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Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(mdgirish@aol.com) on Sunday, June 8, 2003 at 23:56:26
charname: Melinda Grant a.k.a. Spectrum
race: Super Human
gender: Female
group: None
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 130
Demeanor: Melinda is gracefull when she walks but can sometimes be very bubbly.
She often talks a little to loud, especially when she is excited or has a good
Attitude: Melinda is generally a happy person when out of costume. She loves
comedy, suprises and seeing other people happy. She is a tad eccentric and loves
to buy unusual things or advanced things. In costume (as the Spectrum) she is
more detiermined at what she does (which is stop crime). She generally focuses
on what she is doing and doesn't worry about other things when she has to save
lives (and that always comes first).
Lifestyle: Melinda Grant is rich. Very rich. She inherited the Grant fortune
from her adopted parents and is now one of the wealthiest women in America. She
lives in an apartment in Crystal City but also owns a mansion in the suburbs
outside of town. Because she is so rich, is is able to buy many unusual pieces
of furniture and her house is filled with strange things. She also loves new
technology, and she has things like lights that automatically come on when you
walk in the room and such (think Bill Gates kind of lifestyle). She also has her
job, which is to run "Grant Incorperated" which now specializes in creating help
programs for people with special powers, orphans, and other people who need help
and have nowhere else to turn. The company gets its money by building new
electronic devices.
Costume: Spectrum's costume is... bright to say the least. Because her power is
based upon the seven colors of the rainbow (see powers for more detail), her
costume reflects that. The body, is skin tight and is colored indigo. She wears
long gloves over both arms. The right is orange, and the left is blue. She also
where's boots. The right is Green and the left is yellow. The indigo body
stretches down to under her knees and a little under the boots. The arms stretch
down to her wrists, under the gloves. Her mask, which coveres her eyes and not
much else, is violet. She wears a rather wide cape, which is colored red. The
cape flows from the back of her shoulders down to just above the ground.
Special Effects:(glows, surrounded by fire, etc.)
The only effect Spectrum has is that when she fly's, there is a rainbow glow
around her. But there will be more on that later on. Otherwise, there is no
history: Suggestions....
Before you got your powers: Melinda Grant never knew her original last
name, but it wasn't Grant. She was born to a pair of Gypsies in Austria. She
knows this, but she has forgotten there names as well. Ever since she can
remember (or can't remember, as the case may be), Melinda would have random
seizures that led to her hospitalization many times. As a result of these
seizures, Melinda's memory was damaged, and she would lose bits and peices of it
here and there, more every times she had another attack. One fatefull night,
Melinda' father had boughten a car, the first one for their family, and was
drying his wife and daughter around. This was when Melinda had her worst attack
and was instantly rendered unconcious. Her father, in a panic to get his
daughter help, crashed his car into a tree. He was killed instantly. Melinda and
her mother were rushed to the hospital (for different reasons. Melinda had not
been hurt by the crash, but her mother was). Melinda recovered but her mother
was much less fortunate and died in the hospital. Melinda always blamed herself
for her parents death.
Melinda was put into an Austrian adoption agency, and was
eventually adopted by an american couple, Jeb and Patty Grant. Because they were
the heads of "Grant Incorperated", they thought that with all their money they
could find a cure for Melinda's seizure's. However, doctors found nothing out
and could not help Melinda. All she knew was that she saw a blinding flash of
color before she passed out each time. As Melinda grew up, she started to forget
things from her past, until she only had fading memories, and frigtening dreams
about a car crash.
How you got your powers: Melinda's life turned for the better when she got a
visit from sombody named "The Spectrum". Although Melinda has thought him just
a rumor, it turned out her was quite real. He was what you might call a
superhero, and used light as his weapon. He had also had such seizures, and help
make Melinda realize that her curse was actually a gift in desguise. With
training, he showed Melinda that the bright colors she saw was actual the same
color she could use as a weapon. After that, Melinda was able to use light to
help herself and others (although that will all be explained in the powers
After you got your powers: Melinda eventually inherited the "Grant Incorperated"
company from her aging parents and moved to Crystal City where the headquarters
were located. There, she decided to use her free time to help others. Because
Crystal City was one of the biggest gambling places to go (right up there with
Las Vegas) there was a lot of crime in the otherwise beautifull place. Melinda
dawned the Spectrum guise that her predicessor (who had since passed away) had
used in his memory. Now, she fights crime in Crystal City while still finding
time to manage a big corporation.
enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name: PhySpell
Powers: PhySpell is a phychic and a theif. Her mind powers can 1) read minds, 2)
levitate objects, 3) send a wave of phychic energy that can daze or confuse
others, 4) Levitate, but not for long, 5) Use something called mind shock that
can knock a person unconcous (but Physpell must be touching the persons' head to
do it)
Why is this person your enemy?: Physpell is an expert thief, specializing in
heavily guarded things. Because she regularly breaks the law, she has become an
enemy of Spectrum. She also enjoys taunting Melinda, and because of her powers,
knows her secret identity. Physpell, despite her flaws, does on occasion help
out because she isn't as bad as say, a murdered. Still, because there is always
the danger that Physpell will reveal the identity of Melinda to the world,
Spectrum must always be on guard.
powers: Suggestions....
