Okay so I love the dictionary of words and phrases on www.theforce.net but it's a bit tough to use if you don't know what you're looking for. So, to help myself I decided to make an open version, and because I'm so kind :wink: I decided to share it with you lucky people! To make it a bit easier to find certain words I've made it colour coded, hence all swear words/insults are in red - hey I made a legend so just read that! :twisted:
I'm posting it in sections because it's gonna be so damned long. Rest to follow.
Red = Insults, Derogatory Terms, Swear Words and Vulgarities
Blue = Spacer’s Slang, Terms and Phrases
Indigo = Gambler’s Slang, Terms and Phrases
Orange = Deal Slang, Terms and Phrases
Pink = Imperial Terms and Phrases
Green = Mystical References
Aquamarine = General Slang Terms and Phrases
Purple = Bounty Hunter Slang Terms and Phrases
Olive = Smuggler’s Slang and Phrases
Star Wars Lexicon
Extracted from the STAR WARS ENCYCLOPAEDIA - www.theforce.net
ABH - Abbr. Anywhere But Here. (Belgaroth)
Abo - Slang. Any indigenous lifeform to a planet. (Imperial)
A-Grav - Abbr. A starship's anti-gravity systems.
Ahoo - Word used on the planet Vjun to mean crazy, insane. (Vjun)
Air Brother - Name used by the thranta riders of Bespin to describe each other.
Aristo – Slang term used to describe a wealthy individual. (Tatooine)
Ast - Prefix used by the Old Republic to denote a world which housed an ASTrocartographic research station. Over the centuries, the word Ast was simply used to describe the planet.
Avenger - Slang. Nickname for the TIE Advanced by Imperial pilots. (Imperial)
Bantha - Slang. Military slang for AT-AT Walker.
Bantha Brakes - Spacers slang for tractor beam.
Bantha Raider - Nickname for Sandpersons of Tatooine based on the fact that they rode banthas across the deserts of the planet.
Beast Jedi - A phrase used to describe the ancient Jedi Master Thon.
Belgarian - Term used to describe anything that could be found on the planet Belgaroth, including the human population.
Big L - Slang term used by starpilots to refer to Lightspeed.
Big Push, The - Slang. Refers to the killing of another individual.
Big Zoo - Term used to describe the Galactic Polysapient Medical Center, used most often by its graduates.
Bishwag - Swear word used by many humans to indicate an untrustworthy being.
Bizit - A term used by Niles Ferrier to describe people who meddle in his business.
Blast Fighter - Term used to describe those gunslingers who staged quick-draw fights across the Outer Rim.
Blinker - Slang. Underworld slang term to describe a narcotic addict. It referred to the rapid, involuntary eye movement caused by severe addiction.
Bloah - Swear word used on the planet Tatooine.
Blockade Runner - Term used to describe any small, well-armed ship used to break through a planetary blockade such as the Corellian CR-90 corvette.
Bloodline - This term, popular during the height of the Clone Wars, was used to indicate a friend or ally.
Bloodshine - Term used by Sith lords to describe the red colour of their Lightsaber blades.
Bludfly - Slang. Used to describe any being who would sell their own mother in order to get ahead.
Blue Milk Run - A phrase used to describe any military mission deemed to be simple and easy.
Blue One - This was the term used by the survivors of the Outbound Flight Project to describe a member of the Chiss race.
Bonepicker - Slang. Derogatory term used to describe the Skrilling race, given because of the scavenging nature of that race.
Brain Tails - One of the many derogatory terms used to describe the lekku of the Twi'lek race.
BTAD - Abbr. Deal slang. Short hand for a Boring, Typical, Average, Deal.
Bubble-and-Squirt - Term used by Whie Malreaux to describe an unusual food that was served aboard the Reasonable Doubt.
Buggie - Derogatory term used by many humanoid races to describe any being of insectile shape or race.
Burning - Torture method for a blaster set to its lowest power output. The weapon is then used to burn the flesh from the victim's bones. The blaster's beam is set so that the bone remains intact but scorched, and the victim can see it. Very few victims have ever withheld information with this method. The person administering the torture usually starts at the toes and works their way up the leg toward the chest and head.
Burnout - Slang. Referring to the loss of a starship's power plant.
Byss' Blind Eye - An oath used by many rough-and-tumble types during the early years of the New Order.
Carbon Flush - A vulgar expression, denoting an individual's extreme displeasure with a situation.
Carpet-back - A slang term, often used in a derogatory fashion to refer to a member of the Wookiee race.
Cheapjack - Term used to describe anything which was poorly made or manufactured.
Chewed Duracrete - A term used by the human natives of the planet Ord Cestus to indicate the architectural style of the X'Ting.
Child Conquerer - Nickname used to describe Faarl the Conqueror, who was only nineteen at the height of his power.
Choobies - Vulgar slang for the genitals.
Chroma-Neeka - Gambler's slang term for any being who worked within the corporate and political bureaucracy to exploit the knowledge that some people are too stupid for their own good. They could steal just about anything out from underneath corporate security, or pose as a government official to steal secret information.
Chume - Hapan term for 'Queen Mother'.
Chume Ta' - Hapan term for the First born daughter of the current Queen Mother.
Chume'da - Hapan term for 'son of the Queen Mother'.
Circuitry Commando - Alliance soldier slang for a computer/electronics whizz.
Cityblock - The name used by the urban planners of the planet Brentaal to describe major urban subsections of the planet. Each cityblock was designated with a letter of the Aurebesh and a number, corresponding to the cityblock's location on a pre-set grid.
Citypath - The name used by the urban planners on Brentaal to describe the roads used to navigate through cityblocks. Citypaths carried more foot traffic than standard routes.
Civilian Service Personnel - the name given to those humans who were conscripted in the Imperial armed forces whenever the Empire subjugated a planet. (Imperial)
Class-D Moon - The Imperial description of any barren, crater-scarred moon or satellite.
Clog-dweller - The name adopted by the beings who lived in The Clog section of Iritsa, on Chazwa.
Clone Keepers - The name given to the scientists and functionaries working in the reborn Emperor Palpatine's cloning installation on Byss.
Clutch - New Republic fighter pilot slang for a Tri-fighter, named because of the way the three wings seem to clutch the ball-shaped cockpit.
Cold, The - A reference to anything intolerable, used by Labria.
COMETS-Q - This was the mantra of the Quartermasters who served the Grand Army of the Republic, during the height of the Clone Wars. COMETS-Q represented the seven things that meant the most to any military force, and were often the different between winning and losing a battle: Chemical, Ordnance, Mechanical, Engineer, Transportation, Signal, and Quartermaster.
Come-up Flector - A backwater term for a person who patrolled a starport or other point of debarkation, searching for potential buyers of services they don't really need.
Corellian Overdrive - The need to do whatever it takes to complete a job. It ranges from finagling the rules to rearranging operational parameters, but doesn't mean cheating in an honest game.
Corona Sailor - Generally considered the toughest breed of star pilots, regularly flying research and mining ships into the coronae of stars.
Corporata - Term used to describe the unfailing loyalty and devotion to one's corporation. In simple terms, corporata was the belief that one's corporate "family" was the only family one would ever need.
Cosmic Overdrive - A slang term used to describe a starship's fastest possible sublight speed.
Cosmic Wisdom, The - A mystical reference used by Wuher.
Crash and Bash - Deal Slang for any act of thievery which involved the destruction of non-essential property, to make the act appear to be a random act of piracy.
Crate - New Republic starfighter pilot slang for any form of landing craft.
Crawler - The generic term used by the forces of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the tank droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Creddrone - This slang term refers to the lowest drudges working in the Corporate Sector for minimal wages and living in the poorest of conditions.
