I think there's been a mistake. I'm not a FAQ moderator, as it says on the Message Board. Not only am I not a moderator, I can't be a moderator. Moderator status is for technical people, like Dave, Heather, Louisa, April, and I'd say Robin. But not me. I'm like a paint bucket. Lots of muddled colors, but no moderating ability. It's not possible to moderate a moderate person into being a moderator, is it? So I must assume this is a gradual mistake made by the wonderful, everyday-go-lucky, commonplace, regular-like, though kick-ass, usually perfect Dave-meister?
Besides, being a moderator would mean I'd have to stop drinking and start editing. This is wrong on so many levels, I can't even begin to describe it.
Thank you, and please fix the mis-listing.
It was a thrilling moment, though, to see my character name in print. But still wrong.
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FAQ moderator?
Oh, I get it. It must be because I posted last concerning the FAQ comment made by Dave. so, for example, if Daye were to post next, it would be Daye showing as moderator?
FAQ moderator?
Actually, I made you moderator becasue you have such insight into being a beginner on this board. Me, I just do it all and don't look back (Heather is much the same way). There isn't much to do, it just gives you access to delete posts, edit them and basically rule the roost in that forum.
That and I felt our 250+ post people should be active in maintenance. I'll be happy to give you an overview one evening of what you can do as moderator.
If you really don't want to do it, I understand, and I'll take you off the moderator gig.
FAQ moderator?
On the subject of granted authority, I also made Daye (another 250+ poster) moderator of the Member's Lounge. She will be taking care of killing loose threads, and locking topics that need no further elaboration.
And (like I said to Sid) that if you don't want the moderator gig, no prob, I can take it back as easily as I granted it.
FAQ moderator?
Although I'm honored, I don't feel worthy of being a moderator. I'm really not a technical guy, and anyone who's talked to me will verify this. I'm all about being creative, and even that is in question most of the time.
I don't mean to seem ungrateful, and I want you to know it's not just me being lazy. If there's something else I can do for the site, let me know. I want to be more than just the guy who is annoying ( :) ). But "Moderator Sid" is an oxymoron.
The "oxy" is the moderator part and the "moron" is me.
Thanks, Dave. I appreciate you thinking of me.
FAQ moderator?
Okay so its ostentaious and overdone, but I think you deserve to be recognised. So I have asigned you the "Special Rank for Being A Nice Guy" which carries with it the weighty and overbearing "Siddy" cup.
;) Okay I'm really kidding but I did want you to have something cool that was a little different than just an "Elder Vampire" rank
FAQ moderator?
I was wondering where the hell that cup came from. I figured I'd drunk too much wine and screwed up someplace.
But, Dave, I was so honored to be an Elder Vampire. I really was. It was the title that I wanted when I started here. Louisa looked so sexy as a moderator.
FAQ moderator?
hehe... Sorry for the joke, but I had to laugh after I put it up your avatar was looking up at it like a crown in those old Imperial Butter commercials.
So I'll put it back but I had to snap a screenshot first so everyone could see it.
FAQ moderator?
See what happens when I have a day where I can't come online? Dave goes nuts... Just be grateful I keep him distracted most of the time. ;)
What shall I do?
What would we do without you, Heather?
Anyway, Dave, my turn to ask a question. I have no problem being moderator for the forum you gave me, but what exactly do you want me to do? When does one delete stuff? Can you give me a guideline as to when to get rid of a thread that's been inactive for a while? I'd really appreciate it.
(And I have 250+ posts?! EEEEK!!! I had no idea it had gotten so high.)
FAQ moderator?
Moderating a forum is no work really. It means you have access that allows you to edit or delete anyone's posts. You can split topics into separate topics. You can move topics that have dies to the archive.
As for when you exercise your superpowers :blowup: ...
Just use some sense. If a topic gets out of hand, split it. If a topic is dead for more than a month, move it to the archive. If a topic isnot worth saving, delete it.
and if someone makes a huge mistake (this would be rare in this forum) then correct it.
thats pretty much it.
Thanks, Dave. I get it now. And thanks for the extra work. (Just kidding.)
I'm glad to help.
couple of questions dave. regarding the archive section of the forum, how do u want me to go about organising it?
i don't want to be deleting the posts, since what i think is unnecessary might not be what the other plays think is unnecessary... but the archives are becoming quite a mess with topics that hop from one topic to another.
the reason i haven't done much yet is because i have no idea what i should do. any suggestions from the other moderators on the board? :oops:
FAQ moderator?
To be honest with you, I don't know how you should do it, nor do i really care. I'd ditch any of the "me too" type posts. I'd kill anything that is totally irrelevant (ie. stuff from Tempest and Cian) and old information (season one specific) I'd think you can dump too (except the timeline)
Really unless its is important to understanding the story, or is a link, or is relevant personal information, then I'd probably dump it.