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Submitted by MrDave on Tue, 06/01/2004 - 18:12
Posted in
Just a reminder that the season is scheduled to end in 4 weeks - 30 days are left to start wrapping up your storylines and reach a consensus on the finale. I am pointing this out becasue some of us (myself for example) have not gotten the finale overview from anyone
This would be agood place to start posting and making preparations for closing the gap on Delancre and the 'new and improved' Watchers' council.
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Final Stretch
That reminds me, I actually go on holiday on the 19th June, and I don't get back until July 3rd. Which is good, (because I get to go on holiday) but bad because that means I miss the last two weeks of season four.
I don't know when the finale will be set, but I know that concidering Kate will be one of the few with her mana still in tact that she will no doubt be needed in the final battle. Now I know asking everyone to arrange their time around one person isn't fair though I would be estatic if a collaboration date could be set before I go on holiday, or even after (though I know that's stretching it.) If not, and I realise it'd put lots of people out to do things that way, someone will have to write for Kate, or leave a space open so that I can add her in when I get home. (though that last probably wouldn't work as well).
Well, I just thought I should let you guys know the score, I guess the ball is in your court now hehe :)
some ideas for the finale
Ok...well, guess we need to get some ideas out there...
First, the cure for the virus has to be found and implemented. Heather has already worked out with Ana how they will learn the truth about Hyde and the cure for it. So, that just leaves actually curing the virus and for that, I think it's going to be up to Kate actually. She's a powerful magic user who is still not infected, so she's the best chioce. She will need a lot of back up I am toying with the idea that Alicia Wyldling can provide that back up through her connections to Ambrose's opponents in the Watcher's Council. Then it's just a matter of getting all the infected in one place and performing a ritual to cure them. Have a few ideas on how that can happen rattling around in my head.
Once the virus has been cured, then Ambrose will be ready to raise his army and strike. He will have two goals, to take total control of the city and to get his hands on Maia. This will set the stage for the final, climactic battle between the weakened White Hats and Delancre's army. There can be reinforcements from the ranks of the WC faction and we've got some other ideas bouncing around for that battle as well.
That's what I see as an overview of what we need to get done at the end of the season. As for Lou being on vacation, well, that sucks, but we could try to work around it...the best possible solution being writing whatever big collabs we need before she leaves...if we can manage to work it out somehow.
So...what do you all think?
Final Stretch
Well, Louisa already knows that I've volunteered to write Kate if need be - I still think I have a good enough handle on her, and know enough of her plans, that I can handle whatever she needs done. This is, of course, assuming we can't set a collab time before her leaving.
We're still trying to work out the best way to cure; I know Louisa isn't happy with Kate draining everyone's power into her for various reasons. There's been a proposal for some kind of potion that can work (just think of it - the mob running around, holding people down and making them drink this bubbly green liquid). Or alternatively, creating some kind of artifact that mana can be transferred to.
One thing: Nik will be around for the battle, but I'm not sure how much of a condition he'll be in to fight through the whole thing. He could be apt to lock up halfway-through and just be unable to do anything. :twisted:
Final Stretch
I am actually trying to get as many collabs done as possible so that I'm not holding people up when I suddenly vanish. At least I have virtually all the free time in the world so if I have a collab outstanding with someone and you come online just grab hold of me and we can get it done. I kind of know where Kate's gonna go from here on in baring any major disruptions so things are okay on that scale.
Obviously I'd prefer to be at the actual finale, Adam has kindly offered to write Kate for me if I can't and I'm sure most of the old crew (Heh, okay, Heather or Kris) know Kate well enough to adlib on her behalf too, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Like I was saying to Adam, I think it would be better for Kate to drain the mana and either empty it into something else or disperse it in another manner rather than containing it herself. Apart from that I guess we just need a means to get all the infected peeps together in one place long enough for her to do it.
On the Alicia thing, I actually had an idea half in construction that could fit in quite well. (hopefully) It involves Will Travers and Jimmy Han's notebook and Will somehow getting sent the notebook and therefore the evidence of Ambrose's dealings in Columbia. I was gonna have Will show up in LA to coroborate things (that'll fit in with some other things that I have planned around then).
