![Kaarin's picture Kaarin's picture](http://unlimitedi.net/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-10.jpg)
Character Name: Lianna Merrol
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 10/8
Description: Lianna is 5’8” tall with long, flowing black hair which hangs down her back. Just below her left eye is a small scar. When on the hunt, she wears black boots and leather pants, alternately with either a jacket or her armour, depending on the needs of the situation.
Her armour is mostly silver, with black trim, and covers the upper torso and arms.
Homeworld: Alcona clan on Nar-Shadaa
The Alcona were a group of warriors from the Outer Rim, which became one of the first worlds destroyed by the Mandelorians. The survivors, few though they were, scattered across the galaxy. It took them nearly a full century to recover a changed identity and begin to rebuild.
Bringing together a diverse learning experience, the Alcona soon developed their own fighting style, drawing heavily on Echani techniques. Philosophically, they picked up a respect for strength, and a harsh code of honour. Their philosophy of combat, however, is decidedly Eastern – the best victory is won without firing a single shot.
History: Lianna Merrol was born of one of the last Alcona clans on Nar Shadaa, orbiting the world of Nal Hutta. For the first decade of her life, she was raised within the clans, watching them grow as they gained an entrance into the underworld of the smuggler’s moon. Unfortunately for her, disaster struck.
Members of the clan were hired a member of the Syndicate to challenge one of the Hutt families for their control over part of Nar Shadaa. Things went well at first: the Alcona proved to be as fierce as the stories had made them out to be. For two years, they struck at the Hutts, only to find out that they had been played for fools.
Lianna was 12 when the betrayal came: in a cold-blooded business decision, Syndicate boss Adair Tullas cut a deal with the Hutts, giving him a piece of the action in exchange for information on the whereabouts of the Alcona. The counter-attack was brutal and without mercy, as the young girl watched all but a few of her clan killed. Only she, one adult, and two other children escaped; and even then, they never learned the truth of the Syndicate's betrayl.
At age 16, Lianna’s training in the Alcona ways was complete; as was their tradition, she was to be able to set out on her own. She remained with the other elder for 2 further years, to help finish with the younger children.
When she became 18, the young woman began to assemble the pieces needed to construct her battle armour, and set out to use her combat talents in the best way she knew how: she tracked down and captured someone the Syndicate put a bounty on.
For the past 15 years, Lianna has become more and more mercenary. She gained her own ship, the Black Spear, when hunting a slaver at age 26. Her career has been made hunting down public (and sometimes, private) enemies.
Alcona Battle Armour
The armour used by members of the Alcona clan is always constructed and customised by the individual who owns them, normally for whatever purposes they are used for. Still, there are general rules followed.
Alcona battle armour is viewed as something to enhance their battle technique, not hinder it; like Echani armour, it is made to be light and flexible. Normally, it covers only the torso and arms. Even then, it is not something always used. All Alcona armour carries an internal communications system, allowing them to contact any other team members.
Lianna has added the following customisations:
Visor – Part of the headset is a detachable visor, which when not in use is stored in the belt. This visor is able to `normalise` lighting conditions to a preset level, effectively eliminating problems caused by having to wait for your eyes to adjust without giving away her position.
Weapon Storage - A vibroblade can be stored in a sheath on the back of her armour, pistol on the right hip, knife in the boot, and five separate, 5cm throwing knives in a compartment on her belt. These will varyingly be treated with appropriate paralytic or lethal agents.
Wrist Launcher – In what almost seems standard-issue for a bounty hunter, Lianna has a dart launcher on her left wrist. The load can be modified, but is always set to a tranquillising agent.
The Black Spear
I haven’t found a good equivilant ship class in Star Wars yet, but it’s a small, heavily modified transport. Much of the cargo containing space was modified to hold individual prisoners; and another room became modified to keep the necessary equipment to synthesise at least basic tranquillising agents and toxins. Still, a lot of the equipment she uses has to be purchased or traded for, as she has enough of a basic knowledge to make the more common ones – just not something specialised or rare.
It has pretty much the speed of a YT-2400, and two foward-mounted laser cannons, as well as two quad-laser turrets which have yet to be used. As a final modification, one concussion missile launcher (with four missiles) was added.
Alcona Battle Technique
The Alcona Battle Technique puts emphasis on quick, disabling blows, with variants for killing when needed. Movements are almost graceful and dance-like. An emphasis is placed on unarmed combat and melee combat – it is rare to see an Alcona-trained warrior fight with a ranged weapon more powerful than a heavy blaster pistol.
