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Logan's picture

To Ally and Matt: Bravo!

Your Paraguay night post was outstanding! It was romantic and touching and wonderfully exotic. Hats off!

By sheer cooincidence I happened to have latin music playing while i was reading your post which only enhanced it for me.

To everyone else...
If you are the kind of person who skips through the posts on occasion, be sure to read this one...fabulous!

Paraguay Nights

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

:D :D :D Oh, Dave, thank you!! :D :D :D

It's great that you liked it, we really enjoyed writing it!

The Feedback Corner

Meredith Bell's picture

I was lucky enough for Ally to send me this post a few days ago and I have to agree I loved it then and reading it again I still think it's fantastic. I think the relationship between Chance and Alessa is wonderful and I've really enjoyed seeing it progress so far, well done you guys!

Can I just take this moment to add how much I really loved the post that Hannah wrote a while ago with Mikhail returning and almost attacking Mantheana before she kicked him out. I don't really like singling out specific posts because there is so much good writing on LABN, I feel like by singling out one post I'm somehow neglecting the talents of other writers. However this post was just sooo good! I found the dialogue between Mantheana and Mikhail in this post was so simple, direct and expressive, the language was spot on and perfectly evoked the scene in my mind. Wonderful. :D

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

*Smiles broadly* :D yay us!

Glad you liked it...I think most credit should go to Ally, though. She had far more to do with it than me (as i kept saying, fight scenes i can do...but dancing? not a chance (pun not intended ;))) Although, saying that, I did managed to turn out a romantic bit or two. :P

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Of course you did :wink: , don't be shy!!

The Feedback Corner

Mantheana's picture

Yus, yus, well done Ally n Matt! *breaks out the confetti* ok, yet another random occasion where confetteh is necessary.

Also, Fankoo Lou. Much appreciated!

*dances merry jig of death*

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

merry jig of death? that doesn't sound too merry ;)

:P @ ally

The Feedback Corner

Logan's picture

Can I just say that I think Chance and Alessa are like the coolest couple. My god, who needs Passion when you can read about them

As the passion of the kiss increased, he slowly bent over her and they sank to the ground. Alessa felt the sand on her back and at the same time she ignored it. They were both concerned with the moment, a moment that was perfect in a magical place, a moment which was the beginning of something new and wonderful for the both of them, and in that moment nothing else mattered.

Wowser, a regular Harliquin Romance (is that spelt write?)

The Feedback Corner

Tarix Conny's picture

Guys, you both did a wonderful job :D a job very well done

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

'tank oou ver' much! like I said before, glad you liked.

And Shaun, me thinks it's harlequin you're after.

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

How did you learn my dirty secret? :wink:

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Well, I want to say that the finale posts are great!

It's my first finale and I cant compare, but I enjoyed myself greatly in the collab and I think the final product its awsome.

Great post everybody!!! :D :D :D

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

I was there as Dathan, Nicholas, Valerian and Krispen but not as Victor...I have to say I missed being on the ass-kicking side. But I did get in a few good licks...

Kudos to the good guys or a fight well fought...and especially our newbies for stepping up to the plate with a great plan and an awesome collaborations to amke it even more dramatic than just showingup and kicking ass.

To the old guard, as always, I am proud to be assciated with such an incredible group of talented people.

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

Ditto on above. 'twas very awesome :D

The Feedback Corner

Heather's picture

I have to add my two cents' worth here. I was incredibly impressed by the way our newcomers got right into the spirit of the Season Three storyline, finding ways to interweave their own stories with the overall plot. Darian/Evexus, Chance/Dray'chen, Alessa, James/Ripper - all these interwoven stories contributed significant depth to the plotline, making the finale a truly awesome event.

Though I have to say, the Jade/Sorrow plotline almost killed me. I'm secretly glad that April hasn't been able to devote the time she would have liked to during the past season or two - otherwise I think I'd be slitting my wrists about now...

The Feedback Corner

Meredith Bell's picture

Oh my god! Can I just say... Sorrow's letter to Tash I JUST read... I'm shaking here :cry:

It is easily one the most moving things I've ever read. Poignant without being mushy. Moral without being martyr like. I love it, I love it! Even if I'm almost in tears while writing this now. *SOBS*

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Oh, my! I loved it too. It's so good!

*I'm sobbing myself...*

The feedback corner

Allyana's picture

Well, first I want to say that I found this in the Fantastic Legends' boards and I thought it was just what I needed here in LAbn. Many times I have wanted to say things to the rest of you and didnt find the place to do so.