So maybe Alicia and Will could join forces, taking their proof back to Alicia's contacts in the council, and if they have Jimmy's notebook then at least they have actual evidence to muster a force against Delancre.
Final Stretch
Hmm, I was gonna offer to have Yolanda do it (since she's not infected, which you will see in a not-so-future post), but Kate seems more of the obvious choice. Besides, Yolanda is much older and the power it takes to drain the mana is just so much more than she can handle at her age (she's around 70 years old).
But I do want her *involved* in the process of draining mana, if that's okay with everyone :D
Final Stretch
Ok, I just have a few things id like to throw out there for finale.
1) Along with Kate, Darian will be at full power during finale, so would be smart to incorporate him (Not in actual draining of mana, but perhaps more of a "Round up Virus infected peeps into one spot or whatever). Cant you all just picture all the 'bad' White Hats, beating on him, while he desperately waits for Kate to finish the ritual.
Also, by then, Cole will be good, and although not really powerful anymore, he'll have abit of magic at the time, so he could help Kate with whatever.
As for Mana drain, well I had an idea, but to explain it now will ruin my upcoming posts, so ill explain it later hehe.
Final Stretch
I sort of have an idea for the final as well.
I was planning a thing with The Order of Valour and perhabs they could be involved in the whole thing as well, since if Alaric and the others of the Five found out that Delancre´s been creating an army of über-demons they probably wouldn´t be to slow to take up arms against him in an attempt to either destroy the hybrids or try to destroy Delancre and seize the knowledge themselves.....
Final Stretch
There's been a fair bit of plot being chucked around in msn conversations here and there, most of which has already been mentioned, but not all of it.
But firstly, sorry Chris, but we had the Order of Valor involved in the destruction of the Brotherhood and I don't think we'd want to have them turn up again for this season finale.
Ok, plots.
Hopefully you've all read the Colombian posts I've done for Tash by now - she knows all about Hyde, what it is, how it started and how to cure it. But she's evil and won't be telling anyone anytime soon, and killed the person she got the information from. :twisted: Nice Catch 22 there - if you could cure her she'd tell you how to cure it.
However, there is a mechanism whereby Alessa and Reah will learn pretty much exactly the same information by early to mid June, which will be the final piece of the puzzle that links Hyde to Delancre directly and enables Kate et al to do what they have to do to the evil ones amongst us to cure us.
Meanwhile, as Kris has said, Delancre will be pretty much ready to mobilise the bulk of his army to take over the entire city and grab Maia - but I already have plans in place to cripple some of his activities there. The first faint beginnings of that seed are already planted in my existing posts, and the rest will become clear after the time jump. So with luck, even though by final battle time most of us will be manaless and having to rely purely on our physical prowess, there should be some assistance available to us to counteract Delancre's demon army.
Between now and mid-June game time, Delancre will be continuing to condition the demons and other beings who have come to join him (ie Kyle, Alice, Darian :) ) and will continue to work towards securing Maia. He's also keeping a close eye on Tash 'cause even with Hyde he doesn't trust her as far as he can spit her - so she's going to still be publicly declaring how fantastic it is to be allied with the Watchers (feeding Nikolai'a paranoia some more, I'm sure) while being very careful in her workings against Delancre.
Final Stretch
Another thought: in terms of the timing of the finale collab, given Lou's holdiays and given the state of the game currently, I suspect we won't be ready for that finale collab until after she comes back anyway.
Once we do the time jump (looking like it'll be this weekend, at this point, given the game's on 22nd/23rd ish now), the game will only be at the start of May 2007. Most of the events that will culminate in a cure being found and Delancre being ready to move against LA won't be happening until around mid-June 2007 on current scheduling.
Of course, if need be we can always compress the last two months of activity into a week or two, but it's going to look a bit strange that Delancre's been moving so slowly, taking his time to get established, etc, then just does it all in a mad rush at the end. It would be more consistent story-wise if it continued to develop at a steady pace.
