\ Character:Logan | unlimitedi.net
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11:22 "Balthazar's Building"

Logan's picture

2021-05-13 11:22 - Thursday
Balthazar's Building

22:38 "The date, proper"

mrdave2176's picture

2021-05-11 22:38 - Tuesday

The booth Sandoval left him in was plush and comfortable, allowing Logan a second of respite before he noticed the commotion that was growing in the bar. Ah, crap. The frightening sound of gunfire had caused half the patrons to flee the area, while those who stayed were now gawking and glaring like they were on the set of some Hollywood action film. The cops were scrambling to defuse the situation, offering up bogus explanations to anyone who may have caught a glimpse of the Kaoshians.

22:26 "Helping a Stranger"

Logan's picture

2021-05-11 22:26 – Tuesday
Slàinte Pub

Sandoval entered the pub and instantly relaxed. Being here was a relief.  He was hours later at work than he wanted to be and he was no closer to catching his werewolf than he had been the day before.  He was hoping to meet Alison here later, but all he wanted now was a cold ale and maybe some jalapeno poppers.

He stepped up to the bar and waited his turn.  Angus slid up and gave him a sympathetic smile. “Long day?”

22:25 "Ambush!"

Logan's picture

2021-05-11 22:25

The Ducati’s engine purred to a stop a few blocks away from Slainté. Déjà Vue Logan thought to himself as he kicked up the stand and headed to the doorway. He had been there the night before, but Angus wasn’t, which made delivering Balthazar’s message impossible. The night hadn’t been an entire bust though. He did manage to look like a champ in front of the hot bartender.

23:24 "NYPD Special Crimes Unit"

mrdave2176's picture

Pablo's mind was elsewhere as he passed Slainté on the way to the office.  He took a few steps past the door and stopped.  He turned and walked back to the bar.  Just one beer before closing out he day.  He had one foot into the door when his shoulder collided with a muscular young man in riding leathers headed out.

"Sorry buddy," Sandoval murmured. 

The man ignored him and straddled a Ducati that was parked on the street and pulled out into traffic.

23:15 "Slàinte"

Allyana's picture

Slàinte Bar

270 Centre St New York, NY 10013

The music was too loud, the people were too crazy, the lights were too bright, and her temples pounded too hard. Cadee usually liked her job and she loved the Slàinte, but tonight wasn’t the best of nights. *And it’s just Monday,* she told to herself, still two days to go till her free night.

22:32 "Inside the Hellfire Lounge..."

Logan's picture

2021-05-10 22:32 - Monday
Inside the Hellfire Lounge...

By the time she got time to herself that night, Jasmin was already frustrated. It was a rare night when she dressed down, in a black dress with corset and lace shawl, and boots, her blonde hair hanging down straight. So she found herself, seated now in a booth in the lower lighting, listening to the music. Jasmin absently ran a finger over the rim of her glass, filled with blood that had a bit of green and black specs floating in it.

Logan Hunter

Logan's picture
Logan 1

Character Name: Logan Hunter
Other Names: N/A
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Birthdate / Location: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Part of Balthazar Romano’s inner circle
Position: Body Guard

Logan is played by Channing Tatum

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