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Stalker's picture
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gotta go with the man of steel evertime

early to bed early to rise


burn midnight oil and rise late

The 'This or That' Game

Hunter's picture

PC-games, since they´re just more fun, then consoles.

The 'This or That' Game

Logan's picture

I really dont see the connection between the two, but ill say Badger lol




(have we done this before?)

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

Oddly enough I just had this conversation at work. The winner? Coke by a wide margin.

Beer or Wine?

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

Cole wrote:
(have we done this before?)

Would it stop you if we did?

The 'This or That' Game

Allyana's picture

Is that a fair question? :cry: Why do I have to choose?

Ok, ok, because this is the 'This or that' game, got it.

Probably wine, white and with bubbles and if it's a little sweet the better (I know, i must sound herectic to some, sorry Ric).

But then beer, reeeeaaaaly cold in summer nights...

Is that a fair question? :cry: Why do I have to choose? :wink:

Is that an answer



The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

I choose to believe it's an answer. (And for Robin alone, does champagne count as a wine, cause that's what I'm choosing. :P )

Would you rather have magic or psionics?

The 'This or That' Game

Merlona's picture

Magic because then you are in control of what you create. And I think it would be cool to concoct my own potions and spells.

Dating five months?


Married five years?

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

married five years...i like being married, most of the time...

hmm...sharp or mild cheese?

The 'This or That' Game

earwigfleshfactory's picture

Merlona wrote:
Magic because then you are in control of what you create. And I think it would be cool to concoct my own potions and spells.

From what Isaac Bonewitz says (not a lot of weight to his stuff, but here it is), magic and psionics are just two different ways of explaining the same thing. Magic is just using various props, rituals, etcetera to evoke a certain personal mood in order to manipulate psichic talents in creative ways. It's an idea.

Merlona wrote:

Dating five months?


Married five years?

Dating, marriage scares the hell out of me.

Guess it helps that my parent's divorce was one of the best things to ever happen to me...and I'm on step-mom number 4...

decent daily, or mind-blowing monthly?

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

Can't I have mind blowing daily? Well, of those, I'd have to choose mind blowing monthly. I mean, otherwise, what's the point. If it's not mind blowing, I don't want to waste my time.


Would you rather have a tail or wings?

The 'This or That' Game

earwigfleshfactory's picture

Prehensile tail?
If yes, tough choice, but most likely wings.

black or frapp?

The 'This or That' Game

Merlona's picture

"black or frapp?"

Are we talking coffee choices here? If so, I prefer mine with loads of milk and sugar.

Would you prefer to make your own coffee at home each morning and enjoy the wonderful smell that permeates through your kitchen while reading the paper leisurely?


Would you rather rush to get ready and stop by a neighborhood coffee place such as Starbuck's and pay three dollars every day and gulp your too-hot drink down while racing through traffic?

The 'This or That' Game

Logan's picture

The Starbucks....When one leads a Jet-Set life, one does not have time to make their own coffee.

Work for a more 'high-class' store (ex: Men's suits, dress shirts, and all around overly price stuff)


Work at American Eagle (for those of you who dont know think GAP, Abercrombie and Fitch)

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

Uhm...does one pay better than the other? I guess I'd go with American Eagle, since a "high class" store would probably cater to snotty, pretentious types that make life hell for all manner of "regular" people.

Sesame Street or The Muppets?

The 'This or That' Game

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Definatly Muppets. Sesame Street teaches you things. I like my puppets to be crazy and non-educational. Plus, I love Kermit ^_^

Do a much needed post


Goof off on Xanga (or any site for that matter) before Heather finds out and starts cracking her whip at you

The 'This or That' Game

Heather's picture

LOL :lol: *cracks whip*

I'd goof off, of course... :wink: But then I'd get a fit of the guilts and write the post anyway.

Try to understand your cat's need to scratch the living hell out of the flywire door simply because she objects to your reasoning that it's dark and you've decided she shouldn't roam around the neighbourhood at night?


Let her out then lock the door, so she has to fend for herself outside all night?

The 'This or That' Game

Allyana's picture

:cry: :cry: :cry: I lost my kitty so I'd definitely bear with the scratching.

Get a new kitty and hope the same thing doesnt happen for the... 'n' time


convince yourself that kittens and highways dont get along?

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

Uhm...maybe it's time to get a dog...lol...

I vote for a new kitty. Everyone needs something soft to pet from time to time.

Pancakes or Waffles?

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Waffles, because that's what I'm just about to have :D plus they're really cool 'cos they have all those little holes for holding flavor.

Now the real question is what to put on them...




The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

Syrup...*sniff*, but I can't have them, cause I'm on that South Beach thing and I'm don't want to imagine what Low Carb waffles might be made of...*shudder*...

Would you rather be without your PC or your TV for an indeterminate amount of time?

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

Lose the TV. I'd be a little miffed not being able to watch some of my favorite shows. But I can still watch DVD's on the PC. I work on my PC, I Play on my PC ... the TV is just entertainment.