Crimson Duty - Term used within the Greel Wood Logging Corporation to describe the logging activities on Pii IV. The ferocious wildlife on Pii IV demanded that only the more experienced loggers would get Crimson Duty, as well as the increased pay it merited.
Cross - Starfighter pilot slang term for a B-Wing.
Cybot - Term used to describe any automaton which had a humanoid appearance and mannerisms.
Dancer - Grael used this term to describe labour droids.
Dancitorium - The generic term for a zero-gravity dance hall.
Darkspace - The Basic translation of the Yuuzhan Vong term for hyperspace.
Dead Blade - Specifically indicating that the weapon is not a lightsaber, a dead blade being any metallic weapon lacking a power source.
Dead Man - Term used by Kal Skirata and several other instructors on Kamino to describe a clone trooper. It was in reference to the fact that the clones were created to be thrown into battle, where they were often killed in combat.
Deconstructor - Military term for a bomb expert.
Decor - Starfighter pilot slang for the designations of rank each officer wore, and the respect and honour they deserved from other pilots. It was used disparagingly, because it meant flight officers had to keep their opinions to themselves. Many Captains and Commanders preferred to go "no decor" when not on a mission or in the presence of VIPs, since it maintained morale among the squadron-mates.
Defender - The name given to those individuals who worked as special investigators within the Imperial armed forces.
DepotSec - Derogatory term used to describe the small security forces assigned to guard Imperial supply depots during the Galactic Civil War.
Depp - A local Tatooinan term for death, as in "buy the Depp." It was coined following the death of Prefect Orun Depp at the hands of an assassin droid. (Tatooine)
Dirt-crate - Any low-altitude craft that was incapable of in-system or interstellar travel.
Dirtdock - Slang term was used by officers of the Corellian Security Force to describe Treasure Ship Row.
Disk, The - Mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian.
Domodroid - Any of the various models of servant droids.
Double Worlders - The term used to describe any beings native to the Double Worlds of Talus and Tralus. These individuals tended to be sensitive to the assumption that they came from the least important of the Corellian worlds, an assertion made because neither planet had its own native, sentient species. Most Double Worlders thought of astrology as a form of religion, a characteristic which evolved from the complex orbital interactions and eclipses of the two planets.
Dragship - New Republic fighter pilot slang for an Interdictor-class cruiser.
Dreamers - Used to describe any member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Drill the Woofer - A slang phrase, it meant that a being was particularly bad at something, as in "You really drill the woofer!"
Droid Modification Team - A group of specially-trained technicians who rework, retool, and reprogram droids for specific tasks.
Droid Rot - The term used to describe the deterioration or corrosion of a droid's electrical wiring and circuitry.
Droiding - Term used by the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe the use of an EMP grenade against living troops. Electromagnetic pulses wreaked havoc with the sensitive electronic systems of a droid or other technology, but were generally harmless to living beings. However, the Katarn armour used by the clone commandos was loaded with technology that was disabled by the blast of an EMP weapon. Thus, any commando hit by an EMP weapon was considered to have been "droided".
Drok It - Expletive. (Corellia)
Drooling Drebble - Deal-slang, the term for a bounty hunter.
Drooling Drebble with Fangs - Deal-slang, the term for a particularly nasty bounty hunter.
Drop Point - Alliance term for any location which was maintained for the secret delivery of goods and materials. The basic role of a drop point was to ensure that field agents were continually supplied, allowing them to remain in the field for months at a time.
Droyk - Swear word. (Corellia)
Dubesor - Native insult used on Antipose XII, it is also a secret code word used by Lando Calrissian to gain entrance to Bohhuah Mutdah's spaceport on Oseon 5792.
Dumbot - Derogatory term for any labour droid who performed a single, repetitive operation, such as welding the frame of a landspeeder.
Dune Cow - Term used by the Imperial engineers stationed on Zaloriis to describe the prototype AT-AT walker that was produced on the planet during the height of the New Order. The term came from the fact that the native Zaloriians thought the prototype was an immense dune-cow. (Imperial)
Dupe - Alliance starpilots' slang for a TIE Bomber.
Duro-crud - Slang term defined by the New Republic to describe the muck which covered the surface of Duro, during the effort to reclaim the planet's natural environment.
Dust - A term used by the entertainers of the Old Republic to indicate that they were leaving one location, to travel to another.
Dust-Happy - Slang for anyone addicted to spice. (Corellia)
Edge, The - One of Lando Calrissian's mystical references.
Egg Layer - Alliance slang for an Imperial TIE Bomber.
Emperor's Black Bones - Often used to describe the worst of all surprises, as in, "Emperor's Black Bones, what are you doing here?"
Emperor's Black Heart - Often used to describe the worst of any possible option, as in, "What in the Emperor's Black Heart are you doing?"
Emperor's Dualities - Slang term used by Halla for Palpatine's testicles.
Emperor's Ears - An expletive used by many Imperial officers during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.(Imperial)
Emptiness, The - One of Lando Calrissian's mystical references.
Endex - The codeword used by the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate the end of an exercise or mission. When repeated three times, it indicated to all forces in battle that the mission was complete, and that the final stages of their operation were to commence. This usually meant an orderly retreat to an extraction point.
Entropy, The - another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references.
Escargot, The - a mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian.
Espo - Slang term for the Corporate Sector Authority's Security Police. It can be used in singular or plural terms.
Eternal Core, The - Another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references.
Eternal, The - A mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian.
Eyeball - Alliance starfighter pilot slang term for a TIE Fighter.
Fanboy - Military slang for a crewman of a hovercraft. (Imperial)
Far Outsiders - The Ferroan name for the Yuuzhan Vong. Unknown to most historians, the extragalactic alien race had made its first foray into the known galaxy when it attacked the planet Zonama Sekot shortly after the Battle of Naboo. The Jedi Knight Vergere, on Zonama Sekot to secure a Sekotan starship, discovered that the Far outsiders seemed to have no connection to the Force. Despite the fact that the Far Outsiders flew in starships which were organic in nature and similar to Sekotan starships, the planet rejected them as did the Magister. The Far Outsiders retaliated by attacking the planet from orbit, leaving much of the southern hemisphere in ruins.However, Zonama Sekot managed to recover and fought back against the Yuuzhan Vong, with the help of Vergere. Vergere then gave herself up to the Far Outsiders, in an effort to stop the bombardment. The Far Outsiders agreed to Vergere's plan, and left the planet with her. A year later, Zonama Sekot was attacked by Wilhuff Tarkin, and Sekot armed the planet's huge hyperdrives and took it into hyperspace.
Farblemumble - Term used by Leia Organa-Solo to describe the multitude of people she met as the young daughter of Bail Organa.
Farkled - Swear word used to describe any situation which is bleak or disastrous, as in, "We're farkled."
Fat Man - The name used by the New Republic Navy to describe a Yevethan Aramadia-class thrustship.
Featherhead - Derogatory term used by residents of the Core Worlds to describe a member of the Ayrou race.
Fedding - Swear word used throughout the Tapani Sector of the galaxy.
Fi - The High Galactic word for "son", used to indicate a male child.
FIBUA Operation - Term used by the military leaders and instructors of the Grand Army of the Republic to indication any fighting in built-up areas, or inside buildings. It was essentially a fancy term for urban warfare.
Fie - An ancient word used to curse another being to the death they deserved.
Filswik - A swear word used by Alliance pilots.
Final Jump - Spacer slang for death.
First Dawn - Tatooinian term referring to the time period between when the first and second suns rise. (Tatooine)
First Kiss - Spacer slang for a smooth, gentle landing.
First Twilight - Tatooinian term referring to the time period between when the first and second suns set. (Tatooine)
Five Brothers - Name given to the five inhabited planets in the Corellian System.
