\ NPC Profile: Oliver Bell | unlimitedi.net
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rightOliver Bell
[serif]Astronomer Caught In the Middle[/serif]

Played By Matthew Broderick.

Age: 29.

Birthday: February 18, 1978.

Birthplace: New York.

Race: Human.

Level of Education: Bachelors Degree in Astrophysics from the University of San Diego. Post-graduate work incomplete.

Secular Job: Director of the Griffith Observatory, located adjacent to Griffith Park and the Los Angeles Zoo. His position has been arranged by his “friends” the Order of the Cold.

Faction: The Order of the Cold.

Position in the Order: His position was, until recently, “Water Bearer,” a server of cool refreshments: alcohol, water, oxygen, and of course chilled milk. So, after spending his youth on academics, Oliver was effectively employed as a bartender. As a rule, where lukies are concerned, coldlings of the Order never tip.

Note: Oliver has been assigned to infiltrate the Servants of Sedna (the “S.O.S.”).

Status: A “lukie” – potential coldling, under review. (Check the history books under “indentured servant.”)

Marital Status: Married. Wife (Jeslyn or “Jez”, missing)

Family: Residing on the East Coast: One grandmother (Olympia, mother’s side). Two Parents (Olivia & Vern). One brother (Ivan, younger by two years). One Sister (Laverne, younger by four years).
Residing in Alaska: One aunt (Stef, father’s side).
Residing in Russia: one cousin (Josef, older by five years, father’s side).
Residing in Italy: A variety of relatives (mother’s side).
Residing in Philadelphia: One wealthy set of Parents-In-Law (Bobby and Jasmine Quayle).

Oliver’s “Good Traits”: Friendly, Humanitarian, Honest, Loyal, Original, Inventive, Independent, Intellectual.

Oliver’s “Bad Traits”: Intractable (hard to mold), contrary (hard to manage), perverse, unpredictable, unemotional, detached.

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