Carbon dating time...

which did you own first...
Vinyl records
Reel to Reel Tapes
8 Track Tapes
Cassette Tapes
Compact Disks
Digital Audio Tape

The 'This or That' Game

Allyana's picture

Vinyl Records... oh, but i'm so old!!
I still keep them too! and the record player! :D

Work in advance like the good ant


procastinate till the last moment and then spend the night working to get everything done before dead line time? :roll:

The 'This or That' Game

Hunter's picture

Work in advance, though I usually end up procasternating when I do stuff. :)




The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture


Summer or Winter Olympics?

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Heh, I had this debate just a few days ago. I love the winter olympics because I like to watch the figure skating event - that crash mat stuff doesn't really compare.

Watch sports?


Play Sports?

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

I am decidely a sports watcher. My days of being a sports player are far behind me...alas when I was young and much fitter I enjoyed playing rugby and football (gridiron) and the occasional game of vollyball. Now I just can't muster the stamina (although I still have a mean serve - even if it is a little wilder now than it used to be).

Factors-Beyond-My-Controltm contrived to keep me out of playing organized sports at that age. I daresay my life would have been much different had they left me alone.

Deist or athiest?

The 'This or That' Game

Kaarin's picture

I will creatively interpret the question to take as follows: athiesm in the weak sense, that is, the denial of the existence of the God of classical theism, but not necessarily of the supernatural; and deism in the sense of the original deists, that is, of reason as the only oracle of man, the denial of universal revelation in anything other than the creation.

Given this, then, the only answer I may coherently give both - for if we take reason as the only oracle of man, and the creation as the universal revelation, that god is not wholly good should become apparant. We may, therefore, reject the god of classical theism.

Who do you want to hurt more: Dave for that question, me for the answer, or Ally for pointing the question out to me? :)

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

It's really a toss up... :P

Hmm...More terrifying, being stranded in the middle of the ocean or being trapped in a cave in?

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

8O those have to be the worst two scenario's ever! I'm not really a good swimmer so i'm never that comfortable unless i've got something to hang on to nearby (so if it were stranded on a boat in the ocean i wouldn't feel as afraid. But then I've always had this fear of being buried alive so... um, I'd have to go for the cave thing.

Cooking dinner, or doing the washing up afterwards? And that's washing by hand, no dishwasher ;)

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

Cooking dinner...I'd much rather cook than clean.

Would you rather be sexually compatible or intellectually compatible with your significant other?

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

As a fortunate person who is both, its a tough question...but ultimately I would prefer intellectual fulfillment and sexual disappointment. Part of it is my age (where sex can be dangerous and the source of 'old person jokes') and part of it is that I have a pretty low libido (no, REALLY).

Sit around naked (okay in my underwear)


Go out and do something

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

You are gonna put something on other than underwear if the choice is go out and do something, right? ;)

The 'This or That' Game

Firefly's picture

I would prefer to go out and do something. Life is for the living after all. And I never, ever sit around in my underwear...

Cop Drama or Hospital Drama?

The 'This or That' Game

MrDave's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
You are gonna put something on other than underwear if the choice is go out and do something, right? ;)

Maybe ;)

The 'This or That' Game

Kaarin's picture

Cop Drama. Have only seen ER for hospital drama, but didn't really like it. Cop Drama gets me The Shield, SVU, and CSI.

Who created the more realistic future for Earth: Gene Robbenbery or J. Michael Strazinsky?

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

Okay this question has been up here for FAR too long so I'm gonna attempt to answer it without sounding TOO dumb concidering I'm not a massive sci-fi buff. I'd have to go for Strazinsky because Star Trek on the whole seems far too utopian where for the most everybody works together for the common good and there's no poverty or famine etc, and everybody knows their place and is happy not to disrupt the status quo. It would certainly be a nice ideal but not exactly realistic.

Babylon 5 on the other hand always seemed to be in a state of warfare and many of the characters were just interested in power/money/revenge etc. There was also a greater intergration of many different alien races not just one or two like in Roddenbery's Star Trek.

So, tho Star Trek would be a preferable future for earth I think B5 would be more realistic :D Yay! Done!

Okay, on a more frivilous note -

Read the book?


Watch the movie?

The 'This or That' Game

Kaarin's picture

Book. It's usually by far superior, and Hollywood can't be trusted to respect my intelligence anymore.

Ace Rimmer or Arnold Rimmer? :)

The 'This or That' Game

Hunter's picture

Ace, seriously Ace.

Silent Hill or Resident Evil?

The 'This or That' Game

Sid's picture

Resident Evil.


Lucy Van Pelt (Peanuts)


Angelica (Rugrats)

The 'This or That' Game

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Angelica, since Lucy pulls away footballs from Charlie Brown (Jerk!) and charges a nickel for shitty advice.

Stay home and do nothing on your day off from all the snow


Go to the mall with your friend so she can get fuzzy handcuffs and so you can take a picture of the pretty guy who works in the bookstore?

The 'This or That' Game

Sid's picture

Gee, get specific much? :lol:

I choose the first, but for you, sweet thing, I choose the second. Something tells me that's what you were hinting for for Christmas.