Lianna has developed a passing knowledge of computer and security systems. Enough to know how to break into a lower-security installation without problem, but not much more.
Force Powers: None.
Played by: Kate Beckinsale
I want to note that Lianna is a character who has been in my head for a long time, originally developed for more generic SF writing, and converted to the Star Wars universe. (Which, incidentally, is why I’m proposing a woman PC). As such, I’d like to hold off on her personality and code of honour until actually writing – I haven’t written her yet, but usually with me when there’s a cultural consideration like this, that gets more fully developed in the process of writing.
She’s probably going to end up involved with the Syndicate again. So that could be the place where she ends up fitting in to our little power struggle, though naturally, she could get drawn in a number of directions.
Incidentally, Merrol would be her clan name, making her one of the last members of it left.
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Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
I like, i give the thumbs up
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Ditto on that, I like too.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
You make it hard to vote anything other than THUMBS UP, Adam.
As a child, I was the authority on Star Wars in my neighborhood. I find that later in life I know next to nothing. I am assuming that much of your history uses real SW concepts. I recognized none of the places and people you spoke of (Nar-Shadaa and Mandelorians). I wonder how much you made up and how much you borrowed from canon.
Hey, you could have made it all up, for all I care. It still sounded great.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
they are both Canon. Yep, i know the feeling Sid, I thought i knew alot, and you have people who read every book and know a whole lot more lol.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Glad I'm not the only one, Shaun. But I'll learn enough to get by. You guys seem to have it down. Reading is learning.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Just tryin' ta help:
I didn't picture her with wavy hair, although it is "flowing," and it probably hangs off of her back by some mystical "force" (hehe)--not off of her shoulders. Still, hot woman. Hot character.
No armor pictured. :(
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Well... she is wearing an armoured corset in that one.
'Course, if you have other actress suggestions....
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Updated ship stats; clarified an ambiguity in profile about the destruction of Clan Merrol.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Would you consider sketching her ship, scanning it, and posting it? Or do you think you'll be able to find a suitable model from the Star Wars universe?
So what became of the other three survivors? The two children and the elder?
I like the idea of her graceful fighting technique. I'm picturing a ballet dancer, pirouetting through a cluster of bad guys, leaving none of them alive. Too cool for school.
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
I'm probably going to do an overhaul and expansion of the profile, actually. I'm in the midst of greatly expanding my notes on the Alcona - many of which will probably be converted back into general sci-fi writing use. :)
I might be able to. Thing is, I keep finding freighters; and one of the other models I've found that *is* known to have been used by a Bounty Hunter is a bit.. well... big (the lizard guy in ESB flew one of them; the cargo hold held a small scout ship). Add to that trying to avoid using another Firespray Patrol Craft.
And yes... the expansion will include news on the other survivors (which is a very good question that I answered in the version on my laptop, and can hopefully access later today!).
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Ok, so I made less changes than I thought, but I found a ship. Sid: your general insanity and creativity inspired me to do this for the Black Spear.
Character Name: Lianna Merrol
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 10/8
Description: Lianna is 5’8” tall with long, flowing black hair which hangs down her back. Just below her left eye is a small scar. When on the hunt, she wears black boots and leather pants, alternately with either a jacket or her armour, depending on the needs of the situation.
Her armour is mostly silver, with black trim, and covers the upper torso and arms.
Homeworld: Alcona clan Merrol on Nar-Shadaa
The Alcona were a group of warriors from the Outer Rim, which became one of the first worlds destroyed by the Mandelorians. The survivors, few though they were, scattered across the galaxy. It took them nearly a full century to recover a changed identity and begin to rebuild.
Bringing together a diverse learning experience, the Alcona soon developed their own fighting style, drawing heavily on Echani techniques. Philosophically, they picked up a respect for strength, and a harsh code of honour. Their philosophy of combat, however, is decidedly Eastern – the best victory is won without firing a single shot.
History: Lianna Merrol was born of one of the last Alcona clans on Nar Shadaa, orbiting the world of Nal Hutta. For the first decade of her life, she was raised within the clans, watching them grow as they gained an entrance into the underworld of the smuggler’s moon. Unfortunately for her, disaster struck.
Members of the clan were hired a member of the Syndicate to challenge one of the Hutt families for their control over part of Nar Shadaa. Things went well at first: the Alcona proved to be as fierce as the stories had made them out to be. For two years, they struck at the Hutts, only to find out that they had been played for fools.
