\ Adam Felkirk (Accepted) | unlimitedi.net
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Logan's picture

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(malchyor@yahoo.com) on Friday, August 1, 2003 at 14:55:28

charname: Adam Felkirk
race: enhanced human
gender: male
position: HERO
descript: Suggestions....
Weight: 180
Demeanor:crochety. looks at things through an old person's eyes
Attitude: calculating in an obvious way...always seems to be sizing things up.
Lifestyle:appears rich from eccentric fashion sense, but appears also to have no
home and no possesions
Costume: none. always seen well dressed, as if a fine suite were a uniform.
Special Effects: none, except seems to exude an aura of calm intensity.

history: Adam was the first man. created on the 7th day of creation. though
his creation and the creation of the multiverse as told by the judeo-christian
history are completely different stories. only the creation process we're
talking about is a laboratory clone tank, in a reality somewhere close to our
own. "the others" as they were known to him, had cloned humans before, but
never those with superpowers. He was to be the first of a new race. Not simply
mercenaries for hire. Not simply a soldier in a war not yet concieved. But
instead, part of a new world order, where those born of "the others" would be
the privledged class.

His was to be the power of Harmonics. More than simply sonic fields and solid
sound, he could literally rupture the bounds of space and time, able to shift
between realities. The Others were planning on using him as their beach-head of
other nearby universes. He changed all that. He escaped. While not yet able
to fine tune his powers, he simply thought of a reality where "the others"
didn't exist. He was instantly alone. Nothing had changed from the world he
was born into, except that no people existed any longer on this one. it was as
if he were on a ghost world, or had himself turned into a ghost.

He spent the next 30 years alone, wandering the earth, learning from the AI of
the lab, honing his powers. He began with a few short hops to nearby
undeveloped realities, becoming part of the mythos of those places in one form
or another. He found a map of realities in the lab's AI and began learning of
"the other's" plans. Now confident with the use of his own powers, Adam decided
to get to their next conquering grounds first, to prepare for their arrival.

He arrived on earth in 1919, just after the great war (WWI...). He set himself
up in international politics, based in Spain, first by starting up a few local
papers and telegraph offices to rural townships, and then to a fully staffed
European news service. He amassed a fortune over the years, and his staff of
reporters and contacts throughout the known world became used by a number of
foreign intelligence services. He'd finally aligned himself in the proper
context for the arrival of "the others."

Unknown to Adam, "the others" had already arrived on our earth, years before
Adam; having forcasted his next move with their second creation, a beautiful
woman known only as "Tomorrow", who was able to predict the future. Having
beaten him, and used him for his entire life, they now allow him to live only to
see what novel thing he'll do next. (The Others consider Adam Felkirk as a
"control" in some grand experiment). They consider our earth to already be
under their control, and have moved on to conquer other realities, leaving only
a small contingent here.

enemy: Suggestions....
villain Name:"the others" - a conspiracy of reality-hopping human-like aliens
who intend to take over realities one by one.
Powers: variable. though expensive and time consuming, they have developed a
form of treatment to create any superpowered being imaginable.
Why is this person your enemy?: they created and bred him for war. he doesn't
want war.

"tomorrow" - adam and her have clashed on one occasion, resulting in a draw.
both were knocked unconscious and left for dead by "the others". they felt that
both had failed and neither were worth keeping. Tomorrow understands her place,
and blames Adam for it. Due to her injuries at the hands of Adam, the image of
Adam in her mind brings great pain; she's psychically blocked him from being
incorporated into her powers (so, she can no longer predict exactly what he'll
do next...but she can still see the future and identify large "gaps" to get a
rough idea of what adam plans and where he's at).

powers: Harmonics

Sound Generation: can generate huge bursts of sound
Sound Control: able to shape that sound in any way desireable.

Reality jumping: able to harmonize his own body to another reality, thereby
teleporting to that new place.
Limit: cannot throw an arc of electricity -- touch only.

Stunt: Can stun opponents with sound generated in their ears
Stunt: Can hypnotize people by flaring sound waves to only hit unconscious mind
Stunt: can project a wall of sound or blast of sound to damage enemies
Stunt: can generate items of solid sound (wall, stairs, clubs...etc..)

ITEM: hand held computer from far far future reality.
-- Powers of Item: encyclopedia of all known realities, reality map for

played_by: guy pierce (as seen in LA Confidential)
Games I've played: vampire, mage, fading suns, D&D, heroclix, magic ccg.
Where I live: seattle
What my hobbies are: gym, fightclub, hypnosis
What comics I like: nightwing, xmen, planetary, authority.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Logan's picture

I like the concept, I think he is a great writer (from what i see,) I just think he has abit too many powers and is perhaps alittle strong.

I say yes, but we'll ask him to make Adam alittle weaker.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Mike's picture

I really like this idea. Or most of it anyway. I like how there is some sort of whole conspiricy going on, which could be a great idea for a big cross-over, eventually.

He is a little powerfull though... my character (Spectrum) can already make items (although out of light) as can Sylph (Am I spelling that right Fenris?). Otherwise, I like his powers :D !

I do have some questions though. Is "tomorrow" working for 'the others' or is she like Adam? I think she is working for the others, but I wasn't sure.

Also, you said that 'the others' are only keeping Adam alive to see what he might do (because he is their experiment). Does this mean that if they decided that they didn't want him to live anymore they could just go and kill him, or is he powerful enough that he could fight some of them at least and try to survive?

