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Meredith Bell's picture
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Personally I think the first option is pretty moot, with about a month left till the end of season three and the Home team flailing around a bit getting their act together, inviting a new player to join season three at this point just isn't gonna happen. I like that the player has introduced themselves in the guest forum and while I'm not particularly blown away by this application at the moment (sorry, just an initial feeling) at least it is original in that the character isn't -

A) A stupidly powerful Mage
B) A vampire hunter created by the death of his parents
C) A vampire or other immortal with 'mortal ass kicking boots' :D

As always I'm more interested in having a devoted player than an outstanding character application. Characters can always been improved and worked on if the player is willing to work hard to get in to the game. Jeet has already made alterations which I take to be a good sign of devotion to the game (which, lets face it, is what is needed with LABN).

Also, looking at the memberlist I can see at least four places which are not taken - Elain - who appears to have left us, as with Clara who never really got started. Along with Greg (Stalker) (last game appearance season two, jan 5th), and Jean (Merlona) both of whom aren't really playing the game.

Maybe the time has come when we should have a list of players and a list of forum members?

Since, (no offence Jean and Greg), but I don't see why someone who actually wants to play the GAME should be turned away when we have people on the memberlist who aren't writing (or in Jean's case, even applied character :P) For godsake girl get it done!! :P :P :P On the same note, I wouldn't want to de-memberise those same people.

BTW anyone seen Fate?? His last post was 3rd May.

Again, removing the mentioned non-active players would reduce our PLAYER ranks by five to a more comfortable 20 (not including Jeet who has just registered).

Timing for Season Three

Heather's picture

I can see where Lou is coming from here, though when I count how full LABN is for new player purposes I only count those who are currently active, so nobody should ever be discounted on the basis of non-writing members. And I'm not sure we want to create a paradigm where we have a tiered membership system.

As Jean has shown, it's possible to have a membership in LABN without having a character in the game and as Greg (and lately, Sherlynn - c'mon woman, stop pretending you have a real life :wink:) has shown it's also possible to have an inactive character but still participate on the board somewhat. I don't really see a reason to downgrade such memberships. Though in cases such as Elain and Clara where it looks like they won't be returning in any capacity, our usual policy of tidying up the member list should take effect.

Timing for Season Three

Firefly's picture

These are all good points. (And thanks, Lou, for reminding me of the short time limit I have left to get things done this season.) I agree with Heather, though, as long as we don't count inactive members when making decisions about new members, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Timing for Season Three

Disposable_Hero's picture

Oi. The Home Team is not 'flailing' as such, just not exactly going in the right direction at a high speed either :p. We're working on it...Oh, btw, can i make a request that this season goes on for longer that originally planned?

Timing for Season Three

Kaarin's picture

I don't think we've EVER ended a season on the acutal season end date.

Timing for Season Three

Heather's picture

It's unlikely the season will manage to get to 31st Oct game time by the 31st Oct real time. However, I've been trying to push it forward as much as possible. I notice some of you are still stuck in July, even though game time is now mid-August. Tut, tut. And we seriously need a new time jump pretty soon, to get this baby into September.

Hmm, time to move this thread - it's got way off-topic of Jeet's character submission. :)

Timing for Season Three

Disposable_Hero's picture

We cannae do it, cap'n! We ain't got the puwer!

Of course, what I meant to say is: we're going as fast as we can! Only being able to collab on a sunday means it's slow going, but i'm hoping we'll be catching up soon. Honest.

Timing for Season Three

Mantheana's picture

*laughs because she is the person that is most on schedule* You know what, thats really scary, because I am FINALLY posting my storyline and now I'm at the front of the 'this dimension' timeline.... oo err....

Timing for Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

No offence meant with that comment, *I'M* part of the Home Team, and in particular one of those who are flailing at the moment. However, after talking to Kris I'm about to high speed to August. I know Kris and RObin have wrote some things which move the story ahead, and Kris and I have some stuff schedualed too.

Though, to be honest we might have to come up with a few vampire high jinx to fill in two months worth of time in LA - are we planning on ending the season on October 31st GAME time? :?

Timing for Season Three

Firefly's picture

Yes, Lou, that is the plan. The Brotherhood's plan will come to fruition on October 31. Scared yet?

Timing for Season Three

Parasol's picture

I knew my name'd come up sooner or later. Believe me, the guilt and shame of leaving Parasol crying pink tears in the john of London's house is almost more than I can bear. Not to mention what the frig is up with the Cadre?

I have no coinage to add to the kitty, other than to say that the more people on board, the more there is to read, which to me is as much a responsibility as posting. Not just for the interactive story-ness of it, but also because it's just good manners. I must say, though, that the sheer volume is daunting and the more people involved the bigger the elephant in my living room gets. That's some of the reason I haven't been involved in the storyline; I just can't do it with so many people.

Also, the LABN old school OGs know that I think of myself as a writer more than a gamer. I have used the Board to write, which is why Parasol is off by herself.

