Submitted by Kaarin on Tue, 09/23/2003 - 11:18
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It's just like the trivia quiz, except with a difference: we take a quote from something someone has said from the game, then have to place it. For example:
“Those people should be rounded up. “I don’t think they should be allowed to walk around with normal people.”
Answer: Tammy, in class at school with Soleil.
So, on to the quotes....
"That’s right! Janie Coroway! I guess I’ll have to hide your body too, just like I did hers! Of course that was before I chopped it up into little pieces!”
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Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Chameleon, one of Lucius Blackwall's Mind Block group, pretending to be Psyspell.
“Haven’t I seen ‘Mr Crimson Avenger’ somewhere before?"
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
I had an inkling this was one of mine :oops: That was James Gates making a flippant remark about Eric to Sydney as he was leaving her apartment in the early morning.
"That’s Max, he’s yet to develop the social skills of a normal human being.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Actually Heather that's slightly wrong, but mostly right. It was Projector projecting an image of Psyspell, not Chameleon. That's why Spectrum kept going through her, because it was just an image.
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Oops. At least I was close... blame the failing memory of an old woman, Mike. :)
And to answer Lou's, that was James introducing one of his "League of Extraordinary Geeks" to Sydney.
“You’d be amazed how far down you can find garbage.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Shakti Miller, talking to one of the undergraduates at the archelogical dig in Persia.
“Give it up Ford, you fight like a girl and you’re only half as pretty"
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Sydney to Ford as they are fighting right?
(ill wait to see if im right before I ask one myself)
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Yep, that's right Shaun :D
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Ok so here is mine
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Gee I thought this was Cerberus at first but then I remembered... ;) It was Sebastian Drake shouting at one of his goons for interrupting his concentration while he was messing with Eric and Sydney at La Perle de la Nuit.
"Unfortunately some of our friends in Washington don’t feel the same, think that mutants are people too – all that tree-hugging hippy shit."
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Mr. Stokes talking to Mr. Kale about politics. Specifically, when Kale got the order to get rid of the XI series project.
"I was actually planning on flying back to Russia today, but alas, I left my keys at home.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Lash to William when he went to see her in New York about the contract to kidnap Eric.
Person One: “Hey, nothing personal, I’m only doing my job.”
Person Two: “Maybe it’s time you thought about a career change.”
Person One: “Well I did want to be a Veterinarian but I really hate animals, except cats, you know?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Person One is Lash, Person Two is Sydney, as they're fighting outside Eric's cell in Valkyrie Inc.
“I heard that one guy says it’s part of a plot by the Masons and OTO to summon Satan.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Fixer talking to Mel (under the pseudonym of Kate) at the casino in Vegas.
"Calm down?! Calm Down?! How dare you tell me to calm down! What do you think I do here all day, play solitaire? I do my job, and that’s what I thought all the rest of you were doing!”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Lucius Blackwell, talking to I believe it was Serenity. While talking about ransom money and a weapon.
“It’s not that I’m that quick, it’s just that you’re so damn slow.
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
ARRGGG I have a feeling that I wrote that quote (or atleast was part of a colab in which it was said) yet I cant remember. I would laugh if it was Eric who said it
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Awww *pats Shaun's poor useless brain* :D That WAS Eric, taunting the Valhalla Agent Minotaur in Insurrection Agenda: Part Two.
"You don't get it do you? You're just all pouting lips and curvy hips to Eric, we're his family."
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Sphinx talking to Sydney in the middle of the raid on the Valhalla complex.
“She’s on one of her protest rallies. Save the endogenous mould growths of tree slugs or something. She’s probably chained herself to a bulldozer by now, won’t be back till late.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
lol! That was Max Jones informing the VCLG on the whereabouts of his sister.
"...At first I thought there must be some deep, dark, bitter and twisted feud that has just festered and intensified over years and years of sibling-type rivalry where the two of you were constantly trying to out-do each other in an attempt to be number one. But now... now I realise the true reason for all this. You're really just a collosal jerk aren't you?"
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Sydney talking to Cerberus at the end of Insurrection Agenda, the point where he had Eric on the Cliff.
“I know, I think most of Vega City saw your exit. Never considered taking the stairs?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
James or Sydney after she escaped in one of her latest posts
“Welcome, Adriano.”
Very easy lol
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Brother Karlo, talking to... do we really have to say who? :)
“Before we get back to that Revolution we’ve got right around the corner, I’d like to call your attention to more recent history. How many of you have read the paper today, or watched the news for that matter?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Oh, it sounded so familiar but it took me a few re-reads to be able to find this. It was Soleil's American History Professor addressing his class about their extreme anti-meta views.
