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Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

MrDave's picture
Posted in

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(band@hadennet.co.uk) on Friday, September 12, 2003 at 05:02:27

charname: jeet su my
race: human
gender: male
bdate: 01/01/0550 shaolin temple,bejiing,china
descript: jeet is 6ft,slim,toned and looks deceptively young for his actual age (39)
history: jeet was born in a shaolin temple in 550 he was raised in the ways of the monks and by the time he was 21 he had surpassed his masters in both skill and knowledge. he spent yearsr travelling around but in 589 on his return to his temple jeet was ambushed although jeet easily overcame his attackers he was shot in the back with and arrow upon his victory. jeet was buried in the temple with his weapons and an amulet that belonged to the 1st shaolin master. jeet awoke in an alley in la a few days ago he has no idea where or how he got there. it is now his mission to find out who brought him from beyond the grave and wht
items: jeet was buried with an amulet,ancient hand crafted sword, a staff and sai when he awoke he still had these items when he awoke in la
powers: jeet is a master of many martial arts and an expert with weapons. he is in peak physical condition and his focused mind give him heightened senses and reflexes.it is unlikely you will ever catch jeey unaware and you will only seem him if he wants you to. jeet also senses great power within the amulet but as yet does not know what it is or how to harness it.
played_by: dustin nguyen
player: 24 ,web designer from west midlands ,uk
age: over13

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Firefly's picture

This has definite potential, and it's different from most of us. I think it needs to be expanded on though. I know the amulet is an unknown element, but if it will eventually come into play, then we need some definite powers and limitations. Also, how does him being brought back from the dead effect this character in terms of vulnerabilities and the like? I think with revision, some more detail, this could be a very good addition.

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Tarix Conny's picture

Yeah even i see a lot of potential here but i'm going to vote revise...ok i've become harsh...

the reason i voted the way i will is because if this character had come in when we have vacancies then my vote would be a "welcome him in with open arms" but we don't have a lot of space and unless a profile really really gd we should try to keep the new entrants low...

look i really liked this character and he might even be a great writer but i have to come back to whether we have enough space and aren't getting crowded....

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

Dustin sent this version that has revisions...

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(band@hadennet.co.uk) on Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 13:46:32

charname: jeet su my
race: human
gender: male
bdate: 01/01/0550 shaolin temple,bejiing,china
descript: jeet is 6ft,slim,toned and looks deceptively young for his actual age (39)

history: jeet was born in a shaolin temple in 550 he was raised in the ways of the monks and by the time he was 21 he had surpassed his masters in both skill and knowledge. he spent yearsr travelling around but in 589 on his return to his temple jeet was ambushed although jeet easily overcame his attackers he was shot in the back with and arrow upon his victory. jeet was buried in the temple with his weapons and an amulet that belonged to the 1st shaolin master. jeet awoke in an alley in la a few days ago he has no idea where or how he got there. it is now his mission to find out who brought him from beyond the grave and what they want with him. the amulet was used by the 1st shaolin monks to trap a very powerful demon and the beast can only be released through the amulet (why jeet has been ressurected?)

items: jeet was buried with an amulet,ancient hand crafted sword, a staff and sai when he awoke he still had these items
powers: jeet is a master of many martial arts and an expert with weapons. he is in peak physical condition and his focused mind give him heightened senses and reflexes.it is unlikely you will ever catch jeey unaware and you will only seem him if he wants you to. jeet also senses great power within the amulet but as yet does not know what it is or how to harness it. though ressurected jeet is still mortal he can be hurt and killed like any other human. i wish to uncover amulet powers as game progress's but rest assured it will be nothing too powerful maybe some healing attributes and some offence abilities.

played_by: dustin nguyen
player: 24 ,web designer from west midlands ,uk

age: over13

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Heather's picture

I definitely like the feel of this character. Jeet would be our first pc who had ever spent a significant time dead, so lots of points for originality.

We are pretty full up at the moment, but I would recommend that Jeet's player (who isn't necessarily called Dustin, Dave, 'cause that's the actor :wink:) do as Dave suggested in the Guest forum - hang about the boards a bit and get to know us. I'd be willing to lay odds that by the time Season Three ends at the end of October we'll be ready to introduce Jeet into Midseason Three. :)

