\ Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED] | unlimitedi.net
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Allyana's picture

Name: Daell Lauren
Real name: Daell ‘Vida

Species: Twi’lek

Gender: female

Place of Birth: Coruscant; grew up in Plateau City, Vorgrell.

Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 8/3

Daell is a typical Twi’lek but for her skin color. Her cerulean blue skin is marked with yellowish-orange strips, rather than being a solid color, a characteristic she inherited from her mother. Her eyes have a purplish glint, she’s tall and lithe and has all the grace and beauty of a female of her species.

Given her upraising, Daell has a tomboyish air that collides delightfully with her innate –and unconscious- sensuality, something that usually confounds other people, who tend to underestimate her.

Ayy ‘Vida was a slave. She belonged to Coruscant crime boss Hat Lo, a vicious Hutt who liked to display his beautiful Twi’lek in his nightclub, ‘Outer Rim’, and offer her as a ‘gift’ when it served him to please somebody or when he needed information. Beautiful and cunning, Ayy was an asset for the Hutt. However, Ayy longed for freedom and a life of dignity. She spent her life machinating different plans to escape the Hutt’s powerful clutches, usually looking for help among the patrons who frequented the ‘Outer Rim’.

One of the regular patrons was Dan Lauren, a jagged Corellian smuggler with a strange sense of honour, something hard to find in his line of work. Dan had business with Hat Lo transporting the Hutt’s cargo in and out the city planet, and he had been ‘regaled’ with Ayy’s favors more than once.

Dan had a weakness for beautiful aliens and a freighter, Ayy needed a way out of Coruscant, unsurprisingly she fomented the relationship as much as her slave condition allowed her. Ayy knitted her net of seduction around Dan Lauren in a subtle way, and in the end the smuggler didn’t know what had hit him. And it hit him hard.

The plan to escape Coruscant and Hat Lo was sound and well thought, and it would have succeeded if Ayy could have kept her pregnancy hidden from her master. Hat Lo had given her to a young, but ambitiuos, politician for Ryloth -Twi’lek’s home planet- as a means to secure the diplomat subtle influence on his homeworld’s Senator and Ayy had gotten pregnant.

In the past, Ayy had been severily warned that such an occurrence should not happen. She was of no use to Hat Lo pregnant and he had been clear about it. When he learnt about it, the Hutt was furious until he realized how much he could benefit from this unexpected fact. Having the Twi’lek’s polititian’s daughter in his power could get to mean something if he played his cards right. So he kept Ayy imprisoned in his residence during the time of her pregnancy.

Meanwhile, Dan was desperate and searched her for months to finally conclude that Hat Lo had somehow discovered Ayy’s plans and killed her for it. That he didnt suspect his involvement was obvious or he would have been killed alredy. Nevertheless one night he was approached in the ‘Outer Rim’ by another Twi’lek slave with Ayy’s message to prepare to leave Coruscant that same night.

Delighted that Ayy was alive and would leave with him, Dan hurried to do as he was told. He was surprised when instead of his beloved he was presented with a small Twi’lek baby-girl and the news that her mother had died during childbirth.

“Ayy’s last wish was to give her to you,” the slave said, as she handled Dan the small bundle, and a translucent crystal. “She didn’t want her daughter to be a slave like herself, please take her with you.”

Dan looked down at the small blue face, the purplish eyes and the delicate lekku, stripped with her mother’s beautiful yellowish tones, and needed just a second to fall in love with the creature. He took then the crystal and looked questioningly at the Twi’lek.

“It’s a memory crystal. Ayy recorded a message for her daughter,” the Twi’lek explained, “it’s aligned with Daell’s gene code, it’ll show when she’s old enough to understand.”

“You must leave Coruscant at once,” the slave added urgently, “and never come back. When Hat Lo discovers that the baby’s gone, he’ll search high and low to have her back. Hat Lo has plans for her. Bad ones.”

Dan just nodded and got into his freighter. Leaving Coruscant immediately, the small Twi’lek baby easily concealed among the multiple hidden compartments of his ship. He traveled as far as he could, until he found a small planet near the outer rim where he could raise the child. This planet was Vorgell. He settled down, made an effort to accommodate a child into his way of life, and became a father.

