\ Character Proposals (Rejected) | unlimitedi.net
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MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(vendettaexpress@hotmail.com) on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 15:13:26

charname: Qwertyuiop
race: Demon
gender: Male
bdate: (2/2/1983) (Norway/Oslo)
group: Black Veins
position: Healthy
descript: Tall, blond hair, when lived in Denmark killed Humans for his vampire friends to keep them alive after battles. Loves the company of mortal hating vampires and loves to kick some mortal ass, while feasting on KFC.
history: Lived in Denmark for 20 years, moved to USA after his gang of vampires were killed by a powerful mortal but not as powerful as any slayer. Loves to eat KFC and to kick mortal ass.
items: Mortal Ass kickin' boots.
Necklace with a danish flag on it.
Irish Lucky charms.

powers: Call of the leprohchaun (recives a hint from irish friends)
Ultra-Mortal Ass Kicking Powers.
played_by: Lars Ulrich (Metallica Drummer)
player: None,13,None,huh?
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(A_Pereira@Canada.com) on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 03:11:29

charname: Curt Delsanne
race: Demon
gender: Male
bdate: 10/31/1903 Berlin, Germany
descript: Curt stands about 6'2". He has long blacks hair which frames his face neatly. His eye's, unnaturally red, sort of shine, like a cat's, thus making him able to see better than the average human in the night. His face looks like skin streched over a skull. his canine teeth point to an inch long. and his tounge can extend to about a foot long. A muscular body well describes Curt, large shoulders, and massive arms, he looks very intimidating. He is normally wearing a long black trench coat, with a "bad religion, no cross" shirt on, as well as loosley fit black pants. and big army style boots.
history: Curt was "born" if you will in Berlin Germany. It was hard times. He realised he was a lot different than most people. he was generally taller, stronger, and faster. After 17 years, his family was forced to move towards the america, as his father and mother were coming across hard times finacially.the promise of a new land and new oppertunities seemed very tempting to the Delsanne family. Curt struggled to adapt there and at the age of 36, moved to Los Angeles. He's been working odd jobs, mostly a bouncer, security, and once a cop. he is currently residing there.
items: - a wakizashi, or short katana.
- 9mm auto
powers: His eye's, unnaturally red, sort of shine, like a cat's, thus making him able to see better than the average human in the night. He is increadibly resistant. he can sustain heavy damage done by most anything, and still keep moving. He is also very strong, the ability to pick up any mortal weighing from 115 to 180 lbs. with one hand.
His speed is also very well, twice as fast as the average human. His face can change to look like that of a mortal, but exposer to a full moon reveals his true featres.
player: Other games I play include the Vampire the masquerade LARP, and a Changeling the dreaming LARP. I've tried Mage the assention and Wearwolf: the Apocalypse, but seem to preferr Changeling the most. My character rocks in that game. I am also a big fan of hackmaster, it makes me laugh. I'm 18 years old, and currently attending Dawson college in montreal. I am unemployed right at this moment, but plan to have a job soon. I'm not a big buffy fan, I've watched maby only the first season, maybe, but because of time restraints, I've been unable to keep to it, so I don't know if anything I wrote is going to be accurate. I'm writting it sorta like a hodgepodge of vamp and Mage, that was how I describe characters in that game. Hope it's not too bad. sorry if it is. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Beacuse of the current glut of characters (we have too many). These characters got rejected without the normal review process. I am posting them here for archival reasons.

The first character: Qwertyuiop was rejected beacuse it was clearly not serious.

The second character was fair, but again unless it is an outstanding character (on the order of a Sid or a Sherlynn) it wasn't worth the additional review. Sorry A_Pereira :(

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

Victor wrote:
The first character: Qwertyuiop was rejected beacuse it was clearly not serious.