Fixer - The term used to describe a specialised form of computer slicer. Fixers hacked into corporate or government data centres and stole proprietary information, leaving forged - though bogus - data behind. They then sold the information on the black market. It was believed that the term "fixer" came from the Sullustan phrase tersish g'loc, which loosely translated to "fix them once and for all."
Flack - Swear word used by many Imperial troops. (Imperial)
Flaming - A mild oath used during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Flammer - Slang term used by law enforcement officers to indicate a con artist.
Flarg - A swear word which often referred to excrement.
Flashtail - Any hasty and swift departure for a remote destination, as in "We'd better flashtail it out of here, or we'll never make it."
Flutie - Derogatory Imperial term for any race that can't speak the Basic language of humans. It refers to the "whistles and tweets" of other languages. (Imperial)
Flux-Fiend - Gambler's slang for any gambler who liked to play flux.
FOB - Abbr. For the forward observation blister of a starship.
Forked - Derived from the dejarik game, in which The Fork was a strategy used to force an opponent to choose which gamepiece they would lose, being "forked" meant that an individual was faced with a decision in which they had to choose which of two or more disastrous situations would not occur. Regardless of the choice, something disastrous would result.
Frack - A swear word.
Frag - A swear word used throughout the galaxy.
Frak - A swear word used on the planet Cularin during the last years of the Old Republic.
Free-Freighter - Spacer's slang for any transport ship or freighter which was independently owned and operated.
Freg - A swear word.
Freighter Bum - Common slang term for any cargo pilot or spacer.
Friendly Hutt - Term used to describe an old Imperial tactic in which an Imperial starship tried to trick their quarry into revealing their location by claiming to be a starship friendly to their cause.
Frink - A Corellian swear word.
Frip - A swear word.
Fripping - A swear word used as an adjective by the natives of the planet Indu San.
Frontier Post - The name used by the New Republic Scout Service for any one of about 5,000 frontier worlds used as clearing houses on local system information. Most of the facilities on Frontier Posts were automated, and provided scouts working in remote areas of the galaxy with current information. These scouts could also receive new mission orders at Frontier Posts, as well as obtain a little rest and relaxation.
Full DSW - A phrase used by New Republic starfighter pilots to indicate that their starfighters had enough energy to fully supply drive systems, shields, and weapons.
Furball - Fighter pilot slang for the incredibly complex collection of starships and weaponry that formed an interstellar dogfight.
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Volume Two: G - M
Galasol Game-girl - Term used to describe any of the beautiful, voluptuous women who waited the tables on galasol casinos.
Galaxy Destructor - One of the terms Han Solo used to describe an Imperial superweapon during his discussion with Vana Dorja following the Battle of Coruscant.
Galaxy of Peace - A term used by the Korunnai natives of the planet Haruun Kal to describe the "perfect world" which they felt the Old Republic believed itself to exist in. The so-called Galaxy of Peace was a facetious term, indicating a place where rules were rules and were never broken, and where every race worked together in harmony. Most Korunnai felt that their own position, in which they were fighting for their lives with the Balawai, was so far outside the realm of the Galaxy of Peace that the Old Republic could not understand their position.
Galaxy of War - A term used by the Korunnai natives of the planet Haruun Kal to describe the actual state of the galaxy, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. In direct opposition to the Galaxy of Peace they felt the Old Republic believed in, the Korunnai understood well that nothing ever existed in peace. Even in peaceful times, there existed struggles and battles and wars, as was the case on Haruun Kal.
Gammer - Term of endearment to descrbe one's grandmother. (Brentaal)
Gartal - Swear Word. (Alderaanian)
Garthol's Pain - An expletive used whenever a being was surprised.
Gasper - Term used by explorers and scouts to denote any planet ideally suited to supporting Human life.
Genengineering - One of the terms coined by the New Republic to indicate the science of bio-engineering organic technology, which was brought to the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong.
Gibbertz and Ham - An expletive used by Tup.
Gift for Ackbar - Slang term used by Alliance agents to indicate a starship which had been spacejacked for use by the Alliance.
Gig - Spacer slang word referring to a myriad of small ships designed for atmospheric or low-orbit operation. They are built as support craft for larger starships, and are often well-armed for combat.
Giggle-Dust - Spacer slang for most any form of illegal, inhaled drug.
Glick - A slang term used to describe a misfortunate being.
Glitbiter - Slang term that refers to those addicts of glitterstim spice who consume it in its raw form. They are often high-strung and tend to ramble incoherently.
Gnardly - A slang adjective, used to denote something less that wonderful.
Goldenrod - Nickname given to C-3PO by Han Solo during their escape from the Echo Base on Hoth.
Goldskin - A nickname used to describe a member of the Nothoiin race.
Gorgmonger - A term used to describe those merchants who sell raw and cooked chubas and gorgs.
Grace, The - Reference to anything good in life, used by Labria.
Grand - New Republic fighter pilot slang for a Yuuzhan Vong grand cruiser.
Grav-car - A term used to describe almost any land-based repulsorcraft.
Grease Lover - The derogatory name used to describe members of the Coalition of Automaton Rights Activists.
Great Dance, The - Term used by the dancers of the galaxy, The Great Dance meant the afterlife.
Great Edge, The - Another mystical reference used by Lando Calrissian.
Great Gadfry - Another of Lando Calrissian's mystical references.
Great Gelgelar Monsters - The name given to the creatures which inhabited the Great Shore Marshes of the planet Gelgelar, such as the marsh wyrm. Many big-game hunters traveled to Gelgelar in order to shoot one of these beasts.
Great Spiral, The - A reverential term used to describe the galaxy.
Green Boys - Smugglers slang for an Imperial ground force.
Greeneyes - Grael used this term to describe the K5 enforcer droids he encountered at the Balis-Baurgh prison facility.
Greenie - A derogatory term for Mimbanites.
Grennie-Trap - Based on the derogatory term for a primitive species, this trap was designed to capture unsuspecting beings. The idea behind a greenie-trap was to lure the victim into a specific position, which was often atop a trapdoor or directly below a stun net. At the push of a button, the trap could be sprung, capturing the victim before they could escape. (Imperial)
Greenskin - A derogatory term used to describe a member of the Rodian race, during the height of the Clone Wars.
Grimacer - The term used by Mugaari crimelords to describe their hired enforcers.
Gutter Cookie - A slang term used by the natives of Haruun Kal to indicate the thick sludge that formed in the gutters along city streets in Pelek Bew. It was highly corrosive, and would eat through the soles of most shoes if it was stepped in accidentally.
Hammerheads - Derogatory term for Ithorians.
Hard Contact - Used by the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe any situation in which soldiers actually engaged each other.
Hard Merchandise - Bounty hunter slang for the being on which a bounty has been placed.
Haul Jets - Smugglers Slang meaning "let's get out of here."
Head Tails - Basic term used to describe lekku, the two tentacular appendages that are found growing from the rear of a Twi'lek's head.
Heart of the Bright Jewel - This was a name used to describe the planet Ord Mantell.
Heritage Lot - This was the term used by the Parking Conservation Fund to indicate a parking lot, located on the planet Coruscant, which had certain historical significance.
Hero of Taanab - This was an honorific used to describe Lando Calrissian, during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.
Hero Without Fear, The - Term used during the height of the Clone Wars to describe Anakin Skywalker, in reference to the way in which he emerged from the direst of situations in order to champion the goals of the Old Republic.
Hold-Father - Any male person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a father.
Hold-Mother - Any female person delegated by a child's parents as a temporary guardian. The term arises from the fact that the guardian holds the place of a mother.
Hole in the Ground - The adopted name of the Alliance's Haven Base. It was coined because Haven Base was constructed in an underground grotto, where crystalline formations channeled heat and electricity from the planet's core.