Lianna was 12 when the betrayal came: in a cold-blooded business decision, Syndicate boss Adair Tullas cut a deal with the Hutts, giving him a piece of the action in exchange for information on the whereabouts of the Alcona. The counter-attack was brutal and without mercy, as the young girl watched all but a few of her clan killed. Only she, one adult, and two other children escaped; and even then, they never learned the truth of the Syndicate's betrayl.
At age 16, Lianna’s training in the Alcona ways was complete; as was their tradition, she was to be able to set out on her own. She remained with the other elder for 2 further years, to help finish with the younger children.
When she became 18, the young woman began to assemble the pieces needed to construct her battle armour, and set out to use her combat talents in the best way she knew how: she tracked down and captured someone the Syndicate put a bounty on.
For the past 15 years, Lianna has become more and more mercenary. She gained her own ship, the Black Spear, when hunting a slaver at age 26 – she informed the authorities that because they agreed to `and expenses`, she was taking the ship to compensate her for the one she had destroyed in capturing the slaver. Her career has been made hunting down public (and sometimes, private) enemies.
Alcona Battle Armour
The armour used by members of the Alcona clan is always constructed and customised by the individual who owns them, normally for whatever purposes they are used for. Still, there are general rules followed.
Alcona battle armour is viewed as something to enhance their battle technique, not hinder it; like Echani armour, it is made to be light and flexible. Normally, it covers only the torso and arms. Even then, it is not something always used. All Alcona armour carries an internal communications system, allowing them to contact any other team members.
Lianna has added the following customisations:
Visor – Part of the headset is a detachable visor, which when not in use is stored in the belt. This visor is able to `normalise` lighting conditions to a preset level, effectively eliminating problems caused by having to wait for your eyes to adjust without giving away her position.
Weapon Storage - A vibroblade can be stored in a sheath on the back of her armour, pistol on the right hip, knife in the boot, and five separate, 5cm throwing knives in a compartment on her belt. These will varyingly be treated with appropriate paralytic or lethal agents.
Wrist Launcher – In what almost seems standard-issue for a bounty hunter, Lianna has a dart launcher on her left wrist. The load can be modified, but is always set to a tranquillising agent.
The Black Spear
Ship Name: Black Spear
Type: Heavily Modified SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3,000
Length: 50m
Weapons: One forward-mounted laser cannon
Two forward Ion cannons
One forward-concussion missile tube (4 missiles)
Crew: 1; potential for co-pilot/gunner
Ship History: The Black Spear began as the vessel of the Trandoshan slaver Marrs Trelask, who started to put in modifications of his own. Eventually earning a sizable bounty on his head, Lianna accepted the contract for “4,000 credits, plus expenses.”
One of those expenses included her former vessel, Star Hawk, a modified YT-2400. The result, at the end of the day, was rather than get a replacement vessel, she had the local system government just turn the Black Spear over to her – without removing any of the illegal components.
Lianna has grown to love that Luxury Yacht as well, partly because of the added weapons; and modifications to increase the manoeuvrability and speed above factory normal.
What she really loves about it, however, is that it’s the last thing anyone expects to have attack them. Especially with the intention of boarding and taking prisoners. As one bounty remarked, “You attacked me from a Personal Luxury Yacht? That’s just wrong.”
Modifications: Over the years, Lianna has personalised the interior and ship. When she originally got it, the speed and manoeuvrability were already increased, and the weapons added and concealed. A system in the ship allows two separate false identities to be programmed in as well, including transponder codes.
Lianna has since worked on the interior considerably. The main deck includes a workshop to repair and upgrade her armour, as well as a stock of various serums to fill her darts with. She left in place as well the four solitary confinement cells put in place by Marrs Trelask.
Alcona Battle Technique
The Alcona Battle Technique puts emphasis on quick, disabling blows, with variants for killing when needed. Movements are almost graceful and dance-like. An emphasis is placed on unarmed combat and melee combat – it is rare to see an Alcona-trained warrior fight with a ranged weapon more powerful than a heavy blaster pistol.
Lianna has developed a passing knowledge of computer and security systems. Enough to know how to break into a lower-security installation without problem, but not much more.
Galactic Basic (English); Alcona; Huttesse (which she refuses to speak, but still understands); Quarren
Force Powers: None.
Played by: Kate Beckinsale
Proposal: Lianna Merrol [ACCEPTED]
Thanks. The visuals always help me. (I grew up on TV.) Sounds like a kick-ass ship.