I am loathe to give up my gaming privileges so I'm not gonna do it. I don't want to give up the (inactive) spot in the only community that I seem to fit, however intermittent -- so you'll have oust me en banc, and then may God have mercy on your souls.

Timing for Season Three

Meredith Bell's picture

WHat I'm more scared about Kris, is spinning the Brotherhood storyline out for another three months in game. :?

Timing for Season Three

Heather's picture

Sherl, if anybody wants to oust you they'll have to do it over my dead body. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Even if you never wrote another syllable about Parasol we still love you.

Timing for Season Three

Parasol's picture

I'm all verklempt!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was feeling all insecure.

Timing for Season Three

Tarix Conny's picture

I know i've kinda...well alot been quite in season 3, and i don't think i can participate too much in the whole outline story or much with the end of season....sorry my fault i should have made more time with the collaborating in mid season...

i think i'll just try my best to fit in, try to get as many collab's done and slightly move on with the story....anyone have any ideas how i can fit Tarix in in season 3?

Timing for Season Three

MrDave's picture

i think i'll just try my best to fit in, try to get as many collab's done and slightly move on with the story....anyone have any ideas how i can fit Tarix in in season 3?

- Vampires fleeing the scourge might hide in the Laughing Dog.
- The Order of Valor cut a deal with the Brotherhood to allow all their vampire members to leave LA unharmed by casting a spell to identify the Slayer. Thule is one of the Five who was in on that deal. [This is a behind-the-scenes scene that needs to be written where members of the Five discuss the deal and try to get all of the vampire members of the Order safely out of LA. Remember a little distraction spell cast by Ethan Rayne against the folks at Poplar?]. Tarix might get tapped to help with that.
- Kate, Mantheana and/or Daye may need a babysitter (LABN Daycare?). Provided they had met you and approved of you, there is a possibility.
- You might go looking for your missing friend Darian. He has been conspicuously missing for weeks. (He's on G'rnatha). That would lead you to Tash and the Foundation (and Sorrow and Jade)
- Although not likely, it might be possible to encounter one of the Elders if you were travelling around downtown and happened to pass near the Hyperion Hotel.
- Chance, James/"Ripper" and Alessa all are looking for collabs.
- Janey & Maggie and James are connected to the Elders indirectly.

and I am sure I could come up with one ot two more if I had more time.

Timing for Season Three

Heather's picture

Looking at how the board's going in general, if we're to make our 31st October deadlines (both for real time and game time) we're now facing a fairly large time jump.

My thinking on this matter is that those who have time-sensitive stuff that's more or less current, get it written and get it posted asap. There's a significant game event happening on 18th August. Some of the prelude posts have been written for that and are queued up for posting, waiting for earlier pieces to be done.

As soon as that lot is down I propose a major time jump to the end of September/start of October game time. The G'rnathan saga is slowly drawing to a close, power outages notwithstanding, and my hope is that the LA time jump to the end of September will happen just before we take the portal home. Therefore, our week or so in G'rnatha will have translated to about 2 1/2 months of LA time.

During the time jump it will be assumed that business is going on more or less as usual with all the main characters. The Brotherhood will have achieved one part of their goals and will be cementing their position in that regard. The pc's will be continuing in much the same vein as they are in mid-August (eg, Sorrow dealing with the Huntmaster Knight's arrival, Chance getting to know his new friends, Mantheana hiding from Mikhail, etc).

So plan your storylines around a 6-week hiatus. If anything major for your character HAS to happen in that intervening time and you can't find any way to reschedule it, you might be able to achieve it by posting in the day or so space while we gather ourselves for the time jump, or by posting as flashbacks once we reach the end of September.

Timing for Season Three

Heather's picture

Ok, this is your 60-hour warning for posts in the current time. On Friday - yes, that's THIS Friday, the 10th of October - I will be making the post pertaining to the 18th August wherein the Fanged Four will reveal their purpose in kidnapping Ellie.

This is to let everyone know that it's coming, and that once that post is up we will be doing a time jump to the first week of October 2006 - game time. So, if you have any posts that belong prior to 18th August, now is the time to post them.

For those of you who have things your characters need to do in the non-time of the time jump (ie the second half of August and all of September), it's possible for you to post events in a sort of 'digest' format. That is, you pick a date to set a post (in October, by preference) and have your character reading his/her diary, having a dream, remembering, etc. Or you can simply make a series of very short posts detailing the highlights of that intervening time to get to early October.

The idea is to get to the finale date of 31st October by the real-time date of 31st October, hence the large jump. We did all right in the early days of Season Three, but late July game time really started to drag. So to get back on track we're pushing it along a bit here. Some of you are doing things relevant to the finale and I've already spoken to you about how to cover those events to get to October. For the rest of you, I'm sure you'll manage. If you have any questions about how to deal with a particular situation for your character, Dave or I or indeed any of the "old hands" will be happy to help you work them out.

Just to reiterate. On this Friday, the 10th of October, I will be making the final post for this game date period... once that post is made we will be jumping to the first week in October.

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