WHAT?? What are you talking about Dave? I thought the addition of 'Mortal Ass-Kicking Boots' was an AMAZING character atribute, and the 'Ultra-Mortal-Ass-Kicking Powers' I mean, c'mon! That is a FANTASTIC piece of descriptive writing! How can we afford NOT to invite this player!? :D

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

Lou, I think we're going to need surgical intervention to get that tongue removed from your cheek. :)

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(aradia90210@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 13:05:25

charname: Missy Calendar
race: Human
gender: Female
bdate: December 29, 1989 Murray, KY
group: Coven of Sindell
position: member
descript: Long black hair. Almond shaped eyes. Brown eyes.
history: Parents are divorced. Born on October 31, 1977. Became a Pagan at the age of 5. Was taught by mother. When PArents divorced she moved in with mother to learn more about Witchcraft/Paganism.
items: Charm bracelet given to her by her mother.
powers: Move things with her mind.
Has Visions.
played_by: Lucy Liu
player: I'm 13. Played a Charmed RPG before.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Glaring continuity errors (birth date) and little detail makes this a character not really worth considering. If thee is enough interest in getting this character revised then I'll move it to its own thread. But for now, I don't think it's worth it.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

You're kidding right? there is absolutely nothing here to work with, also I think the Charmed and Beverly Hills 90210 reference speak volumes :D (JK)

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(raven352@msn.com) on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 21:16:53

charname: Derik Draven
race: Demon
gender: male
bdate: 11/8/1899
descript: Derik is about six feet tall and has spiked b;ack hair. His eyes are the scariest feature with the ability to show flames in them. Usualy wearing all black and a trench coat.
history: Created as a superior demon with odd powers and abilities to carry out the will of Satan. Following all orders given to him for about one hundred years he decided to leave hell and try to blend in with the humans. For three years he changed identities and hid amongst the humans now he has come out of hiding to start work once again.
items: Sword: a special sword with the ability to transform into other weapons (blades).

powers: Power to transform but can only hold the shape for a certain amount of time.

Power to fly but can only fly for a certain amount of times.

Telepath, Telekinetic
player: Vagrant space. 16 no job.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Another one in the "not enough and too much" category. There are some interesting things here like his self-imposed vacation and the fact that he was created not born....but overall I think that this character would not stand a chance in the current environment (overcrowded).

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Logan's picture

Why the bloody hell dont these people go see Fantastic Legends lol......We have about 5 active players...

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Their email is right here...email them and ask.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(AkashasDesire@aol.com) on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 15:38:14

charname: Abbey
race: Human/Demon
gender: Female
bdate: 06/25/1982
descript: She's quite petite with black hair and stunning, almost jade hued eyes. Mina has been an introvert all her life. She's attractive, but in a "girl-next-door" type of way.
history: Mina learned from her mother, at 16, that her father was a demon. He was killed the day that Mina was born. She's not quite sure just what her "abilities" are yet, so she seeks out others to help her figure out more about her father and what she may be capable of.

Her mother is killed on her 17th birthday by something she refers to as a "creature".
items: None as of yet.
powers: Not sure as of yet.

played_by: Not really
player: I was Cordelia Chase in an RPG that "died" about 3 months ago by the name of "A Slayer and Her Angel". It was a tribute RPG to Season Two of Buffy the vampire slayer. I'm 22 years old, I'm still in university, and I absolutely LOVE all things Buffy/Angel.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

I am not really putting this one up for discussion, but if someone wants to champion this character for consideration I'll move it out to a poll.

Seems like a perfectly serviceable character, but on the surface I see another replay of Tarix Conny and the "Dead Parents" motif. Can't anyone come from a decent still-alive household?

In fact I am declaring a moratorium on any more orphans. Your character must have at least one living parent to be considered. If you have lost a family member in a tragic accident thats fine, but if you have had a loved one killed, mauled, turned, murdered, mutilated, or otherwise removed by force forget it.

Its getting redundant. Come up with a new schtick.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

You're sounding jaded, my love. I feel bad for Tash being an orphan now... but at the time I made her it made sense. :) Hey, at least in Fantastic Legends Ela's parents and brother are all still alive.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

And Kate always thought both her parents were dead then she was suddenly reunited with her long lost father, how's that for soap drama!? ;)

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Disposable_Hero's picture

And Chance's parents aren't dead. Technically, he doesn't have any. :P

Now Matthew on the other hand...

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Kaarin's picture

Which makes Nikolai fun. His father died in Siberia... set up to go there at the hands of his son.