But that means we have nearly two months of game time to cover, and if we don't want the writing of Season Four to drag on interminably we'll most likely need to employ more time jumps or just space out our general posts a bit more.
Whether we try to cram all the action into a huge pile, or whether we use time jumps or spacing of posts to even it out a bit, we still have the same amount of real time to do it in. And since it's already the first week of June, the odds of us being ready to do a finale collab before the 19th are pretty slim (the term 'whelk's chance in a supernova' springs to mind). So let's work on the basis that the finale collab will be held in early July, extending the season only by a week or two.
That gives us about four weeks real time to cover six to eight weeks of game time. We could possibly have the game time of the finale earlier than June, but I can't really see it being feasible at anything less than four weeks of game time, which still entails keeping up day for day with real time. That's something we've not been good at in the past.
So, line up those collabs and write like fiends, guys. :)
Final Stretch
Of course that ignores the possibility that the 'White Hats' force the issue - Delancre is moving slowly because he can move slowly. I suspect that if the issue were to be forced, he would either a) make a pre-emptive strike, or b) be forced to make his move much sooner than he anticipated.
This would at least let us cover may, with one or two smaller jumps. It depends on how fast the 'White Hats' are able to move, which I don't think will be fast. I think we need at least some thoughts on curing earlier, because it will probably take a while to get everyone in the place where the cure can be effectively employed.
Why do I think we need to at least start on a cure sooner? Well, consider what we have to do:
-Find out what mana is (currently underway, at least a basic thought)
-Figure out how to drain mana without killing the patient
-Figure out who we need to drain said mana from
-Actually drain said mana from said persons
Now, I for one DON'T think that we're going to get everyone who's infected all in the same room together and go ZAPITY-ZAP. It will probably take a week or two to cure everyone; and of course, research can take as long as is required to actually work out the first two.
Detection might take a further week, but then we need ways to do that as well.
Now, as I see it, if we don't have a cure till mid-June, we aren't all patched up until July more than likely. So I tend to think that we need our cure earlier, by the end of May at the latest, ready to go.
Of course, being cured of the virus and knowing EXACTLY where it comes from are two different things - it's entirely plausible that we can cure it and not figure out that it was engineered by Ambrose until he goes to make his move.
Though if we decide to compress, it's not implausible at all that Delancre speeds up - however, this does mean he definately needs to know that we're on to him.
Final Stretch
Ok, two important points here...
The first is that Delancre should be forced to move up his agenda when we learn the cure and set about thwarting his plans for Hyde. That just makes sense. Instead of slowly moving forward, he will feel the pressure to just get on with it.
My second point is that I really do lean towards one big ritual mana cleansing for all the important infected characters. I think that the remaining WH and their cohorts should set about nabbing the infected over the course of a week to ten days, say, and once they get them all together, Kate does her mojo and the virus becomes a non event. This tips Delancre off early, when people like Tash and Daye suddenly drop off his radar, and that spurs him to action. Then everyone is together, healed but weakened, and undoubtedly very uncomfortable with one another in some instances, but forced to come up with a way to work together and utilize whatever resources are available to stop Delancre before he takes over L.A. as his first step on the road to taking over the world.
Final Stretch
My problem with a big ritual cleansing is some of the potential difficulties involved. Those who I think will be infected are:
Now, I'm probably missing someone here. But this is quite a number and I don't exactly see many people, except perhaps Nikolai, Alessa, and Ellis being cooperative. We could set it up for a nabbing/cleansing over the week to ten days and still have to work together.
The big problem with a big cleansing ritual is when someone inevitably decides to resist. If all these people decided "Uh, nothing is wrong with us, you aren't draining our power, you're the infected one" things could get more than a little ugly.
Which is why I tend to favour the more individual, maybe one or two person at a time, cure. Sure it means more work for the people who are doing the curing, but it seems that much more plausible to me - and afterwards we can all sit around, look embarassed, and have to come up with the plan. Everyone will blush furiously when they show up, but they probably will still show up.
