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Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(x_steel_eagle_x@yahoo.com) on Friday, September 19, 2003 at 01:59:55

charname: Steel Eagle (Ryan Arturo)
race: Meta
gender: Male
group: None, currently
position: HERO
descript: Height: 5'11
Weight: 185 lbs.
Demeanor: Confident and Intelligent. Can be grim when in costume
Attitude: Friendly, with a good sense of humor.
Lifestyle: College Student
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)

history: Background Story:

Ryan Arturo was legally orphaned at a young age, that is to say that he was made
a Ward of the Court. His parents were known super-villains, infamous in their
own minds, but in truth, second-stringers. His father, Dr. Ultimo, prided
himself on his Telepathic and Mental abilities, while his mother who called
herself Aguila Rojo, or Red Eagle, had enormous strength and the ability to
temporarily defy gravity. They chose to use their “powers” to rob
banks and storefronts, and were incarcerated when Ryan was eight. Though he was
not a troublesome child, he was a victim of the simple fact that most people
want to take home babies that they can cuddle and hold, and not children that
were closer to their teens than to their terrible-two’s. So,
unfortunately, in the Foster Care system he stayed.

When he was twelve, Ryan started to develop some odd abilities, abilities that
worried his Foster Parents to no end. A particularly stressful time was when
they found the boy floating to the higher branches of a tree in their backyard,
or even worse, taking their own biological children on fun, but all too
realistic "airplane rides". Ryan went through several sets of Foster Parents
this way before being sent to the state-sponsored orphanage.

Once there, the state officials running the orphanage were at a loss with what
to do with Ryan, not having adequate facilities to deal with a child with his
special “gifts”.

Not surprisingly then, when a young, single, woman inquired about adopting Ryan,
a person that would normally rate low on the adoptive parents list, the
officials were only too happy to push through all the red-tape and quickly seal
the deal. They were terrified that somehow she would discover Ryan’s
abilities before the legal papers had been filed, and return the boy to their
care….but they couldn’t have been more wrong.

As a matter of fact, the woman, Monica Rhaine, had adopted Ryan precisely
because of his powers.

Monica’s husband and young daughter had been murdered several years
earlier in a drive-by shooting when they had happened into the midst of some
drug dealers embroiled in a turf war. Unable to deal her despair, Monica had a
mental breakdown, and become obsessed with the idea of stopping the gangs from
ever hurting anyone else again. Her resolve was so strong, she used the
insurance money she recovered from her husband’s insurance policy to go
away and train with an elite group of mercenaries in Europe. She purchased a
good deal of “black market” equipment, and returned to Detroit.
Once there, she used her hard earned training to make vigilante-style attacks on
the drug dealers that she believed had killed her family. Wearing a kevlar
bodysuit and and mask, she began a personal holy war on drug dealers, calling
herself "Blackbird".

Her nightly assault on crime went well, though she soon decided that she needed
some help, as she was trying to police both the Detroit and Windsor areas. In
her obsessive fervor, Monica decided to follow in the footsteps of the great
pulp heroes of fiction and take on a sidekick, training him and molding him in
the image that she felt she needed. She settled on adoption as the easiest way
to gain her protégé, and was absolutely thrilled when she discovered Ryan. For
his part, Ryan was equally excited. He was going to live every boy’s
dream…to be a real superhero.

And so, Ryan began intensive training under Monica's supervision. Weight
training and martial arts, stealth and yoga techniques were the primary concerns
of the day, as well as fundamental proficiency with his telekinetic powers.
Ryan was enrolled in a local, public school, and did quite well, but every night
he would spend almost as much time doing his "exercises" as doing his homework.
In just under two years, both Monica and Ryan felt he was ready, and so they
christened him "Talon" and began a glorious war on crime, charging into the
night together to right wrongs and protect the innocent on both the American and
Canadian sides of the Detroit River.