Oh yeah. I'm evil. :twisted:

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Buffysummers105@yahoo.com) on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 23:00:02

charname: Eve
race: Human/Witch
gender: Female
bdate: 8/7/1983 USA/(unknown) traveling
descript: Eve is a witch, who has a witty personality, and is extremely outgoing. Yet, she has a side of mystery which not many people are allowed to explore.
*wavy burnette long hair
*she likes dressy clothes :) (sense of style)
*Always looking for love
history: Eve was born in 1983-she lived with her mother in many upscale neighborhoods in Ireland, she never knew her dad-whom she naturally gained her witchcraft from. When Eve turned 15, her mother past away from a stroke, after this she moved in with her grandmother (her dads side) in El Paso, Texas. Up until she was 15 her mother never told her about her fathers mystical side, and she had never noticed any special powers. But when Eve turned 16, everything changed...she learned so much about her abilities from her Grandmother, and she developed her skills. Throughout all of this, Eve met the love of her life, Gioder- an 18 year old Italian traveling the world, they speant all their free time together-then she lost him, she never knew what happened to him-either he couldn't take the commitment, the love, or he was scared of her power. But this experience turned positive as it taught Eve to love. When Eve turned 18 her Grandmother passed away, leaving her an 'amulet of life'--to guide her through hardships and for her to always have a piece of her grandmothers soul as well as a spell book, but the thing Eve couldn't understand was why she couldn't save her with witchcraft--she learned a witch of her can can't heal themselves--only others--she felt as though she was the reason for her grandmothers death so she left El Paso carrying this burden and is now roaming around the country looking for love, answers, and a true life of witchcraft.
items: Eve is never found without her 'amulet of life' from her grandmother--she knows it carries a mystical power she hasn't explored. She also has a spell book--a must for any witch.
powers: *She can heal others (not herself)
*Move things telepathically
*Get inside other's minds
*Super Hearing (much like a vampire)
*Burst's of Energy (much like a slayer-but only in short spurts)

--but Eve is still discovering more and more powers everyday
played_by: Emma Caufield
player: My name is Sarah, im 16--and go to highschool (junior) i absolutely loved buffy the vampire slayer..and had a kinda weird obsession with Nicholas Brendon (Xander) :) I also love Emma Caufield (although i probably spelled her name wrong)...but you know..Anya. um.. i played a role playing game like a year ago i was Dawn..but she was just too whinnny....you know how she is!! lol i also love angel--and i have a thing about irish accents...so i obviously loved doyle!!!!
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Rejected for: Power levels. Mary Janeishness. And Emma Caufield is not available as an actress.

Oh, and she's an orphan. :wink:

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(shyla_86@hotmail.com) on Monday, September 8, 2003 at 01:48:43

charname: shyla
race: vampire
gender: female
bdate: 01/27/86- australia/ charlestown
descript: i'm 5'6 medium build and quick witted i'm also blonde .
history: i've been skulking around LA for years just biding time.
and i come from a big history of vampires dating back long ago.
i moved to LA when my sire was killed and have been here since.
i feed on the occasional human but only enough to sustain me.
i've had a rough past but am seeking others like me bcause i don't wish to be alone anymore.
items: i usually carry a knapsack with a fews things i picked up along the way to LA.
i also carry a pocketknife and just a small blade
powers: well the usual of course fast moving.
maybe flying depending on the game.
super strentgh.
can read minds when i want to.

played_by: kirsten dunst
player: i'm 17 i work in retail haven't played many other games but am willing to give this one a go.
age: over13

Dave wrote:
Actually if we needed players I'd say that I'd be willing to give it a go. But since it isn't then it gets rejected because there isn't anything here that really stands out.

That was Dave being too lazy to log me out and log himself in before posting. :wink:

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Mantheana's picture

would just like to point out that the "vendettaexpress@hotmail.com" applicant is Mogs younger brother. Some irrelivant info for you all. And yes, the ass-kicking power is indicative of he serious levels.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

I have to say 'mortal ass-kicking boots' is a great item to have, I wish I had a pair! ;) No, honestly, I do! :D

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Mantheana's picture

put me down for a pair... you can NEVER own enough boots/shoes/feetcoverings.

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

I'm doing a little admin for Dave... This one we've decided to put straight in the rejected pile.