Final Stretch
I don't think logistically the idea of a series of cleansings will work. A large ritual cleansing where they are all gathered would be better, and I think we can count on support from the WC (those in opposition to Ambrose) to help with keeping them all in line. Plus, of that list, you've said that Ellis, Nik, and Alessa will be willing to cooperate, and Cole will not be involved. That leaves Daye and Tash, and, without revealing too much of what's coming up for Miss Blaise, let me just say she'll not be fighting them.
Final Stretch
Ok, let's assume we wish to force the issue with Delancre. We still need a reasonable time for Pelor to reach Los Angeles. If not mid-June, we might be able to squeeze him in by late May if he had a string of good luck.
He's the one that gives you the method by which the virus can be cured, and the direct link between Hyde and Delancre (which by now is only confirming suspicions).
The thing is, if you want some decent help to assist in fighting against Delancre's army, it's going to take time. I have a plan, but it won't be able to happen overnight by any stretch. The VERY best I can see that happening in is one month - and that's pushing it. Of course, I was working under the apparently mistaken assumption that we'd all stick to our original game plan of having the season end in June...
But while I was following the game plan and having my two months of just 'being evil' before drawing any serious plans together, it seems everyone else has decided to junk the plan and just go right for the resolution. Well, ok... but that means we'll have to have some very clunky bits of story, as Tash does in two weeks what should take two months.
Frankly, I still don't see us being able to make any sort of decent finale before at LEAST four more weeks of game time. And as Adam has said, research on mana, etc, can take as long as it needs to take. Personally, I'd like to have the full eight weeks still allotted to us, but four weeks can be managed with some semblance of verisimilitude.
Our problem is, as always, that we fucked around WAY too much at the start and didn't get time moving along enough. This season was especially bad at the beginning for fluffing about. But when we've got four months to write four months, that means we have to keep pace somewhere along the line. And this season, that's come to mean a bunch of time jumps at the end, because we didn't do them at the start.
Even if we cut down our remaining time in half, from eight weeks to four, we'll still have to do time jumps or space out our posts considerably more to fit it in. The current time jump will be happening in a few days - this weekend would seem to be the cutoff. That gets us to 1st May. Then if we all only post once every two or three days game time, we'll manage this without having to do another large jump.
Remember, the key elements to cover are:
- Pelor reaching Alessa in LA with the method for a cure
- The counter to Delancre's demon army needs to be assembled
- A method for draining mana needs to be established
- The actual execution of the mana draining
- Showdown with Delancre and his forces once everyone's no longer evil.
The last, of course, will be the finale collab. As for the mana draining... I can see distinct advantages to doing it as a group thing. It would take far less time and we'd all be together to discuss what had happened and make our plans against Delancre. So that would need to be a fairly large collab as well.As Kris has pointed out, it looks like the ONLY one resisting will be Tash. I'm sure several burly Watchers (proper, good Watchers, not Delancre's twisted mob) could be able to hold her down long enough to achieve the drain. And since we'll all be together, we don't then have to go through the whole rigmarole of gathering everyone for the planning stage. We can just launch right into it.
Ok, well and truly done my two cents' worth here. I'm packing up my soapbox now... (and if you find any other homeless metaphors lying around, I'll gladly take them in and nurture them).
[/]Final Stretch
Actually there's a reason we started putting things together: we noticed how much time was left, what we already knew, how you can put the details together. You can blame Lou and I for having us start to put things together, but it seemed about time for us start catching on; the rapidness had more to do with saying "well, we have x amount of time left and need to do x, y, z. Ok, so we do x now, that gets as started on y which can take as long as it needs to reach z."
I have a plan as well for some possible help, which can be set up in a few weeks - Mob connections, remember? There's at least one boss out there who is emphatically NOT happy with the Council taking a more active role in demon hunting. Seems reasonable demons and gangsters move about in relatively similar circles.
Quite frankly, at this point, I don't think eight weeks is doable without either officially extending the end of season a month, or doing like we usually do and run a month over.