Holo-bim - Derogatory term, short for 'HoloNet Bimbo', used to describe an inane, female celebrity. Many of the natives of the planet Cularin used this term to describe Yara Grugara, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Holo-Faker - Term used to describe any being in the business of creating falsified holographic transmissions.
Holoshill - Derogatory term used to describe reporters who work for tabloids and sensationalistic news agencies.
Hootyboo - Alderaanian slang term for a street fighter.
Hot-bedding - Military term used to describe the practice of having two or three crewmen sharing the same bunk. Usually done on overcrowded ships, hot-bedding forced crewmen to sleep in rotations, so that the bed was always in use by a different being. While sometimes expedient in combat situations, over the long-term hot-bedding could leading to discomfort and general loss of morale among the troops.
Hotshot - Nickname given by the Corellian Security Force to any blaster which had the trigger guard removed. Among the criminal elements, the removal of the trigger guard was supposed to represent how tough an individual was. More often than not, however, a hotshot was accidentally discharged when it was carried in a waistband or arm holster.
Hot-vape - Fighter pilot slang for being ambushed.
Howlpack - Slang term used to describe any loose affiliation of untrained warriors, during the last decades of the Old Republic. The name derived from the fact that many such group usually attacked in the midst of loud screams and howls, meant to startle their enemies long enough for the warriors to gain an advantage in the fighting.
Hunt, The - Term used within the circle of bounty hunters to describe an individual hunt. It carries an almost reverent meaning.
Hurt Vector - Space slang for unemployment and indebtedness.
Hutt Avation Authority - Slang term used by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, to describe any sub-standard starship control facility.
Huttoad - Starfighter pilot slang for any being who undermined their efforts.
Hutt-smut - The name used by many beings to describe the weird forms of pornography that were enjoyed by the Hutt race.
Hyperdust - Slang term used when outrunning an opponent and reaching hyperspace, "Eat my hyperdust."
Ice Cube, The - A derogatory term used by cold Alliance agents to denote the GlitterFall base on Elbara Nine.
Imperial Crown Jewels - A reference to the vast holding of gemstones and jewellery that were acquired by Emperor Palpatine.
Imperialisation - The process of galactic conquest set for by Emperor Palpatine's New Order.
ImpPeRe - This was spacer's slang for the Imperial Penal References.
Impstar - Alliance slang for an Imperial-I class Star Destroyer.
Impstar Deuce - Alliance slang for an Imperial-II class Star Destroyer.
Infochant - A slang term used to describe underworld operatives who sell information for a living.
Invid - New Republic pilots' slang for the pirates who worked for Leonia Tavira, and were supported by her Star Destroyer, the Invidious.
ISO - Abbr. Meaning "Independent Ship Owner."
Janara - One of the most popular names for babies, during the year leading up to the Clone Wars.
Jangoed - This slang term became part of the lingo of the galaxy's bounty hunters in the wake of the Battle of Geonosis, where Jango Fett was defeated in combat by Jedi Master Mace Windu. When Asajj Ventress issued bounties for the deaths of 82 members of the Jedi Order, the more experienced hunters advised their greener brethren to take care when hunting a Jedi. Otherwise, they risked getting Jangoed - dying in combat when their heads were severed from their bodies with a lightsaber.
Jaster's Legacy - The name used by many members of the Mandalorian Shocktroopers to describe Jango Fett, during the years in which he commanded the mercenaries after Jaster Mereel's execution on Korda 6.
Jewel of the Core - This was a phrase used to describe the planet Coruscant, during the height of the Old Republic.
Jiffies - This was a slang term for the male genitalia, as in the phrase, "I just slipped your jiffies off the roaster", indicating that one being had saved the life of another.
Jig Time - This was a little-used smuggler's phrase, used to indicate the speedy resolution of a situation.
Kesseled - This term, as in "I'll be Kesseled," is used to express surprise.
Kicking the Rancor - This was an Imperial phrase used to describe any foolish stunt in which the risks vastly outweighed the gains. (Imperial)
Klootist -The term used to describe any being who played the kloo horn.
Korno - Slang term used by the Balawai on Haruun Kal to indicate an Korun individual.
Korun - The name given to an individual member of the Korunnai, the human race native to the planet Haruun Kal.
Krath Death Witch - Used to describe a Force-wielding woman who followed the Sith teachings of the ancient Krath.
Kriff - Imperial swear word.
Krilhead - Used in the Elrood Sector to describe a stupid or unintelligent person.
Kwath - Slang term used to describe a kurkuoth.
Lance - Imperial jargon for a speeder bike unit.
Landing Zone - Smuggler's slang for a room or a flat.
Leather Head - Derogatory term used by some backwater humans to describe a member of the Sluissi race.
LES - Acronym. Used by the scouts of the New Republic to describe any newly-discovered species which "Liked to Eat Scouts."
Level Zip Ship - Spacer's slang for a starship which was an easy target for theft, because it had very few - if any - security obstacles.
Life Bearer - Another name for a Life Witch.
Light - Term used by starfighter pilots of the New Republic to indicate a Yuuzhan Vong light attack cruiser.
Lightfight - Alliance military slang for a ground battle fought with laser weapons.
Lignyot - Nickname used by members of the Empire's cryptanalysis agency, it was originally coined to describe the agents of the Old Republic's Cryptanalysis Department.
Like Herglic on Mrlssti - This phrase evolved in the Tapani Sector, and derived from the size difference between the two races. In most situations, it referred to the fact that opposites didn't mix, as in "like oil and water." It could also be used to indicate pain, as if a Herglic were to sit on a Mrlssti. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't indicate any enmity between the two races.
Link, The - This term, used in the Elrood Sector of the galaxy, described the informal, sector-wide network of gossipers and rumor-mills active during the Galactic Civil War.
Lint-nerf - Slang term for a large dust mote.
Little Shocky - The term used by the ancient troopers of the Old Republic to describe a neural band.
Little Slugland - Smuggler's nickname for the moon of Nar Shaddaa.
Living at the Scrapyard - This phrase, used by the Belgarian natives of the planet Belgaroth, indicated any individual who was recently deceased.
Lizling - Derogatory term for a small, reptiloid being.
Long Walk, The - the Socorran name for the self-imposed exile of an Ibhaan'I shaman or priest. The Long Walk was named for the fact that these men leave their tribes of their own volition and wander the open desert on their own. To many, this is considered suicidal. However, the shamen - known as the bronwen - gain respect and power as they survive in the intense desert conditions.
Lost Twenty, The - Term used by the Jedi Order to describe the twenty Knights who voluntarily left the Order to pursue their own agendas. The Order itself chose to remember the Lost Twenty by constructing bronzium busts of each former Jedi, as both a reminder of their honour and the regret at their departure.
LTS - Starfighter pilot slang for a pilot who is "likely to survive."
Lum Run - Spacer slang for any routine trip or task.
Lumphead - Derogatory nickname for the Sunesi adult.
Lumrunner - This term is used either to compliment an individual or deride him. In its complimentary form, a lumrunner is an individual who can perform heroic tasks and make them look simple. In its derogatory form, a lumrunner is someone who avoids risks at all costs, taking the jobs which are easy and have little risk.
LUP - Abbr. Used by the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Old Republic to indicate a laying-up point, which was essentially a tactical position from which a squad could co-ordinate and launch an assault on an enemy position.
Mab - This word was used on the planet Gandle Ott, during the early years of the New Republic, as a way of addressing a being who questioned the motivations of a native: "This isn't the Core, mab." (Gandle Ott)
Mad-claw - The Basic translation of a Wookiee term used to describe any ostracised member of their culture who chose to return Kashyyyk, despite their exile.
Manding - Slang term used by the children of Esseles to indicate a high level of incredibility, as in, "He's so manding cute!" (Esseles)
Mark One Ear'ole - A term used by Sergeant Kal Skirata to describe what he thought were the best assets a clone commando had at his disposal: his own eyes and ears.