I'm voting 'yes' by the way. And also, are you a guy or a girl? I'll assume you are a guy because your character is a guy, but if not, just tell me. :oops:

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Meredith Bell's picture

I think the character appears very well thought out, I like the idea of him being a cloned human with superpowers and I like the idea of Tommorrow being his adversary. I think some of the powers are a little out there, such as the making 'objects of solid sound' call me dumb, but I never realised there were ANY objects made entirely of sound. I can understand Spectrum having this power because it is based on the concept of holograms which are made of light (and any Red Dwarf fans out there will be familiar with the concept of Hard Light holographic projections which are for all intents and purposes solid to the touch). But I've never heard of objects made up of solid sound, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I can understand the blasts of sound to stun or disorientate an enemy, but I also don't understand how soundwaves would hypnotise the unconcious mind, surely that would have almost no effect on the person since it is only their unconcious mind that is being targeted. Now, if it were their SUBconcious mind it would be on a more subliminal level rather than direct, sort of like Luke using the Force :D. And on both counts I think it's easier just to call it telepathy rather than an off shoot of the sound thing. I have no problem with Adam being telepathic as well as having the power of 'harmonics.

And one final gripe, I REALLY don't understand how a control of SOUND would result in space/time/dimension travel. (and where did that throwing an arc of electricity come from?)

However having said all that I would really like to hear from the player, maybe with some clarification on the powers.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Mike's picture

That arc of electricity was a left over from the sample that was given on the application. I actually left the whole thing in when I applied :oops:

And I'm pretty sure that phasing in and out of different realities if a intircate part of the character, so if sound doesn't fit it could always be explained as another power or something.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

MrDave's picture

Perhaps "sound" is not where your powers come from. Perhaps yours is a "vibration" control. You can use this power to generate sound. But you can also control the vibration (energy) of individual atoms making them slow down or speed up their natural harmonic vibrations ... including the atoms that make up your own body.

This can induce different quantum states or "phases" making him able to float through walls by vibrating between the atoms of the wall. And most importantly...
You can vibrate all of your molecules to attune them to a subatomic quantum state to drop into another universe.

Vibration Control: can induce temporary control over the vibrations or harmonics of another object temporarily or affect himself permanantly.
Limit: Range Touch
Stunt: Phasing: Can pass through solid objects
Stunt: Dimensional Travel --Can travcel between quantum realities.
Stunt: Sound Generation: Can create very loud noises
Stunt: Disruption: Can set up harmonic resonances capable of causing damage to solid structures and people.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Soulless Zombie's picture

thanks everybody for the replies.

i'm not really all that solid on where Adam's powers draw from, or the extent of his powers, but i did like the concept of this guy who's birthed to fight a huge war, rebells and then trains and prepares to try to stop his masters, and then finds that they've already won (already won meaning that earth was conquered by them back before world war I, and now only a small inner circle of the ruling elite are left).

also, i like the idea that he beat up Tomorrow so badly that she unconsciously blocks him out of her future-seeing powers.

really, this whole thing stemmed from the idea of: "what if The Drummer (from planetary) were Elisha Snow (from planetary)?" i figured his powers would still be near the same, but more tooled to combat.

the powers i'd like to keep (still under the title of harmonics) would be:

dimension hopping (which would be random without the map or if he hadn't been there before, which is limited to about 20 realities).

subtle sound shaping (which would include a weak version of hypnosis, ability to stop sound based scrying, and little things like upsetting the equalibrium of people by setting up vibrations in their inner ears, or communicating via powerlines to telephones...ya know, all little sound based things).

and then i'd like some kind of grossly destructive power that's not really controllable, like a huge omnidirectional blast of sound (sound and look like those rockets used by jango fett vs. obiwan in episode 2 when they were dogfighting).

he's intended to be a thinker over a power user, only using the power when he really needs to (as if being someone who cares enough to try is enough).

um...and now to individual replies:

1. nope. not a girl. the only girl that i think i'd be good at playing would be a lesbian. no, not a homophobia thing. it's more that i really like moondragon's character and would like to redo her as much younger....

2. yeah, there's a precedent for solid sound. klaw, the arch nemesis of black panther. but then again, even if there weren't a precedent in comics shouldn't be a closed door. i don't mind the cap on it though, especially if it's already represented.

3. it's not really vibration control that The Drummer has (or that Adam Felkirk has, by extension). it's more like "energy detection and manipulation", but that's way too general for me. plus i really liked the idea of harmonizing himself for dimension hops, so "harmonization" is what i'm hoping to go with.

4. The Others aren't simply toying with Adam at this point, but they are keeping tabs on him, knowing that he's prepared his whole life to fight this war with them. Additionally, knowing that he was able to best their assassin (Tomorrow), makes him a very dangerous person to them. However, for reasons yet unclear they haven't moved on him (possibilities range from him being the first of many rebelled slaves, to him being the lynchpin of the harmonics that allow all The Others to remain in their various other dimensions besides their own).

think that's it. please let me know.

-Adam Felkirk.....

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Mike's picture

The only reason I ask if you are a boy or girl is because I'm a guy and playing as a girl. :D

(I assume that now that Demi Moore's picture is up as my avatar everybody will confuse me with a girl :oops: )

I really like the idea of using vibration/sound/harmonix (whatever you want to call it) as a power. I like variety, which this gives us more of.

Adam Felkirk (Accepted)

Logan's picture

Like I told you before, whenever your ready, start posting :)

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