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Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(mrdave21764@comcast.net) on Friday, June 6, 2003 at 18:36:02

charname: Regular Joe
race: Enhanced Human
gender: Male
position: HERO
descript: Height: 6' 4" tall
Weight: 215 lbs
Demeanor: Proud and strong.
Joe appears has any number of "power groups" that he can switch between on any
given day. Each of thes "power groups" has a different look.
GI Joe:( Green Khakis, Helmet, Combat Boots, and Rifle)
Blue Collar Joe:(Construction Helmet, Blue shirt with rolled up sleeves and
Denim pants and construction boots. Toolbelt)
Business Joe(Suit, Cellphone, Briefcase and Business attire.)
Patriot Joe (Musket, Blue Jacket, wollen pants, tricorn hat)
Woodsman Joe (Coonskin cap, leather jacket and pants, moccasins)
etc. Each "Icon" as joe calls them wears an outfit that fits the icon. They
all feature a Hat, Shoes, Tools or a weapon and a carrying pouch or wallet.
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers:
Joe was the typical all-american. His father was in the military and he and his
family moved through both rural and urban settings and lived in many types of
towns. Joe made friend easily and was often a star player in High School
football and Track. He Earned his Eagle Scout and he eagerly attended civic and
religious events alike.

Joe was a "regular" joe. The kind of guy you'd like to be your neighbor and the
sort of man you'd trust. Joe entered the military at 18 and was soon promoted
to Master Seargant. His superiors remarked that he showed incentive,
intelligence and common sense.

As such things happen, Joe was sked if he would volunteer for a dangerous duty.
Once assured it would be "for the good of the country" he agreed to help. He
was escorted to an enormous silver sphere.

The "Transdimensional collapsotron" was the military's attempt at alternative
transportation solutions. The idea was that if you could bend space, you could
skip intervening distances. This was to be a short range test.

Joe was quite overwhelmed by the science and was shown animals and machines that
had safely been "collapsed" through the intervening space without any apparent
harm. He even witnessed a test of said machine.

Satisfied that it was time to perform a human test Joe entered the chamber. A
voice came over the intercom that sounded very familiar. As the room filled
with what looked like liquid light Joe realized that the voice he had heard was
his own.

Joes conciousness stretched over space and time touching alternate realities and
many different variations of the life he had known. In one life he played
professional football for the Broncos. In another he was a hero on the beaches
of Normandy. In another he was the first man on the moon. Yet another he was a
mutant. Joe had done it all. He was every Joe in a universe of Joes.

His mind began to contract and soon he found himself settling back into a mre
familiar form, the "Regular" Joe he was used to being. But he could feel the
link across the dimensions to the various "Joes" he could have been except for a
variation of fate.

The voice over the intercom was incredulous. "You cannot have survived. You
must be destroyed so that I can absorb your power!"

As Joe struggled to release himself from the monitoring equipment and harness he
saw a door open and 'he'--another Joe-- entered the sphere. Joe realized that
for all of the Joes in time and space they were all heroes. Men of honor,
substance, morals, duty, and bravery. But there were other Joes. A more
tenuous connection.

Cowards, criminals, liars, cheats, and evil evil men. Joe could feel this man
as one of them. They looked in each others eyes and rushed to clash but as they
got closer energy began to form between them until a massive explosion destroyed
the lab and everything in it.

Joe awakened and there was no sign of the "Anti" Joe anywhere. He reported back
to base and was debreifed (he kept his knowledge of the other Joes secret)
telling the Army that the device did not in fact work and that the scientist in
charge had saught to destroy Joe and the project before he could be exposed.

Joe served his term and left the service (much to the disappontment of his
superiors) to become an auto mechanic.

Joes apptitude for auto repair allowed him to build a fair business (Joe's Auto
Repair) and soon he was opening diners (Eat at Joe's) and Liquor stores (Joe
Sixpack's) and it seemed that everything Joe tried his hand at he could do.

On Halloween he dressed as Superman and was mugged. A bullet fired at him
flattened itself against his skin like he was wearing Kevlar. That was when Joe
realized that he had been changed by the dimensional travel.
powers: Powers:
The Clothes make the Man: Joe's transformation under the collapsotron makes him
able to tap into the infinite possibilites that are Joe. Across time and space
and dimensions of possibility, probability, and alternativity. But he has to
look the part. Joe is a creative fellow and quite successful and over the last
few months his experiments in costuming have showed his that:
- He can only use one 'costume' a day
- A 'costume' consists of a minimum of a hat, shoes, a belt or bag, a tool or
- The transformation is immediate from the time he dons the costume.
- Any outfit that lacks any of the four required pieces does not activate his
- He must put the clothes on himself (so he could not be dressed like a little
girl by a villain and become a little girl for the day
- The effects last from 12 midnight to 12 midnight (so if he dons an outfit at
8pm it stops working at midnight. He would have to disrobe and re-wear the same
outfit to get it to work again)

Some of Joe's outfits give him powers but they are fairly low grade powers:
- The Super Hero outfit (Mask, Utility Belt, Red Boots, and Cape) will allow
him to fly at about 15 MPH although a bit unsteadily. He can resist bullets as
if he is wearing kevlar armor, and he has slightly higher than normal
strength--about enough to punch hols through normal plaster walls)
- Joe has dressed as a woman and it does indeed transform him "completely" into
a woman.(she goes by Jo ;))
- Any outfit that uses a gun conveys a sharpshooting ability (cops, soldiers,
- Any outfit that requires a backpack fills the backpack with tools of the
trade. (i.e. if he dressed as a paratrooper, he would not need to wear an actual
parachute, only a mocked-up parachute, it would become an actual parachute once
the outfit was complete).
- Any tool or weapon that is part of a costume becomes the real thing. (if Joe
wore fake fur boots, a loincloth, a plastic sword, and a plastic helmet he would
become Barbarian Joe complete with steel sword, real fur boots etc...)

