Submitted by Firefly on Tue, 11/01/2005 - 11:13
Posted in
I'm sure none of you can make it, aside from those who already said they were coming and have booked flights and rooms, but here it is anyway...officially.
Robin and I are getting married (big surprise, right?)
The big day is March 4th, 2006. Of course, without all of you, this never would have happened, so if you can come join us, we would love to have you. I can't offer much in the way of accomodations with us, but we'd love anyone and everyone to be there to share our special day. Just let me know.
I love you all.
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The big invite!!!
I so would looove to go ( and who knows, maybe i'll wil the lottery and be able to ) but since the likelihood is that I wont be able to, I wish you both the best.
... but who knows, I may be there in another form. I'm not estranged to pixilation, as you both well know ;) I can also look into seeing Labn over there though, if you like :mrgreen: my fuzzy little blue son can stand in my place
The big invite!!!
Congrats guys, of course Heather, Dave and Ally all managed to tell me a couple of weeks back but it's nice to have it official like :wink: and it's not as though I see much of you guys on line any more :(
I'd love to be there for your big day but I'm pretty certain it won't happen since I'm probably gonna be in Sydney, Australia at that time (yay for Aust, boo for missing your day). Still I hope you have a fantastic time and best wishes for the future you guys!
Maybe I can get my son to stand in my place too? Little Randy would sure love a wedding :wink:
The big invite!!!
Well, Dave and I are going (of course - when have we been known to miss out on any LNG-related event, even when it bankrupted us?). So if you guys want to send Labn and Randy to us, we'll gladly take them along with Colabn and have all three of them there at the wedding as stand-ins. :)
After all, Dave and I had Labn attend our wedding - it's a tradition. LNG members aren't permitted to be married without a stuffed toy in the wedding photos. :wink:
The big invite!!!
Your stuffed stand ins are more than welcome, of course. It won't be the same as having y'all with us, but it's better than not having any representation at all.
The big invite!!!
The big day is rapidly appraoching (well, okay, they're already married due to the US Govt butting in, but there's still a big party planned), and if you want Labn or Randy to act as stand-ins there's only a week or so left to make the appropriate arrangements. We'll be taking Colabn, and if neither Labn nor Randy can make it then at least Labn's cousin Melbn can go as well.
Lou's in Aust, so unless she's already sent Randy to us, I doubt she'll be able to - so that leaves you, Amanda. :)
The big invite!!!
I so want to go!!!!
Do you think that if i put on a furry costume and stuck myself in a box they'll buy it? :roll:
The big invite!!!
Probably not, but it'd be good for a laugh. :)
At long last, here they are.
I finally got these pictures developed and have got around to uploading them to LNG. For all of you who couldn't make it, you were there in spirit with Colabn and Melb. :)
Setting up for the reception.
Colabn and Melbn guarding the presents.
Colabn and Melb with the table decorations.
Robin & Kris - awwww.
L-R: Jill, Robin, Kris and Fred (Jill and Fred are Robin's parents).
L-R: Fred, Jill, Robin & Kris having a smooch, (help, I've forgotten their names, but that's Robin's uncle and aunt next), and Dee (Kris' sister) with her baby Atreyu.
One of the two (delicious) wedding cakes.
L-R: Fawn (a long-time friend of Kris'), Dee, Kris and Jean (most of you will remember her, I'm sure).
Aren't they so cute?
This is the LABN group shot, as it were, with the mascots as stand-ins.
Jean with the mascots.
The big invite!!!
Thanks for getting the pics up, Heather. Sheila and Peter are Robin's aunt and uncle who came down for the wedding. It was a lovely day and I was so glad to have both you and Dave there. I wish everyone could have come along. We missed having all our friends together. This game and all of you are the reason we are both so happy now. We'll always be grateful to LABN for bringing us together.
In case anyone wants an update, Robin is staying, probably until September when his Visa runs out. He's filed for an extension, and after that he'll have to go back to the UK for some time to get his Spousal Visa. Meanwhile, he's in the process of selling his flat, and we are planning to get a house when he gets back. The kids are great. We are all settling into this whole new family thing fairly well, although believe you me, we are both eager to move into a home of our own, and the boys are too.