\ Erm... Hi, everybody... | unlimitedi.net
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Simryn's picture
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6_6' At the risk of sounding cliched: remember me?

Just wanted to pop by and say "hi" and sorry for abandoning labn, although on the positive side I didn't really interact with anyone except Adam and Ally so you're not missing much >_<

Huge apologies to Adam though :oops: sorry for leaving you hanging 6_6'

Well, lots of changes on the forums. Things are still fabulous around here though-- it makes me wonder why I left ^__^ The answer is (as always) deep psychological issues.

In any case, take care, everyone :)

Re: Erm... Hi, everybody...

MrDave's picture

Simryn wrote:
Just wanted to pop by and say "hi" and sorry for abandoning labn

-- it makes me wonder why I left ^__^ The answer is (as always) deep psychological issues.

I hope you aren't saying you are never coming back. Things are just getting good. The forums are opening up and the game is just about ready to pop into a new season.

Deep psychological issues are why you write and play not why you leave. Unless your deep issues are with someone here. :? I hope not. Hopefully you will just lurk and we really really really don't want you to just evaporate and never come back. Those are the worst.

So please say "hi" and write something in the WAG or just post something that to you might seem banal and boring about your life, but are a comfort to those of use who want to hear that all of our friends are doing okay.


Erm... Hi, everybody...

Simryn's picture

:) Thanks, Dave. Sounds like a fair deal to me ^_^

As far as Simryn is concerned, I was feeling that she was getting a little MarySue-ish which in turn made me not want to write her. Same goes for my other characters in all my other RPs outside of LABN so I'm not sure if it's some kind of self reflection or something 6_6' I'm hoping to get over the "MS" hump though *crosses fingers* and come up with something redeeming...

Erm... Hi, everybody...

Sid's picture

Sounds like I'd get along with you, Simryn. Good luck and hope to see you around.

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