Name: Luurda the Hutt
Race: Hutt
Gender: Hermaphroditic, with outward female behaviors
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 7/4
Description: Where most non-Hutt observers would see a pampered slug, those in-the-know see a unique and intelligent "woman". While most Hutts are referred to as male until pregnancy, Luurda has been known as a female since her early 100s. The exact reason for this is not clear, but it is likely that she has earned the designation due to her fascination with males of other species and her flirty behavior around them. Luurda is small for a fully-matured Hutt--only 450 kg--which has earned her the nickname "Little Sister" around Shipwreck. Another physically odd feature that sets Luurda apart from most other Hutts is the purplish hue of her eyes and tendril-like hairs.
Homeworld: Luurda was born Nal Hutta, the Hutt species' current "homeworld" in the Y'Toub system, but spent her first 100 years living on Nar Shaddaa, Nal Hutta's crime-ridden and over-developed "Smugglers' Moon". Almost as densely packed with cities as Corsucant but with a fraction of the space, the rogue planetoid Nar Shaddaa is held in equally low regard by both the Empire and the Republic, but is well-liked by criminal scum across the galaxy.
History: The child of a two morally bankrupt politicians, Luurda was born into high status. Growing up on Nar Shaddaa wasn't easy, but despite the harshness of life Luurda managed to mature into a relatively stable Hutt. While trying to maintain a "clean" life as a journalist and spy (well, at least in Luurda's estimation being a spy was more favorable than being a mobster), Luurda kept getting swept into the schemes of her brutish cousin, Bazlo. A few minor crimes came first, followed by major smuggling and slavery operations running across several systems. As she found her life spinning out of control, Luurda saw a way to clear her conscience. After contacting the proper authorities, Bazlo was arrested and his operations were halted. Of course Luurda was incarcerated as well, and taken aboard a large prison vessel. When the vessel crashed, a few surviving inmates banded together to begin their criminal lives anew, in the town dubbed "Shipwreck". Bazlo isn't aware that Luurda caused his downfall, and so she still remains in his good graces...for now. She acts as his "public relations" assistant of sorts. She now spends her days managing Bazlo's image and rumors of the street, and praying that her vile cousin does not learn her secret.
Scepter Blade - Handed down to Luurda from her "uncle" Zooma, this staff features twin vibro-blades at the tip. Luurda cannot use them very effectively, but they are heronly personal defense method.
Tail Ring - An accessory acquired on a smuggling trip to Tatooine, given to her by a lusty Hutt suitor. Luurda thinks that males find it enticing, drawing attention to her best asset.
Geonosian Wing Cape w/ Rancor-bone Collar - The cape is made of the ethereal wings of her father's trusted Geonosian attendant, whom he once was forced to kill when he foudn that he'd been embezzling funds. The collar is carved of rancor bones imported from Dathomir.
Abilites: Luurda is an accomplished diplomat like her parents, as well as a talented scribe and author. Her other talents and hobbies include business-management and surveillance.
Force Powers: Luurda appears to be highly resistant to psychic influence, more specifically the legendary "Jedi Mind Trick"--she has only encountered few Jedi to test this on, but it seems to hold true.
Played by: Muppet (enhanced by CGI FX, courtesy of ILM)
Player: Kent
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