Race: Human, adopted by Amazons
Sex: Female
Real Name: Charis the Lost One
Nicknames: Kiri
Birthdate and Location: unknown, She was “found” by a tribe of Amazons in the jungle when she was a small girl. They guessed her to be around 18 months old, and she has celebrated the day of her recovery by the Amazons as her birthday. For the passage of years, Charis’ birthday is the 20th day of May, at the heart of spring.
Position: Personal Guard to the family of the Warlord, Malik. Charis has been given the charge of Malik’s heirs, the twins, Aila and Ardal. They are mischievous 9 year olds, who rejoice in leading Charis on a merry chase in pursuit of her duties. Charis, despite her frustrations, adores the twins. Especially Ardal, the boy. She has never spent much time around males, and even since leaving the tribe, has found little use for men. Ardal is the only male she has ever felt anything for, and he’s only a boy.
Group Affiliation: Malik’s Force
Occupation: She’s a bodyguard, remember?
General Regard: She’s tough and unapproachable, but she’s damn good at her job.
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Charis the Lost One
Charis stands about 5’ even. For an Amazon, she’s actually a tiny thing, but she’s unbelievably strong and tough. She’s all wiry muscle and attitude. Charis has long, black hair and striking blue eyes. She wears leather armor and carries a multitude of dangerous weapons, from her razor sharp short sword to the sling at her belt. Charis is proficient with as many weapons as you can think of, as well as being quite formidable in hand to hand combat. She is also very pretty in an exotic sort of way. She has no idea what her nationality was before being found by the Amazons.
Charis the Lost One
Charis spent all her life among the Amazons, learning warfare and weaponry, as well as survival skills. Three years ago, she left the tribe and soon found her way into the Warlord’s service. She proved to be quite adept, although she does not work well with men. Her opinion of men ranks very low. She thinks of them as empty-headed, useless destroyers. Charis prefers to rely on herself as much as possible. She refuses to discuss the Amazons with anyone, ever. Charis keeps pretty much to herself, but she has an obvious soft spot for children and animals.