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(AddyFaytoner@yahoo.com) on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 15:14:42

charname: Addelyn (Addy) Faytoner
race: Human
gender: Female
bdate: August 2nd, 1984
group: The Coven of Sindell
position: person
descript: Addy is about 5'3 with blue/green eyes. Her hair is Blonde and shoulder length. She is spunky and very sarcastic, She has a very odd sence of humor. She is a lesbian.
history: Addy's family was killed by an unknown demon when she was 6. She stayed with her loveable neighbor, Miles, until she was 16, than she started to travel. She has been all over the world, stopping some times for only days so that she can get a taste of life. She is still looking for answers on her family's death. The love of Addy's life suddenly died when they were on an outting, Verna (The girlfriend) Died of an illergic reaction to a forgin insect sting. Addys life has all been termoil and she is looking for a place that she can feel safe.
items: Addy carries a small dager that belonged to her father before he died. It is enchanted and when ever the a spell is utter it teleports her to another place.
powers: Addy is a very powerful witch, she leans more towards the power of good, but evil temps her as well.
played_by: Kellie Martin
player: Im Heather and Im 19. I live in Wisconsin and I have buffy/er/star trek role played before. I am trying to get a part time job right now and decide what I want to do witht he rest of my life.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

Hmm yes, a total Mary Sue I'm afraid :?

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Keoharmona89@msn.com) on Monday, October 6, 2003 at 23:46:05

charname: Ke' Harmona
race: Vampire
gender: Female
bdate: 11/23/81 US of A, Albany NY
group: The Black Vein
position: Member?
descript: Tresses of White soft hair float centrically down upon her face emiting from it lie Crimson orbs that seem to not only catch your glaring eyes but ingest the spirit of your inner most soul a flicker of hatred taking a wisp through her blink as she turn away abruptive.Her black trench coat drapes down yto her knees leaving enough to reaveal her small flip-flop shoes and her black jeans that float gallently to the floor her black shines toe nails taking a glimpes of the light that shines through the warehouse she stands in as you, the mortal lie silently in waiting, the blood being already sucked from you as you feel you life slip away into the darkness that now fills your mind.A small T-shirt, hued in ebony lies tightly fitted to her chest and you seem to catch notice of the two black bladed katna's that lie upon her back sheathed in their glory with the ancient vampiric script, writen in blood from her ancestors and enscribed deep into the metal with a spell.She is a loner given the strngth of that of sixthousand Avmpiric bloodlines combined and the speed faster than the speed of light she is the immortal higher race of the Vampiric Aubristic bloodline...
history: From the Aubristic blood line she is a mere fledling of a vampire of the name Aubrey who died from one of the greatest vampire hunters of all time. Being born as a mortal her human family abandon her as a young child.Leaving her on the streets to strive for herself she grew up to find the bar of Ambrosia where she met Aubrey unaware of her fate she was turned the same night she had turned 21 years old her life was changed and she saught to strive as a vampire ever knowing that the mortal type was evil and the hatred for her paretns lingered in her soul.She wanders the world gaining her revenge on the mortals and turning more by each second she was given her blades as a child teaching herself her own techniques and characteristic of sword fighting and gained the knowlage from a small vampiric orphan years before she was ever aware of what vampires where.Becoming the vampire she was wasnt easy and took its harsh toll agenst her will she saught to destory herself in early age but coulkd succeed known for her immortality.Still being presistant agenst vampires she tried to kill her fore-blood ancestor Aubrey in succeeding in her battle she was given the chance to drink his blood and become stronger than all of his bloodline combine, fate had it unusaual way of taking toll and it happened leaving her to be more than immortal but unstoppable.Now as the 21 year old girl she can strive and feed from the mortal souls ....
items: Tresses of White soft hair float centrically down upon her face emiting from it lie Crimson orbs that seem to not only catch your glaring eyes but ingest the spirit of your inner most soul a flicker of hatred taking a wisp through her blink as she turn away abruptive.Her black trench coat drapes down yto her knees leaving enough to reaveal her small flip-flop shoes and her black jeans that float gallently to the floor her black shines toe nails taking a glimpes of the light that shines through the warehouse she stands in as you, the mortal lie silently in waiting, the blood being already sucked from you as you feel you life slip away into the darkness that now fills your mind.A small T-shirt, hued in ebony lies tightly fitted to her chest and you seem to catch notice of the two black bladed katna's that lie upon her back sheathed in their glory with the ancient vampiric script, writen in blood from her ancestors and enscribed deep into the metal with a spell.She is a loner given the strngth of that of sixthousand Avmpiric bloodlines combined and the speed faster than the speed of light she is the immortal higher race of the Vampiric Aubristic bloodline...
powers: Tresses of White soft hair float centrically down upon her face emiting from it lie Crimson orbs that seem to not only catch your glaring eyes but ingest the spirit of your inner most soul a flicker of hatred taking a wisp through her blink as she turn away abruptive.Her black trench coat drapes down yto her knees leaving enough to reaveal her small flip-flop shoes and her black jeans that float gallently to the floor her black shines toe nails taking a glimpes of the light that shines through the warehouse she stands in as you, the mortal lie silently in waiting, the blood being already sucked from you as you feel you life slip away into the darkness that now fills your mind.A small T-shirt, hued in ebony lies tightly fitted to her chest and you seem to catch notice of the two black bladed katna's that lie upon her back sheathed in their glory with the ancient vampiric script, writen in blood from her ancestors and enscribed deep into the metal with a spell.She is a loner given the strngth of that of sixthousand Avmpiric bloodlines combined and the speed faster than the speed of light she is the immortal higher race of the Vampiric Aubristic bloodline...
played_by: NO
player: im od and i have a good sence of humor a but moody at times each day is different
age: over13