Paul's Latest Revision

MrDave's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(zxcvbmnbvc@hotmail.com) on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 12:42:03

charname: jeet su my
race: human
gender: male
bdate: 01/01/0550
descript: as before
history: Jeet was born in a small village outside Beijing in 0550. His mother was unable to care for herself yet alone a child so she took him to a nearby shaolin temple and left him outside the gates, she watched from cover nearby and after she saw her son taken into the temple she returned to her home and killed herself. Jeet was raised by the 2nd generation of shaolin monks, he was taught all theirs ways of life, values and customs. He studied hard and by the time he was 20 he had surpassed almost all of his masters in skill and knowledge, he epitomised what the monks stood for. Soon after his 21st birthday he left the temple to travel china in order to increase his already vast knowledge and help others with the skills he had learnt from his family, the monks, he grew his hair and travelled not as a shaolin monk but as a shaolin warrior, he would help and protect anyone who needed him. He spent 18 years travelling around china and Asia learning many things from the people he met, he became a greater fighter than he already was mastering over 15 martial arts from various countries. He learnt the art of using local plants and herbs for potions to aid healing, sleep and concentration , he learnt to live off the land and he studied the ways of animals especially birds, some even said he could communicate with them. Jeet continued in the ways the shaolin regularly meditating sometimes for days at a time and he often felt the presence of his old masters in times of need. He fought in many battles and he became a most feared warrior, he was given a beautiful hand crafted sword by the emperor of Japan for foiling an attempt on his life, the sword became one of Jeet's most precious possessions. A month after Jeet’s 39th birthday he felt an uncontrollable urge to return to his temple, he felt there was great danger ahead. He travelled for days without rest and soon approached his former home, no sooner had the temple had come into sight and 10 mercenaries ambushed Jeet. He easily won the battle despite being out numbered and all but 1 of the mercenaries fled, the last 1 begged for his life, Jeet who was always of kind heart released the man and continued towards the temple, he had taken but a few steps when he felt a pain shoot down his back he turned and threw a knife directly into his assailants heart, killing him instantly, but the damage had been done, he had been shot in the spine with an arrow. Jeet staggered to the temple and fell at the gates. He laid his weapons on the ground and meditated until he no longer felt the pain. Jeet's body was found soon after by the monks, returning from the village, upon seeing his body they all wept, some for the 1st time in their lives. After several days of mourning they buried Jeet in a temple on top of a nearby hill with his weapons and an ancient amulet which had belonged to the 1st shaolin master. In the years after Jeet’s death stories of him had spread throughout Asia about how he had helped so many people, it seemed everybody knew somebody who had been touched by him but soon the stories became few and far between and eventually he was forgotten, except by the shaolin monks. The shaolin believed Jeet had been sent to them by god for some greater purpose and that one day he would return to complete his destiny, until that day they kept his memory alive and even taught their best students a new martial art style “Jeet quon do”.

The amulet was used by the first shaolin master to trap a most powerful demon inside it, many years before Jeet’s birth. After the shaolin master died the amulet was locked away for years until the monks saw fit to use it again, that day came when Jeet was buried. The amulet is forged in gold with a 5 pointed star etched into it. Above each point is a symbol representing to heal, to hide, to see, to fight to protect. There is also a symbol in the centre but it is written in a form of Chinese long since dead and even Jeet has never seen it before.

items: as before
powers: as before
played_by: as before
player: as before name paul
age: over13
Note: Paul,
You can just post your character revision notes in here as well. I have made this a public forum for just that reason.


Soulless Zombie's picture

jeet awoke in an alley in la, he has no idea where or how he got there. it is now his mission to find out who brought him from beyond the grave and what they want with him.

sorry forgot to put back in profile after revision

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Allyana's picture

I think Paul has proved he is very interested in the game, and he has been willing to revise it... how many times? Three?

I have met him online too, and he's very anxious to know if he would be accepted or not. He's game with entering next midseason, but he would like to know if he can start writing. :)

I'm very soft but I think he deserves a chance. :roll:

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I think the general concensus is positive. I think there will be a place for Paul come midseason three - and that isn't exactly far away now is it? ;)

I'd tell Steve to get himself involved in the forums, and if he's desperate to write something before midseason starts there is always the Character Diary section where he can post up some creativeness.

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

How would you feel about bringing him on-board as a member just not allow him to post in-game just yet so he can see behind-the-scenes...get set up...start his character profile etc....

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Allyana's picture

I think that would be perfect. :D

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Heather's picture

I've spoken to Paul via msn and pretty much told him as such already anyway. :) He seems like the sort of person who would fit in well with our motley crew.

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

I activated you as a member, Paul. You will need to log in (I strongly suggest that you use the 'always remember' tick box.).

You will notice a lot more space on the board and feel free to post anywhere but the Game Board (for now) after Oct 31 we will open the Midseason three forum and then you can access it.


Soulless Zombie's picture

thanks very much i hope jeet fits in ok with your game

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Welcome to LABN! However unofficial or whatever it is at the moment...:P

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Mantheana's picture

Welcoming Glomps and Confetti!

Character Proposal: Jeet Su My (Accepted)

Allyana's picture

Welcome, Paul, officially :) We can start planning for next season now.

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