Meat Droid - Derogatory term used to describe the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Medxec - This term was used on the planet Coruscant to describe the executives of major health-related organisations and hospitals, during the last decades of the Old Republic.
Melloon - Slang word used by Dash Rendar to refer to swoop gangmembers.
Milking - This mild expletive was popular with many Basic-speaking races during the height of the Clone Wars.
Mimn'yet Surgery - Term used by the medical staff of the Old Republic's forces on Drongar, during the height of the Clone Wars, to describe their daily work. It referred to a meat dish favoured by the Barabel race, which was often enjoyed raw and bleeding.
Minder - slang term used to describe those physicians who were also empaths, and worked to ensure the mental and emotional well-being of their patients.
Mind-to-Mind - The Basic term that described the Vratix method of communication. It was the only phrase that the Vratix could use to describe the hive-like communication between individuals.
Mind-Ugly-Ug - Term used by Halla for bureaucratic fools like Grammel.
Mineclan - Term used to describe a family on the planet Averill which owned and operated a mine. Each mineclan was an autonomous entity, but all mineclans worked together for the greater good of the planet.
Minehold - The name of a family-owned mining operation on the planet Averill. Before the New Order, many mineholds existed, with each family inheriting the mine through succeeding generations. When the Empire subjugated Averill, the individual mineholds were nationalised into a monopolistic entity.
Minions of Xendor - Han Solo often used the expression "by the Minions of Xendor" when he was surprised by something. It referred to those beings who supported the ancient Kashi Mer exile, Xendor, during the First Great Schism. See also Xendor's Minions.
Misery-guts - A term coined by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate any leader who fretted over every situation, wondering how to handle it "by the book" without causing more trouble.
MOB - Abbr. For the Main Observation Blister of a starship.
Money Lane - An unmarked area within the sights of a laser cannon which fighters often use to denote those kills which require more skill. Han Solo and Chewbacca had agreed upon the money lanes suited to the Millennium Falcon's quad-laser cannons, and often made bets on their shooting abilities, with double-scores for those kills in the money lane. The Millennium Falcon's money lane was the area of overlap around the edge of the ship's saucer, where both quad-laser cannons could fire.
Monoc - Derogatory term used to describe the Abyssin race.
Mossy - Derogatory term used to describe the M'shinni race.
MRR - Alliance fighter pilot slang for the food they were fed after they were captured by Imperial forces. MRR actually stands for "Meals Ready to Regurgitate."
Mud-baller - Scout slang for anyone who lives on the surface of a planet.
Mudfoot - Imperial military slang for the infantry which accompanies an AT-AT walker.
Mudwater - Slang word used by smugglers to describe any cloudy, gritty beverage.
Mug - Name used to describe any foolish being.
Munk - Stassian swear word, indicating a form of excrement.
Mushroom Patch - Term used by owners of moisture evaporators to describe the patch of ground at the base of the evaporator. It was here that stray moisture collected in the soil, creating a damp area that allowed mushrooms to grow.
Volume Three: N - S
Nebula Rubantine - This was the primary override authorisation code used by the crew of the Nebula Chaser.
Necropolis - Term used by Judder Page and his team of infiltration agents to describe the planet Coruscant, after it had been terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar and then destroyed by Supreme Overlord Shimrra.
Neep - This term is used to describe an individual who installs computer systems.
Negotiator, The - Term used during the height of the Clone Wars to describe Obi-Wan Kenobi, in reference to the way in which he used measured tactics in order to champion the goals of the Old Republic.
Nerf Bait - Spacer's slang for any form of phoney lock or security system installed on a starship, which was booby-trapped by the owner in order to catch shipjackers.
Nessie - Nickname applied to the inhabitants of the Stenness system.
Noodlefishing - Leia Organa-Solo used this term to describe the mindless activities of most political figures.
Nostril of Palpatine - One of the terms Han Solo used to describe an Imperial superweapon, during his discussion with Vana Dorja following the Battle of Coruscant.
Nova Colossus - One of the terms Han Solo used to describe an Imperial superweapon, during his discussion with Vana Dorja following the Battle of Coruscant.
NRC - Abbr. Part of the lingo known as deal-slang, stands for "Not Really Committed." It inferred the cynical attitude most gamblers had toward the New Republic.
Old Spaceman's Home - Term used by spacer's to indicate retirement.
Old Suicide Squads - Alliance slang for the original Infiltrators of the Special Forces division.
One - Basic translation of the Yapi word for an intelligent species. The Yapi considered the Imperial officers who came to Kathol with Moff Kentor Sarne to be the "Grey Ones" because of the colour of their uniforms. Stormtroopers were considered "White Ones," while the crew of the FarStar and the New Republic were considered "New Ones."
One Good Deal - Phrase used by the Squib to describe the goal of their pursuit of happiness.
One Hundred Percent - This phrase was used by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate that something was perfect or ready.
Ord - This prefix, which is used in the names of many modern planets, is actually an acronym used by the Old Republic to denote a world which housed a military outpost. These worlds were designated as Ordnance/Regional Depots, or ORDs. Over the centuries, the word Ord was simply used to describe the planet.
Organ-legger - Derogatory term used to describe those smugglers who transported illegally-obtained donor organs across the galaxy, during the early years of the New Republic.
Outlaw Tech - Any of the various starship mechanics who work outside the realm of legal starship modifications and paperwork. They do custom work for a fair price. They also have the skills to forge starship IDs and Authority Waivers.
Pada-Jedi - Cerasi used this somewhat derogatory term to describe Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Paladian Prince - Haughty royal person.
Pera - This term, from the High Galactic language, was used throughout the galaxy to indicate a male parent.
Piggies - Term used by the miners of the moon Tilnes to describe the Caarites they discovered living below the moon's surface.
Pin Money - A bounty hunters' term used to identify a small-time criminal who has engaged in illicit activities for many years, but only commands a small bounty.
PL-1 - This designation was created for a specialised X-Wing part, shortly after the Battle of Endor. When Rogue Squadron resigned its commission to battle Ysanne Isard at Thyferra, the New Republic was unable to directly supply them with X-Wings. However, they managed to sell off a number of X-Wings as broken surplus because they lacked PL-1s. This was a bookkeeping ruse, though, because PL-1 actually referred to the pilot of the craft.
Place of Beginning - this is one of the Qella names for their homeworld, Brath Qella.
Plague Group - This was the local name given to the workers at the Scohar Xenohealth Institute.
Plastihead - Smuggler slang for any thick-headed individual.
Pleasure Planet in the Purple Systems - This phrase was used to describe a euphoric place in which everything is happy and fun.
Pointer - Starfighter pilot slang for an X-Wing.
Pol - Term used to describe those agents of the Pentastar Alignment's Politerate branch, who were charged with upholding the tenets of the New Order in every branch of the Alignment's service.
Polyglot - Slang term refers to any higher-order computer language.
Popper - slang term used to describe any riot suppression weapon which used a sonic blast to halt an attacker.
Precog - slang term used to describe any Gotal who could use their sensitive head cones to anticipate an opponent's next move.
Protie - Slang term originated in the Elrood Sector, and was a short way to describe a protocol droid.
Proton-Shock - Term often used by smugglers to indicate an individual who was staring dazedly into space, describing the individual as "proton-shocked."
Prune Face - Imperial slang term used to describe a member of the Dresselian race.
Puck - Military slang for a repulsortank.
Puffers - Han Solo used this derogatory term to describe President Gavrisom. Han claimed that all Gavrisom ever did was talk, puffing up issues with words rather than dealing with them head-on.
