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Meredith Bell's picture

Ok this all got wiped so I am reposting for anyone who might find it useful

The Shards of...

Judecca - White/Clear (Kate)

Dis - Green (Matthias)

Antenora - Orange (given to Matthias by Jade)

Ghenna - Yellow (given to Kain by Victor)

Stygia - Blue (Kain)

Malbolgia - Red (Kain)

Styx - Purple (Kain)

Lethe - Grey (Sorrow)

Phlegethon - Black (originally Ebony's now in possession of Tempest)

Ok that is all nine shards that together form the Cloch Cosan and open the Nether Arch

The new arrangement...

MrDave's picture

Judecca - White/Clear (Kate)

Dis - Green (Matthias - Hidden in the Park)

Antenora - Orange (given to Matthias by Jade - Hidden in the Park)

Ghenna - Yellow (given to Kain by Victor - Now in Tash's Possession)

Stygia - Blue (Kain - Now in Tash's Possession)

Malbolgia - Red (Kain - Now in Tash's Possession)

Styx - Purple (Kain - Now in Tash's Possession)

Lethe - Grey (Sorrow)

Phlegethon - Black (originally Ebony's now in possession of Tempest)


Jadyn's picture

actually, i think lethe is in the possession of matthias too. i don't recall matthias giving it back to sorrow after he took it to dampen it's effects. or am i wrong? :?

The Crystals

Heather's picture

Sorrow still has Lethe - Matthias returned it to him 'off-camera'.

The Crystals

Meredith Bell's picture

And just to keep everyone up to date...

Matthias now has 6 shards, the only ones not being in his posession being the shards held by Tempest, Sorrow and Kate.

(Anyone else feel like we're playing a big game of pass-the-shard?) :D

The Crystals

Meredith Bell's picture

Oh just remembered something - Matthias has all the shards except Lethe (Sorrow) Judecca (Serapis) and also Phlegethon (Tempest)

SO... did someone retrieve the shard Serapis had? Is someone going to? Perhaps Aetolus or Kain, etc, etc,???

The Crystals

MrDave's picture

That is taken care of. Janus knows the Ritual of Gathering. And she can detect the crystals while in Tempest's body. So she need merely to cast the rite and it will summon the stones.

Simple. :)

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