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The trees! Look out for the trees!

Kaarin's picture
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Yes, that's right, I finally got pics of the damage.

That's the tree after the initial hit. A branch through the roof prevented it from finishing rolling off - but we had to cut that branch, lest it open the house like a can of tuna.

And not less than five minutes after cutting that branch, it fell the rest of the way. At least it got OFF the house....

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Heather's picture

8O That's one friggin' enormous tree.

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Kaarin's picture

Uber-technical point: this is actually a branch of the tree, but we call it a tree since the branch is large enough to be one. The rest of the 40-foot oak is still standing.

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Heather's picture

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Meredith Bell's picture

Personally, I think it's an optical illusion and in reality Adam's house is just really small, proving the theory correct that Adam is actually a munchkin :D

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Merlona's picture

Kristen and I are in awe due to the fact that we are unfamiliar with trees in our dry and vast desert. We bow to Mother Earth. Ohm.....

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Allyana's picture

We do have trees around here...

but I was clever enough to build my house far from them. :wink:

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Kaarin's picture

That works, except for one small problem: the treants decided that they were not content with my yard actually *lacking* an old, ancient redwood - or rather, being the only one on the street to lack it. So they gave us one. :)

The trees! Look out for the trees!

Tarix Conny's picture

Wow....trees REALLY big....but then you all already covered that point....

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