If four is pushing it, why not six? We might be able to do that - a jump or two should be readily doable, considering everything we have.
In fact, six looks like what we're shooting for actually. As Kris point out, when we're cured, Delancre will move - and getting Pelor to LA at the end of May leaves about two weeks worth of time to find and adminster a cure. I'm sure all the eggheads can sequester themselves in Kate's library while Galen whips up gourmet meals for a few days to find out how to drain mana. ;)
Basically, if we do a group thing, I suspect that two weeks for research and carrying out the ritual should be sufficient; then Ambrose will move.
Final Stretch
The only problem with people being evil for two months is what about the other poor sods who AREN'T evil? Do they just sit around doing nothing thinking 'oh everyone is being suddenly mean, i don't see any connection though, no one whatsoever.'
The only way I was able to manage it with Kate was to throw so much shit at her that she was blind to anything else. And short of every PC going through that it was always gonna be tough to sit tight on the cause until the last month. And then of course once people are begining to realise there is a problem they'll want to find a solution.
That's kind of where we are now, we know there's a problem and we are looking at ways to resolve it.
As for the mana draining thing, I don't particularly like the idea of doing it one by one just for the time it will take and I can see the practicalities of having everyone together when the FINAL mana draining occurs. However I don't see why a preliminary sort of 'testing' shouldn't happen before hand with those who are infected but are willing to be cured, just to make sure that it works. (We wouldn't even have to go into detail, just have the scene begin after it has been done, sort of thing, so as not to be repetative.)
Oh, and don't forget Adriana on the cure list.
Final Stretch
Yep, that all sounds fair enough. I like the idea of the one or two test cases, too. It means Kate does have to do the ritual two or three times in total, but at least it's not seven times. lol
And with Pelor in LA by the end of May and an actual cure happening a week or two later, that should give us enough time to pull the elements together for the final fight.
*sigh* Of course, now that I've been talking about Pelor all day, nobody's going to be surprised to learn that he's not really dead now. :( Ah well, so it goes. I've been hanging on to that revelatory post to put up closer to the time jump time. Serves me right for trying to be arty.
Final Stretch
As for the draining of Mana, the Ministry has the brain-dead twins and their anti-magic field. That projects a fair bit and can be used to dampen the mana in individuals enough to have their own natural immune systems work on the virus.
Alternatively, Kate and Yolanda might use Gypsy magic (or Necromancy, Mr. Dalton?) to place the mana of individuals into a "fairy godmother" (namely Darian) because the Fae have an undocumented, but useful, ability to retain magic in their bodies and transfer it to someone (or the same person) later. Where did you think all those stories about the "fairy gifting magic to a child" came from anyway?
Lets see, more ideas? I favor the "small groups" cure over the individual ones. I think it is going to be (plot wise) beneficial to the pacing if we can get some of the clutches of related folks working together.
Final Stretch
Er, I dunno, Disney? :D
Final Stretch
1- Cole will not be infected by the seasonal finale, infact, he'll be cured pretty soon after time jump, so he can help out in the end.
I think thats a really cool idea :)
Final Stretch
Alessa wont be infected by the time of the mana cleansing ritual, either. She may help too.
Final Stretch
Okay, Kyle'll be fighting the good fight on the season finale too.
Final Stretch
I'm jumping on the "use Darian as a mana storehouse" bandwagon too. That is a really, really cool idea.
As for the rest of what's been said about time, I think that perhaps going for 6 weeks instead of 8 is the best thing. That is enough time, but not too much. Also on the "let's not forget about" list...isn't Quinn infected too. She should be included in the cure.
Final Stretch
All I'll say is while Darian as a storehouse may be a cool idea, using something else for the storehouse may work better, due to things planned to happen down the line.
