Submitted by MrDave on Sat, 10/19/2002 - 15:41
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Oct 31st is All Hallows Eve (aka Halloween) the least busy night of the supernatural year (according to Buffyverse Tradition) but we can do anything we damn well please.
So here's a proposal. Oct 27th to Nov 2nd (Sunday to Saturday) is Halloween Week on LABN. Dress your character up in "costume" as any other PC. Just change your avatar to that of another character. Be interesting to see who goes as whom....
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Halloween 2002
Hahhahahahahahah. I know who I'm coming as.
Halloween 2002
me too, me too
I will be out of town on the 30th to the 3rd. Don't miss me too much.
Halloween 2002
Okay I just got my costume from the hire shop, see Dave got into his a little earlier than most ;)
Anyone who has the same costume as me will end up in a bitch, slap up! :D hehehehe
Halloween 2002
You're a day early on that costume, kiddo. I guess you think you're just queen of Halloween, don't you, don't you? And don't tell me it's the time zone thingie, because it's only 7 PM-ish where you are as I read this. 8)
Halloween 2002
Well, was orginailly considering comming dressed in drag. Then found the one of Sam in the quintessential MiB outfit, and figured that was spookier than the thought of David Duchovney in a dress (which I've seen photos of). Mwahahahaha! 8)
Halloween 2002
Well, considering it's Halloween I thought I'd come as a scary monster. :D
Halloween 2002
Ok, i finally have the avater on...thanks to Dave and John....THANK YOU!!!! Man i worked for about three hours....i stil couldn't get the avater working. John tried his best but me being me...being bad at computers....being the computer's enemy (you get the idea) just couldn't get the avater working. Then Dave (that angel) loaded it for me.
Hence now you have....yup you guessed it the Laughing Dog's dog logo.....

Thanks again guys!
Happy Halloween!
Halloween 2002
well I did have a head start dressing as Logan...but I got this picture of my nephew Jake today and had to do it.

Halloween 2002
Well, Adam, I was going to come as Galen, but you stole my idea and came as Sam, you big jerk. :cry: I'd be David Duchovney any day. 8)
So my next choice is to come as the new guy, er, gal. I'm Bunnicula! Blah, blah! I'm staying home on Halloween and playing with my treats.
Halloween 2002
Oh well, that's enough fun and frivolity for one ancient pagan holiday, I'm packing up these costumes for next year, or maybe an impromptu fancy dress party...
BTW I got my Kate costumes back from the store with my deposit - I wanna know who got fruit punch on Number#12? I won't even ask what that sticky stuff is on Number#25... :?
Halloween 2002
The sticky stuff on #25 is druel. There's a reason one of the doggies is affectionatly referred to as "slimer." He druels, and druels, and druels, moreso when he gets excited. Was supposed to get that one dry cleaned, but there wasn't enough time.
And #12 came with the fruit punch already on it. So :P
Just got the Galen costumes back as well. Who shrunk #27?
Halloween 2002
Well, at least I don't have that problem, since *sniff* nobody wanted to wear a Tash costume...
Halloween 2002
It wasn't a matter of not wanting to, it was a matter of only getting to choose one costume.