So I'm stealing it from them (sorry pals, good ideas are always coveted :D ) with this quote from their thread.

We thought it would be a good idea if other players left comments/questions/recommendations to other players after reading their posts. This is valuable for several reasons:
A) Can clear up any confusions you may have about someone else’s stories
B) Leave constructive critics
C) Simply say what you liked and give encouragement
D) Say what you don’t like and reprimand (kidding, criticism is better)
E) and Finally lets people know their stories are being read lol.

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

I may start this, right?

I loved the memorial post!! I dont know who wrote what, especially the last part... but well done!! the scene is touching and so very real. I loved the tree part! You made me all teary.


The Feedback Corner

Firefly's picture

I must agree with you. The whole thing flowed so well. I think it came off beautifully. Kudos to everyone.

The Feedback Corner

Tarix Conny's picture

Ok i have great compliments to give out on the whole Peroxy....no wait, Prixy...no thats not it, Persoperia? You get what i mean, anywayz, the whole plot was very well carried out. The ideas that all of you put into it, the time travel and dying of Chance and Alessa and Reah and Darian and everything. It was well written by all parties and the idea was very well thought of. Great going you guys :mrgreen: i enjoyed every bit i read on that.

I would also like to compliment that other writters on the board that have also been developing their story, and very well too i might add. Lets all just give yourselfs a good pat in the back.....ok i'm done.

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture


The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Well, another character is gone and I'm amazed there hasnt been any ruckus around, but I guess I'm not the only one dehidrating (sp? is it even a word?) by crying here. :roll:

However, as goings go, Matt, your ending posts were amazing! :D I really wish you decide to apply with another character, although you bet i wont become involved with him. :wink:

I loved them!! you nasty boy, killing Chance, you have no shame! :wink:

The Feedback Corner

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

I must agree. Matt's post had me bummed for the whole night.

But I'd like to wow over Ally and Kris' collab where Delancre tried to rape Alessa. I had an adrenilin go through me that usually doesn't appen unless I watch a really good movie. Kudos!

The Feedback Corner

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Wow. Talk about an end of an era. I just read Heather's post, and now I'm totally bummed about it. I guess its because I'm one of the few Angel fans on this site (eck, how you people can like a chipped Spike is beyond me :x )

But, anywho, it was a really good post. Congrats Heather :)

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

Actually it is because we are such fans of Angel that we did him in here on this board. We just can't compete with Joss using Joss' own creations.

On a side note it occurred to me that we have a storyline set in the Buffy/Angel universe where Buffy and Angel are both gone. Odd.

The Feedback Corner

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

Sorry, but i just have to say: wow!

Lou, that last has just blown me away :mrgreen: well done!

(feels really sad at the ton of other great posts she's missed) i hate lack of time.

The Feedback Corner

Firefly's picture

I have to say...great job Lou, but I seriously hate you. As one of the few mothers on this board, I feel that what you've done with Emma is awesome in it's terrifying realism. I may now have nightmares about my own children.

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Ditto :? :cry:

The Feedback Corner

Meredith Bell's picture

Thanks guys I'm glad that this story has touched at least a few people as it was something I found really difficult to write (not being a mother and having the good fortune of not losing someone I'm really close to.) I'm glad Kris, that you found it realistic enough for it to upset you (though it certianly wasn't my intention to give you nightmares hehe).

Ta for the feedback, guys, it's always appreciated. :D

The Feedback Corner

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Wow... oh wow. I just read Lou's latest post... and wow. I'm totally gonna be bummed for the rest of the night :cry:

The Feedback Corner

Evalyn Toussaint's picture

:puppydogeyes: *sniff* oh, Lou. you write so well. almost too well, damn you, hehe... :cry:

The Feedback Corner

Tarix Conny's picture

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

:( lou, that was just very sad...:( :( really good writing skills you've get here though :), i've got the nail marks in my arm to prove it from when i grasped it hard reading.....poor emma.....:cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

I'm going to contribute to this by saying great posts Lou.

Well, great in the sense they made me feel even more sad...

You know what I meant.

The Feedback Corner

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Alessa wrote:
She loved musicals, and “Phantom of the Opera” was one of her favourites...

Hmm..... I just read this in Ally's recent post. Funny, I'm going to see "The Phantom of the Opera" next Saturday in Times Square :D

Just found it quite the kawinky-dink.

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

Okay, not quite feedback, but...

