Submitted by Tarix Conny on Thu, 11/07/2002 - 13:45
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Ok, my turn then. :D
Person One: Oh don't, xxx, please. Sex without love is an empty experience.
Person Two: Yes, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
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Oh that is SO Woody Allen :D I love his sense of humour, it's so amazing. The film... I think it's Love and Death, I can't remember the characters but I think the other person was Diane Keaton - which just reminds me of Annie Hall, I love that film too.
Movies Quote Quiz
Umm, quote, quote, okay, here's one -
"Penny Pingleton, you know you are punished. From now on your wearing a giant P on your blouse EVERY DAY to school so that the whole world knows that Penny Pingleton is permanently, positively, punished."
Movies Quote Quiz
Lou, I love how you are a person embroiled in 80s references. Just like every time I say, "Oh, for Heaven's sake," I'm doing Jack Benny, a child before MY time.
I myself am a big Woody Allen fan.
Here's one, paraphrased (by, drunken, listening unsuccessfully to thy DVD):
Fool: Forgive me, madam, I beg your puberty.
Royalty: Beggeth not, thou hast struck royal rubies and emeralds on floor.
Fool: Yes, woodst picketh them up and pin well feign pin it on they feign.
Royalty: I Pin
Fool: Yes, extend thy feign, madam, and therefore on thy knockers at hands, perfect.
Royalty: Didst I feel right? Or didst I feel right, or didst I feel that thy two hands upon my royal body cop a feel?
Fool: Not I, surely, would not I lay mihands on thy royal tomatoes.
Movies Quote Quiz
mate that sounds like a carry on movie
Movies Quote Quiz
Actually I think it is Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
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Wrong, wrong.
Think Woody Allen
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A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy?
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Okay, I'll give this one to Adam for trying. It was EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK. Funny movie.
Adam, your turn.
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LOL, I was thinking it was that film but I wasn't sure cos I watched it a LONG time ago and the only scene I really remember is of Woody Allen running away from a giant tit squirting milk at him 8O
Movies Quote Quiz
What about the nervous espermatozoid?
Movies Quote Quiz
Person One: You'll not kill him, but you throw him into the slop pool to be drowned and eaten by crabs.
Person Two: Then let the crabs be cursed by Odin. That's my decision.
Ok, so I'm competing with Sid for obscurity of film here. So, I'll give you a hint: Ernest Bordnine.
Movies Quote Quiz
Movies Quote Quiz
Actually I mentioned that exact same scene to H just the other day...
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was i right throu i rember watching it two days ago not sure if it was called the vikings or something else had the guy who played sparticus in it anyway and he was an asshole
Movies Quote Quiz
Yep, it was The Vikings - and yes, Kirk Douglass was in it. Saw it during a myth class in high school, looking foward to seeing it again, as it comes from the time when Hollywood produced films that respect our intelligence.
Movies Quote Quiz
PERSON : What do you think of farmers? You think they're saints? Hah! They're foxy beasts! They say, "We've got no rice, we've no wheat. We've got nothing!" But they have! They have everything! Dig under the floors! Or search the barns! You'll find plenty! Beans, salt, rice, sake! Look in the valleys, they've got hidden warehouses! They pose as saints but are full of lies! If they smell a battle, they hunt the defeated! They're nothing but stingy, greedy, blubbering, foxy, and mean! God damn it all! But then who made them such beasts? You did! You samurai did it! You burn their villages! Destroy their farms! Steal their food! Force them to labour! Take their women! And kill them if they resist! So what should farmers do?
Movies Quote Quiz
Seven Samurai?
Movies Quote Quiz
Movies Quote Quiz
Yay! Go me! It was really a guess 'cos of the samurai reference and the quote seemed vaguely familiar. :)
Person One: "I'm just beginning to think that space oats isn't the answer."
Person Two: "Well, maybe you weren't meant to write agricultural space tragedies."
Movies Quote Quiz
I read this...and it sounded familiar. But when nothing came to my brain aftera day or so I googled it...Surprise, it is "George Lucas in Love" which is (cheater) a short film that wasn't released in theatres.
