\ Timeline Error | unlimitedi.net
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Kent's picture

I'll probably delete this once I've fixed it, but I noticed that I made a huge time flux (um..error) in my dates. I'll change the posts within a few days and update y'all.

Update: Here's where I screwed up:

06-Oct-07 - Saturday
{p05#064} {Part Two} Julia plots revenge on Benji until a more powerful Vespajan appears, making her crash her van before kidnapping her. (3:11am)

This part was supposed to be dated as last Benji-Julia part for 07-Oct-07 - Saturday, so it would go right after Julia steals Benji's van...
Sorry :lol:

Timeline Error

Meredith Bell's picture

I'll try and fix that once I, er, figure out what I actually need to change... :?

One thing I wanted to ask was about the dating of your latest posts seeing that I have scenes dated for saturday AND sunday 8th October 2007. I'm pretty sure I worked it out right and the actually day of the 8th would be a Monday (but since I don't have mod access to the LABN gameboard I'll have to wait for Heather to amend it). May I suggest that if it's too confusing to work out the specific calender day then just the date will do?

Timeline Error

Heather's picture

Yep, double-checking the calendar reveals that in 2007 the 6th Oct is a Saturday, the 7th is Sunday and the 8th is Monday.

Now the question is... for posts that might say Saturday 8th Oct or whatever, is it meant to be the Saturday 6th or Monday 8th? Sometimes it might be the date that was put down incorrectly, but it might be the day notation. I'd hate to change it and screw it up for someone.

For instance, Kent's update that says a post should have been Sat 7th Oct... do you want it as Sat 6th or as Sun 7th?

Timeline Error

Kent's picture

I'll double check that--it all stems from the long Benji-Darian meeting, so I'll start there...

EDIT: Okay, so in the posts I've corrected it as Sunday Oct. 7th. I think it was the day notation that was wrong and not really the number. I changed the other days in other posts, so they should be right now.

This part of the timeline:

06-Oct-07 - Saturday
{p05#064} {Part Two} Julia plots revenge on Benji until a more powerful Vespajan appears, making her crash her van before kidnapping her. (3:11am)

...was supposed to be dated as last Benji-Julia part for 07-Oct-07 - SUNDAY, so it would go right after Julia steals Benji's van...

Methinks I gave poor Lou a headache!

Timeline Error

Heather's picture

Ok, I've moved that post to the Sunday slot in the timeline.

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