This is just how I got it. And it wound up here. Small wonder...

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

...she tried to kill her fore-blood ancestor Aubrey in succeeding in her battle she was given the chance to drink his blood and become stronger than all of his bloodline combine, fate had it unusaual way of taking toll and it happened leaving her to be more than immortal but unstoppable.

Wow, not just immortal but unstoppable?

Hmm, self-taught swordsmaster, most powerful vampire ever, a physical description that defies all belief, speed 'faster than the speed of light'...

Yeah, but can she cook??

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

The applicant DID say they have a good sense of humour ;)

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(slug_on_a_harley@hotmail.com) on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at 10:16:58

charname: Harley Princess (Born as: Sophie Mary Gray, Renamed: Sophia Morwenna Giraldus
race: Human - sorceress
gender: Female
bdate: 22nd September 1700
descript: Young looking girl - mid 20's. About 5'3". Blond curly hair. Slim yet not a stick. Bright blue eyes, average nose and mouth. Bright white, straight teeth. Very bubbly on first appearance - always wears bright colours in public except for her black helmet and leather jacket & trousers for her Harley Davidson motorbike. Generally long flowing skirts. Always surrounded by small, white, fluffy Bunnies. Evil at heart.
history: Born on the Isle of Wight, on her parents’ sheep farm in the middle of nowhere, she knew no other life until she left home at 20. Her parents were boring people, typical farmer/peasants of the time. It was her mother’s farm, passed down over generations of boys, but both her mother and her grandmother were only children, and therefore the farm went to them. Sophia was also an only child, and was very inquisitive. At 5 years old she discovered a secret cellar, hidden for 40 years, full of witching books, left there by her great-grandmother. Her great-grandmother had been a witch, and had been on the quest of immortality when she died of plague in 1665. She had written up all her work and her experiments, yet when she died the spell that she had put on the cellar would only last for 40 years, which is why Sophia found it. Sophia's parents did not care for her much, and left her to her own devices. They did not notice when she went "missing" for days at a time, hidden in the cellar. She soon learnt the art of magic, and improved on her great-grandmothers works. She kept writing as a tribute to her great-grandmother. She renewed the spells on the cellar, and changed them so that they were everlasting. When she left home at the age of 20, she went travelling, and by then was an extremely powerful witch. She knew all her great-grandma’s books cover to cover by heart, and she had added to them in many ways. She had not yet achieved immortality, but was very close and by the age of 25 she was immortal, hence her everlasting appearance of being 25. At some point in her life (not sure when) she created a spell to ward of the effects of the “One Bunny” and went and found it. She befriended the “One Bunny” and is now in association with it. They travel the world together to cause havoc and pain to the world. She still returns to her parents’ farm and has kept it in good upkeep. She now rents it out as a holiday cottage to tourists, although the cellar is still hidden, and she has turned it into a sorceress /Bunny palace. (The sheep are no longer there though – she found they were very good as sacrifices!)
items: She is never seen without her beaded silver, blue and purple choker, and is generally wearing various shag bands. She does not need weapons, as power of magic suffices perfectly. Travels light, but has at least 4 candles in black shoulder bag (no need for matches) and a purse with never ending money.
powers: Very powerful sorceress. Succeeded in achieving immortality. She can do just about anything.
played_by: I play Sophia.
player: This is my first game. I am at school, and have no job.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

