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Allyana's picture

I found this map looking around. Adam said it looked fairly accurate, or as much as a SW map can look, so I added Vorgrell in the outer limits of the mid-rim. If you dont agree with that position it'll be just a matter of moving it. :wink:

Planetary Cartography

Disposable_Hero's picture

Cool...looks pretty accurate to me

Planetary Cartography

Aran Camoth's picture

It's accurate enough. I just use the maps found in the NJO books.

Planetary Cartography

Allyana's picture

Do you think Vorgrell should be there? or maybe in a more deserted area of the MidRim?

Planetary Cartography

Aran Camoth's picture

Looks fine to me, I mean, it's close to Nal Hutta which means it will get overshadowed and it's out of the way. So it's actually quite perfect.

Planetary Cartography

Kent's picture

Our master plan is coming together perfectly...

Planetary Cartography

roguenroll's picture

OK, this is the first draft, I did end up reading the description all the way though, so I'll have to add alot for vegetation. I thought from some intial desciption is was very tatooine. So anyway I thought I'd post this. The big
geological feature can be where the shipcity thing crashed. Its a huge hemisphere long grand canyon, on a 10 scale.


click for full size

Planetary Cartography

earwigfleshfactory's picture

Bloody sweet.

Planetary Cartography

Allyana's picture

Great!! Love it. :D

I understand your confusion, the 'deep forested valleys' came in an afterwards description.

Now we have to name that canyon, jeje. :wink: And its a huge canyon. Any suggestions?

Planetary Cartography

Disposable_Hero's picture

WOAH cool!

Planetary Cartography

roguenroll's picture

ok, heres should be finished planet, I guess any other prominant features could be 'on the otherside of the planet'. a good movie trick, if you cant see it, you can make up anything.

click for large image

Planetary Cartography

Kaarin's picture

Wow. I'm just amazed and awestruck here at your work.

Planetary Cartography

Heather's picture

:purpban: :purpban: :purpban: :purpban: :purpban: :purpban: :purpban:

I'm speechless. That's incredible. Tee hee, our wee little gaming group has its very own fair-dinkum CG artist in-house. :D

We still need a name for that dirty great rift, though.

Planetary Cartography

Allyana's picture

That looks great, Greg. :D Perfect.

Planetary Cartography

Disposable_Hero's picture

Got another map here, a big 'un.

For reference, Nal Hutta is down in the bottom right. Which puts Vorgrell somewhere on the border of Hutt Space...I think.

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