I don't have a problem with starting a second...or third game.
But I think I might seek to re-orgainze somewhat. Here's How.
Open up the registration process. Anyone can register at any time for any reason (except spam). These people can comment, talk, get to know us, and each other, and generally be friends.
They are free to read anything in the boards to which they are privy. I could use Private groups (Like we did with Ally's PC fund) to keep certain areas private - Like game discussions. They could have any user name they wanted...it wouldn't be tied to their character.
If a registered member wanted to write for a game, they'd apply with a character profile on the board rather than through an online form. If that character was accepted, the'd be added to the Usergroup by the Game Administrator.
I could add special forums and pages to make the entire "backstory" site linked to the forum (much like large sections of LABN and FL are now - Only moreso) and mod only access.
That way all the games are under a single forum...Late Night Games.
FL and LABN and this "Star Wars: Fall of the Republic" game that Adam is pitching. If it tanks, there is less to clean up. Hell, I could even ressurrect Mythic or Zion for that matter.
My reasoning is this...it takes less resources to run one really, really big forum than it does to run two seperate (or three seperate) ones.
This also answers the question of where do odd-persons-out like Jean and Jeff fit in...they are Members without being part of a usergroup. Simple and easy. It also means we can renew members for each season on a season-by-season basis if you wanted to...just like real TV shows do. So you could technically play a completely different character every season if that is what would appeal to you.
I want to discuss this with everyone and see how this fits with everyone's lives. It would mean a little adjusting but not so much that it couldn't be handled. Thoughts? Feelings?
Let me have it.
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LNG Organization
So basically what you are proposing -apart from the member aspect, which i dont object, really, as long as the actual gaming is controlled- is that within the same, let's say 'page', we'd find several gameboards classified into Forums?
If that is so, I dont object either. The saving of resources, in this case human resources in the form of your work, can only be efficient.
Furthermore, i always thought it was a shame that people from LAbn, for example, didnt benefit with Mike's hilariousness (is that a word at all?), or that we couldn't manage to get very valuable writers to enter FL (I know, I know, i'm not the best person to talk, but at least i did create a character...) Who knows, maybe having the gameboard in the same page people could get confident enough to try more than one game at the same time.
LNG Organization
Hey, in the time i took to write this you already changed the site!! :D :D 8O
LNG Organization
I just moved things around...a test actually. i can move them back if the consensus is not to change anything. I needed to move them to find out something.
LNG Organization
I do too. And then there are things like the fact that we have 2 Wags, 2 ToTs and the Wrong Answers Game here but the Chain game there.
Seems redundant to do both.
LNG Organization
I could see that working. It would be quite a change from the way things work now, but it feels to me like a positive one. It would certainly save the back-and-forthing we do now between LABN and FL (for those of us who play both) if they were both in the same forum.
The only down side is that if we accumulated a large membership we'd get to the point where we wouldn't know everyone on such a personal level as we do now. Though since player numbers would still need to be kept reasonable at least we could keep up with those actively playing the same games.
LNG Organization
Whatever is decided flies by me, as long as there is that. Though I don't have the time to interact with a lot of LABN much, I try to observe and keep track of who you all are (i.e. Ally's English if formidable for a second language and when, oh when, will I understand James Connor). That would be missed.
Also as far as anyone getting in the pool, a small concern would be e-mail available to anyone. Is it that way now? I don't get much junk mail and I wouldn't want that to change. If there was a way to mask e-mail addresses or is that a big deal.
I consider this after whomever was in league with Satan and hacked LABN.
Oooohhh. Deadwood's on.
LNG Organization
It will be confusing, but we'll manage. A suggestion, since we can create boards, for general topics:
-One GAMEBOARD area, with subforums for each game.
-One Mass Public Loungue
-One Mass Private Loungue area, which includes things like the Plotline Spoiler area, and seperate Private Game Areas
-Er, I can't think of anything else
Sher -
For hiding e-mail, there should be an option in your profile to do it. Your address for MSN, however, does show.
LNG Organization
One problem is like the avatars...you would have a pic of your LABN guy when you're posting for FL
LNG Organization
I was thinking of having the board organized as follows:
- Public Lounge
- Guestbook
- Members Lounge
- Photo Gallery
L.A. By Night Game:
- Game Posts
- Timelines
- Characters
- NPCs
L.A. By Night Discussion
- In-Game Discussion
- Spoilers
- Character Diary
- LABN Trivia
L.A. By Night Admin
- News
- Linked Pages (actors lists, history, etc)
Legends Game:
- Game Posts
- Timelines
- Characters
- NPCs
Legends Discussion:
- etc...
Legends Admin:
- News
- Linked Pages
... Game:
- etc.
... Discussion:
- yadda
... Admin:
- News
- Faq
General Writing
- Fiction/Poetry
- Adult Section
- Writing Workshops/articles
- Deleted Scenes
Non-RolePlaying Games
- ToT
- Wrong Answers
- Chain Game
- Movie Quotes
- Shows
- Books
- Music
- Quizzes and Links
Late Night Games Admin
- News
- Miscellaneous
In talking with Heather I was also struck by an interesting scenario that would be impossible under our current arrangement but might be very common under this new one - "Guest Writers"
If you are reading Legenda n you really like the way a certain writer works, but he isn't a member of LABN, then you could ask him to "guest" as an NPC or villain in a collab easier through a single board than you could with seperate boards. There isn't any reason to add him to your board or even user group just use the collab rooms. Just a thought.
LNG Organization
At the same time, you wou;dn't be limited to having avatars of just your characters. You could also use NPCs or anything you wanted.