Final Stretch
:oops: i AM alive, don't fear
yes, quin is infected and will need curing, hehe, and
reah would be MORE than willing to hold down peeps who are rather unwilling to be cured :wink:
okay, i know i need to chat in more depth with peeps, but i have to run off again :cry:
Final Stretch
Alright, once Adriana is cured and everything, I believe she will join the fight (although she has no skills in fighting whatsoever- she'lll try her best :wink:)
Also, when specifically will the finale be? I was just informed today by my mom that we will be vacationing for a week (without my beloved computer :cry:) beginning on July 10th :?
Final Stretch
Uh...that's a really good question...anyone?
How much time do we need to finish up all this convoluted storytelling?
Final Stretch
Well, Lou is going away on the 19th June and won't be back until 3rd July, so the finale collab will need to be after that. Trying to squeeze it in before the 10th could be interesting, though.
Generally finale collabs only happen on weekends, since that's the easiest way to fit around work/school/etc schedules. But the weekend of the 3rd/4th July is tricky for the USA people because they like to celebrate the day they removed the foot of the oppressive imperialist from their shoulder. :wink:
Depending on what people are doing for the 4th July we MIGHT be able to start a mega-multi collab that weekend - bearing in mind that these things rarely manage to be finished in one sitting. The following weekend, of course, is the 10th/11th July.
I would therefore suggest that as the time draws near and we have a firmer idea of exactly how the finale will go down, those who are going to have difficulty showing up for it should try to prewrite bits, or at the very least leave a detailed outline with one or two people of what they plan to do.
Final Stretch
yeahhhhhhhh weekends, for sure I work, I guess it will be one of those 'get up really early' deals
Final Stretch
Oi :p
Umm...sorry I can't do weekend of the 3rd/4th. Big ass scout camp I'm heading to; rock climbing, air rifle shooting, movies, go-karts, muchos booze...
I THINK I get back late on the 4th, so I MIGHT be able to make an appearence in the late afternoon/evening depending on tiredness/hangover, so don't count on it.
Final Stretch
Yeah, you might have to get up at 8am. :)
Edit: Er... didn't notice page 3.... in reply to Shaun about getting up early
Final Stretch
Getting slightly more serious for a moment, here's my take on the first few weekends of July....
3/4: While I would be available, I have the funny feeling that Louisa may well be a bit knackered. So I'm not fond of this weekend for a finale simply because of the fact that I suspect one of our big authors will be slightly tired from having returned from vacation.
10/11: The 10th is my grandmother's funeral, and while I don't attend funerals, I do set up the reception and watch the dogs who aren't in the kennel. On the 11th, I don't know, I may be available.
17/18: So far as I know, I'm available.
Final Stretch
Ok, here go my dates.
3/4: available, but I share Adam's concerns.
10/11: happen to be in the middle of my winter vacation, so most probably I wont be home, thus no conection.
17/18: available, unless something unexpected happens, but that would be... unexpected. :D
Final Stretch
Um, yeah I fly back on the 3rd, actually it's more like around midnight on the 3rd, I actually don't get home till the early stupid hours of the 4th (just checked the flight tickets) so I'll probably be wiped out that weekend, sowwy :(
Final Stretch
honestly, the weekend of the 4th probably won't work for me either...it's a rather big holiday for my family....the others are good, though
Final Stretch
I noticed we are approching a record for number of pages of posts. I guarantee that this season is the longest (by sheer volume of words) than any other, but the number of pages (currently at 26 as the high-water mark) is about to be surpassed as well.
Of course the fact that we have more active players this season than any before helps, mind you. But it is still an achievement.
Final Stretch
Yeah, I was noticing that too, Dave. And I've got quite a bit yet to go.
Final Stretch
Most of us have a bit yet to go too, now is that good or bad? :roll:
Final Stretch
Depends how fast we can get it all up on the board. :) If we can get to the point where we're ready to do the collabs on the rescue, the mana drain and the finale by the time Lou comes back from holidays, that'll be perfect. Mind you, that entails getting two or three weeks of game time on the board in the next week and a half real time. Then again, so far as I know everybody's got plenty of posts already written that take us most of the way through the 'teens' of May, so we should be able to manage it.
--The Eternal Optimist
Final Stretch
After much thinking, I've decided to drop out of the finale. I think its unfair that I'm rushing people, and I don't wanna be like that.
