I need help with this mini narrative assignment. Ive been staring at it for like 45 mins, and I cant think up a concluding sentence. If anyone has the time to read it, and perhaps be so kind as to suggest an ending. Im very desperate lol
Human action is the product of two factors: logic and emotion. Although the process of good decision making should carefully consider both, my experiences have shown that people rely more often than not on the later of the two. As soon as the heart begins to dictate, the notion of reason is soon forgotten. Although many believe that love, hate and fear form the triumvirate of the most powerful emotions, I will argue that there is one sensation that can trump the three. When image is threatened by embarrassment, even the influence of the mighty trinity can be ignored. This seemingly radical conclusion has been deduced from one of my more memorable life experiences.
It was an excruciatingly warm day in the summer of 1997. Every body of water, whether it be natural or artificial was quickly flocked to by hordes of suffering people. My friends and I were no exception. Early that morning, with a towel in one hand, and sunscreen in the other, we ventured to the refreshing waters of the Rawdon Cascades. Despite its dangerous reputation, we did not hesitate in jumping in; the threat of the powerful current seemed trivial when compared to our misery caused by the scorching rays of the mid-day sun.
Once we were no longer at risk of dying of dehydration, Jason, Dave, and I decided to leave the only safe section, and explore the more menacing areas of the cascades. From slippery rocks, to steep cliffs we ventured, braving whatever obstacles the terrain had in store for us. What did we have to fear? We were young, courageous, invincible, or so we thought. While crossing a shallow stream that both Jason and Dave had already passed, I slipped on the smooth stone underfoot. The strong current mercilessly pulled me from my adventurous comrades, carrying me down the stream in the direction of what seemed to be a hundred-foot drop. Before I could plummet to a gruesome death, my hands instinctively grasped a conveniently placed rock. My two friends instantly came to my rescue, but to my dismay, their small arms were not long enough to reach me. Despair and fear seeped into every fiber of my being. The distance between the shore and myself seemed impossible to jump, and there was no other means of escaping my unfortunate predicament.
Looking for a means of helping me, Dave spotted a small group of young men in there mid twenties nearby. “Hold on, I’m going to get those guys to help,” Dave called, thinking that I would be relieved. To his surprise, I reacted quite oppositely, instantly ordering him not to enlist their aid. Even though death was staring me in the face, I could not have total strangers coming to my salvation; that would be utterly and totally embarrassing. The very idea of being in such a humiliating scenario was enough motivation to risk my life, and attempt the unfeasible leap to safety. Since I am capable of recounting this story, it is obvious that I did make my jump, landing safely on the shore.
This anecdote is only one of many experiences in which I forsook not only logic, but also all other emotions in order to spare myself from an embarrassing situation. It seems that self-consciousness has such an influence on decision-making, that it can override even the fear of death. Although this may appear absurd, think of all the cases in which individuals have accomplished a presumably impossible task in order to save face in front of their peers.
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Help, I need a conclusion!!
First of all, highest compliments on a very well written article. Secondly, i probably should be the least person who you should turn to for a conclusion on an article about human behavior, firstly, conclusions were never my strong point, even if i have any strong points, secondly, human behavior? I don't look twice before i behavior, thats how i so often get into trouble.
But i will try my best in trying to help you out. Maybe you may get an idea from my conclusion.
In conclusion many have said, be it in poetry or in philophosphical novels that human behaviour is one that is most irrational and the least understood. Yet we still continue to behave the way we do, and most of it illogically, following our emmotions. Many may have heard these two phrases too often; "Follow your heart" and "Act with your head". Sometimes in a situation we may follow our heart doing something highly illogical, but whose outcome then appears to be somewhat logical. But other times we may yet again follow our heart and after the outcome we curse ourselves for having taken that step and promise ourselves that we would think before we do. So the real question would be which organ do we follow; the heart or the brain?
Help, I need a conclusion!!
Thanks Saadia, its great. that combined with Stuff Bob suggested, I think i can come up with a good ending :)
Help, I need a conclusion!!
Loved to help, anytime Shaun.