Race: Unknown (possibly human)
Sex: Male
Real Name: Mortimer Killian
Nickname: Mortis, The Undying Man
Birth Date and Location: 3rd January, 1313 - County Cork, Ireland (1:13pm to be precise)
Last Seen: 13th February 2005 – Los Angeles (Read About It)
Group Affiliation: The Beazor Entertainment Group
Position: Thug, Lackey
Mortis, the undying man is 5' 9" tall; he has leathery brown skin like tanned leather and black pits of eyes with no whites. His nose and features look somewhat mummy-like so his skin is pulled back around his mouth and nose giving him a corpselike demeanour. He is thin and wiry with knobbly joints and long spidery hands. He has a few wisps of longish hair that has long since turned white.
Mortis could be considered either the luckiest...or the unluckiest man alive. Through some strange fluke he was born at the precise time of a statistical anomaly coupled with a celestial event that fell on a foretold prophesy of an epoch cycle (and so on...you get the idea). This made Mortis sort of outside the normal way things work.
Mortis learned as a young child that he was tougher than most of the other children. But he could still be injured. It was not until he was serving as a soldier in a major battle when he first discovered he was immortal. Mortis soon left home to explore (and cheat) the world. His little power made him popular (as well as rich) among men of ill repute. Soon people were out to kill him. That’s when word began to get out about his power. After he had been beaten, hung, placed in a sack, tied up, drawn behind a horse, weighted and thrown into a river, and STILL wasn't dead his enemies just gave up.
Eventually Mortis has learned to display his gift sparingly, and has made a rather lucrative living as a thug. He is generally the first person to approach a dangerous (or unknown) party because he can't die. No matter how hard they try to kill him, he just does not stay down. As is sometimes the case, however, he may take too long to get back with information (it sometimes takes a while to heal).
He has been in the employ of Kain since the late 18th century (about the time he arrived in California).
Mortis has not been seen or heard from since he entered the basement of 1318 Poplar Avenue in Season One.
Immortality ~
Mortis does not die. He cannot die. He cannot be destroyed. In fact he will probably be here long after the rest of humanity has gone away. While he cannot be shuffled off this mortal coil, Mortis can be bent, folded, and mutilated. Pieces cut off of him will eventually make their way back or re-grow. This is a very slow process and many times Mortis has been forced to re-grow entire bodies (like after the Basement monster digested him). It can take up to 6 months to regenerate a new body.
Nothing of Interest.
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