Submitted by Meredith Bell on Mon, 09/15/2003 - 11:52
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Okay this game is simiar to the one on LABN, someone has to ask a trivia question based on the Fantastic Legends game, characters, mythos etc. Then the person who gets it right asks another question and so on. To start things off, I'll go first -
How did Sydney earn the nickname 'Ricochet'?
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Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
She master automatic weapons and proved herself to have a steady hand a good aim-- hence, Ricochet :D
Okay, so let's put your math skills to work. Given the info that Allen Flash died one year after he met Lori Grant (which isn't in his bio, I might add), how old was Lori Grant when she learned to master her powers (I think I figured this out alright... time continuity can be a b*tch...)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Hmm, okay, Allen Flash died in 1991, so if he met Lori one year before he died that would make it 1990. The year is currently 2003 and Lori is now 29 years old. That means that Lori met Allen Flash 13 years ago, which would have made her sweet 16 at the time.
Why did HATE's creator Hamilton implant a device in her skull?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
He did it to preserve his memories and classified data on FUTURE Corp's dealings. HATE became his weapon of revenge against FUTURE six months after she was activated.
Who is the High Councillor of Mutantgrad?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Valentino Vrushka
Of the two Senator npc's, who supports the Meta-Human Suppression Act and who opposes it?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Okay, Dan Layman supports it, and Martin Douglas does not support it.
What are the names of Soleil's parents?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Celia and Mitch
What does the abbreviation S.A.R.A stand for?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Scientific Automated Research Assistant
Who is the crazy Mind Block member?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Actually, there's more than one but ya'll wouldn't know that, so I'll assume your reffering to Lucius Blackwall. Well... I guess you could know the other by his mini-bio... but...
Who was the first member of Valhalla to die in FL?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
That was Garm, killed by Cerberus right away. Shaun's first post, in fact.
What is the official designation, and chosen name, of the FIRST Artificial Intelligence created by Zyrcom?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
I believe it was called MAI (Modular Artificial Intelligence) and it was originally designed to collect information through research and surveillance.
How did Sydney and Eric first meet?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
I wasnt going to answer since one is my character, but since no one seems to be going:
Sydney and Eric met at "La Perle" night club, where they got hot and heavy under Sebastian Drakes power.
an easy one: What was the name of the Gem Psyspell stole in the casino?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
The Heart of the Jungle
What happened to Dr Avery Wyatt after the Xi Series breakout?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Heck, I probably shouldn't answer this but I'm gonna anyway cause I'm sick of not being able to play :P Sydney had to leave Avery Wyatt behind (he made her because he was only slowing down her escape). Recently it appears that CIA operative Ethan Kale has been interrogating Wyatt ever since in order to locate the rogue Xi-agent.
What are the THREE companies that make up The Trinity?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Psi-Tech, DeltaNet, and Dewey-Decker Finance and Law.
CEO Morgan of Zyrcom is known for two things. One of them is the WAIT incident; the other is a feature of the corporate HQ in New York. What is this feature?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
He designed the garden in the centre of the complex. Isn't it weird how these machiavellian despots always have the most insipid pastimes? ;)
What 'reward' does Eric receive for rescuing Mr Thompson?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
$750,000. Who says fighting crime doesn't pay?
Which Valhalla agents double crossed the organisation to save Eric?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Sphinx, Sylph, Achillies and Orion.
Where does Ela go to phone her parents?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Flinders St train station
What disturbing thought was Lash thinking while kidnapping Eric?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
I believe it was something to the tune of - *Fear, anxiety, hatred, stress, sex on rails...SEX ON RAILS?!* - which was actually Eric's reaction at having picked up on that naughty Lash's thoughts ;)
Which 'creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky' couple head the Illuminatii funded organisations Zycrom and Benson Pharmacuticals? :D
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Henry Morgan and Patricia Feldman (*snap snap :D *)
Alex (divine angel) can absorb fire, but when he does this, there is one downfall. What is it?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
For maximum efficiency he has to concentrate fully on consuming the fire, which would tend to make him vulnerable.
What is the publicly acknowledged agenda of Humans First?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
They aren't exactly keen on the idea of having Meta-Humans run around on the loose, so support some form of regulation.
Which member of Mind Block in theory does not know about their criminal operations?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
That would be Victor Blackwall aka Seer, also Lucius Blackwall's brother. Although I think Seer does have some knowledge about Mind Block's criminal dealings from the last adventure, though initially he thought the organisation was set up to help other people with psychic powers.