Daell’s childhood was a strange one. She spent more time in his ‘father’s’ freighter than on Vorgell, more than once she thought that she felt more comfortable on ‘moving ground’ than on a planet. She grew up used to travel, going from place to place and having ‘adventures’, as she liked to say, for Dan Lauren had continued smuggling.

The girl learnt from a small age how to pilot her father’s YT-2400, how to hide cargo, how to secure a business, how to look innocent. She met the most unusual and unsuitable characters and learnt how to deal with them. When she started to show the beauty that had been her mother’s curse Dan gave her her first blaster and taught her to defend herself, with or without her weapons. By the age of eighteen, Daell Lauren was a perfect smuggler. Intelligent, beautiful and skilled, she had worked side by side with his father for years.

Ferociously independent, Dan Lauren worked alone. He paid his fee to the Vorgrell’s Syndicate and its smuggler operations faction to ensure he’d be left alone, and minded his own business. He never wanted to get to the point of being noticed by the power of turn, be it Vorgrell’s Council, the Republic or the growing Galactic Empire. Mostly, he kept a low profile and tried not to step on the giant’s toes.

However, his fate was that he’d get to step on those toes, most crushingly so. During one of his ‘jobs’ in a forgotten planet he crossed the line and got noticed by the local crime boss. A conflict about cargo implying the transportation and slavement of sentient creatures, money and the crime boss’ beautiful wife conspired against him.

In the course of his stay on the small planet his freighter was attacked, broken in and Dan killed. Daell was only spared because when it became evident that they’d lose her father stunned her and hid her in one of the many secret compartments of the ship.

Hours later, Daell woke up cursing her father. She didnt take long to understand what had happened. The freighter was empty but for the body of her father, the cargo stolen and the ship’s contents rampaged. She didnt think the attackers would be contented with that, they were probably going to come back for the ship soon. Biting her tears and her need for revenge, Daell started her freighter and escaped the planet.

Sick about what had happened to Dan, and not willing to go through a similar experience again, Daell decided to change her line of work. It wasnt cowardice, just a change of heart. She didnt think that smuggling was all that dashing anymore, and anyway, it wasnt the same without her father at her side.

So she went back to Vorgrell. She changed the freighter’s name to ‘Siren’s Song’, furnished the ship’s 4 passenger cabins, converted some of the cargo space into a big living area and decided to move into the private transportation business. People always needed to move from here to there, and she could just offer that service. It was a much more legal business than smuggling but still allowed her enough freedom and a life on the Siren.

Daell has been running her business for a couple of years now. The Siren’s Song is in good shape if not luxurious, and she has earned the reputation of getting there safely and quickly. She gives a good service and as such she seldom lacks work. She doesnt ask questions about who her passengers are and there are few places she wouldnt go.

She’s not opposed to some opportunity smuggling from time to time, when it’s a sure thing that doesn’t challenge the Syndicate, but it’s not common. She still has connections with her father’s old friends and assossiates, both in Vorgrell and in several other planets. They have helped her in more than a scrape over the years.

Basically she keeps a low profile, like her father did, and does quite well on her own. Sometimes she feels lonely, though.

Crystal necklace: Dan had Ayy’s memory crystal set onto a titanium chain, and Daell always wears it. It’s not uncommon to catch her absently stroking the crystal.

Siren’s Song: Daell’s most prized possession is her YT-2400 freighter. The 21 meters long freighter has power to spare, a lot of space in the cargo and engine compartments and it comes with a heavy double laser cannon, increased armour and reinforced bulkheads. Even if it was a two-pilot ship, Dan modified it to be flown just by himself and hooked up a remote firing system for the two turret lasers. He didnt think it necessary to change it again when Daell learned to fly it, something she's quite grateful for at present. Dan also modified it to accommodate larger engines and smuggling compartments.

When Daell decided to enter the chartering business, she turned some of the cargo storage space into a comfortable living area for her clients, furnished the 4 passenger cabins with some basic comodities and separated the pilot’s private rooms from the passenger’s area. The cockpit and her private rooms can get completely isolated from the rest in case she has some problem with her 'clients'.

Siren’s Song technical data:
Craft: Correllian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 Transport
Type: Light Freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 21 metres
Crew: 1 (modified)
Crew Skill: High, in view of modifications.
Passengers: 4 up to 6
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tonnes
Hyperdrive Multiplyer: x1
Backup Hyperdrive: x10
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 5D
Shields: 2D
Weapons: 2 heavy double laser cannons, starfighter scale. Turret fire arc.

