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Jadyn's picture
Posted in

hi all... just thought i'd let u guys know that my internet connection @ home is screwed... i have no idea why and i'm in the midst of getting it fixed. *tears out hair* :?

i'm not sure when i'll be able to get online outside the office. *bangs head on the keyboard* the good thing is, my boss isn't in the office this week so i should be able to chat during work. *evil grin*

i'll be in the msn chat room - la by night - pop in if you're looking for me ok? *lotsa huggies*

Players' Comings & Goings

MrDave's picture

Wow, with all the comings and goings of late my head is spinning. If you are leaving for a while, have a great time, and dont worry about us We'll get along okay .

If you are coming back then Yay! Yay you are back Welcome home!

Otherwise...uh. Here. Have a cookie.


Players' Comings & Goings

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

COOKIEEEEEEEEEES! :mrgreen: thank you! i shall gorge myself as soon as no ones watching...meh...that takes too long, i'll gorge now :D

and never fear,i SHALLreturn thats for sure. i could never stay away from all you guys that long :D

hehe, thats a pretty spot on formulae for Reah :D well done (although as much tolerance she DOESN'T have, there is still a microscopic trace of tolerance there...only with certain things though...and they rarely occur :P)

im sure sam will do well to look after her, thanks bro :mrgreen:

...my plane leaves in 3hours 45min :mrgreen: :cry:

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

incidentally, i'm presuming that since their living together, everything sorrow knows, jade knows too. i.e, tash's weird behavior, her problems with the voodoo witch, sorrow's problems with xavier and victor etc. (robin - feel free to correct me if i'm wrong here...)

my comp is STILL not working. keep ur fingers crossed people... hopefully, i'll be online again from home in about a week. (please god!) :?

Players' Comings & Goings

CryingKnight's picture

You're right Sorrow's has discussed most of the stuff that's happened to him recently.

stay tuned for Yvonne... :angel:

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture


I'm anticipant. Put me out, baby! Bring on Yvonne!


Jadyn's picture

*raises an eyebrow and looks intently at robin* slutty slutkins actually turns up?

well, yippidy-doo-dah... *does a somersault and throws pompoms into the air* :P

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Jeez, April. Jealous much? :o

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

*grins* hahah, actually, no... but it's expected and warrented, in this case!


Players' Comings & Goings

CryingKnight's picture


Don't you care anymore?

Are you just going through the motions?


Timezone Changes

Heather's picture

Soon our timezone differences are about to alter again due to changeover of Daylight Saving Time for some of our countries. Thankfully, this time there's no one-week overlap between the US and England/Australia. We'll all change on 27th October.

Note: Western Australia, Singapore and Kuwait don't observe DST.

From 27th October the following time differences will apply to us:

Greenwich Mean Time - Noon

    Victoria (Heather & Amanda) GMT + 11 (DST)
    Western Australia (Greg), Singapore (April) GMT + 8 (no DST)
    Kuwait (Saadia) GMT + 3 (no DST)
    England (Louisa, Robin, Alice & Hannah) GMT (DST ended)
    Maryland (Dave & Adam) GMT - 5 (DST ended)
    Nevada (Kris), California (Jeffrey & Sherlynn) GMT - 8 (DST ended)

You should be able to use this information to devise a quick reference for yourself. I recommend a table with 2-hourly intervals. For those who would like my own excel spreadsheet, please let me know and I'll msn or e-mail it to you. Just be aware that mine is based on Melbourne as the zero point, though it's easy enough to rearrange the columns.

Personally, I'm not looking forward to the additional two hours' difference between Melbourne and Maryland... :(


Many, many, many apologies

Heather's picture

Well, I've finally gritted my teeth and done it. I'm dreadfully sorry, but due to circumstances beyond my control I've been holding up the game. But now I've just said to hell with it and written a short epilogue for the unfinished post. It's not perfect, and not necessarily what I would have had happen for Tash, but it's the best I can come up with under the circumstances.

So, Sid, Adam, Lou and anyone else down the track who's been held up by the non-appearance of this post (including myself - I had a previously written piece which also came after noon...) you can now rejoice and have a post-fest. :)

Grovelling in abject apology,

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Heather, I say this with the face David Duchovney made in Evolution when he said to Julian Moore, "You already have."

I say, "Don't worry about it."

An explanation is nice, but you're too perfect to get made at over nothing. Shit happens. You're so perfect you deserve a guy like Dave. So don't worry. Be happy.

Going away

Jessica Travers's picture

I'm being dragged to Wales for a week by my family (although we probably won't stay that long) so I won't be here. I will try and write a post to catch up with the game time 'cause I've had major writers block recently (which would be why you haven't seen much of me) before I go on Saturday.