Can I please ask what on earth a 'shag band' is?? :? Also, in addition to my Mortal Ass Kicking Boots, can I have the purse with the neverending supply of money too??? :roll:

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture

Catherine Wiccham wrote:
Can I please ask what on earth a 'shag band' is??

A guess...but a band who shags perhaps.....and an added ewwww if thats true..

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture

I guess at least it shows that the person read some of the board before writing a character, with the reference to the One Bunny. However, it's also clearly obvious that they didn't understand what they read, or they'd never have written that "She befriended the “One Bunny” and is now in association with it. They travel the world together to cause havoc and pain to the world." It's just an ordinary, everyday bunny - and every 7 to 10 years, when a bunny's normal lifespan is up, it dies and another somewhere in the world takes its place (just like the Slayer). Not to mention that the bunny's effects are impossible to avoid... :roll:

Way too Mary-Sue for even vague consideration. It certainly deserved to go straight into the 'are you kidding?' bin...

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Soulless Zombie's picture

* wipes tears from her eyes * lol, you gotta love 'em for trying though eh?

ooooooohhhh, some people

note: shagbands are plastic bands, which one errrr, gives to another being one has eh... shagged ... at least that is where the name originates, now some people wear them randomly. dont know which reason sophie wears them for though :wink:

Also can we all have the power : can do just about anything? pleease
lol :roll: aaaaaaaaahhhh thank the lord for this pile!!!! its rather amusing isnt it?

ton moglette

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Disposable_Hero's picture

lol I was going to let them go on a little longer, see what else they could come up with before actually telling them hehehe :P

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(lucifer_kale@yahoo.co.uk) on Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 15:10:39

charname: Cassidy
race: vampire
gender: male
bdate: 02/14/along time ago
group: n/a
position: n/a
descript: 5'10'
dark blue eyes
always has stubble
dark brown scruffy short hair
always looks like he hasn't slept in a week.
average build
if you need any more let me know...
history: need to figure out the date of birth.

fought in the irish rising against the british soliders with his brother.
before that he lead a normal life working on the docks of dublin.
during the fight at the gpo in dublin Cassidy and his brother where cornered in the building and his brother made him flee the place to escape from the british troops sure to kill them all.

he ran into the surrounding hillside and stumbled upon 3 british troops. they had killed one man and we're beating his young son and had his wife held and screaming. Cassidy shot 2 off them before they could react but the last one shot him in the stomach. As the last troops was going to finish him off the woman smashed a rock over the soliders head.

She went to get help for Cassidy but as the night came closer he started to fade and realised she wasn't coming back.

Then a figure appeared over him, thinking it was the womean returned with help he tried to sit up, only to be pounced on by a haggard creature that bit his neck and left him to die.

The bits in between can be filled in as needed....

items: a worn pair of camoflage trousers
a black pin stripped shirt
a revolver he pick up of a thug on the streets
and a pair of shades...
powers: the usual vampire powers that come along with the territory...
his one unique gift is the ability to control and travel amongst the shadows.
played_by: Pierce Brosnon
player: My name is Philip Coulter
im 23 i work with glass and mirrors
ive played a few diff games on the net
vampire the masqurade

i enjoy reading, painting, going out having the occasional drink or 2
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Firefly's picture

"Preacher" anyone? I mean, this is a rip off of that character, right?

Character Proposals (Rejected)

James_Connor's picture

how ome its always british soliders are getting a bad rep

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Disposable_Hero's picture

yeah we're not so bad...:P

btw, personally, I think it's all Mel Gibson's fault :)

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Firefly's picture

I know I just said this, but it's really bugging me. This character is a direct rip off of Cassidy from the Preacher books. He even has the same name. Honestly, is it that hard to be original?