Weapons: Private chartering may not be as dangerous as smuggling, but it has its risks, especially for a lone female, so Daell always carry a small armoury to protect herself. A large blaster at her hip, a hand out small one up her sleeve, a vibro-blade in her boots... Daell doesnt spare efforts to secure her safety and that of her ship.

BlasTech DY-225: The DY-225 is extremely effective on the stun setting, able to bring down powerful opponents. Designed in the hope of improving the image of heavy blaster pistols (and altering galactic regulations)"

Merr-Sonn Model Quick-4 "Quickfire": Merr-Sonn's configuration allows for more shots between recharges and more power in each shot. The Quickfire pays for its power with a range that borders on horrible, and it is best used in close spaces or when the target is not aware that the weapon is present. After firing 10 shots, it needs to be recharged by attaching it to any large power source via a cable (included). This takes 10 minutes. Effective range: 2m

Abilities: Daell is a very good pilot, she can pilot just almost anything, but is specially skilled handling her modified YT-2400. She has a good grip on its mechanical aspects too, can repair and shortcut it, something her father thought was essential knowledge for a pilot.

She knows how to use her weapons, she has a good eye and is an accurate shot. She can defend herself pretty effectively un-armed too, she's extremely agile and flexible and quite strong. She's not so good at attacking, though.

As a Twi’lek, Daell has the innate orientation sense of her species, being able to find her way in and out of laberintic-like structures, like Vorgrell’s catacombs or huge buildings or space stations.

Daell can also ‘speak’ silently with the twitching and moving of her lokku. This talent served her and her father well in their years of smuggling, since Dan had learnt to interpret her foster-daughter’s ‘language’. She doesnt have much opportunity to use it now; there arent many Twi’leks in Vorgrell.

Force sensitive: No

Played by: Natalia Oreiro in a Twi’lek’s costume :wink:

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Disposable_Hero's picture

Gonna give the big old thumbs up :)

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Logan's picture

Very cooooooool :D :D

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Firefly's picture

Nice...(but now I've got to reevaluate my backstory...*sigh*)

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Allyana's picture

We can work together if you want, Kris. I left the Syndicate and Smuggler's faction vague so it'd fit into your description, and I asked Adam how a non-syndicate smuggler in Vorgrell could move. Or a private chartering service. If you have other thoughts we can talk about it. :D

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Kaarin's picture

I left the Syndicate and Smuggler's faction vague so it'd fit into your description, and I asked Adam how a non-syndicate smuggler in Vorgrell could move.

My basic thought there (I'm assuming we're based out of Plateu City for this) was also simply this: the Syndicate really doesn't care if Independent smugglers operate. So long as you give them a piece of the profits. Krell has more important things to worry about than a bunch of independent operators, and trying to consolidate them under him. Particularly, Bazlo the Hutt. :)

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Sid's picture

She is so hot! I'll give her a big _______ up! :oops:

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Allyana's picture


Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Sid's picture

Once again, like the character. I can see that she, as a "taxi driver," will be useful.

I did wonder, though. You wrote

Daell can also ‘speak’ silently with the twitching and moving of her lokku. This talent served her and her father well in their years of smuggling, since Dan had learnt to interpret her foster-daughter’s ‘language’. She doesnt have much opportunity to use it now; there arent many Twi’leks in Vorgrell.

Is this gesturing the official language of her people, similar to how cats communicate (tail twitching, for example)? Do Twi'leks have a spoken language? Is her lokku-movement instinctual, then? Because she was raised by a human. I'm guessing she speaks (what do you call it?) "common" as a first language. Could she have learned anything else?

Clarify this for me. If I'm not wrong that she wouldn't speak/gesture like a Twi'lek, perhaps you could include a Twi'lek mentor in her history.

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Disposable_Hero's picture

From The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia:

[Twi'leks are] an alien race characterized by their smooth, pointed head and twin lobes protruding from their heads. Often called head tails, the lekku contain additional sensory nerves and are very sensitive, and are thought to be errogenous zones. Most Twi'leks have two lekku, known as tchin and tchun, or tchun-tchin when spoken of as a pair. Rare variants have a single lekku or up to four. Each lekku is filled with muscles, and stored in the cells of the lekku were the Twi'lek's deepest memories. Twi'leks often use subtle twitches and flexings of their lekku as a form of communication.

