Race: Vampire
Sex: Female
Real Name: Ebonia Sinclaire
Nickname: Ebony
Birth Date and Location: Circa 1844 - Italy
Died: February 14th, 2005 – Los Angeles (Read About It)
Position: Co-Leader Black Veins
Group Affiliation: Black Veins
Ebony has long brown hair which she wears in two plaits. She also has numerous tattoos and wears a black top held together with safety pins with torn fishnet sleeves, torn fishnet tights, short leather skirt, knee high boots and also a long black leather duster. Ebony also has many piercings; through her ears, tongue, eyebrow, nose and bellybutton, Ebony also wears lots of black lipstick and matching black eyeshadow.
(Ebony is played by Christina Ricci)
Ebonia Sinclaire was born in Italy around the year 1844; she has always been good friends with Black Jem. One night in 1844 Ebonia and Jemima returned home to find their families had both been brutally murdered, the shock of which gradually turned Ebony insane. That same night both she and Jem were sired, Ebony by Darla and Jemima by Angelus. As vampires the two friends travelled the world, Ebony killed two slayers in her lifetime, one in Peru and one in Italy.
Ebony now lives in Los Angeles in a crypt next-door to Black Jem. Together they head a vampire gang called The Black Veins.
Ebony’s stay in Los Angeles was very eventful, she managed to leave a trail of death and pain wherever she went. After her gang attacked Jadyn Lee and Matthias Perrett one night (The Black Veins taking considerable damage) she and Jem vowed to have their revenge. However it was vampire hunter Natasha Brookes who eventually tracked the gang back to the nearby cemetery. During what was supposed to be a routine recognisance Tash was accidentally discovered by Jem and Ebony, in the combat that followed Tash managed to stake ebony with a tree branch before fleeing for her own life.
Ebony lives in crypt in Los Angeles next-door to Black Jem. Ebony has an obsession with instruments of pain and owns a particularly large collection that she keeps in a large crate in her crypt. Ebony also owns a black cat called Bird.
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