I can appreciate the desire to move forward. I am hoping to see us jump entire days...possibly even weeks this season. Just a thought...if it helps.
At the bottom of your last post if you want to put a
***continues Aug 12th, 2005
at the bottom of your prior post then that would signal the rest of us that you want to push forward a few days. Then we can either rush through the days of story that we want to finish to get to your next date or let you know that we are done ourselves.
If everyone does it then that will also help people who are reading the story but only following a single character through the plot. Its not a major effort to go in and edit it to make posts that jump into your brain that are chronological either before you reach that date.
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Four days?
Wow. Um... just checking. Were we ready for a four-day jump? Had everyone else finished with the 8th to the 11th?
If there are any posts that need to go in before that latest post, better let someone know quickly in case Kris' needs reposting.
I don't want to come over sounding all right-wing or anything, but it's probably not a bad idea to try to keep the main seasons more-or-less linear, simply for ease of following the story.
It's not important at all for mid-season since the stories there don't really interact, but the in-season stuff should, I think, be as linear as we can make it. So time jumps are fine, provided everyone else has finished with the intervening days. :)
Four days?
Umm! i actually had something to post for the 8th! not quite finished yet! but i'll try to get it done hopefully tonight! tomorrow at the absolute latest!
sorry if im holding anyone up :oops:
Four days?
Well no, i had not finished with the 8th, or the 9th, 10th and 11th...
I agree with Heather - as we have always posted in-season in a very linear fashion, jumping FOUR WHOLE days is just crazy! especially without prior consultation or notification.
Personally I am stuck smack in the middle of a storyline, so i would appreciate it if we could just slow things back to how they normally are...
Four days?
I've also got at least one more post to do for the 8th.
Four days?
Uh, OK. Kris, I think the general consensus seems to be that if you'd be so kind as to either hang off on that Friday 12th post of yours for a little while, or redate it to the 8th (or maybe the 9th at a pinch...), that would help everyone else out considerably.
Sorry to be a pain about this, but I thought I should bring it to the attention of the rest of the players, just in case they still had stuff to post.
My bad
Oops, sorry everyone. :oops: I guess I was still in mid-season mind frame. Just hold that post off until the 12th. I won't do anything else until then. Thanks.