I wouldn't mind, however, be at the very beginning, where I can just right a short part and send it to Heather.
Final Stretch
Rushing people? Rushing how? Looking at the game board, we're up to the 11th May and your last game post was set on the 3rd... so if anything, we're rushing you. :) Right... speaking to Meghan via msn she reminded me of her upcoming holidays - but knowing us, the finale will still likely be unfinished by the time she comes back. I've asked her to keep writing as though Adriana will be in the finale, and we'll take it as it comes when we get there.
Ok, for those who haven't heard or have forgotten, the vague timeline will go like this:
Daye is caught and tortured by Delancre from about the 15th/16th May.
Kate goes to Sindell on the 17th or thereabouts, to enlist some help.
Pelor finds Alessa around the 25th and fills in the last details for them, which is passed on to Kate in England, where she perfects the 'mana draining' ritual.
Kate returns late Mayish with a ritual and a bunch of Sindell witches. With Galen as backup, Kate, Marcus and Ryan rescue Daye while Darian and Kyle grab Tash with Nik as backup about 1st/2nd June. (first collab after Lou comes back from holiday)
Kate cleanses those still infected, transferring excess mana into Jeet as a temporary holding vessel. (2nd collab after Lou comes back)
With everyone 'good' again, we storm the castle and have a big fight, somewhere around mid June - allowing time for planning stages, etc. (3rd collab after Lou comes back)
Meghan's plotting includes Delancre's blackmail of the Saracens to provide mass transport for the bulk of his army. And there's something going on with Yolanda too. Those elements will no doubt be slotted in to their appropriate time frames. :)
Final Stretch
Oh, I feel left out. :cry:
Final Stretch
hehe At least you rate a mention, Ally. :wink: I only put down the broad strokes of the plotline there - we all know there's a bit of extra detail going on in there, and not everyone got mentioned, even though there's stuff relating to the main plotline that involves them. Don't feel bad about it.
Final Stretch
Yaaay!! Well I'm home now :D (good to be back even though the weather is CRAP!!) On the subject of time (and boy am I glad you guys only wrote two whole pages without me ;) ) I have a few posts that need to go up with Will, and also a couple of collabs that I did with Kris and Robin before Kate goes to Sindell. But since all that is already written it's just a matter of getting the game to that point so that they can be posted.
Final Stretch
Woooo I'm back now! (still drunk and so tired :) ) anyway, college is going to be hell for the start of next week, so I'm going to be pretty busy up until thursday at the earliest (for anybody who's interested...)
Final Stretch
Welcome back, Lou! Hope you're feeling all refreshed. As you can see, we're still making our way towards the resolution slowly but surely. :)
Speaking of which... I hate to have to put the brakes on in any way, shape or form at this point, but I notice some of you have posted 14th and 15th posts - which is good, in that it's keeping us moving. But none of you are in the US... :wink:
It's the 4th July long weekend here, so please have pity on those of us involved in family outings, etc, all weekend. I know Dave has stuff for the 12th and 13th, and Kris and I have a few 13th posts that are written, but ideally we should be online together to co-ordinate their posting... which is tricky this particular weekend. I can be online this afternoon, but in a few hours I'll be heading out for the night's celebrations, and I won't be in all day tomorrow (Monday public holiday).
So if possible, try not to advance beyond the 14th until Tuesday or Wednesday, when we've had a chance to catch up to the 14th. Then we can all forge ahead again. :)
(Actually, some of those posts take place in the same location at Matt's 15th post - which means the location chronology will be out of order, but at least we didn't use Ana, thank God.)
Final Stretch
Yes, yes, and then that way I might have a cat in hell's chance of catching up before you post a billion more ;)
Final Stretch
Blame Shaun. He did dates and times. Nothing to do with me...
And btw, I've managed to be away all weekend and do ok :P
Final Stretch
You little punky snitch.....Ill get you
Final Stretch
AH HA HA... ha... *cough*
uhem.... yes *goes quiet*