You can buy it on DVD from Amazon or Just download it either way it's quite funny.
New quote, eh? We just saw this film and it is very good. So heather, you are out.
"No, but I do like to think about the life of wine, how it's a living thing. I like to think about what was going on the year the grapes were growing, how the sun was shining that summer or if it rained... what the weather was like. I think about all those people who tended and picked the grapes, and if it's an old wine, how many of them must be dead by now. I love how wine continues to evolve, how every time I open a bottle its going to taste different than if I had opened it on any other day. Because a bottle of wine is actually alive - it's constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is, until it peaks - like your '61 - and begins its stead, inevitable decline. And it tastes so fucking good. "
Same move, different character...
"Half my life is over and I have nothing to show for it. Nothing. I'ma thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper. I'm a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage."
Movies Quote Quiz
I saw that on Monday. It's from Sideways. It's Virginia Madsen's character.
Movies Quote Quiz
Slightly Paraphrased:
"You know, Mom, it's too bad you didn't get here, earlier. Because then I could have told you your gift to me is a ruse."
Movies Quote Quiz
This is from Spanglish. What a great movie!
Movies Quote Quiz
Well since Kris hasn't give us a new quote I thought I'd put one up, pretty easy (I think so anyway) :wink:
"Hiya kids. Here is an important message from your Uncle Bill. Don't buy drugs. Become a pop star, and they give you them for free!"
Movies Quote Quiz
That one's Love Actually. I loved that movie
I promise to think of a qoute this time.
Movies Quote Quiz
Arrgh!! You didn't! You didn't! *Splats Kris with custard pie*
I'm gonna put up another quote anyway cos I watched this movie last night and I LOVE it so... lalala
"Hey, psycho, we're not going to talk about this! It's over. Now get out of my Van Halen t-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up!"
Movies Quote Quiz
Ah, The Wedding Singer one of Adam Sandler's better bad movies.
Person 1: What about my ship?
Person 2: Consider it impounded.
Movies Quote Quiz
Hey! No way, Wedding Singer is Adam Sandler's best movie! (okay ONLY movie that is watchable) I'll admit the ending is sappy in the grand tradition but the 80's pop humour alone (never mind Steve Buscemi's drunken best man - "The BETTER man!") make it pretty darn funny. Mwahahaha! It's Comedy Gold my friend!! :twisted:
Movies Quote Quiz
Sneaky one, Dave. I have a feeling most of these slackers haven't got around to downloading this movie yet.
Person 1 is Taryn Anwar (Gina Hernandez) and Person 2 is Cade (Shane Felux) in Star Wars: Revelations.
And for those of you who haven't watched it yet, it's brilliant. :)
Movies Quote Quiz
New quote, eh? This one won't be too hard.
Person 1: Will that give you satisfaction? Killing a helpless, old fart?
Person 2: Killing? No, no satisfaction. Everything up until the killing is gonna be a gas.
Movies Quote Quiz
*Stands accused*
I would if my download speed wasn't like trying to suck spaghetti through a straw...But will have 2mb connection by friday! mwahahaha!
Movies Quote Quiz
C'mon guys, the quote's been here a week - it's not that hard. I know for a fact that at least 6 other people on this board (and probably more than that, but 6 is all I know for certain) have seen this movie.
Movies Quote Quiz
OHMYGAWD!! You guys!! That's from one of the best movies ever made - SIN CITY!!
I can't think of a quote... feel free to jump in here.
Movies Quote Quiz
Okay, here's one... (I love this movie)
Person One: "Are you saying you'll flunk us if we don't change the world?"
Person Two: "Well, no. But you might just scrape by with a C."
Movies Quote Quiz
You know, I read that quote when you first put it up and thought it must be from a movie I haven't seen, 'cause it just didn't ring any bells at all. Then this morning over brekkie I read it again and it finally dawned on me. :)
Pay it Forward. I loved that movie, too. :D
Movies Quote Quiz
Person 1: David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Richard Speck...