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

1.) Miss you already

2.) Writers block is a hoax

Missing person report

Heather's picture

Has anybody seen our friend? He's a shy, retiring bloke who keeps to himself in groups, but can be quite open in one-on-one sessions. We lost him near the vicinity of Poplar Avenue two weeks ago and want to see him back home safe.

He answers to the name of Robin.

Does anyone have any information on his whereabout?


Soulless Zombie's picture

Sorry to everyone who has needed to contact me over the last few days. I've been laid up with the flu. I feel like hell, but I thought I'd better check up on the board. I still have a friday post to do. :?

Players' Comings & Goings

Kaarin's picture

Sorry to hear about that, and hope you feel better. Will have a drink to health this evening. :)

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Thanks, Adam. I appreciate it, since I can't drink to my own health. Kind of does the opposite, that.

Players' Comings & Goings

Meredith Bell's picture

We are currently following a few leads, tracker dogs and analysis experts are at hand...

Actually I just wanted to add a few more people to this list namely April. She's NOT a shy and retiring gal, although she does have this tendancy not to look after herself and concequentially land herself in hospital on, what's becoming, a frequent basis :?

I'm pretty sure she was last seen with that Heather chick but to my knowledge went missing pretty soon after Robin.

What's going on? Has the EE at Poplar eaten our friends and made clones of them???

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

It would be okay if we at least had their clones. But their seats at the round table are empty. I don't like this. Not one bit.

I've grown used to seeing everybody. It keeps me sane.

Players' Comings & Goings

Meredith Bell's picture

Sam Aubrey wrote:
I've grown used to seeing everybody. It keeps me sane.

What can you say to that except, well erm, you're obviously not seeing enough people Sid! Hehehehe :D

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

I can always count on you to kick me when I'm down with the flu, Lou. 8)

Players' Comings & Goings

Mantheana's picture

I havn't seen either of them for a while either. Wierd. But at least if I go missing, no one will know, because alice will still be here confusing Lou and Sid and making them Think that she is me... hm...


CryingKnight's picture

Hi Guys (Waves from the gallery)

Yes I'm back after my enforced absence. I'm sincerely sorry to have worried you all.

"So what happened?" I hear you cry... Come closer I will tell all (Ok... maybe not all, this is me after all, but enough to hopefully explain what happened.)

It was a pretty pleasant early afternoon a couple of weeks ago when I finally decided to give in to the urge to upgrade to XP (all you computer people can see what's coming can't you). I headed to my local computer store bought a rather expensive copy of Mr Gates' finest and after a brief detour to purchase the Buffy Seasons 1 - 3 and Angel 1 - 2 DVD boxed sets (Yep Iwas spending!) I merrily tripped back home the purchases clutched in my hands (that was the DVD's XP was really an after thought...)

Upon reaching home a put a Angel season 2 in the player and prceded to upgrade my operating system. I how I wept later when I realised that I should have said yes when it asked if I wanted to check for compaibility...

OF course I didn't so what happened when the nice shiny new operating system had completed installing itself on my hard drive. Well, one crucial piece of equipment was not functioning. It seems that my modem was not XP compatible.

No hardship I thought, as some of you will know I've been trying to get hold of ADSL for awhile (trying being the operative word) So instead of getting a new modem (which you'll admit would be the second easiest thing, Yes I did try the first which is getting a friend to downl;oad an updated set of drivers for my modem but alas the gods were not smiling and so I was consigned to an internetless hell) I instead focussed my energies on finally aquiring the aforemention ADSL connection

This quest too failed after numerous phones calls supposedly the ADSL modem was to be mine it would be delivered this very day! It didn't arrive. After another fruitless attempt to convince AOL that they really should actually meet their promises I gave in

I purchased a new modem and here I am

I'm really sorry to have worried you guys but I'm back now....

Please forgive me....

If not I have a mean sneeze :P


Players' Comings & Goings

Heather's picture


*does happy dance*

Yay!!!! Robin's back!!!! He's not in a hospital somewhere!

*whacks Robin upside the head* - that's for having us all worried... :P


But VERY happy to see you back on deck.

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Glad to have you back.

My brother's computer crashed last week, taking all of my files, including my ready-to-post web site, my LABN files, my toons, and my sanity.

But now we're on XP. It's pretty good, I suppose. Robin, doesn't the difference between the old windows and XP seem like the difference between the old dollar bills and the new dollar bills?

Oh, you're not American. Never mind. Probably have no idea what I'm talking about. (But what's new, huh?)

Good to see you again!

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

So now that Robin's back....what about April?