Everything seemed to go well for the next few years. True, Monica was obsessive
and sometimes irrational, but the two worked well together, and Talon never
questioned his mentor, Blackbird. Together the two took on common criminals as
well as eventually going up against a handful of not-so-talented super-powered
goons. Everything seemed to be going well…

When Ryan was nineteen, he discovered a terrible secret. Monica had begun to
wallow in the realization that no matter how many drug dealers or criminals
"Blackbird and Talon" put away, more would always take their place. So bad was
her depression, that it would leave her almost bed-ridden for days at a time. To
combat this, she had begun to use illegal drugs that they had taken from the
drug dealers to maintain her "edge" and to attempt to control her mood swings.
Enraged, Ryan argued loudly with her, and had stormed out of their home. The
next morning he returned to gather his things, and Monica promised to stop using
the drugs if things could go on as they had. Ryan agreed, but several times in
the next year, he caught her using drugs, and each time she promised to quit.
Ryan wanted to believe her. Eventually, disgusted and disillusioned, Ryan told
Monica that she needed to get some help, packed his things, and moved out.

Ryan spent the next year attending college, working part time jobs, and
occasionally patrolling the Detroit skyline as "Talon". Ironically, after years
of "fighting the good fight", it seemed only natural. Sadly, each day the papers
had fewer and fewer reports of the activities of the vigilante, "Blackbird".
Two months after Ryan’s twenty-first birthday, Monica was found dead in an
alley, murdered. The police suspected several local drug-dealers, but had no
real leads. The coroner found cocaine in her system.

Stunned when police officers showed up at his dorm room to take him downtown and
have him identify the body, Ryan was racked with anger, frustration, and guilt.
Even as he stood over Monica’s still form in the city morgue, he
couldn’t help but feel that there must have been something he could have
done to stop this. That night, he donned a modified version of his "Talon"
costume, and, re-christened himself "The Steel Eagle".

It is here that we join Ryan on his quest to find the murderer of his adoptive
mother, Monica, and to watch Steel Eagle hunt down the person that murdered his
mentor, Blackbird.

enemy: I'm currently working on more specifics for this, but Ryan's personal
obsession right now is the hunt for the murderer of Blackbird, and that will
make up the majority of my first story with him. He presently believes it is
any one of a number of drug dealers in the downtown Detroit area.

My concept is that this will be a hunt through the lowest dregs of society,
rather than the high level organizations some of the other characters are
dealing with.

powers: Ryan's primary "Super" ability is an innate power to move objects and
himself telekinetically. He has, in his time as Talon, worked out a few stunts.

* Telekinetic Flight

* Telekinetic Shove, forcing opponents away from himself or others.

* Telekinetic Shield, only effective against physical objects, not energy.

Ryan is in very good physical condition, and is a well trained martial artist,
specializing in Tai Kwon Do.

items: Costume: Steel Eagle's outfit is made up of a black Kevlar bodysuit,
Black Motorcycle boots, and gloves, and goggle-like lenses.

played_by: Enrique Iglesias
Games I've played: I've been an active Roleplayer for over 15 years, playing
everything from D&D to Marvel Superheroes, from Vampire to Toons. Superheroes
have always been my favorite Genre, however. I've DM'd as well, and ran a
Marvel Superheroes campaign for over two years.

Where I live: Detroit, MI

What my hobbies are: Writing, Gaming, and Cartooning.

What comics I like: Well, if the history doesn't clue you in, Nightwing is a
personal favorite, but I also get into the Authority, X-Men, Spiderman, JLA, and
pretty much the entire Ultimate Line.

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Logan's picture

I like the character, I would add more but im in a huge rush, he is lucky I posted it now, cause i really dont have the time :)

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I agree totally, I like this character alot (so much in fact that there's nothing that I feel needs working on or developing or clarifying) And I really love how his biological parents were meta villains - it's just a really nice touch and I'm sure will provide Ryan with lots of angst in the future :D.

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Heather's picture

I read this submission off Dave's e-mail when it first came in. Fantastic background - I love it.

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Mike's picture

Agreed. I'm so glad you finally posted your character Steel Eagle, and I love it :D

I'm glad this character is more of a typical superhero, cause we don't really have that many of those types of characters (by typical superhero I mean someone who generally fights crime). Blackbird reminds of of the Huntress a little. :P

I voted YES! Well, I would if there was a poll. :roll:

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Logan's picture

So there you go, Steel Eagle can start posting when he is ready...

Steel Eagle (Accepted)

Kaarin's picture

Must say that I like this as well, and there are probably a lot of very evil things that you could do with this. Especially the Meta Villain edge.

Which reminds me. When you capture a Meta villain, where do you lock them up?

Oh, and Mike, you should know that it's much more fun to be an evil bastard. :)

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