Person 2: What about them?
Person 1: Serial killers. Serial killers only have two names. You ever notice that? But lone gunmen assassins, they always have three names. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman...
Person 2: John Hinckley. He shot Reagan. He only has two names.
Person 1: Yeah, but he only just shot Reagan. Reagan didn't die. If Reagan had died, I'm pretty sure we probably would all know what John Hinckley's middle name was.
Movies Quote Quiz
That was Conspiracy Theory. Recognised it right away.
Movies Quote Quiz
Person One: What did he do?
Person Two: He raped a nun...
Person One: Oh, God. Oh, God. Jes - Oh, God!
Person Two: And...
Person One: "And"? I don't want to know an "and". Why is there an "and"?
Person Two: Look, look, look, look, look. He's fine as long as he gets his medication...
Person One: And if he doesn't get his medications?
Person Two: He's not fine.
Movies Quote Quiz
Yeah, I should have figured you'd get Conspiracy Theory, Adam. But you aren't being paranoid enough - you came right back with Wag the Dog. :wink:
Movies Quote Quiz
Listen, this old system of yours could be on fire and I couldn't even turn on the kitchen tap without filling out a 27b/6. Bloody paperwork.
Movies Quote Quiz
Brazil That is a great film. One of my faves.
We have a bit of a theme going here, it seems...
Person 1: What the hell is happening?
Person 2: I blew up the building.
Person 1: Why?!
Person 2: Because you made a phone call!
Movies Quote Quiz
Oh! I so know this one, it's from Enemy of the State :D
Movies Quote Quiz
'Fraid I don't know that many conspiracy movies...
Person One - "And what of the true god, whose glory, churches and monasteries have been built on these islands for generations past? Now sir, what of him?"
Person Two - "He's dead. Can't complain, had his chance and in modern parlance, blew it."
Movies Quote Quiz
first guy is the sargent right and the second guy is the lord played by dracula himself
Movies Quote Quiz
ok here is mine migth be a bit hard so here is a coupel
Person 1: I like Sean because he looked, well, slutty. A boy who'd been around. A boy who couldn't remember if he was Catholic or not.
diffrent scene new guy
person 1 : Fuck you! / Fuck you! / And fuck you, pretty boy!
diffrent scene new guy
Person 1: I need to get some more pot. I'm running out. Then I need to get laid. Where the fuck was Lauren tonight? That Lara girl was kind of hot. I could bang her and feel good about it. But I'd rather have Lauren. I wonder why? It would just ruin my illusion of her purity. Whoa, is that really what I want?
Person 1: I need to get laid.
Person 1: Then I need to get more pot
these are all form the same move but yea ont want to give to a hard a one
Movies Quote Quiz
Bah, The Rules of Attraction :P Didn't know you were a James Van Der Beek fan Jamie :wink:
Movies Quote Quiz
Person One: "You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place."
Person Two: "But how did I keep you? We barely knew each other. A few moments."
Person One: "A thousand moments. They're like a bag of tiny diamonds glittering in a black heart. Don't matter if they're real or things I made up. The shape of your neck, that's real. You were always carrying a tray."
Person Two: "You wouldn't come inside."
Person One: "I wouldn't come inside."
Person Two: "I had to carry a tray to come out and see you."
Person One: "The way you felt when I pulled you to me. That kiss- which I kissed again everyday of my walking."
Person Two: "Everyday of my waiting..."
Movies Quote Quiz
Ooh, ooh, I know that one. We watched it on "On Demand" the other day. That was Jude Law (sigh) and Nicole Kidman in Cold Mountain. God, what a movie.
Movies Quote Quiz
Okay, easy one here.
At least now I know what to name him. I don't suppose you know who the father is, so I won't tell him to get lost when I meet him?
Movies Quote Quiz
Ah - Classic. My babe likes the good ones. Terminator
"The 'riddle of steel': steel is stronger than flesh, but what is stronger than steel?"
"Flesh is stronger! What is the blade compared to the hand which wields it?"