“Did anyone ever tell you, you really know how to make an entrance?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Wasnt that James to Sydney (tell me if im right heheh)
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Nope wrong answer. It's a recent post so catch up with your reading Shaun :P BTW you can't just answer every one with 'James to Sydney' you need to FIND the quote you lazy blighter!!
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
hahah, fine fine, ill make more of an effort now
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Yeah, Shaun it's really recent :D
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Ok look I tried harder.. It was Wood saying it to Spectrum after they had finished in the radio tower.
“(name), there was a time when you would have laid waste to those police officers, and now…”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Hehe, well done Shaun! :P
That was the observent Miss Shaw talking about Eric and his reluctance to harm any of the police officers even though they tried to shoot him.
*I do so enjoy being a mutant*
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Sebestian Drake, while using his powers to encourage Eric and Syd to get Hot and Heavy.... bet James wishes he could have been in on that dance. ;)
“The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand – ‘There will be wars and rumors of wars,’ and don’t we clearly have these?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Where is Lou on this one.... I really have no clue who said it....
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
lol, aww man, do I have to bail you guys out on all of these?? :P:P
That was William pretending to be a door-to-door Jehova's Witness in order to gain access to George Bannerman's residence.
"Oh boys, you're too predictable."
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Sydney talking to herself in Wyvern Towers when the police told her she was surrounded.
"Who in their right mind would believe a world-wide conspiracy exists?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Fixer, doing his usual cover-up routine on Mel. In this case it was the scene where they met at the Casino in Vegas. We should really know the score with Adam's characters by now :lol:
“You might want to be Joe All American now, but your mind is showing me where you came from, and from what I see, you were a bad little boy”.
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Anyone want to take this?? ( i dont want to answer it, its not fun that way)
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Ooops. I thought I'd answered the other day, when all I really did was confirm the person who said it and went looking for a new quote. :oops: Anyway, that was Psyspell talking to Eric, having escaped from the police.
"I'm sure our zappy friend in there is well aware of your arrival, so how do you propose to help without getting his hostages killed?"
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Captain Eugene O'Malley to Gabrielle during the hostage situation at the casino in Las Vegas.
“Big brother huh? Well if that’s the case you’re in serious trouble since incest is illegal.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Ok, now I'm embarrassed. I read Adam's question when it first went up and I thought to myself, "Yeah, that vaguely rings a bell but I'm not sure which scene or which post that belongs to", and I couldn't be bothered looking it up at the time. But I'd actually written all of Eugene O'Malley's lines... :oops:
I must have been out of it that day...
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was of course Ben talking to James about Sydney (Yay! I answered one!)
the next one is:
"We allow entry to the ‘Giftless’ too freely. Already there have been acts of hostility and terrorism plaguing our citizens! It must be stopped. Make them wear collars!”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Leonid Usktrashkin, one of the Councilors of Mutantgrad.
“I must say, it is an honor to finally get to speak to you in person. You were a legend throughout the organization, and now, ever since you left, people talk about you even more."
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Miranda Shaw, Valhalla Overlord talking to Eric when she picked him up in her limo before asking him to rejoin the organisation. Sweet talker huh? :)
Heh, easy one here ;)
“You’re telling me that your ‘secret identity’ is protected by a pair of glasses? That’s pathetic. No one would ever fall for that!”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Syd talking to James, when they were at the conference. And she found out just how James protects his identity. :)
“Where would be the fun in stopping? Especially when- Nah, forget I said anything."
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Vic Meranti talking to James in a recent scene where the crooner gave James and Sydney some info about Senator Lumas. He picked up on the latent feelings James had for Syd, but decided not to say anything.
"Oh look our boys are going to have a skirmish. Should we take bets on who win?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Oh come on, this isn't tough you guys ;)
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That was Sebastian Drake to the brain as Apollo tries to restrain an angry Gargoyle.
Ok new quote and it should be fairly easy...
Person 1: “Okay 'Person 2', all I want you to do is take your clothes off.”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Sydney to James, in the back of the car. While trying to find some way to disguise their prescence.
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Persone One: "We are fine, although we would not advise going down right now.”
Person Two: “Oh? And why would we not advise this?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
That's Trent Barton, one of Lori Grant's bodyguard and Lori.
This one's easy...
"So, I'm a little confused. Is Melissa your lover...or your Mom?"
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Obviously I'm not allowed to answer this one but it's pretty easy...
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
No, you're allowed to answer it. You didn't write it, after all. :)
But for what it's worth, that was Sol talking to Ela about Gabriel.
“Hey Charlie, do me a favour, will ya? Get me a copy of the latest, we should have a few left.”
“What? A guy isn’t allowed to do something nice?”
Fantastic Legends Quote Quiz
Now, that is Vic Meranti, trying to get a copy of his CD for Sydney
“I don’t drink, sadly, but this wine does come highly recommended.” .