Electrical Generation: Can generate current from the palms of his hands roughly
equal to a lightning bolt.
Limit: cannot throw an arc of electricity -- touch only.
Stunt: Can Stun opponents using lower voltage
Stunt: Can Kill by stopping the heart of opponants.
Stunt: Can ignite flamable materials.
Stunt: resistant to high-voltage
Light Generation: Can generate brilliant lights (think Jubilee)
Limit: No known limit on how bright the light can be, but if it is bright
enough, Melinda herself will have a seizure or could even go blind.
Stunt: Blind an oppotent temporarily or permenantly (has never used permenantly
thus far, because she deems it unnecesary and to cruel)
Stunt: Can cause a seizure to another if done up close to the others eye.
Stunt: Light up dark places.
Light Crafting (I didn't think there was anything similar to what I wanted so I
made the name up): Light Crafting is what Spectrum calls her ability to create
objects out of light. These objects are not real, but glowing images of a real
Limit: Melinda can create only one object at a time, and the object can be no
bigger that she is tall (5' 8"). She can only create inanimate objects, and only
solid objects.
Stunt: Melinda can create anything small out of light. The items she creates
glows and looks to be a rainbow shaped like the object and not the real object
itself. Never the less, the object takes on any power it would normally have,
but with no weight. For example, Melinda could create a hammer that would be
just as strong as a hammer, but weigh nothing.
Flight: Melinda can fly
Limit: Melinda's flight acts as creating an objects, so she cannot use any of
her other powers while flying.
Stunt: Well... fly.
Sheild creation (last one I promise): Melinda can create a shield out of light
or a barrior that surrounds her and anything around her that acts as a shield.
Limit: The sheild can take only so much power against it or it will brake.
Stunt: Melinda can create a shield out of light or a barrior that surrounds her
and anything around her that acts as a shield.
items: Suggestions....
Own: Melinda owns many items that would fit a wealthy life style.
Always carry: None (why would she if she could just create it?)
Built Myself: None
Weapons: None (once again, she could just create it)
-- Powers of Item:
played_by: No thanks.
player: Suggestions....
Games I've played: This is my first RPG of this kind.
Where I live: Shrub Oak, NY
What my hobbies are: Video Games, Reading comics, reading regular books etc.
What comics I like: Batman, Detective Comics... bacically anything Batman.
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Melinda Spectrum Grant
i'd let her in just by the titles that she reads :o :twisted:
Melinda Spectrum Grant
On the whole I'd say it looks good, (well what I can see, I don't have my glasses on at the moment! :?) One thing I would be wary about is the name, Melinda sounds an awful lot like Robin's character Melissa and so I would urge one of the two to change their name for the sake of clarity if nothing else.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
i like it...can see some influences of the spectre and bats...i agree with the name change though...i wouldnt see a problem in bringing her in
Melinda Spectrum Grant
Last day to post comments before I send reply to player.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
I did note that she had electrical generation (the sample power) still in her profile. Just in case no-one else noticed it. I don't think that was intensional.
Her power (lets see if I get this) are to create light, and to solidify light.
She can cause seizures by creating light near a person's eye.
She can light up dark places.
She can make permanant small objects that have substance but no mass.
Could you answer these questions please?
- Can she create light outside the visible spectrum (ultraviolet or infrared)
- You state there is no effective upper limit to the intensity of light she can create. Could she effectively become a sun? really?
- Can she cause any physical damage with her light (laserbeams for example)
- Are the solid light objects she creates permanant? How many can she create a day? Could she make an airplane out of the assembled pieces (for instance) because an airplane with substance but no mass would be extraordinary.
other than that it sounds like an okay character. Id she reads Batman, she may remember the "Outsiders" comic from the 80's with a young girl named Halo aka Violet Harper.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
Couple of comments on Dave's questions...
1. I would definitely like to know if she can create the whole range of the electromagntic spectrum or just visible light.
2. We need to be really careful on the brightness issue to differenciate between flux (the apparent brightness of a light source) and Luminosity (the total energy emitted by a light source) For instance A 100 Watt bulb placed 7 cm's from the human eye will generate the same flux as the sun would from from 1AU (the mean Earth sun distance) yet it radiates approximatelty 2.5 x 10^-25 less energy. I'm sure we'd be happy to allow her to produce the same energy as a 100 watt bulb but even if we weren't the majority of the energy output of a 100 Watt bulb is actually infra red....
3. This boils down to whether she can produce monochromatic and coherent light sources. depending on where we place her luminsosity limits will probably determine whether she can damage people or not.
4. She says she can produce one object at a time, though clarification is needed I took this to mean she can have one such object in existance at a time. eg. She creates a hammer. then decides she wants a sword - the hammer vanishes. So no aeroplanes made out of light.
I am however worried about the no mass thing, simply beacuse you'd get all sorts of strange things if a solid object had no mass.
