\ Notes on Day Three (or is it four) | unlimitedi.net
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Notes on Day Three (or is it four)

MrDave's picture
Posted in

Victor has been listening in on all of the hoo-ha going on among the group and has decided to try to reach the temple on his own. He will try to contact Z'thrukaht to negotiate for the lives of his friends.

Consequently he won't be around on the Aug 26th post. He will have already left. But *I* will be there to describe the wonders of the Temple of Ghortab as you approach the "city" from monitorback

Victor has left a note scrawled on a roadmap from the car. He also made a crude map to the Temple for his own uses which takes his route underground for part of the trip.

Z'thrukaht will "suggest" that you split up as individuals (or small teams) and try to reach the temple on your own if you are still willing to help Victor. His logic for this is that individuals are less likely to draw massive response. His maps does not correspond with Victor's (he suggests coming in a different completely overland way).

Once this post is completed, you will be on your own to write your G'rnathan fight, scrape, sneak, claw, and batter to the Temple of Ghortab for the series of Finale collabs which will begin again sometime after Sept 9 that will bring us face to face with the Creators themselves in the culmination of the G'rnathan Exile.

Notes on Day Three (or is it four)

Kaarin's picture

Right, if we start after the 9th, we definatly will have to find another day to do the massive collabs than tuesday.

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