I was here the other day editing the posts we've got so far (gotta say, guys, the grammar etc has been improving both here and on LABN :)) and I thought about timelining the events of the game so far.
However, the first thing that struck me was the lack of an 'official' date. The second thing was that the need for a timeline in Mythic is rather less than it is for LA By Night.
Given the structure of this game, adventures should be considerably shorter than the Season-long epics on LABN. And given that once we get properly under way there could be anything up to eight different stories running in different threads concurrently, it will frankly be a cow keeping up with the buggers. So I figure that we're all intelligent people (or purport to be, anyway) and we should be able to keep track of the timing of events within the adventures we are personally involved in.
I could, however, if people like, create a psuedo-timeline. One in which the events within each thread are ordered chronologically and with page number and post number references, as usual... but without a date or time stamp. This partway method may become necessary if posts become too haphazard for easy reference of events.
So far it doesn't seem to have been an issue (though I did have to read and continue referring to three separate posts when Melaina first reached Tedrim, simply to keep the brawl, the meeting between Adrianna and Arbiuts, and Atys' leaving town all in the right sequence). I can see that this juggling act may grow more difficult as time goes on, necessitating some form of timeline.
Comments, thoughts, suggestions?
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Re: Timeline for Mythic - do we need it?
Sounds like an awful lot of work for one person!
Timeline for Mythic - do we need it?
I definately don't think Mythic needs the kind of timeline we have been using on LABN, however, concidering the possible length of this first adventure it might be a good idea to keep things in a chronological order.
I must admit, one of the things I like about the timeline, apart from it keeping things in 'order' (suddenly feels like a control freak) is the synopsis of each post.
If you really want to add to your workload Heather then go ahead :D
Timeline for Mythic - do we need it?
Yeah, when I started writing the post it was with a view to saying that I didn't think we'd need one at all. But as I wrote I realised that a partial timeline might be in order. :)
And Kevin, I already do the full timeline for LA By Night. So long as I stay on top of the posts, it's actually not that bad. Don't worry on my account. :D
Timeline for Mythic - do we need it?
No I don't see a need for a timeline at all. Perhaps a note at the beginning of a post to set it reletive to another post if neccessary.
Obviously everything comes after "Too Many Heroes" but if you wanted to write something that happened before you would state that at the beginning of the post.
Otherwise all I see might be a directory (and this can be linked from the front page) of Title, and Cast for each adventure