\ Ryn character idea | unlimitedi.net
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earwigfleshfactory's picture


Now that that's out of the way, how's it y'all? I'm up waaay past my bedtime here. Got to wakey at 4:30. Ouch. What I do for coffee.

Anywho, go ahead and check out this:




and this

for imformation on the Ryn species. I'm thinking of a Ryn character by the name of Oronoko (aka Oro) who happens to be Force sensitive. Mostly empathy and linguistic sensitivity. Definite vagabond, but making a living as a muscian and fortune teller to those willing to play. He plays his beak so well that he can essentially speak droid binary (a language in which he happens to be fluent). Tools around the galaxy in a decomissioned Hutt Kimogila

I'll be tapping Rroma culture and ideas for his specifics. Lots of taboos, superstitions, etcetera. Very much a survivor above all else.

Just some general ideas. Appreciate some input.

Ryn character idea

Allyana's picture

The species sounds interesting, and the character too. I'd like to hear some more detail, though.

Btw, I'd love you to participate into this game too. :D

Ryn character idea

Disposable_Hero's picture

Ryn! I love Ryn! :D

Well, not as much as Bothans, Yuuzhan Vong, Mon Calamari and Yvetha...but they're up there with them heh.

Ryn character idea

earwigfleshfactory's picture

I'm recent to the Ryn. Mostly hunting around because I'd seen a pic of Droma around. Then I found out that they're based on my bloody people, I had to play.

Besides, speaking Astromech Binary without an accent is just damn cool.

Ryn character idea

Sid's picture

Personally, I need to see the ACTUAL character your proposing before I comment. So my comment is let me see what it is you plan on doing. It's not enough for me to get a redirect to another web site and a few scattered words.

(But when you get your coffee and write a character, I'll be here with eager eyeballs.)

Ryn character idea

earwigfleshfactory's picture

Sid, sorry if it's "not enough". I'm not exceedingly new at PBP role playing, or even these boards. This post is not intended as my proposal, just getting an informal lithmus test for this very broad type of character while working on the actual proposal. The Ryn are a relatively new species, and I figured before-hand source-dropping would make introducing my actual character even easier.

Ryn character idea

Sid's picture

I see. I should be apologizing. Sorry. I wasn't kicking you as much as prodding you into writing something that I could read. Hope you didn't take offense. In other words, let me say, "I'm eager to see what you come up with."

Ryn character idea

earwigfleshfactory's picture

No harm done, bro.

Oro's on the way soon, just have to find time to write a history.

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