Players' Comings & Goings

Meredith Bell's picture

Now April's back too! :D All our lost children have finally come home!

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

heh... guess what? i'm back too...

my story's not as interesting as robin's. i've been having some problems recently - both professional and personal - and it's drawn me away from the computer. i've not been online at all... ms "i-wanna-be-a-hermit", that was me.

strangely, it was an email from robin telling me that he's back that spurred me onto the net today. i've missed u guys a lot, just needed a little time on me own to sort stuff out. *lotsa hugs to everyone*

one thing though. i don't know how much good i'm going to be at writing anymore, it was hard a few weeks ago when i tried to get into character. right now, it might be totally impossible. i've brought this up to heather and gang before - if u guys decide that jade should be relegated to npc status, i'm more than ok with it. i can sit back and just watch the game from the sidelines for now... then u guys can feel free to write jade anyway you want to. any opinions on that? let me know ok?

Players' Comings & Goings

Heather's picture

April, I have to say, my gut reaction is to say no bloody way! We couldn't do justice to Jade (hehe, and I've just said this to you in our msn conv as well, but now I'm making it public).

We'll all be here to help out in any way we can. Whether it be chucking around ideas or just finding that particular word you need to make it sound just right. But I'd hate to see Jade come so far and then fade away to an npc. :(

Players' Comings & Goings

Kaarin's picture


As a word of warning, I have several hunting dogs. My pack is prepared to tree the both of you if you disappear again. :)

Players' Comings & Goings

Parasol's picture

Robin -- I can completely understand the computer woes; after all, that got in the way of me starting here at first.

April -- I can completely understand the need to get away. I've had to get away because of a variety of reasons that I won't bore you all with BUT not the least of which is that when I write, I have a large beverage beside me (cranberry juice and sometimes beer) and a cigarette. You all DO KNOW that cigarettes instigate the creative process.

Anyway -- I quit smoking a week ago and have been staying away from the things that make me smoke -- like beer (boo hoo) and ruminating over Parasol at the computer.

I suspect that I have a few more days to go before I will be more smoke-free. Or at least not having agita when the nicotine monkey jumps on my back.

April, I don't think anyone can write Jade like you, nor would I try. And good to have Sorrow back. When's he gonna do Tai Chi shirtless again -- Hmmmm? I'm just asking.

Love you guys.

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

The giving up smoking is what got me. I had to change my habits. One of them was being on MSN all the time, drunk as a skunk and making a nuisance of myself.

Congratulations, Sherlynn.


I've been a non-smoker for almost three weeks now. For me, it's gotten easier. Change your habits!

...but don't stop writing. Keep writing. Make writing replace smoking.

And as for YOU April:

What's this guff about not writing for Jade? I don't understand. Sam gets to meet her, and now you're pulling her as a character? I don't think so, Missy. You better have a good reason. And I don't want to hear anything about Writer's Block. Writer's Block doesn't exist.

Or, as you said, is it professional/personal? That, I'm sorry to hear. Every time Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 comes on my LABN CD, I think of you.

Hope you decide to stay in the game. We can keep you going with ideas. Coming up with ideas is a skill, not a talent. You can force it to happen. And as a wise man once said, in so many words:

The muse, if she comes at all, comes to someone who is in the process of writing.

So start writing. Remember, you can always delete what you don't like. Get Jade back in the story.

*sigh* However, if you don't continue playing, I hope you decide to pay lots of visits. It was bad enough when I thought Robin was leaving, but now this. Don't you know that if you inflict change on a Siddy he get's the dry heaves? I'm the only one who's allowed to change the status quo, make grand exits and grand entrances. And the sooner you learn that, Missy Thing, the quicker you will avoid my acid tongue. 8)

No really, it is an acid tongue. It's kind of a problem, in fact.

Players' Comings & Goings

Mantheana's picture

Well, I was going to write something in the catagory of "yayness" but, everyone who has already posted on this thread has already summed up all that I was going to say. So lets just pretend that I posted something like all the stuff up there combined, but wittier, cleverererer and more convincing. you get the idea. Anyhoo, welcome bAck you guys!

Glad to be back...

CryingKnight's picture


I'm sure you know my opinion of you leaving but just for the record...


but seriously I would be very sorry to see Jade go. I certainly wouldn't be able to do justice to the character and though I can think of a couple of others who might be able to make a good attempt I'm convinced it would lack the spark that really brings her to life.

That said it is your decision and if you feel you can no longer write or invest the time in the character the We'll all be very sorry to see her go. (I'm sure you'd stick around, wouldn't you?)

