\ Jack (Accepted) | unlimitedi.net
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Logan's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(supernaturallystupid@hotmail.com) on Saturday, September 27, 2003 at 07:26:06

charname: Jack
race: spirit parasite living within human body
gender: male/none
group: none
position: VILLAIN
descript: The spirit of Jack infests the body of one of his resurrectors and
starts to try and recreate the world and life he came from.
The body Jack enters is that of Paul Clark - a scruffy dealer, sometimes a
scruffy murderer. Half-hearted evil, significantly below Jack's dignity - when
he gets a chance to upgrade he will, leaving the host body dead.
Jack is not impressed with his dreadlocked new body which has been abused with
many a drink/drug/pub brawl problem
However, Jack's a kinda 'shadowed-in-darkness' kinda villain (no cats) and when
at his most powerfully his own shadowy features twist and superimpose themselves
on the body he resides within.
history: The greatest villain of all time is resurrected. The shadow of the
Ripper is raised, welcomed back into the world from the other worlds - other
hells - that he died into.

Four men; admirers, imitators, lay at various stages of sleep around the room,
the drugs, alcohol and adrenaline slowly passing out of their systems, lulling
them into darkness.

But one, propped up against the wall, clung to the fringe of consciousness,
black and red nightmare images dancing before his eyes. Something leered at him
- an idea. An idea - a familiar dream figure, dark, swathed in the dust of

He reeled into awareness with a start. “Dudes. We have to resurrect the

enemy: Jack has what could politely be called an authority problem. From his
days of capture and death, he has a highly developed loathing of organised
powers i.e the police and anyone else who crosses his path in a uniform which
petrifys him into horrific playbacks of death.
His anger is, however, universal and ferocious. This man is a villain in the
most general sense of the word, and loaths humanity, not just for what it did to
him, but for existing generally.
powers: Jack has a power of the dead - a perverting kind of magic that twists
and insinuates itself into the mind of his victims. He also has extraordinary
strength, but can be caught practically powerless when his defences are down,
and specific recalls of his past life (such as policemen or the sensation of
cold metal) can terrify his spirit disabling him as his spirit is shaken within
the host's body giving a slight opening for the host's own mind to turn against
Jack. This is soon quashed however.
items: Jack has people to carry things for him, and although Paul Clark's taste
in clothes ran to jeans and Metallica t-shirts, Jack dresses in long swaths of
black, but this is hardly important to him being somewhat dead.
played_by: ?Johhny Depp?
player: Ok - so me: one half of the Maggie/Janey team on LA by night, rejected
proposer of Cat the Cat, sometime poet, sometime misunderstood creative

So Jack: a less humorous idea than last time maybe. Super evilly being - no
greys in this black’n’white character. All bad; not quite the shiny
cartoonstrip “legend” but still hopefully an interesting (and
darker) concept.

Please accept Jack.

Jack (Accepted)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Althought it seems like the type of thing you'd find on LABN (:P) and even though it might be better suited there, i think it's kinda groovy and cool. I say yay give it a try.

Jack (Accepted)

Logan's picture

yeah i think its cool also, anyone else wanna comment?

Jack (Accepted)

Mike's picture

Well I'm the big meanie who voted no up there on the poll that Lou so generously put up (*rolls his eyes at Shaun*)...

I kinda like the idea, but I kinda don't. It just seems like Jack the Ripper is well... Jack the Ripper. We're not supposed to use real comic book characters so I thought the same went for real people... :?

But if everyone else wants it don't let me stop you. I'm not really opposed to the idea, just thought i'd mention the above.

(I'm going to be known as the guy who rejects people aren't I :( )

Jack (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I do actually like the idea of a ressurrected spirit that inhabits people's bodies, I don't really have a problem with the Jack the Ripper context mainly because it's the spirit of Jack rather than the man himself.

I don't know, I'm interested to see how (is it Mags or Meg??) will portray this character.

Jack (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

My $0.02 is that Jack The Ripper is fair game becasue the character "Jack" is treating him as an icon rather than an actual person. This same thing was jone on Star Trek (the Original Series) with an episode called "A Wolf In The Fold" where "the spirit of Jack The Ripper" calling itself RedJack took over Scotty and committed a murder.

This character screams out for a hero who is hunting the spirit. Whether it is a spirit detective like Frank Bannister (Michael J. Fox's character from "The Frighteners") or a Dogged policeman type who is following a string of murders over 100 years long that all seem to have a common thread.

The need to balance this kind of character seems evident to me. It is a villain that cannot be defeated becasue it can body-hop to the next vessel invisibly. So somehow, somewhere there needs to be someone who can find and prevent this entity from doing evil.

I'll reserve my vote pending the presentation of a nemesis.

Jack (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I agree with Dave (although I've already voted yes) I think the addition of a 'ghost hunter' type foil for Jack would make this a much more well-rounded application, and should make for some interesting stories.

hi, i'm kinda well, JACK, i suppose..... deary me.

Soulless Zombie's picture

hi everyone, it's jeni - not meg, she's the other one - and i was just replying to the whole ghost hunter thing...
i would lie and say i had plans for that, but an idea came to me while i was reading your v. kind thoughts (nice people)....
i suppose i always thought Jack would be a very brief character and i have a vague idea how he'd go, as all villains eventually do - not so much a ghost-hunter as more a regular guy - next door neighbour to where the trouble starts - i can't really outline the character cos there isn't one but there is a plot line and if you want me to post that here so you can decide whether to invite me to join in your fun and games longterm then thas cool - the switching bodies thing is eventually his undoing etc. etc.
love light and peace.

Jack (Accepted)

Logan's picture

My vote is for her to just sign up and show us what she's got. Anyone think otherwise?

Jack (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I agree with Shaun, telling us the story she has planned for Jack would ruin the enjoyment of reading it. I think there is enough concensus to get Jeni registered, welcome aboard!

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