I decided to start this thread as a way for everyone to leave feedback for whats going on in Midseason 2. I thought people would like to know that their efforts and ard work are not going unnoticed. With that said....
Im loving the Jade, Tash, Sorrow story thats going on at the moment. You guys are writing the Valerian character in such a great way (Very Interview with a Vampire fell to him)
Saadia-Cant wait to see how Tarix evolves. Who knows who she'll end up meeting soon :wink:
Kate and Galen's story is also very interesting. Has a kinda x-files feel to it (I get that feeling anyways)
Keep up to good work everyone.
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Oh you brilliant devil, you
Thanks for the forum, Darian. I can use it to prostrate myself at Bob's feet. You are brilliant. (I am in a frenzy of jealousy and awe.) Seriously, I loved your first Fate post. Congratulations. And welcome once again.
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Don't mistake horrid grammar and the semantic equivalent of a repetitive stress injury for brilliance. Me jst sumtims rit gud. 8O
Anyhew, I'm just hoping I can contribute something to the tightly knit group y'all've got here without seeming like a plot obstacle. Speedbump maybe, but not an obstacle.
If anyone can think of a plausible way to get a solitary, life-sucking, kung-fu weirdo woven into the main fabric of the Buffyverse, I'm all ears.
P.S.: This computer thing is such a fad...
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I can think of a dozen...
-- You start a romantic liason with Parasol as a rival to London
-- You become obsessed with the life-giving powers of Kate
-- You hear about "the foundation" and look to them for help
-- You decide that ending it all is the answer and migrate to the Beazor (where Tyler and Bunniko are a lot)
-- You rescue Stalker from his comatose state
-- Your research into what you are takes you to Bibliophile where there is a book...
-- Mantheana is a likely romance as well...hot and cold make for such volitile mixes...
-- You encounter Ellie and Jess on patrol
-- Our newest player Elain could offer you some solace and wisdom from another culture as a counter to your Japanese background...the Celtic way may offer answers you had not thought to see.
-- The Arch-Villain population (Deon, Jessy, Valerian, Loki, Paul, Mikhail, and Black Jem) are not exclusive...they could be your enemy too if you were to take an interest in them.
-- Nothing brings people together faster than mistaken identity. I am a demon. You eat demons. We have conflict. Conflict builds character.
-- Tyler Hyatt is obsessed with finding out what happened to Bereaver. He COULD be played as a patsy to take the Oni into himself if you approached him the right way.
-- Sorrow has experience with transforming oneself, and he might be someone who could tell you the plusses and minuses of being a person of two natures.
and that was just off the top of my head. Don't wait for someone to say to you you "You could do so and so" approach them and say "Would you like to do so and so" instead...proactive storytelling generates results.
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Bob (*snicker*) and I have chatted about hooking Fate and Parasol up; so I'm all up for that idea.
Your other ideas are amazing, Dave.
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I just read the above by Victor (Dave, I think) and had the nicest reaction. It consisted of "Ooh! Ooh! My character got accepted!" Yay! I almost did the Snoopy Dance. I'll be looking for info in my email soon. Yay! - yet again. I am so looking forward to getting the chance to contribute. I also want to start getting to know everyone as soon as possible.
Elain Madoc
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G'day Lisa. Welcome to LABN. :) We're looking forward to meeting you, too. For a bit of info on how the game works we have a FAQ forum, and feel free to pick the brains of anyone you encounter on msn during your travels. Most of us are more than willing to spout on for hours about our favourite obsession. :)
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Holy shit!!!
Kudos to Lou (and I strongly suspect Adam had a hand in it, too) for the complete bombshell in her last post (set at midnight on 23 Sept). Didn't see that coming at all. :D
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Hehe, I'm deeply honoured, getting one past Heather is no easy task :D
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Whoa! I too am completely shocked by the revelation just made about the lovely Miss Wiccham. Way to go, Lou!
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Wow, Dave the last post was totally cool. What a great original idea!!