One last thing. Jade, like the majority of the characters is someone we all came to know over a period of time. Her character was revealed slowly not just to us as readers but to you as a writer (I'm sure there were things you didn't know about Jade when you started that you know now) If you're having problems getting into character maybe you need to recreate that process a little. Take some time (assuming you have any :() to write a few simple posts, give yourself a chance to rediscover her. It doesn't need to be fancy, it doesn't even need to move any plots along. Just try and reconnect.

That's my thoughts on the matter, sorry if it sounds a little preachy but I really would be sorry to see Jade leave. We are all here for you, ask us for help and any number of us will eagerly supply it.

So April...

PLEASE DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Players' Comings & Goings

MrDave's picture

Greg has eloquently said what I was going to say. I can't stop you from stepping back but like the final fate of WiseWoman none of us feel as if we are capable of picking up where you left off.

It just isn't in us to let you escape without trying to convince you that we want you to stay.

If you are having a tough time writing, then for heavens sake don't stop! Even if you just write on your own and churn out page after page of drivel and nonesense, keep writing. The best writers are the ones that don't break the habit of writing on a regular basis.

That has been the one thing I see in everyone here is that they keep writing through all of it. So even if you don't write for us...please don't stop.

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Listen up, April:

"The Fourth Habit of Highly Effective Writers. Ignoring Writer's Block."
--James V Smith Jr.

"The 1st Most Common Fiction Writing Mistake: Don't Make Excuses" and #37: "Don't give up" and #38: "Don't just sit there."
--Jack M. Bickham

"Talent? Forget it."
--John M. Wilson talking about discipline versus talent.

"Please don't stop."
--Charles David Dent

"You heard the man, Missy Thang. We want you here."
--Sid Siclid

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

hear that adam? that's the sound of my knees knocking together... :P heheheh...

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

Sam Aubrey wrote:
Every time Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 comes on my LABN CD, I think of you.

hee hee... i'm not too sure how i should react to that. imagine being associated with someone who's got 42" knockers warbling into the mic. *makes a face*

anyway, thanks guys... i feeeeel the lovvvvve... :P i will need help with jade... robin's already given an idea to play with (thanks toots!) and i'm gonna work on it a bit more and see where it leads up to. doubt it'll be happening this season though as we already have too much going on, but i'll try to get it started in season 3.

also, i know time zones are a pain, but i'm hoping to do a collab with lou and sid soon. i'm just not too sure what about, just think that jade should have some interaction with these 2 characters especially...

sid - is sam gonna approach jade about learning magic? if so, i'll need to brush up a bit on my magic research.

lou - perhaps kate could pop into xy for a visit? ask about getting a job again? or maybe we could get into a partnership of sorts... unless do u have any other suggestions?

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

Sam will need Jade's help. Especially in love magic. Barry White: "oohhhhhh yeah."

So brush up, baby!

Players' Comings & Goings

Kaarin's picture

Trust me, Sam emphatically does not want to mess around with love magic. That should be a big no-no. Have I mentioned that it would be bad?

Players' Comings & Goings

Soulless Zombie's picture

There's nothing happy coming Sam's way not matter how you look at it. The love magic is the least of his worries. (Recently Xander reminded us of the woes of love magic--season 7)


Evalyn Toussaint's picture

tehe, hoorah! i now only have one more shift at Macca's on friday then im off to work at the Keysy Hotel :mrgreen: ...after i go away for a week to my brothers house in sydney.

hehe, as part of my new job before i start, i have to do a wine appreciation session...well darn, what-eva-shall-i-do *sigh* :silly:

Players' Comings & Goings

Meredith Bell's picture

Hey Way to go AMANDA!!! I must say, the day I quit at Maccas was one of the best days of my life!

You want your uniform back? Oh what a shame! I wanted to wear that round town since it's soooo fashionable!

Congrats again! :bday: :rainbowafro: :smilecolros: :multi:

Players' Comings & Goings

MrDave's picture

No more "Doublemeat Palace" for our little slayer...good for you!

Players' Comings & Goings

Jadyn's picture

:B-fly: woohoo! u go girl! :B-fly:

Players' Comings & Goings

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

*sniff* It's the happiest day of my life *wipes tear*

:rainbowafro: I LOVE YOU ALL :multi:

Players' Comings & Goings

Tarix Conny's picture


Players' Comings & Goings

Mantheana's picture

Good for you! BUt, now you have to wonder... will the haunting odour of grease ever quite leave you? Or will you be disturbed by it forever? Myahahaha... ahem... sorry... Wait a go Amanda!

Character Announcements

Soulless Zombie's picture

Hopefully we'll keep each other updated with this thread on where our characters are at, at any given time. Not always necessary. But for characters who all live in the same building and/or work together, it's handy to say it once here instead of in 5 separate PM's.

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