LNG Organization
Masking Emails isn't a problem...The board supports that. Look in your prfile and you will see a choice for "Always show my e-mail address" and "Hide your online status"
With these two set to off, only Admins can see your email address and know if you are online.
LNG Organization
I don't see it as much of a downside. You will still make friends and be close as you always were. That won't change. But we may have to be alittle more selective about who we invite into our lives. Instead of accepting everyone we may have to only accept those that are exceptional.
I have to say I find everyone here to be exceptional which is rare like you would not beleive...and hopefully we will attract more like us so that soon we may have to be careful whom we exclude because ther are so many terrific people.
{sigh} I can dream can't I?
We don't have to advertise that it is an open forum. We don't have to declare to the world that anyone is welcome. but we just have to stop locking the door. And I will continue to delete all the spam and spammers that truck along.
LNG Organization
I really like the new layout. Its honestly a shame that this software cant do sub forums because that would just make everything alot cleaner but as it is now I like how everything is setup.
And makeing all the chat board available to anyone who wishes to post would really open things up. I mean it would be like audience interacton and thats always fun.
As long as the private disscussion areas are kept private but usergroups there shouldent be anyproblem in my opinion adding another game or heck two since it would be for the most part invisible to those not participating.
LNG Organization
Actually there is a MOD to do just that. But I'm not going to install it. Version 2.2 is just around the corner (code named "Olympus") which supports subforums. I've previewed how it works and it looks pretty nifty.
But essentially there will be a conversion tool to move Categories into sub-forums when it comes out.
I'm willing to wait rather than pushing through an enormous MOD that may (or may not) be compatible.
LNG Organization
Heather has pointed out that if we do this then Usernames the same as your characters doesn't make much sense. So it would slo mean you could be Ladyhawke, or Left_Hand_of_God or even Obsequius, Purple, or Clairvoyant (or something equally obscure).
I'd probably ask that you keep to something that would let us identify you...but that isn't as important as the concept.
LNG Organization
You've made pretty sure that there wont be more Natasha Brookes anyway. 8O
And changing my name to something not attached to one game sounds good. I made the mistake of naming Alessa after one of my girls, i have to explain like everytime the reason to my other girl. I even had to go to the lenghts of naming two NPCs after the complaining one (Elise and Inés). Sibling jealousy, one of God's gifts attached to motherhood. :roll:
LNG Organization
Oh...good Goddess...don't you people realize how much trouble I have coming up with character names, let alone one all knowing, vague, across the board name for myself....geeze...
But, seriously, I've not added my two cents worth, which is...it all sounds fine to me...(well, that certainly wasn't worth the wait, was it?)
I actually think it's interesting the point Dave makes about being even more selective, cause I can't figure out how that would work at this point. I mean, honestly, how hard are we on applicants now? We rarely pass anyone at this point (not that I'm complaining). I just find it interesting how we've moved to this point already where we just don't accept you unless you really prove to be stellar. Look at Benji, for example, he's got this amazing talent and his story is really riveting (even if installments don't appear fast enough to meet our demand). He's one of those rare finds, but it's funny how they are not as rare around here.
Okay, so I'm aimlessly babbling. So sue me...I've worked all day and I have to figure out a way to clean my house when I'll not be home for the rest of the week, but I also don't want anyone seeing it in it's current disorganized condition, and yet here I am taking precious time to espouse on all the newness being bandied about and wax philosophical about the quality of person we let into our game. Go figure. I obviously have issues. Alright, well, that's enough of that.
LNG Organization
He's been having trouble since the board was ressurrected. I am working with him to get him back online.
LNG Organization
Do you really think we've been so selective? Like, when was the last time we even discussed an application?
We welcomed Kent, of course his was a good character, but we didnt reject those who showed potential, like that vampiress Hope or Katrina, just asked for some more fleshen up. I think it was them who lost interest, not us. The majority of the ones we reject are just crap, period.
My point is that when there is an application worth discussing we discuss it, give advises, ask for details, name changes, actor changes, you name it - it's just that we havent had many of those lately, unfortunately. :?
Maybe this new set up will help with that problem.
LNG Organization
Hey, i think i found my new user name :wink:
Ultra-Mortal Ass Kicking Girl
LNG Organization
Oops, i lost the board maintenance forum so i'll post this here. I just logged out to see how the page looked like to a non-member and i noticed that the Adult Forum is on open view.
Where is the Feature not working now, btw?
Another comment is that the setting is looking better and better all the time, i like the last change you made Dave, it is more organized and clear. :D
Editing here: I tried to access the Adult Forum and it asked for my username and password, so forget what i said. :)
A second question, what if the Album could only be accessed from one of the members-only forums? Can that be done?
LNG Organization
LNG Organization
and you are doing a great job (if you need any help doing it, and it's within my reach, just ask) :D
LNG Organization
Yes, I really like this amalgamation of sites. Bravo.
LNG Organization
The Album is back online.
LNG Organization
I cant edit my NPCs in the NPC Description forum. :?
LNG Organization
Never could...that job is the NPC moderator's job. Call for Louisa.
LNG Organization
Oh, but i could. I couldnt 'post' in it, but i could edit the profiles. A couple of days ago i edited Roxana's, for example.
LNG Organization
Yes, Lou's job is to move them over then make them "web-friendly" I didn't knowyou could modify them...I musta relaxed that security setting...works for me.
LNG Organization
I'm sorry for the Name changing, folks, i didnt realiza how much i'd agree with Kris till i started thinking of a board name. Seems that finding an 'all knowing, vague, across the board name for myself' is more difficult than i thought. :roll: (In case you are wondering, Doña Luna means Lady Moon)