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04:32 "Anything for a Story"

Meredith Bell's picture

Outside the DeLuca House - Brooklyn - Friday 5th May, 04:32

“Shit, shit!” Meredith swore beneath her breath as she tore the leg of her skinny track pants on the old chain-link fence. Swinging her left foot over the top, she carefully lowered herself down the other side, dropping the last couple of feet to the ground. The sound was muffled by her sneakers but she still paused, holding her breath and listening in case anyone had heard.

11:41 "Central Park"

Meredith Bell's picture

Central Park - Thursday 13th May 2021 - 11:41

12:41 "The Wolf Awakens"

Meredith Bell's picture

NYU Campus Cafeteria - 12:41


Meredith ran a frustrated hand through her hair as she scribbled another line out of her notebook - barely resisting the urge to tear the page out and toss it across the cafeteria. She had a paper due on Friday for her Critical Analysis class - usually the words flowed, spilling out of her head and filling up page after page. But lately… it was like her mind couldn’t focus.

18:40 "Meredith meets Cadee at Slainte"

Meredith Bell's picture

Slainte Bar - Tuesday 6:40pm

She was doodling. That was never a good sign.

22:18 "The Grindhouse"

Meredith Bell's picture

The Grindhouse - 10:18pm

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