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Allyana's picture

Thaks Matt :D

Yes, I based the 'language' bit on the Twi'lek's species descrption, as i did her innate orientation sense (they live underground in big tunnels in their home planet) and some of her physical characteristics (sensuality, flexibility, and beauty in general; from what i've read so far it seems that most female Twi'lek are beautiful)

I gathered that the twitching and flexings of a Twi'lek lokku would be instinctual, like a humans face changes in coloring are (paling, blushing, etc). That her father would learn to interpret them is not difficult to believe, given their close relationship, and there could be a whole set of 'determined' movements that they could have agreed upon too.

She can speak Basic too, (it's called Basic, Sid :) ) of course, and probably some other languages too, given her upraising.

However, the idea of a Twi'lek mentor is good, i guess Dan would have wanted her daughter to keep tabs with her species and have her taught the 'spoken' language and culture and all. I'll include that in her profile as soon as i can, thanks for the tip, Sid. :D

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Allyana's picture

More about Twi'leks:

Twi'leks are humanoid creatures indigenous to the Ryloth star system, located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Their most distinguishing features are the twin tentacular appendages which protrude from the back of their skulls. These 'head tails' serve both sensual and cognitive functions, which help the Twi'leks survive the murky environs of their homeworld. Twi'leks also have been known to telegraph their moods and emotions, not always intentionally, through their head tails. Twi'leks are extremely proud of their lokku, keeping them meticulously groomed.

Twi'leks speak Twi'leki, a language that combines verbal components with subtle head-tail movements. When they wish, they can even communicate in complete secrecy using their versatile head-tails. This combination of speech and movements have made it a very difficult language for even the most skilled linguists to interpret. However, Twi’leks are capable of learning and speaking most humanoid tongues, including Basic.

Twi'leks in the galaxy will be found in positions ranging from pirate and smuggler, to merchant, to corporate executive, but many of them are slaves, especially females. Few things are as graceful as a female Twi'lek in motion. This beautiful image has forever doomed generations of young Twi'leks into servitude, as the wealthy and corrupt have taken to brandishing Twi'leks as badges of prestige.

In the past, the Empire had been known to hire certain Twi'leks as spies, although the New Republic claims to have put a stop to that network. Twi'leks are also often involved in the trade, legal or otherwise, of Ryll, a very popular, but extremely dangerous and addictive, medicinal-recreational drug used in the Corporate Sector.

Ryloth, homeworld of the Twi'lek species, is a dry, rocky world of shadowy valleys and mist-covered peaks. The atmosphere is rather thin, but breathable for most humanoid races. The planet's rotation divides it into two sides: one side is forever baked in the harsh rays of the sun, while the other is plunged into eternal darkness. It is this dark side of the world that houses the Twi'leks. The dark side is constantly swept by tornado-like 'heat storms' which blow in from the sun-blistered side of the planet at speeds up to 600 kph. But they are responsible for the heat which allows the Twi'leks to inhabit the otherwise frozen wasteland of the planet's dark side. Twi’leks survive by living mostly in underground cities, with mazes of tunnels and caverns.

Ryloth's harsh environment and turbulent history have forged Twi'leks into tough survivors. Generally nonviolent, they typically use their intelligence and cunning to achieve their goals or resolve conflicts. "One can not defeat a heat storm," says one Twi'lek proverb. "One must ride it." Noble Twi'leks may seem stoic or even aloof, while less scrupulous members of the species can be considered ruthless and manipulative.

Dont ask me where i got this :oops:

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

MrDave's picture

Sounds remarkably like the terrain of our campaign world.

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Sid's picture

Thanks for clarifying. Darn. I thought I'd actually found an incongruity in someone's thought processes. I hate you all for being perfect. :P

I really want SA-2C to have something to do with Daell, Ally.

Proposal: Daell Lauren [ACCEPTED]

Allyana's picture

You are welcome.

And i'd like to write something with Toosee too, he/it sounds great. :D Btw, i have something to thank you too, but i wont yet. :twisted:

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