There are many things that Joe is unwilling to try yet. (If he wore a
frankenstein mask, lift shoes, bolts on his neck and tattered clothes would he
become Frankenstein Joe? If he wore a fish tail, a triedent a fishbowl full of
water on his head and a leather strap would he become merman Joe? Could he
breathe Water?)

And he has only been aware of his true abilities for a few months.
items: Joe has assembled a base set of costumes:
GI Joe:( Green Khakis, Helmet, Combat Boots, and Rifle)
Blue Collar Joe:(Construction Helmet, Blue shirt with rolled up sleeves and
Denim pants and construction boots. Toolbelt)
Business Joe(Suit, Cellphone, Briefcase and Business attire.)
Patriot Joe (Musket, Blue Jacket, wollen pants, tricorn hat)
Woodsman Joe (Coonskin cap, leather jacket and pants, moccasins)
Superhero Joe (red boots, red cape, red gloves and a mask)
Sportsman Joe (sports uniform and ball/bat/stick, etc: Baseball and Football so
Jo (Dress, high heels, purse and a wig)
played_by: Joe Montana
player: If ya don't know me be now, ya ain't gonna

Regular Joe

Soulless Zombie's picture

Ok my initial thoughts on this character were cool power but rather jokey write up. The tone of the character reminds me of the 60's Batman and I'm not sure that's what we're aiming for.

However, having spoken to Dave I'm happy that he understands my concerns and agrees with them to a greater or lesser extent.

Additionally the write up seems a little sparse (Of course it might be mine that's too long *shrugs*). I'd like to see a little more detail though this will probably come out during play. still a little extra initial info wouldn't hurt.

All in all I'd vote a qualified yes. I like the character concept it just needs to wear a slightly different less skimpy costume.

Regular Joe

MrDave's picture

Just for the rest of you that weren't there...here are the revised bits of the character:

Codename: ICON

Background (additions):
Joe has been dating the same woman for the last year and a few months. Her name is Dolly Greene and she is from North Carolina. She has a daughter Jenny (age 12) from a previous marraige. She was at the party dressed as Wonder Woman and saw him get shot afterwards. She beleives the shot missed, and has no idea that Joe has any powers at all.

On a few occasions she thinks that Joe has memory problems, but in fact it is the Anti Joe who is making limited contacts with Dolly and Jenny in an attempt to monitor Joe.

To date Icon has been fighting local small-time crimes. He has tried the super hero gig but has yet to hit on the right combination of costume parts to make a truely effective costumed hero, so he has been using less garish outfits such as cops, cowboys, commandos and such as his operating outfits.

He continues to experiment with different outfits but he has only really been aware of his power over the last few months.

Joe's nemises is the "Anti-joe". The Anti-Joe looks like him, talks like him and is his exact opposite in temperment and ability. The Anti-Joe discovered that there is a thread of energy that runs through all of the various universes that connects incarnations. That thread of energy gets shorter and more intense as the points on it are eliminated. (NOTE: This is explained better in the movie THE ONE but there are an infinite number of joes in this version rather than a finite number). This anti Joe had determined to eliminate all of the other Joes. Until the accident that gave "Regular" joe his power. That same explosion established a connection between Anti-joe and the few evil joes across the multiverse as well as to Joe himself.

Therefore as Joe's power increases so does the Anti-Joe's power increase. His ability is linked to opposites of Joe's current Icon. Cowboy-> Indian. Cop->Criminal, Commando->Terrorist, Superhero->Super villain. He has also managed to successfully impersonate Regular Joe on occasion. He is careful about doing this becasue he does not want to alert Joe to his presence.

A couple of things to clarify:
Joe's power gets stronger and more intense the closer he can imitate a specific Joe in the multiverse. He has the ability (but not the knowledge of how to use it) to concentrate to focus on these alternate universes.

If he could figure that part of his power out he could tap into super-human joes across the multiverse giving his effectively any super power or ability. This is an incredible power. But for now I am keeping it low grade and letting him grow into it.

If he seems garden variety now he won't stay that way. Here is the downside...the more powerful he becomes the more powerful his arch enemy becomes too. And don't think that his nemesis has not realized that boosting Joe's power through the roof would benefit him tremendously.

Timeline (reverse order):
July 2003: Now
Oct 2002: Discovers Powers
May 2002: Meets and starts dating Dolly
Sep 2001: Opens Diner and Package Store
Feb 2001: Starts mechanic business
July 2000: Discharged from Army
March 1999: "Collapsotron" Incident
Jan 1997: Entered Army at Age 18
June 1996: Graduated High School

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