Question Number One - This was Admiral Traest Kre'fey's name for his primary mission, at least in his own mind. Question Number One, painted on the bulkhead leading to the command deck of the Ralroost, read "How can I hurt the Vong today?"
Question Number Two - This was Admiral Traest Kre'fey's name for his secondary mission, at least in his own mind. Question Number One, painted on the bulkhead leading to the command deck of the Ralroost, read "How can I help my own side grow stronger?"
Ratch - Slang term for any lowlife criminal, often used by smugglers.
Rawmat - Corporate slang for raw materials.
Reading the G's - Used by starship pilots to describe the ability to fly a ship by tactile feel, rather than by instruments.
Rebel Alliance, The - Popular name given to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Rebels - The Imperial name given to the members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. It had a very derogatory connotation.
Region - Term used by the Old Republic to denote a large section of the known galaxy. They varied greatly in their size, from small patches of space to expanses such as the Outer Rim Territories.
Reigat Rage - Slang term used to describe the incredible fits of anger which sometimes struck the Reigat species. It often resulted in large amounts of destruction.
Riding the Mirror - The name used by the workers onboard Coruscant's Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellites (OSETS) to describe their tours of duty.
Rill Out - Slang term which indicated a being was going to go to sleep, as in "Don't rill out in the middle of a fight!"
Rimkin - Core Worlds slang term for anyone who lived beyond the Inner Rim. Most natives of the Outer Rim took great offence at the term.
Rimsoo - The phonetic name given to a Republic Mobile Surgical Unit, or RMSU. Each RMSU on a given planet was numbered sequentially, with RMSU-1 being the primary base of operations for all other RMSUs.
Rimstint - Term used by law enforcement officers from the Core Worlds who had to track down a criminal who had fled beyond the Inner Rim. The mission to recover the felon was known as a "rimstint."
Rimworld - Generic term used to describe the various planets within the galactic rim.
ROB - Abbr. For the Rear Observation Blister of a starship.
Rulebook - Slang term was used by many beings who lived in criminal organisations, and referred to a blaster weapon. It derived from the phrase "making your own rules" by taking the law into your own hands and enforcing it at blaster-point.
Run Ashore - Term used by the commanders and instructors of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe any downtime that clone troopers and commandos could experience in between combat. The official description of a "run ashore" was a "social adventure", meant to introduce the clones to the beings they were trying to protect during the Clone Wars.
Sabacc Mask - Term used by gamblers - especially sabacc players - to identify the completely expressionless face of a competitor. A sabacc mask betrayed no emotion, not even in the slightly twitch of an eyelash. A true sabacc mask was said to be unreadable even by a Lorrdian.
Sacorrian - Term used to describe any being who was native to the planet Sacorria, whether they were human, Selonian, or Drall.
Salt - Word used by New Republic starfighter pilots to designate a medium-sized Yuuzhan Vong assault cruiser.
Sapper - Slang term used to describe those individuals who performed hard labour for the Balawai, on the planet Haruun Kal, during the height of the Clone Wars.
SB1 - Imperial slang for a battalion's captain, second-in-command to the battalion's major. SB1 is responsible for the unit's intel.
SB2 - Imperial slang for a battalion's logistics officer.
SB3 - Imperial slang for a battalion's medical officer.
SB4 - Imperial slang for a battalion's technical officer.
SB5 - Imperial slang for a battalion's headquarters officer. This designation has no counterpart at the company level; SB5 is responsible for co-ordinating the battalion's support, security, and order.
SC1 - Imperial slang for a company's lieutenant, the second in command.
SC2 - Imperial slang for a company's logistics officer.
SC3 - Imperial slang for a company's medical officer.
SC4 - Imperial slang for a company's technical officer.
Scooptrooper - Armed forces jargon for a stormtrooper who travels on a swoop, rather than a speeder bike.
Scrag-end - Crude term used by criminals and other seedy beings, during the last years of the Old Republic, to indicate any being who made the criminal angry or upset.
Scratch - Term used by many Cestians to indicate an existence in which an individual or family made enough credits to feed themselves, with a little left over to barter with. Usually, it referred to farming communities that eked out sustenance, but never enough to sell for a profit.
Scratchback - Used in the city of Talos on Atzerri and on most of the Free Trader Worlds, this term describes the practice of setting up progressively intense areas of merchants in the vicinity of spaceports. The initial area surrounding Free Trader spaceports is set up to fleece unsuspecting travellers of their credits through the use of illusory taxes and shoddy merchandise. Most experienced travellers are detected by these merchants, and are expertly routed to more intense sales areas farther from the spaceport. If the travellers still didn't part with their credits, chances are their funds will be stolen as they move further from the law enforcement present at the starport. The "scratchback" occurs when the more intense salesbeings pay a "referral fee" to those businesses close to the spaceport who pass on the more experienced travellers.
Screaming Kroobles - This phrase is used to describe a sensation of fear or loathing.
Sealman - Derogatory term used to describe the Sedrians.
Sector - Originally designed to include up to 50 inhabited star systems, the wild expansion of the late Old Republic caused many sectors to grow larger and less structured.
Sellsecret - Slang term used on the planet Tatooine to describe any being who make a living buying and selling information. The term sellsecret had a more dubious connotation than infochant.
Seppie - Slang term was used during the Clone Wars to indicate a person who was part of the Separatist movement.
Sevari Sidestep - Part of the jargon known as deal-slang, this term was based on the name used to describe a starship manoeuvre. In the art of the deal, though, it implied the use of finesse and guile to elude the long arm of the law.
Shadowport - Used to describe any starport that catered to the less-reputable spacers of the galaxy, and provided services without requiring official licensing or notification.
Shag - This term, used in the Elrood Sector, was an affectionate nickname for a Wookiee.
'Shakal - A Hapan term translated as 'worthy.'
Shatterpoint - Used to describe the locations at which even the hardest material could be struck, resulting in its breaking into pieces. Most commonly associated with Corusca gems, shatterpoints are notoriously difficult to locate, and the judgement of how much force to exert on a shatterpoint is an art only a few beings ever learn. Too little force applied to a shatterpoint results in a degradation of the crystalline matrix, which caused the gem to fall apart later. Too much force, and the entire gem shatters instantly. A precisely-gauged blow resulted in the shearing of the gem along a certain plane, resulting in a beautiful facet.
Shee - A Korunnai expression of exasperation.
Shell-head - Derogatory term is used by the Rabaanites to describe the S'krrr race.
Snow, The - Starfighter pilots' slang for a space battle.
Simsoft - Military slang for the software which gets loaded into a flight simulator. It defines the mission, the opponent's strength and configuration, and the artificial intelligence necessary to simulate the opponent's actions.
Sithspawn - An expletive used by Wedge Antilles.
Sitrep - Military term used to denote a situation report.
Skipper - Generic term used to describe any small craft used to travel between Skips within the Smuggler's Run. These ships are quick and manoeuvrable, a necessity when dodging asteroids.
Skip-tracer - Slang term for a collections agent.
Skrag - Corellian swear word.
Skugg - Derogatory name for an individual, but was often used in friendly arguments.
Skull - Starfighter pilot slang term for a Z-95 Headhunter.
Skycrawler - Affectionate term used by Leia Organa-Solo to describe any child who would be born to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker.
Sleeper - Slang term used to describe a hold-out blaster.
Slicer - Term used to describe a computer hacker.
Slim - Starfighter pilot slang term for an A-Wing.
Sludgenews - This term originated in the Corporate Sector, and referred to sensationalist journalism and the gathering of news on just about any controversial or inane subject. Much of it revolved around the exploits of holovid stars and sports figures, but also reported on women who claimed to be carrying Emperor Palaptine's children and on the fact the Darth Vader was still alive, just hiding out until he could return to reinstate the Empire. Much of it was blatantly false information meant to stir up more controversy, but the masses bought their newsfeeds with gusto.
