Submitted by John on Thu, 10/24/2002 - 22:49
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Name: Alicenoko
Nickname: Bunniko or Bunny or Alice
Race: Lapins Demon
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Unknown dimension
First appearance: Outside the city of Constantinople in the summer of 568AD
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Alicenoko’s demon form is the one thing a demon should not be; adorable. She appears as a human sized anthropomorphic rabbit. She has light purple fur and dark purple hair. Alicenoko has arcane symbols dyed as “tattoos” into her fur to enchant her body with strength, agility, and perception. These symbols are part of her runic magic (see below). Alicenoko appears to be some breed of long ear rabbit. Her internal organs and skeletal structure are very close to human with some minor changes, mostly in the skull and spine.

In Alicenoko’s human form she is 5'6" and appears to be of Puerto Rican/Dominican descent. This form was only achievable through long and complex rune research.
See Alicenoko's Gallery here
Played by Michelle Rodriquez
In her own dimension Alicenoko was the equivalent of a general in the army. She led her clan on many assaults against there enemies. Alicenoko’s people were very warlike and barbaric. In one such battle Alicenoko found herself for the first time on the losing side and had to retreat to a small cave to hide. There, she fell down a deep shaft. This seemingly endless pit was not a pit at all but a gate to the dimension of Earth.
Once on earth the gate quickly closed leaving Alicenoko stranded. Although dizzy from her journey, she quickly tried to access her location. She was outside a walled city (Constantinople) unknown to her. The only living beings around Alicenoko seemed to be two furless men of some unknown race. With a quick wave of one of the men’s hands Alicenoko was able to understand their words. These men (Victor and Talhu) were demons and hunters of the lesser species of man. They explained that Talhu was trapped here as well and that it was his testing of a new tear in this dimension that pulled Alicenoko from her home plane.
Alicenoko, knowing the price of failure, decided to stay and help her new friends. She spent 50 years as the loyal sidekick to Victor and Talhu learning all she could about the world she lived in now. To hide her demon appearance Talhu utilized his glamor magics and disguised her as a woman of whatever nationality they visited. After a falling out with Talhu in 621AD Alicenoko took off on her own.
Talhu’s magical glamor faded only a year after she left him. So she was stuck in her bunny/demon form until she was able to learn more about earth’s life. She spent 15 years researching the plant and animal life of earth so she could create new runes to help disguise her appearance. After spending some time in her once respected rabbit form, she found it didn’t incite the terror in her enemy as it once had. After the creation of Abis no ti min “The rune of new change”, Alicenoko spent the next 300 years fighting in any war that would have her and pretty much being a very bad girl.
In 945AD in Chengdu, China Alicenoko came across her first Slayer. After a rather lengthy battle, Alicenoko was able to learn that the Slayer tracked her down with the help of what she called her watcher. Alicenoko retreated from the Slayer only after receiving a nearly fatal wound. After healing, Alicenoko found the girl’s watcher and gave him the same wound she received from the Slayer. Although his wound did kill him. The challenge of killing this Slayer’s watcher struck a cord with Alicenoko. She then started hunting members of the Watcher Council only to disappear before their Slayer could find or kill her. Between 945AD and 1203AD Alicenoko killed 31 people connected to the Watcher’s Council. In 1203AD Alicenoko disappeared from the sight of the Watcher Council, until her recent appearance in Los Angeles. Her location in that time is known only to her and a small select group of people.
Alicenoko wears a black flight suit style jump suit with black utility vest and a bullet resistant vest under a light brown London Fog trench coat. When needed she carries two thigh holsters for her twin US Socom pistols.
Alicenoko carries a backpack with a change of clothes, a copy of Alice In Wonderland and an old Usagi Yojimbo graphic novel.
Alicenoko also has a uniquely styled knife which she has enchanted with the rune Abis no ti Joeblet ” The rune of burning tides”, which she uses to kill vampires. If plunged into the heart of a vampire it has the same effect as a wooden stake.
Alicenoko heals at an unnaturally fast rate. Although it is no comparison to Victor’s regeneration it is about the same rate as a vampire. Even at her high rate of healing Alicenoko can still be killed by sustaining an ample wound to the head or chest.
Alicenoko has supernatural strength, agility, and perception do to the use of her rune magic. These abilities are comparable to that of vampires. Her sense of smell and hearing can out range the most perceptive vampire.
Alicenoko has the ability to create magical symbols that are inscribed, tattooed or painted on flesh, stone or steel. It takes Alicenoko months of research on earth’s elements and chemicals to create a single rune or tattoo. For tattoos Alicenoko needs to make special inks made from animal and plant life. Other than her body enchantments and the one on her knife Alicenoko has not been able to make a new rune with earths resources.
Martial art:
Alicenoko uses a style of combat native to her world that avoids the hits of her opponents till she can strike a damaging blow (The Jackie Chan school of avoiding whoopass)it also closely resembles the art of Capoeira .