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Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Hmm, seeing "by Sid Siclid", I was just wondering you really drew that?

Toon Madness

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

oooOOOooh! go sid! i wish i had somewhere i could post all my drawings :cry:

Toon Madness

Firefly's picture

You Sid are a sick, sick puppy. :lol:

toon madness

Jadyn's picture

a scream as usual sid... two thumbs up! hehe... :lol:

Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Thank you, thank you. I have no recollection of drawing that.

Now, for my next performance, I will use a mirror to draw a nude portrait of myself as i draw a nude portrait of myself.

Toon Madness

Mantheana's picture

Hey, amanda, if your looking to have an art gallery on the web, I would recommend Elfwood. Its a free gallery for fantasy ary, scifi art fantsay/scifi stories and fanart.
I have a writers thing and a fantasy art thing on it and its a really great project.

the main page is here


just go to join. you have to read the rules coz they quiz u on it.


p.s. to go to my happy crappy bit got to

For anyone who has had a great idea, but then forgot it!

Soulless Zombie's picture

For anyone who has had a great idea, but then forgot it!


Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Insomnia is my enemy. I stayed up with Reanna and Mantheana, whose names rhymed me to sleep.


Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Stalker (beginning of season one)


Scroll down three.

Toon Madness

Heather's picture

Oh yes. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed the Mantheana and Reah cartoons you did. And the Stalker one you've just done had me in stitches. I remember that post well.... :lol:

Toon Madness

Stalker's picture

good one :lol:
Fantastic :!:

Toon Madness

Meredith Bell's picture

I'm waiting to see a Victor one - hopefully using his immortal line "We who are about to die salute you..." ;) hehehehe

Toon Madness

Heather's picture

Gee, Lou. Given your recent fascination, I would have thought you'd want to see one of Sorrow chained up naked. :D

Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Don't encourage me. I'm just doing anything and everything to keep from writing. Bad cartoons are good therapy. (No naked sorrow, by the way. Unless I can make it funny. Heh heh. Actually, that is kind of funny. heh.)

naked sorrow?!

Jadyn's picture

:Fade-color hmmmm... jade's seen a lot of sorrow naked... and she's asked me to tell u guys that there's definitely nothing funny about it. :P

Toon Madness

Meredith Bell's picture

Hey I could make it funny, Sorrow chained to the floor, Kate pointing frantically "Hey! That's where he keeps Hizashi!" :D

Toon Madness

Jadyn's picture

hahahahaaaaaaa... gee robin, i think lou just gave sorrow a HUGE compliment there. *pun intended* lol...

Toon Madness

Soulless Zombie's picture

Okay, Robin, the vote's been cast. Sorrow's next.

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