Character Name: Prince Zayen Orsiri
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 10/4
Description: Dark haired, with hazel eyes, Zayen has a compassionate face with a warm smile, which many have said make him “easy to talk to”. Zayen is average height (5’10) with an athletic build and generally dresses in simple, yet stylish clothes.
Homeworld: Vorgrell
History: First born in the Orsiri House, Prince Zayen was everything his parents could have hoped for and more. He was witty and smart, with a magnetic personality and the looks to match.
Growing up, Zayen was always part of the ‘in crowd' amongst his peers. He, Corin, and their group of friends were often the talk of the town, and constantly referred to as the most eligible bachelors in Plateau City, a label he did little to dispute against. Above all his shining traits, the young prince was a born ladies man, a self-proclaimed ‘foolish romantic’.
When he turned 18, he followed Corin to the military academy, where the two quickly rose through the ranks, being admitted to the ‘Off-World Special Operations unit’ after only 1 year. While his friend was a brilliant tactician, Zayen’s strengths lied in his charisma. The prince was often used as a spy to ‘schmooze’ information out of important individuals during the unit’s covert operations. While his impeccable etiquette and silver tongue generally kept him out of trouble, there was one occasion, on the planet Alderon, where his identity was discovered during a lavish party hosted by one of the local crime syndicates. Had it not been for Corin’s quick, altruistic intervention, the Orsiri prince would have no doubt ended the night with one head less upon his shoulders.
When his 7 years of service ended, Zayen was a little more eager than his best friend to return home. Sure, he loved the excitement and danger the Off-World Operations unit offered, but deep down, he was a lover, not a fighter. He was more than happy to be able to once again frequent the hot night clubs of Plateau City and regain his status as the local playboy. He also longed to spend more time with his parents and little sister, who he loved with all his heart, despite her bad attitude.
Soon after his homecoming, the prince was nominated to the prestigious position of being one of the planetary ambassadors, a position he would keep, until replacing his father as Chief Judge.
That was of course, until the day the empire arrested the members of the ruling council. Unable to get to his parents or sister in time, Zayen attempted to make an escape with Corin, but was intercepted by the Empire’s troops. Bravely taking a stand against the storm troopers, Zayen fought off the soldiers long enough for Corin to get away. Since then, the princes’ whereabouts are unknown, but it is speculated that he is either imprisoned in the Kessel Spice mines, or simply dead.
Items: None.
Unarmed Hand-to-Hand Combat.
Great Dancer.
Force Powers: None
Played by: Dean Cain.
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