Name: Commander Grig Harkness
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 5/7
Description: Tall, thin and officious. May seem distant at times as he rarely focuses his gaze on anyone or anything. His tailored uniforms are spotless and always clean of the ever-present dust that seems to hang in the air of Vorgrell. He wears antique spectacles to read despite having had his eyes corrected (under regulations of course).
Homeworld: Coruscant
History: A captain in the old Republican Army who fought in the Clone War, Grig Harkness was promoted to the command of a garrison in the wake of the sweeping changes that have come about since Palpatine has taken control. Harkness stood by while many of his contemporaries who spoke out were arrested and removed from positions of power. His complacency allowed him to ascend.
Placed in a less-strategic area, he is expected to keep things orderly. Order is Harkness's primary function. As long as nobody is complaining too loudly then he is content to allow things to stand as they are.
Items: Harkness wears the standard officer's sidearm and uniform of his rank. He keeps his specatles in a utility pouch that is allowed under regulations.
Abilites:: A consumate bureaucrat, Harkness has a mind well suited to production reports, financial papers, and statistics. At a glance through a series of records, he could almost intuitively grasp their import and impact on production and the economy.
Harkness also has a near-perfect recall for figures, facts, regulations, laws and licences. He has been known to do spot inspections of bills of lading in the spaceport and levied fines for overages and underages of tonnage approved.
Force Powers: None
Played by: Bill Nighy
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