Character Proposal: Tatiana Marincel

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(Anneliese_Devlin@yahoo.com) on Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 10:22:57

charname: Tatiana Marincel
race: slayer/wiccan/vampire
gender: female
bdate: 10/14/84 ,Sunnydale, Ca
descript: red hair, blue eyes
history: the council decides to make a new slayer out of the wiccan, the slayer and the vampire
items: Stakes, sword, crossbow, winchester
powers: wiccan, vampiric, slayer
player: I'm Tracy Olson. I'm 19 I love this stuff. I've got some avidgamer sites.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Tarix Conny's picture

*Starts singing* Another one bites the dust...and another one and another one....another one bite the dust!!!!....

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Heather's picture


I'm guessing Tracy didn't even read the rules or any of the existing characters or story before she wrote that submission...

Character Proposal: Dumah

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(thylo2003@yahoo.com) on Friday, December 12, 2003 at 14:32:59

charname: Dumah
race: Senjara demon
gender: male
bdate: 1/22/1923
descript: Tall with black short spiked hair, wears an eyepatch with a jewel in the middle to cover his missing left eye from a previous battle. Wears a long black trill coat with torn edges at the bottom and also wears leather steel tipped black buckled boots. Also wears black cargo jeans and a valkerie shirt he took from a victim. His skin is a greyish translucent color. He also has varient eyes.
history: He was born from an ancient bloodline that despises haft breeds(vampires). But fortunatley enough he doesn't share the same belief as his parents. During his time, he made some connections with individuals that deals in the black market and has come by some pretty interesting jewelry that has some supernatural abilities. Because he didn't share the same belief as his parents did they tried to kill him but in the end he got the best of them. But when word got out that he killed his own parents he has become a fugitive to his people and is being chased down. Now he wonders the Earth looking for certain items that may come in handy in a battle against his bloodline.
items: he carrys a jewel that is attached to a silver chain that grants him longevity, so until killed he doesn't even know when his life will end
powers: He has the ability to change his molecular structure into whatever material he touches and is able to manipulate it. So for example, if he touches pure steel his body will murge with it and he will be able to either move through it or use it to his advantage.
player: I am 19 and fervently enjoy playing rpgs that allow me escape the normal reality and bend the rules alittle.
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(nora.pozar@st.htnet.hr) on Thursday, December 25, 2003 at 11:30:03

charname: Kathy Crane
race: goddess
gender: female
bdate: 07/01/1901;New York City,New York ,USA
group: The Watchers' Council
position: watcher
descript: good godness,wise watcher, has humor, spends a lot of time searching Angelus, the vampire with a soul...
history: parents: Peter & Judy(goddess)
no brothers or sister
Father watcher,mother teacher,
loves reading books,going to the theather, has a oppsesion: Angelus, she is the only watcher that knows so much about him as a good & bad vampire and as human...
biggest wish: to meet other gods
items: a wooden stake,cross, bag full of beutiful clothes, make up, credit cards, BMW,cabriolet...photo of my parents
powers: has the power of love & hate, she can teleport from one place to a nother, call storm and rain...change her and other peole shape, make any one love her, travel trought time, strong as a slayer, brave as Hercules,
played_by: Shannen Doherty
player: Nora

I´ve played the role play UPN games, play station games,comp games...but I have never done this...it seams fun...I´m 14. Buffy and Angel are my favorite shows.I love role playing........I hope to have fun
age: over13

Character Proposals (Rejected)

James_Connor's picture

it feels ice to know that my aplacation wasnt the worst

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Logan's picture

hey, i think im going to propose a new PC instead of playing Darian. She is a 100000 year old vampire, who is also the slayer, not to mention a master wicca who works for the watchers council, who is half demon with glowing blue eyes......what do you think?

Character Proposals (Rejected)

James_Connor's picture

great you will def get in man

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Meredith Bell's picture

Don't forget owning a pair of Mortal Ass-Kicking Boots too Shaun! :D

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Disposable_Hero's picture

y'know, I'm sure I read somewhere that it specifically said 'no deity status' when I started...

Character Proposals (Rejected)

Kaarin's picture

Yes well... my God can kick any vampire's ass. Because my god's the fun god, my god's the sun god!



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