Slugland - Smuggler's nickname for Nal Hutta.
Slythmonger - Used to describe any beings who illegally sold prescription drugs or narcotics for a disbarred physician.
Smiler - Any individual affected by the herb savorium. They were described as the only truly contented individuals in the galaxy. A smiler is characterised by a totally accommodating nature, and would do anything for anyone. For this reason, they were prime targets for slave labour, since they would work until they were exhausted and worked for free.
Snaggletooth - Derogatory name given to the Snivian race.
Snark - Swear word used by the human inhabitants of the planet Ord Mantell and several other planets.
Snerp - Slang term used on the planet Corellia, as a derogatory way of describing another person.
Snoopscoot - Fighter pilot slang for any reconnaissance craft, such as the Incom T-65R, designed to get in and out of a system to collect data without being discovered.
Solo Embarrassment Factor - A private joke between Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa-Solo. Coined by Leia, it referred to the way in which all of Han's plans to create a private vacation for them always ended up in ruin.
Sons of Barab - Han Solo once invoked the names of the Sons of Barab during his escape from the Trader's Luck.
Spacer - Slang term for a starship pilot.
Spacescraper - This word evolved on Coruscant, as a description of the tallest buildings found on the planet, if not in the galaxy.
Spacing - A form of execution in which the victim is cast into the vacuum of deep space without any protection.
Spice-jacker - The term used to describe those pirates who illegally obtain spice by hijacking other smugglers and stealing their cargoes. The use of spice-jackers by crimelords increased during the early years of the New Republic.
Spill Air - Racer slang for the super-heated gases that are created by a hot engine. Spill air can be bled off in order to cool the engine or prevent engine fires.
Spire-hive - The term used to describe the tall, rocky spires created by the Geonosians as living spaces. Hidden beneath the spire-hives were immense chambers used for manufacturing and storage.
Spore Tour - A slang term, used by the members of the Agricultural Corps to refer to any examination of a planet's native plant life and its applications in terraforming.
Squealer - An ancient nickname for a sonic pistol.
Squid Head - Derogatory name for a member of the Quarren race.
Squint - Alliance fighter pilot slang for a TIE Interceptor. Erisi Dlarit also called it a "wince."
Stabman - Term used by the human population that lived along the Sea of Jarad, on the planet Tralus, to describe the harpooners who hunted styanax for a living.
Stang - Alderaanian swear word.
Starfleet - Term sometimes used to describe the Imperial Navy.
Steelback - Imperial slang term, used by some officers to describe stormtroopers.
Sticks, The - A phrase which was used on the Core Worlds to describe any planets located beyond the Colonies.
Stim-pickled - Used during the early years of the New Republic to describe a being who was addicted to stimulants and other such drugs.
Stompasaur - A slang term for an Imperial AT-AT walker.
Strider - Another name for an Imperial AT-ST scout walker.
Stump - Basic translation of a term used by the ancient Mandalorians to indicate a small-time criminal.
Survivor's Fund - The name used by fighter pilots to denote any sabacc or gambling pot which was left whenever their squadron was called to active duty. Any game interrupted by a combat order had its pot added to the Survivor's Fund, which was distributed to the surviving members of the families of pilots who were killed in the line of duty.
Swamp Hider - Slang term used by bounty hunters to describe any being who chose to hide, rather than fight back.
Sweet Soalie - A Corellia phrase, used to express one's disbelief.
Sweet Sookie - Human expression which originated on Corellia, and was used to voice an individual's dismay or exasperation at a given situation.
Sweetsap - Used during the last decades of the Old Republic to indicate the illegal spoils a being obtained while operating under seemingly humanitarian goals.
Sword of the Jedi - The name used by Luke Skywalker to describe Jaina Solo, when it was announced that she had attained the level of Jedi Knight. In Master Skywalker's words, Jaina was to be "…a burning brand to your enemies, a brilliant fire to your friends." She found that this appellation was more work to maintain than she believed, as the war against the Yuuzhan Vong wore her down and distanced her from her friends and family.
Volume Four: T - Z
Tabbing - A term used by the instructors who taught the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic, during their training on Kamino. The term tabbing was short for the tactical advance into battle.
Talkdroid - Slang term for a protocol droid.
Tapcafe - The generic term for a bar, often housing several games of chance.
Tarkin's Teeth - Imperial phrase used after the fall of Willhuf Tarkin, and indicates surprise when sworn.
Tarrek's Eyes - Expletive used by the Velabri, in situations of extreme amazement, and referred to the eyes of the god Tarrek.
Tatooine Tattoo - Spacer's slang for a deathmark placed on a being by Jabba the Hutt.
Technico - Starfighter pilot slang to describe a starship technician.
Techno - Slang term popular during the height of the New Order, was used to describe any being who made a living as a technician who worked on complex systems.
Techrat - Term used to describe a being who relies too heavily on technology. On some worlds where technology is shunned in favour of a more natural existence, it can describe a being who desires the status they believe high technology can bring them.
Teeda's Eyes - Nickname given to the twin planets of Pii III and Pii IV. Their forested surfaces appear green in space, and reminded the ancient inhabitants of the Arkanis Sector of Empress Teeda's green eyes.
Telbun - This Kuati term describes a group of selected middle class individuals used as breeders for the Kuati upper classes. Certain members of middle class families are chosen to begin training to be a telbun, which involves rigorous screening and intense education in a wide variety of subjects. When an upper class noble chooses a telbun - there are male and female telbun - the individual becomes the property of the upper class. The telbun's family is well-compensated, but cannot claim any of the upper classes' riches. The child of the union then becomes the heir to the upper class riches. The goal of this arrangement was to remove emotion from the creation of a child, while at the same time eliminating the senseless joining of upper class families through marriage. The telbun is subordinate to its mate, and is made to wear heavy red and purple robes that hide their bodies from the public eye. They must wear tall, starched collars and high, cylindrical hats.
Temp-flu - Starfighter pilot slang for the mental state of mind which overcomes pilots shortly before their tour of duty was up. If they survived long enough, some pilots tried to ensure their continued survival by holding back and not becoming too aggressive.
Ten Percent - Term used by the clone troopers of the Old Republic to describe the worst possible situation.
Terror of the Perlemian - Name given to the Storm Fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, during the height of the Clone Wars.
The Big Isn't - Term used to describe interstellar space, referring to the fact that there is literally nothing in between star systems but dust and vacuum.
Thindroid - Nickname used to describe ASP-series droids, and indicated their stick-like figures.
Three Ellas - The name given to the planets Dorella, Sorella, and Pernella, all located in the Freeworlds Region of Tapani Sector.
Thrill-Killer - A person whose mental state is unstable, and who enjoys killing anything for the excitement is brings. They often have special weapons surgically implanted in their bodies.
Ticktil - Used in the Elrood Sector to describe any alien species, such as the Bilars, which were deemed "too cute to live."
Tinny - Word used by many of the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe a battle droid.
TINYF - This acronym began showing up as graffiti on the buildings of Cularin, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. As it began to spread to buttons, shirts, and stickers, the population became aware that it stood for "Thaere Is Not Your Friend," and was an open criticism of the presence of the Thaereian Military in the Cularin System. After a news report by Ryk Osentay, many beings simply referred to the acronym as "Tiny F".
Tooloo - Slang term used by Dash Rendar to refer to Imperial sensor operators.
Topworld - Term used by the droids that protect the Lost City of the Jedi, it describes the surface environment of Yavin Four.
Toydarian Print - A slang term used during the last years of the Old Republic to describe the "fine print" - all the information on the obscure terms and conditions, often buried in a document or written in small fonts - in a contract or document.
Trakkie - This slang term was used in the Outer Rim Territories to describe any droid which used treads to rotating tracks for locomotion.
