Just a brief proposal for everyone:
M.E.T.A. Force was founded in mid-2005, amid one of the most high-profile Meta Exposures in the early part of the era. While giving a concert in Las Vegas, an attack was launched by the machine Caracalla. Vic garnered national attention in the first reports when he shoved a fan he was talking to out of the way of a knife under Caracalla's control, taking it in the back himself.
Just one problem: a room of people witnessed the rather fast healing of Vic after said knife was removed. It was an event he couldn't cover-up, plastering papers with the headlings, “Vic Meranti Exposed!”
Vic used his new-found pulblicity to good effect. On the adivce of The Underground – the group formed as a go-between of information between heroes – Vic Meranti contacted several people he knew, proposing the formation of an on-going, co-ordinated team of heroes.
Included in his initial contact is Mel, Sol, Sydney, Tess – as well as “any one guest who you believe can be trusted.” This should be a good way to get Donny and Eric invites, at least. Vic personally paid for their flights to wherever (Vega City? Las Vegas? Los Angeles?), and introduced them to an old friend of his: Stanley Tucker, the old Illuminati Propaganda runner who gave Vic one of his first film breaks, and Underground member.
They proceeded on one of the most ambitious sales pitches around: forming an all-Meta Force in the public eye. Purely legitimate (Stanley notes, with a hint of sadness, that he no longer has quite the ability to produce news anymore) until the shadow group forms. Odds are, it's sold to them as a way to deal with threats, basing out of a single city, but still able to travel.
I still may or may not propose someone else, since I have another character idea. But Vic will want to be involved with them, as a source of information (his contacts) on things they should be aware of, general morale booster, and “development officer” (basically, schmoozing the sympathetic wealthy to help with funding).
Just a thought for y'all....
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Forming M.E.T.A. Force - a thought (which was lonely)
Good idea. Donny won't join initially, but will maintain his association with the group until 2007 when he joins officially as Prototype (real name unknown). On the other side of it he works with the Underground helping them to maintain anonymity and building secure points of contact to M.E.T.A.
The "Shadow Group" starts as an result of the Underground. The Undergrond becomes a go-between for heroes seeking to preserve their identities. As a result they have connections to unsanctioned heroes. They begin to put these heroes into contact with each other and the "shadow group" forms organically. The Underground becomes the liason between the two groups.
Donny works on all three sides. Meta (as Prototype) and the Shadow Group (with H.A.T.E. the android) and in the Underground as Donny.