C*M too fast


Don't C*M at all

The 'This or That' Game

Logan's picture

not that these are problems of mine at all ;), but id take too fast...otherwise you're just left wanting.

Regies and Kelly


The View

The 'This or That' Game

Kaarin's picture

The fundamental problem with mulplying mass by light is your preferred way to destroy the universe, once the generator in question is underway. Halt the process completely, and you effectively cause the universe to halt motion - a universal set of statuary.

Do it too fast, however, and you result in every particle in the universe going off in each direction. A cosmic explosion with the capability of blinding God.

Of the two, I say what the hell... let's blind god. Just for fun.


To a question asked: Serious answer or silly answer?

The 'This or That' Game

Kaarin's picture

See, this is what I get for deliberately misinterpreting the question to be funny. Shaun beats me to it....

The 'This or That' Game

Sid's picture

Don't you hate that, Adam?

Okay, I choose the silly answer. I rarely understand the serious one.

Shaun, I hesitantly choose Regis and Kelley, the less of the two evils. (And Kelly is cute if she keeps her mouth shut.)


Free super cool They Might Be Giants clock radio to keep you warm with all-day tunes? http://www.tmbg.com/textWin.cgi?main=radio&subnav=navRadio


A day that goes by where Sid doesn't plug his favorite band with no more respect for one's privacy that the Jehovah's Witnesses who often plug him at his door?

The 'This or That' Game

Allyana's picture

I'm sorry Sid, you'll probably kill me for this... but i have never ever ever heard of 'They Might Be Giants' before you started mentioning them *blushes* so... I need more information:

    *who the *%@&$ are 'They Might Be Giants'? *do they have any song that an musical illiterate person from South America could have heard and recognize? (there, i'm admitting guilt)
    *does that clock also play songs from other groups?
    *does it give the hour too?
    *can i tell you 'Ala is the only God and Mahoma his prophet' as i do to the Jehovah's Witnesses? (that always sends them away :twisted: )
    *can i duck quick enough?
However, in case you dont see the questions in a while, i guess i'd chose the latter, at least for that i have a strategy :wink:


The 'This or That' Game

Allyana's picture

Ok, please forgive me for this question (i'm sure it'll set Adam off unless somebody answers it before he sees it) but i'm watching my candidate assume the Presidency. First time my party won, and a historical day, since he won with the 80% of the votes, in a representative election (that means that every citizen, because vote is compulsory here, had to vote. One citizen, one vote.) He belongs to the left wing party, and that is also a historical event here, since it's the first time the left wing party wins too.

[hide=An anecdote for those who are interested.] In my country we had a very difficult period of dictatorship during the 70s that lasted for 12 years, in that period the Military held the power of the country and they killed, dissappeared and tortured hundreds of citizens, some of them guilty of being part of an antigovernment movement, but most of them not.
Well, José Mujica, our present President of the Senators Chamber (i dont know if that title exists there, he's the senator that got more votes, and he gets to preside the chamber) was held prisoner under unhuman conditions (he spent most of his time in the bottom of a not-so-dried well) for almost ten years. When Mujica assumed his charge the whole Military had to bow to him in a public ceremony (it is always done, it was not an act of public humiliation, but nevertheless imagine the humiliation that those same men who had tortured or ordered him tortured must have felt when they had to promise obedience to him as representative of the whole Senators Chamber)
There, i had to tell you, because it was a highly emotional moment for all Uruguayans and i wanted to share it. :D :D :D [/hide]

However, going back to the question... and again, forgive me, but i'm in a political mood :roll:

Compulsory vote


...... vote? (cant find the word, the other way around, when only those who want vote. Sorry :oops: )

The 'This or That' Game

Meredith Bell's picture

We're having a similar debate in the UK on this topic so I suppose it's fair to answer (and I have an opinion on most things). I understand the reasoning behind a compulsory voting system but then I think of some of the morons out there who would be forced to vote and I get a little scared. Rather than impose a compulsory vote I'd rather change the electoral system to proportional representation instead of one person one vote (which leads to wasted votes if your first choice doesn't get elected). I can see why compulsory voting would be a benefit in encouraging people to become active and interested in politics - but I'm not convinced that would be the case.

So... I'm gonna stick with keeping the right to chose, and hold out for changing the electoral system :D


Night out at a club with friends, cocktails and loud music?


Night in with friends, ice cream and Johnny Depp? (on the screen not in person unfortunately)

The 'This or That' Game

Sid's picture

I choose the night in. Johnny Depp is a plus. I'll invite my girlfriend over, and before the evening is through, his mere presence will have her so hot that I'll kick Johnny out and get laid for days and days and days. . .

He's Johnny Depp for god's sake. C'mon, Lou, who wouldn't? :)


Watch a poor little doomed ant frantically trying to escape the scathing metal of a boiling tea pot that you've got going on the oven--but the ant never finds a cool spot to stand on


Watch your parents acting like two sex-crazed teenagers while you try to sit quietly beside them in church and pretend you don't know who the heck they are?

The 'This or That' Game

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Hmm... this might be just me, but I pick the first one. The second one is just... gross.

Take on another year of Spanish after taking it for two years


Be bold and take French

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