Where was the location of ATP:9 (The Project)?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
The site of ATP:9 is a one time Strategic Air Force Base on the outskirts of Gillette, Wyoming.
Ok, Name atleast 4 NPCs who have died so far (bonus if you can get more)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Gee that sounds like a challenge! :D I'm sure I could get most of these just by listing Valhalla and ATP:9 agents ;)
Jenna "Hydra" Lionheart
Alex "Garm" Steel
Cal Lawless (Xi-065)
Mia Chow (Xi-093)
And the others you can just go whistle sonny! :P
What are the three main locales of operation for the organisation Valhalla?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Castle Asgard, Indigo City, and the Agent Training Complex.
Who founded the city of Utopia, Nebraska?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Soleil's parents, Mitch and Celia Munroe.
What piece of culinary equipment does Lash carry around with her?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
A wok, which is what you're supposed to take the dogs on, isn't it?
Which member of the Vega City Liberation Group works for the press?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Gee I didn't want to answer this but since now one else is... Ben Carson is senior reported for the Vega City paper - The Network.
What is unusual about 'The Weapon' Lucius Blackwall and Mind Block used to create the recent storm in Crystal City?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
The weapon was a little girl who could control the weather..
name atleast 5 organizations in FL (and UBER MEGA bonus if you can name a member of each)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
*cracks knuckles* Right...
Mind Block - Lucius Blackwall
Valhalla - Cerberus
Illuminati - Thomas Morgan
Vega City Liberation Group - James Gates
Humans First - I could tell you who runs it, but then I'd have to kill you. So I'll just mention Eddy and Steve. :)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
New question:
At what age did Culexes finish formal schooling?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
He was 12 years of age
Heh, Shaun's question gave me an idea...
Name at least FIVE cities that are inhabited by PC's and name those PC's :D
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Crystal City- Spectrum
Indigo City- FenrisX
Vega City- Ricochet
Mutantgrad- Zailash
San Diego- Sundance
Okay here's a really easy one: What are the names Fixer and Gabriel gave each other when they played poker together?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Amadeus and Kate.
Who impersonated Eric outside the jewellery store, and for what purpose?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Trust Heather to try and blow open a storyline before it's even been complete :P I think we have to assume that it was Marcus who impersonated Eric (although that isn't implicit by the words 'I have it under control') Smiliarly we can't simpy assume that it was for the purpose of trying to frame Eric for such a crime, (which is one possibility) though it also serves to further increase the sense of hysteria about Metas.
What is the phenomena known as the 'Vegas Light'?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
The phenomena is none other then Gabriel or Mel if you prefer....
Ok, here is a kinda tricky one.
Which PC or NPC has killed the most people in FL up to date?
Bonus if you can name the people killed
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Fixer should be in the running because of the number of terrorists in the dam incident. Then Shaun told me, "Oh, I meant actual people who are named in the post." In which case, Cerberus wins with 3 kills: Jenna, Garm, and Achilles.
In what style does the Fixer wear his hair?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Fixer tends to go for the classic "male pattern baldness" look... :) What hair he has remaining is trimmed short. (Thank God he doesn't try to do that comb one reallly, reallly long strand sideways thing. That's so gross.)
How did Lori Grant gain her wealth?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Uh, hello, (taps microphone) is anybody out there? (crickets chirping in the background)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
She inherited her fortune plus 'Grant Incorporated' from her ageing adoptive parents Jeb and Patty Grant.
Why did Eric decide to leave the Valhalla Organisation?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
He'd finally decided he'd had enough of killing 'innocent' people for the organisation.
Who was Lash's childhood friend?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
What apartment number does Anezska live at?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Can I just say a posh apartment in Prague? :)
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Ok, ok, it's appartment 149. :)
By the time Lash reached Lori Grant, Lori already left for DC. What took Lash so long to try to track down Lori?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
Heh, she got distracted at the casinos in Crystal City.
What song does Vic Meranti sing at his club when Sydney and James visit, and for what reason?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
I've got you under my skin :) thats what its called right? Anyways its that Frank Sinatra song...
Ok easy one....Which CLone could Ela not save?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
That is too easy Shaun :P She couldn't save Clone Number Three.
What is the name of the alien race that elected Melissa to be the savior of the Human race?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
That would be the Concordat.
Why wasn't Sym sensed when Ela touched Mel?
Fantastic Legends Trivia Quiz
No One seems to want to answer this so despite the fact I wrote this and therefor probably shouldn't, I'm going to.
Sym isn't technically alive in the same way humans are.
New question
What is the name of Tess' wolf?