' Game
Too hot, since it usually takes longer time for me to get hotter then to cool down.
The 'This or That' Game
Guillotine...it's seems so much...classier...
Head cold or stomach flu?
The 'This or That' Game
Head cold. I hate feeling terible and hungry at the same time. I can live with head pain.
The 'This or That' Game
The beach. Even though there is my dreaded enemy, the sun, there, its better than the cold.
Take honors classes and get C's (76%)
Take normal classes and get A's (95%)?
The 'This or That' Game
Uhm...go for the honors classes, then you're challenging yourself and you might even be surprised by how well you do.
PC games or Console games?