Instead I recommend so form of Illusion power. Give her 'photokinesis' i.e. the ability to manipulkate light So she can bend it relect it Chnage it's colour. Combioned with her abhility to create light sources this would allow her to create realistic seeming illusions.
I also have a couple of other comments If we get rid of the solid light concept then the shield has to go.
As for the flight I have no problem with that. Though I'm unclear as to why her other powers don't work while flying... Unless it's a carrier wave type thing
Oh and I'm not changing my name... ;)
Melinda Spectrum Grant
Several things. First, I'm glad you all like my character for the most part. Secondly, although my character is a girl, I am a guy (a simple mistake since I stupidly didn't put it in the E-mail). I created Spectrum a while ago as well as several otheres, but I liked her powers the best so that's why I chose her. Now...
As to her powers, I think of them as a mixture of Green Lantern and Jubilee (sp?). You know how Lantern can make things with his rings? Well, Spectrum can do the same, but instead of green objects they look like... well they are the same color as Jubilee's light rays in the X-men animated series (not evolution and I don't read Marvel comics so I don't know what Jubilee's powers look like in the comics). Baciacally they are rainbow...ish. Secondly, when the light gets bright enough Melinda will have a seizure or go blind, so she certaintly doesn't want to make anything to bright. I suppose she technically could make something as bright as the sun if she was concious... but she has never done so before.
Next, the objects she creates are no permenant but only temporary. For example, she can make some sort of key to unlock a door or something, and then it would dissapear either 1) because she wills it too, or 2) because she makes somthing else. She can only use 1 of her powers as a time (she can't fly and make an object for example) and only make one object at a time (this is because she uses all the light in her to make that objects and cannot split it). She can also make a sheild that is similar to Jean Grey's sheilds in X-men evolution, but I guess that would be under the making objects section and she can't use her other powers while making a sheild.
She cannot make anything outside of visible light. She cannot cause physical damage by shooting a beam or something, but she can make a weapon out of light. She could make a sword if she wanted to and it would be like a real sword, but not as heavy.
Another thing. The item she creates cannot be too far away from her body or it will dissapear. And another thing. she can't make an item that has two seperate parts. For example, she couldn't make a gun that shoots bullets, only a gun (although why she could want a useless gun is beyond me but whatever). This way, she doesn't become too strong.
As for the name... what would sound good? How about Lorrie? :?:
Oh, and my name is Mike by the way.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
This is very cool. Lots of detail and all that. I like it.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
Hi Mike. I can dig on "One Power at a time" that means if you are making light to illuminate a cave and someone chucks a rock at you you go unconcious (no shield), the lights go out (no concentration) and everyone else is SOL.
I would suggest that "solid" items created by your power have a specific weight...say 1kg per square meter...quite light. Like foam rubber. But they can also be very hard (like swords for example). But as a control, no larger then 1m cube. No moving parts (so the gun is a no-no), and in your key example, unless you knew locksmithing or had a key to replicate, I doubt it would work.
Visible Light only. Cool. And the color effect you are trying to come up with is "holographic" It changes depending on where you are looking at it from. You could also call it polychromatic or spectrochromatic as well.
Lets assume her "effective" range of control is line of sight. If she can see the objects that she creates they will continue to exist. Thats simple and doesn't need any further explaination.
I would assume that "spectrokinesis" could be considered a power...
Lorrie is a good name. So is Lori. Which for aesthetic purposes is more "comic booky"
Melinda Spectrum Grant
I am suddenly have a geezer moment:
I was in a superhero game and one of our players rolled what I thought to be the stupidest power you would have ever thought of: Colorization. This is the ability to change the light reflecting/refracting properties of any object.
If it is red, you make it green. and so on.
He was thrilled and named the character "Duron" after the paint brand.
First adventure. he made the villain's eyes opaque effectively blinding him. In a speeding car chase he changed the light coing from the traffic signals to give them a clear path (think about it. Do you care whether the green light is at the top or the bottom?). He changed the color of their vehicle to avoid police and he opaqued windshields all over the place.
Second adventure, he carried a plexi-glass shield (no nothing special about that) but lasers shot at it were deflected 45 degrees becasue Duron had changed the refracting properties.
At one point he took a plastic pipe (I beleive he mentioned it was PVC specifically) made it transparent and captured about 30 beams of light in it like fiber optic cable. He then released them back out of the tube like ammo effectively making the pipe a laser canon.
It just goes to show you that a little power in creative hands can do cool things. Becasue you have some similar powers I thought I'd share that with you.
Melinda Spectrum Grant
So Lori it is then! And I like the 1kg thing cause it makes it easier and more plausable so we'll go with that too.
Also, in Physpell's brief bio, I mentioned that she could send out waves as one of her powers. What I meant by that was a 'vertigo' affect that she could use her mind to make the person dizzy or confused. But, if this was a show or somthing, it would be shown as blue waves so you would know what was happening. The waves are actually invisible to sight.
I hope this post works. I've been having trouble getting it to post and it keeps coming up 'Invalid_session' I don't know why.