This is for everybody who got freaked/enjoyed my latest posts :P

I found this site this morning: http://www.mountainsanatorium.net

Now, on this site is a certain page with a certain picture. Think of my posts, think of the face that watched Kyle through the window, click on this link, look at the pic at the top of the page and read the paragraph underneath: http://www.mountainsanatorium.net/hauntings.htm

Freaky, huh?

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Most freaky :?

The Feedback Corner

Firefly's picture

All I can say is...Wow!!! I just finished reading Ally's "primal form" post and I have to say it was amazing. I love the metaphors and imagery you used, Ally. Good job!

The Feedback Corner

Allyana's picture

Thank you Kris :D. I did a lot of research on Music Healing and Shapeshifting Healing to write it, so i guess it's not only my merit, but thank you anyway. :D

The Feedback Corner

Meredith Bell's picture

I just wanted to drop a quick note saying well done to Shaun, Matt, Heather, Dave et al for the really cool Kronor/Liala/Darian story which I just managed to finish.

It was a really nice self- contained tale with lots of the classic story elements, love, danger and a good smattering of violence! Plus I absolutely love it any time Loki rears his fabulous head, he's such a funky comedy character.

Good Stuff guys!

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

I really love getting an "attaboy" out of the blue. Thanks, Lou. We sort of slipped right into character for that one, picked up the ball and ran with it.

All of us are very "in touch" with our characters and that made it very organic.

It is also nice to get a pat on the back for a post where nobody died, no-one had their life ruined, and no bombs were dropped.

The Feedback Corner

Logan's picture

Ahhh, you made my day :) Merci !!!

The Feedback Corner

Disposable_Hero's picture

Charz :) Although I have to say most of the work was done by everybody else. I generally mooched hehe.

But it was still good to read, and after everything had been posted I remember thinking "wow, this reads like an actual TV episode".

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

Big thumbs up to Kent (aka Benji Law) I read the first part of his recent posts that ends with him consulting his Magic 8-ball and I was agonizing over the fact he left me hang there.

Then to read his next post where he reveals what was happeneing right at the end...nicely done.

And I see an interesting new Player in light of the next season. Emo indeed.

The Feedback Corner

Kent's picture

*nods* Thank you, Mr. Oz :D
(And perhaps there might be some Black in Benji's Veins yet ;))

The Feedback Corner

Logan's picture

Oz Wrote

"Panties of holding, silly," said Miss Pentacles.

ROFLMAO.......Dave that is classic

PS: You people tell anyone I was a D&D geek ill be forced to hurt you ;)

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

I wish I could take credit for that, but that was John's line.

The Feedback Corner

Heather's picture

Darian wrote:
PS: You people tell anyone I was a D&D geek ill be forced to hurt you ;)

That's Ok, most of us on LABN are also D&D geeks so you're in good company. :)

The Feedback Corner

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Darian wrote:
Oz Wrote
"Panties of holding, silly," said Miss Pentacles.

ROFLMAO.......Dave that is classic

PS: You people tell anyone I was a D&D geek ill be forced to hurt you ;)

Aww. Takaya prelesnaya ^.^

The Feedback Corner

Sid's picture

Shaun, for a guy who was just yesterday unable to write another word, you sure put out an emotional post. But I wonder if Liala can be trusted. She's abandoned Darian once. I don't buy that she won't leave again, because she's definitely out to please her people. Future posts will tell. I'll be reading! :banana?:


Dave, chilling post. Asylums (or "mental facilities," where you'll be able to find me in the future) are frightening places. I like the setting.

Question (not a criticism). You wrote:

The impression he was getting was that he would have had better luck finding the right balance of pathos and heroism elsewhere. This place was just not extreme enough.

It's probably just me; we all know how dense Sid can be. Still, I don''t want your meaning to be lost. I find this clause vague. What did you mean by "pathos and heroism"?

I define "pathos" as a quality that arouses emotions. Heroism, to me, is something of an orange to that apple: courage in the face of danger.

Sorry if this was clear to everyone else. Just Sid wasting space again. :)

The Feedback Corner

MrDave's picture

Sid wrote:
I define "pathos" as a quality that arouses emotions. Heroism, to me, is something of an orange to that apple: courage in the face of danger.

I associate pathos with negative emotions: Sorrow, loss, sadness, apathy; and heroism with inspiration, uplifting spiritualy, and being moved to action.

So while not etymological opposites they are conceptual opposites.

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