Tramper - The term used to describe any independent starship owner who performed odd transport jobs, rather than joining a corporation or guild to pull in a regular paycheque.
Trannie - Slang term used by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to indicate a Trandoshan individual.
Trip - New Republic starfighter pilot slang for a TIE Defender, named for its triple wing configuration.
Triumverate - The formal name given by the Tunroth to the planets Jiroch-Reslia, Kalok, and Saloch. Jiroch-Reslia is the homeworld of the Tunroth race, the Kalok and Saloch were later colonised by them.
Tuna Boat - Alliance pilot slang for a Gallofree Yards Medium Transport.
Tunding - This adjective was used by natives of the planet Gandle Ott, during the early years of the New Republic. It indicated a correctness to one's actions, as in, "That was right tunding."
Twin Planets - The name used to describe the moons of Shesharile 5 and Shesharile 6, even though they were actually moons of the gas giant Shesharile.
Twin Stars of Kira - The appellation given to the stars Lazerian and Ropagi, which are located at opposite ends of the Kira Run.
Twins, The - Name given to the planets Talus and Tralus, in the Corellian System. They orbit a common centre of mass, centred on Centerpoint Station, as well as orbiting the star Corell.
Twirl Pundit - A term used during the last decades of the Old Republic to describe any being whose job was to take the circumstances surrounding momentous events and adapting them to the needs of a government or establishment.
United Jedi Cluster-Mind - This was Han Solo's phrase to describe the Force-meld developed by the Jedi Knights, during the New Republic's struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong.
Uniting Day - The name given to the beginning of the process of creating a Sekotan starship. It is during this time that the seed-partners choose their eventual masters.
Unluckies - Slang term used in the Elrood Sector during the height of the New Order, and was used to describe those beings who were not native to the Sector but unlucky enough to be living or working there.
Upper Bloovatavian Historical Reference Databank - Sarcastic reference to a source of obscure knowledge used by Lando Calrissian.
Vader-Grader - Shipjacker's slang for a target which was so well protected that even Darth Vader wouldn't be able to steal it.
Velocity-blinker - Used to describe any being who enjoyed and participated in extremely fast racing sports, such as podracing and swoop racing.
Ver - A title used in the names of the life witches on Leria Kerlsil. It is used before the witch's surname, as in Karia Ver Seryan.
Vergence - Term used by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic to describe an intense concentration of the Force. Most often, vergences are associated with relics and places, but sometimes they are centred on a living being. This being often has a high concentration of midi-chlorians in their body, and can touch and use the Force with little or no training.
Vessel - A type of infochant, a being which has been cybernetically modified to store tremendous amounts of data in their heads. However, the vessel has no idea what the information deals with. When used for legal activities, vessels are generally considered couriers. Often, vessels are created from beings who were indebted to a more powerful infochant, as a way to pay off their debts.
Veubg - Used to describe a member of the Veubgri race, native to the planet Gbu.
Vic - The New Republic military's term for a three-starfighter pattern, in which the three craft formed the letter V. One ship led the formation, with the other two trailing on either wing.
Void - The term used by the Jedi Knights to describe a being that, at first, seemed to give off no living energy. In many respects, this made them like holograms. However, this emptiness of life-energy was a skill that few beings had, and many of them were more dangerous than the Sith or any Dark Jedi.
Void Droid - Term used to describe any droid which is left behind when a starship is abandoned in space. The droids on board are usually left behind as well, by sentients who simply don't understand the automata. These droids, without proper maintenance, programming, or frames of reference, go insane. It is at the point of insanity that a void droid is created. Void droids raid other, less fortunate droids for their parts and lubricants, and will attack other droids in a mechanical feeding frenzy.
Vong - A term used by the various beings of the New Republic to briefly describe the Yuuzhan Vong species. However, among the Yuuzhan Vong themselves, the term "Vong" meant that the person being addressed did not have the favor or kinship of his family or the gods.
Vongforming - Term used by New Republic scientists to describe the way in which Coruscant - and other worlds - were quickly reformed into worlds the Yuuzhan Vong could inhabit. Many worlds in the galaxy were simply replanted with Yuuzhan Vong flora, which took months to eventually claim the planet's surface. Planets such as Coruscant were seeded with exploding fungus and other rapid-growing organisms, reducing the urban world to rubble in a matter of weeks. Scientists and xenobiologists with the New Republic later discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong were not that different from most life in the galaxy, at least genetically. The primary exception was that all Vongformed life, including plants, animals, and the Yuuzhan Vong themselves, contained a unique strand of genetic material that set them apart from all other species. This difference was key to the development of the Alpha Red virus.
Vonglife - The New Republic's term for the unusual forms of plant and animal life which were used by the Yuuzhan Vong to reform a planet to their own designs.
Vongsense - The term used by Jacen Solo to describe his connection to the Yuuzhan Vong. It was not the Force, but rather another sensation of merging with the extra-galactic species and their bio-creations. Jacen found that he couldn't use his Vongsense while employing the Force, requiring him to use one sense or the other in battle. However, after Tahiri Veila managed to reconcile her mind with Riina Kwaad, she discovered that she had a very enhanced form of Vongsense. It was different from Jacen's in that it sprang from the part of her mind which was Riina, and Tahiri could use it almost all the time. Like Jacen's however, Tahiri's Vongsense was not as strong or powerful as the Force.
Warmaster - The title given to the highest-rank Yuuzhan Vong commander of an invasion or fighting force. The Warmaster was the commander and the mastermind behind their invasion of the known galaxy. From a remote location, the Warmaster controlled all the plans for the invasion.
Way, The - An ancient term for the Force.
Wet - A term used by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to describe a living target. This was in opposition to the normal target of a clone trooper, the battle droids of the Separatist armies.
Wet Droid - A term used by Kal Skirata and several other instructors on Kamino to describe a clone trooper. It was in reference to their similarity to the battle droids of the Separatist forces.
Wheel Form - Term used to describe the rolling configuration of a Destroyer Droid.
Wishbone - Starfighter pilot slang term used to describe a Y-Wing.
Wokling - The name used to describe a baby Ewok.
Womp Fink - Used at the Leadership School on Andara during the years following the Battle of Naboo, this term described any student who tattletaled on their fellow students.
Womp Run - The phrase coined by the youths of Tatooine to describe the target practice they took on womprats. Many young boys would fly their skyhoppers into areas known to have womprat populations, and make strafing runs on the small creatures.
Wonga, Winga, Cingee, Wooze - A nonsense phrase used by children who must choose among several options. The phrase is repeated, during which time a choice is associated with each word. Choices selected with the word "wooze" are eliminated.
Wookinate - Slang term used to indicate the excessive use of force in dealing with a situation, and referred to the battle rage a Wookiee could enter when presented with danger. A verb, it could be used like this: "I'll Wookinate that scout walker!"
Woosh - An expletive used on the planet Simpla-12.
Worm Head - Derogatory name given to the Twi'Lek race.
Wyrdling - The name used to describe any member of The Wyrd. (The Sith)
Wys - This term was part of the local terminology used by the human natives of the planet Belgaroth. Formed from the abbreviated version of the phrase "whatever you say", wys served as a kind of central philosophy among the Belgarians.
Xendor's Minions - This mythical group was often referred to by Falan Iniro, as an exclamatory remark whenever he was surprised. It referred to those beings who supported the ancient Kashi Mer exile, Xendor, during the First Great Schism.
Yabbo - Slang term used by Lando Calrissian to refer to bounty hunters.
Yak Face - Derogatory term for the Yarkora race.
Yazbo - Imperial slang term for a Kitonak.
Yegg - This was a slang term used durnig the height of the New Order to describe a lowlife being.
Zyom - This was an expletive used by Debret Nightmoon.